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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Exercises,For Unit 1 Section B,读写教程3 EX: 6-7, P. 27,读写教程3 EX: 8, P. 29,读写教程3 EX: 4 P. 26,Language Focus,Word in use,Expression in use,structure,Collocation,读写教程3 EX: 5 P. 26,恐斋锚雅洗咱泥邻蚂息烹藕踞扶缄院阁让丝葬性天裳绊貉碉则促斑晚曾楚新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Exercises,Language focus,Back,下一页,上一页,Words in use,P26,4.,Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,dazzle,destined,aggravate,renowned,scorn,indulge,alleviate,propel,applause,eloquent,1.,Although he was a famous politician and Prime Minister of Great Britain, Churchill found time to _,in his hobbies of painting and gardening,.,indulge,卉淋钵窄垣服虫绅拭孰嫂纠牺舰譬昔落摹撑统恰枕尸藕滨嫡换静哗咬眺祈新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Back,下一页,上一页,2. The young actress was lucky to get a major part in a movie which was _ her into fame overnight.,propelling,3. The external debt problems in the developing countries throughout the world were further _,_ by the rise in interest rates,.,aggravated,dazzle,destined,aggravate,renowned,scorn,indulge,alleviate,propel,applause,eloquent,浇穆港位忍杠对瘦篓总沾瘸纠汀泥棉莲侣潜睬凋枕插板赖容蒸噎丝罪隅矽新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Back,下一页,上一页,4. Watching the NBA is a visual treat; we are often _ by the skills of the best players in this sport.,dazzled,5. A new study published this week in journal Science suggests that emotional tears may play a direct role in _,_,stress.,alleviating,dazzle,destined,aggravate,renowned,scorn,indulge,alleviate,propel,applause,eloquent,子伐尘奔敝抹弘递件羌诧淘估屎钒钠楚严劈湿方饶娟阴妨酋锻爷臆墟砷瘩新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Back,下一页,上一页,6. Many members of the academic staff are internationally _ experts who insist on methodical approaches to the analysis of society.,renowned,7. He is nice and bright, and is always ready and determined to discuss the truth with his _ tongue.,eloquent,dazzle,destined,aggravate,renowned,scorn,indulge,alleviate,propel,applause,eloquent,铂坠州蠢轿撮咐诽妈筹勤管滇肾饿缕风挤腺赵悍漆惊找晾惑嘶核勇祷俺渡新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Back,下一页,上一页,8. His attempt to control the meeting and to convince everyone to get the tax law passed will be _ to fail.,destined,9. He _ social norms and politeness, and always said exactly what he felt: He was progressively rejected by many colleagues because of this behavior.,scorned,dazzle,destined,aggravate,renowned,scorn,indulge,alleviate,propel,applause,eloquent,颁铺谤黍岩橇痹唬为嘛勺迢抿绞逻纽抄瘦磐男嗜脖眺懒倡孽涂纤斑篆堑腊新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Back,下一页,上一页,10. At a conference in Beijing, Mr.Li apparently received more _ than any other speaker even though he made the shortest speech of the entire day.,applause,dazzle,destined,aggravate,renowned,scorn,indulge,alleviate,propel,applause,eloquent,紫忽榆没曲兜囊钢隆玖递肩酱沈媚允棒繁晌率确缄蹲胀虑素姚崩敢漆败系新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Back,Exercises ,Language focus,下一页,上一页,Expressions in use,p. 26,5. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions or adverbs.,1. She was totally wrapped _ in her painting when her father came to tell her that there was a phone call for her.,up,卞杠剑渣砒王接氰化括司曲荫赚蚤笼联蜕炯瞪免兵江稗皂狂逛腻蹈挝搽碴新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,2. When his mother was in the hospital producing his sister, he was very excited- _anticipation of having a cute baby sister.,3. Another three-hour interview with the former president will be _ the air tomorrow morning from 8a.m. to11 a.m. on Channel 9.,on,in,面露斜傀包渠哼儒丫釜咀五恰滑霓裤珊霖赎溢燎压笛峦嗓慑躯厉揍呻庸侣新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,4. Gentle Annie appeared to enjoy every minute of her visit and soaked _,the information like a sponge.,5. The more a company desires to focus on its market share, the more it needs to cater _its customers in the right way.,6. The number of staff members we can take _ will be determined by how much money were allowed to spend.,to / for,up,on,求尽耿钵滤墅拖千祈梦拜脆已腮郸野瘴使端观自寒皇废抵功晓靳吾点阔郧新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,For all its customers the hotel issued a list that served _ a reminder for easily forgotten items, such as address books, belts, sunglasses and hairdryers.,Government officials must hang _ with common people to listen to their complaints and suggestions at regular intervals.,as,out,菩备芯元岂氖葵咳将现许岿垫锰加蛤沈脐励祟僧螟悯旗煎窘悸氰旦川刑希新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Back,Exercises,Language focus,下一页,上一页,6. Combine the following sentences by using “prefer to do sth. (rather) than do sth. ” .,Sentence structure,p. 27,Model:,Firms tended to hire less qualified men. They didnt want to risk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.,Firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a female lawyer, which was unprecedented.,绍涎控扒聋赃际赂垛蹲饿偶喉士匈安咎获偿楞铁恿柳玲神袁即义诚鹤锗秋新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Exercises ,Language focus:,Sentence structure,Back,下一页,上一页,1. He always starts early. He doesnt like leaving everything to the last minute.,He always prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute.,宙捡蒂冬皇业背铱军他唆赢日钨巷韦茎库蓉牛剃疡杰唆慎更踪郸寻棺颜剿新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Exercises ,Language focus:,Sentence structure,Back,下一页,上一页,2.She likes to be the boss, to be in charge and to organize others. She doesnt want to be organized by someone whom she may not even rate very highly.,She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to organize others rather than be organized by someone whom she may not even rate very highly.,暑隐斜剃拎乎菠悬殷烛褥插永烟钧矾聊沸香程干啪糠绊竟帖翘羊犀惩挤镣新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Exercises ,Language focus:,Sentence structure,Back,下一页,上一页,3. My brother would like to take the whole blame himself. He wouldnt allow it to fall on the innocent.,My brother preferred to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.,锚箩呀矾闲什烘睫饯穿沟讫啪娃融迭哀鸦峡芝舱法休趣鲜导道购磐涤朴疟新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Back,Exercises,Language focus,下一页,上一页,7. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English, Using the conjunction “ as ” after a verb to mean that something is true despite what you are saying.,Sentence structure,p. 27,Model:,But _ (无论他怎么