商业研究方法Business Research Methods

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,Klicken Sie, um die Formate des Vorlagentextes zu bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Klicken Sie, um die Formate des Vorlagentextes zu bearbeiten,刘和福,中国科学技术大学管理学院,School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China,E-Mail,:,liuhf,-,57,-,Klicken Sie, um das Titelformat zu bearbeiten,管理学院,School of Management . University of Science and Technology of China,中国科学技术大学,Klicken Sie, um die Formate des Vorlagentextes zu bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,商业研究方法,Business Research Methods,刘和福,LIU Hefu,第一周,:,研究方法概论,(Research Methods Overview),Instructor,授课老师,授课老师,:,刘和福,办公室,:,管理学院413室,电话,:,3606822,E-mail:,liuhf,答问时间:周四下午,4,:,00 - 6,:,00,Textbook,教材,商业研究方法,/(,美,),唐纳德,R,库珀, (,美,),帕梅拉,S,辛德勒著 郭毅,詹志俊主译北京,:,中国人民大学出版社,2006,(Cooper, R.D., and Schindler, P.S. Business Research Methods,MacGraw,-Hill, 2006.),Introduction,课程简介,管理研究的内容包括研究计划书的撰写和评估,研究设计方法,数据收集方法,数据分析及研究结果报告的表述,。,课程将结合理论、案例与实际操作,使学生了解管理研究的基本范式和方法。,Content,课,程內容,管理研究的概念,管理研究过程和设计方法,数据收集和分析,结构方程模型,研究论文的撰写和评判,课程结束后,学生需能:,领会管理研究方法的内涵,了解当前管理研究的现状,了解管理研究方法范式,可评估,选择,及运用适当方法解决管理研究问题,能就其希望解决的问题设计合理的研究方案,掌握数据收集和分析方法,了解学术论文撰写的基本范式,能批判性的评估相关研究成果,。,Aims,课程目标,Grade Requirements,课程要求,阅读参考文献并准备回答相关问题,积极参与课堂中的互动事项。,以小组为单位,就指定的题目准备,20-30,分钟简报。简报主题将围绕课堂内容,以参考文献为基础展开。,每个学生需选择一个可以用实证方法进行研究的管理课题。该课题应具有可操作性,能够在指定时间内完成。,准备研究提案,该提案需包括以下,部分,研究主题 (研究问题),选题的意义(理论和实践动机),相关研究 (文献综述),具体的研究问题 (假设),研究路线和方案(研究方法和数据分析方法),时间安排,:,初步提案:第,6,周(一页纸,单行,五号字体),最终报告:第,12,周(三页纸,单行,五号字体),准备研究提案简报并在课堂回答相关问题。,Grades,评分标准,课堂讨论,15%,文献阅读和讨论,10%,提案,50%,提案简报,5%,期末考试,20%,总计,100%,Class Schedule,授课进度,周,课程内容,1,研究方法概论,(Research Methods Overview),2,研究过程和科学问题提出,(Research Process and Problem Definition),3,理论和概念化,(Theory and Conceptualization),4,研究设计,(Research Design),5,调查研究和实地研究,(Survey Research and Field Studies),6,量表和量表的可靠性,(Measurement and Properties of Measures),7,数据收集方法,(Data Collection Methods),8,数据分析和共同方法偏误,1 (Data Analysis Methods and Common Method Bias),9,数据分析和共同方法偏误,2 (Data Analysis Methods and Common Method Bias),10,结构方程模型,(Structural Equation Model),11,研究论文的撰写和研究评估,(Research Paper Writing and Evaluation of Research),12,汇报和评阅研究提案,(Presentation and Critique of Research Proposals),第一周,研究方法概论,(Research Methods Overview),What Is Research?,Re-Search,研究,What Is Research?,Merriam-Websters definition:,careful,仔细的,or diligent,勤奋的,search,studious,认真的,inquiry or examination,;,investigation or experimentation aimed at the,discovery and interpretation,of facts,revision,of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts,practical,application,of such new or revised theories or laws,the,collecting of information,about a particular subject,http:/www.merriam- organized, systematic, data-based, critical, objective, scientific enquiry/investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solutions to it.,is a process of planning, acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating relevant data, information, and insights to decision makers in ways that mobilize the organization to take appropriate actions that, in turn, maximize business performance. -,Cooper,the systematic and “objective” process of generating knowledge for aid in making business decisions,What Is Business Research?,Research information is neither intuitive,直觉,nor haphazardly,随意,gathered.,must be objective,客观存在的,Detached,公正的,and impersonal,客观的,rather than biased,有偏见的,It facilitates the managerial decision process for all aspects of a business.,Information reduces uncertainty.,What Is Business Research?,What Isnt Research?,Playing with technology,Book report,Programming project,Doing what others have already done,Each of these can be done as part of research,Philosophy of Research,Epistemology,认识论,(theory of knowledge),How do we know we know,Methodology,方法论,(study of methods),Ways (methods) of knowing,Research - try to understand our world better,Positivism,实证主意,(rejection of meta-physics,形而上学,),the scientific method is the best approach to uncovering the processes by which both physical and human events occur,only authentic knowledge is that which is based on sense experience and positive verification,Goal of science is to “uncover the truth”,What we cant objectively measure / observe are not knowable,E.g. early behavioral psychologists focused on stimulus (reinforcement) and behavioral outcome; ignoring anything in between emotion, affection, thought etc.,http:/,en.wikipedia.org,/wiki/Positivism,Philosophy of Research,Post-Positivism,后实证主义,human knowledge is based not on unchallengeable, rock-solid foundations, but rather upon human conjectures,猜想,Subjectivist,主观主义,no external,reality,:,perception,is reality,Critical realism,现实批判主义,E,xternal realities independent of our thinking can be studied/ measured,A,ll measurements / theories are fallible / revisable,U,se multiple observations / methods,Philosophy of Research,Methodology Taxonomy,1,Theorem Proof,定理证明,Engineering,工程,Empirical,实证,Case study,案例分析,Survey,调查,Field test,现场研究,Experiment,实验,Subjective / Argumentative,主观,/,辩论,From Vogel and,Wetherbe, 1984,Philosophy of Research,Methodology Taxonomy 2,Theorem Proof,Laboratory Experiment,Field Experiment,Case Study,Survey,Forecasting,预测,Simulation,模拟,Game / role playing,游戏,/,角色扮演,Subjective / Argumentative,Descriptive / Interpretive,描述,/,解释,Action research,行动研究,From,Galliers,and Land, 1987,Philosophy of Research,Structure of Research,Business Research Type,Classification of main types of research,Type of research,Basis of classification,Applied or Basic research,Outcome of the research,Deductive or Inductive research,Logic of the research,Quantitative or Qualitative research,Process of the research,Primary or Secondary research,Data source of the research,Descriptive, Exploratory, Analytical or Predictive research,Purpose of the research,Basic Research,基础研究,Attempts to expand the limits of knowledge.,Not directly involved in the solution to a pragmatic,务实,problem.,Examples,Is executive success correlated with high intrinsic motives?,Are members of highly integrated supply chain more efficient than members of less cohesive supply chain?,Do leaders management style affect the employees knowledge sharing intention?,Business Research Type -,outcome,Applied Research,应用研究,Conducted when a decision must be made about a specific real-life problem,Examples,Should Microsoft open a new R&D research center in Hefei?,中移动是否应该取消漫游费?,Business Research Type -,outcome,Inductive Approach,归纳法,Business Research Type -,logic,from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories,“bottom up approach.,Conclusion is likely based on premises,Involves a degree of uncertainty,“,吸烟有害健康”,Deductive,Approach,演绎法,Business Research Type -,logic,from the more general to the more specific.,top-down approach.,Conclusion follows logically from premises (available facts),吸烟,肺炎,Quantitative research,定量研究,use of statistical, formulaic or numerical analysis,Main approach: analysis; causal determination, prediction, generalization of findings,Qualitative research,定性研究,not quantitative; use of non-numeric techniques,Main approach: discovery; illumination, understanding, extrapolation to similar circumstances,Business Research Type-,process,http:/www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/cdic-mcc/18-3/d_e.html,Business Research Type-,process,Primary Research,(field research),初步研究 (实地调查),data does not already exist, research collect original data.,Secondary,Research (desk research),次要研究 (文案调查),information,has already been put together by someone else,Business Research Type,data source,Descriptive,research,描述性研究,Characterizing a phenomenon / variable,E.g. demographics of online shoppers,Exploratory (,Relational,) research,探索性研究,Relationship between variables,E.g. gender online shopping tendency,Analytical (Explanatory) Research,分析性研究 (解释性研究),Relationship and cause,- E.g. firm size, employee turnover,Predictive (,Casual,) research,预测性研究,(,因果研究,),Cause and effect (treatment and outcome),E.g. incentive,(,+),higher productivity,Business Research Type-,purpose,Why Study Business Research?,Business research provides information to guide business decisions,Major Research Topics,General Business Conditions and Corporate Research,Financial and Accounting Research,Management and Organizational Behavior Research,Sales and Marketing Research,Operation Research,Information Systems Research,Corporate Responsibility Research,国家自然科学基金委:管理科学部研究领域分类,国际期刊的分类,(UTD List),http:/som.utdallas.edu/top100Ranking/journals.php,国际会议:,AOM, ICIS,Whats Changing in Business that Influences Research,Critical Scrutiny of Business,Computing Power & Speed,Battle for Analytical Talent,Factors,Information Overload,Shifting Global Economics,Government Intervention,Technological Connectivity,New Research Perspectives,Determining When to Conduct Business Research,Time constraints,Availability of data,Nature of the decision,Benefits versus costs,Is sufficient time,available before,a managerial,decision,must be made?,Is the infor-,mation already,on hand,inadequate,for making,the decision?,Is the decision,of considerable,strategic,or tactical,importance?,Does the value,of the research,information,exceed the cost,of conducting,research?,Conducting,Business,Research,Do Not Conduct Business Research,Time Constraints,Availability of Data,Nature of the Decision,Benefits vs. Costs,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Determining When to Conduct Business Research,Characteristics of Good Research,Clearly defined purpose,Detailed research process,Thoroughly planned design,High ethical standards,Limitations addressed,Adequate analysis,Unambiguous presentation,Conclusions justified,Credentials,Factors Contributing to the Success of Research,Academic ability*,Commitment to the program*,Emotional Stability*,Financial stability*,Hard work*,Research competency,Managerial skill,Interpersonal skill,Research Competency,:,Literature search and review,Technical competence,Writing the research proposal,Keeping of research records,Writing progress reports,Writing the thesis,Writing papers for journals/conferences,Theoretical competence,The student has to develop these competencies mostly through own initiative,Factors Contributing to the Success of Research,The literature included can be any format appropriate to your topic.,Dont restrict yourself to journal articles.,Look in books,Business reports, conference proceedings, and other non-journal sources.,Search government websites and associations related to your topic.,Google scholar,Look at library subject guides in your area to find the key databases additional resources,Research Competency,:,Literature search and review,Perform a preliminary search of the literature.,what has already been published.,the number of articles available on the topic.,select a slightly different topic or modify the focus of the objective.,Recent journal issue.,Consult Web of Sciences Journal Citation Index,Develop a list of subject headings that relate to themes of interest,Search across multiple databases and information resources.,Google Scholar,Read the literature throughout the search process.,will guide your subsequent searches and refine your topic.,Help refine the topic and objective of the overview being written.,Research Competency,:,Literature search and review,A Research Report should,generally,include:,Statement of problem (Introduction),Review of relevant literature,Statement of hypothesis or research objectives,Description of research design,Description of sample selection procedure,Description of how data was collected,Data analysis and results,Conclusion, limitations, and implications,Bibliography or references cited,Appendices,Research Competency,:,Literature search and review,Step 1: read the abstract,Decide whether to read the article in detail,Step 2: read introduction,It explains why the study is important,It provides review and evaluation of relevant literature,Step 3: read Method with a close, critical eye,Focus on participants, measures, procedures,Step 4: Evaluate results,Do the conclusions seem logical,Can you detect any bias on the part of the researcher?,Step 5: Take discussion with a grain of salt,不全信,Edges are smoothed out,Pay attention to limitations,Carrol,2006,Research Competency,:,Literature search and review,Research Competency,:,Technical competence,Literature management,Endnote,Data Analysis,SPSS,SEM (PLS, LISREL ),Office,Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Submission of research proposal,Presentation and defense of research proposal,Procedure for working in the office outside normal working hours,Monthly progress reports,Progress report for the semester,Participation in Seminars,Managerial skill:,pertaining to procedures,Managerial skill:,pertaining to the research,Planning the research,Acquiring theoretical & experimental skills,Executing the research plan,Monitoring the research progress,Keeping the research log book,Submission of Progress reports,Preparation of the thesis,Care of the research methods,will interact with:,The supervisor or supervisory committee,Graduate students in his group,Graduate students in other groups in same program/school,Groups in other schools/institutions,Undergraduate students working under the same supervisor or group,Technical support personnel,Administrative support personnel,adept at interpersonal skills will find the path less bumpy,Interpersonal Aspects of Research,The Student and the Supervisor,Know who your supervisor is,Know the work of your supervisor,Ascertain with the supervisor how the routine meeting is to be carried out.,Make notes of all meetings with the supervisor and give him a copy,Keep your supervisor informed of progress and activities,Submit report/manuscript to your supervisor not rough outlines,Allow your supervisor sufficient time to read your report or manuscript,Ask your supervisor how he likes to see the manuscript for your thesis,See your supervisor if you face any problems,dont disappear and let him summon you,Interpersonal Aspects of Research:,The Student and the Group,be working on a specific topic within a larger research program,his own research plan will inevitably affect the research plans of others in the group, e.g in the use of equipment,Cooperation OR transferring,A well organized group can provide strong support to every member,Interpersonal Aspects of Research:,Ethics of Business Research,refers to a code of conduct or expected societal norm of behavior while conducting research,Ethical conduct applies to,Organization,Members sponsoring the research,The researchers who undertake the research,The respondents who provide them with the relevant data,Plagiarism,抄袭,Fraud/ Cheat,欺诈,Steal,窃取, of Business Research,PLAGIARISM,抄袭,To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as ones own.,To present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing sources,Websters college dictionary,Plagiarism is,illegal,Ethics of Business Research,Sources of Plagiarism,A student,Copied paragraphs from various scholarly journals or books in the library,Removed an old term paper from the files in his fraternity and copied some, or all, of it.,Downloaded whole or part of report from the internet.,Ethics of Business Research-,plagiarism,The following guidelines on plagiarism were taken from,Ronald B.,Standler, 2000. Plagiarism in Colleges in USA, using another persons words:,Provide a citation in,the text,reference list,in a footnote,Either enclose their words inside quotation marks (add pages),Ethics of Business Research-,plagiarism,Key Terms,Research,Business Research,Epistemology,Methodology,Positivism,Post-positivism,Subjectivist,Critical realism,Theorem proof,Engineering,Empirical,Case study,Survey,Field test,Experiment,Forecasting,Simulation,Game/ role playing,Subjective/ argumentative,Action research,Deductive research,Inductive research,Applied research,Basic research,Quantitative research,Qualitative research,Primary research,Secondary research,Descriptive research,Exploratory research,Analytical research,Predictive research,Plagiarism,You would be able to understand:,What is research,What is business research,Philosophy of Research,Types of business research,When to Conduct Business Research,Factors Contributing to the Success of Research,Ethics and business research,Q & A,THANK YOU,!,


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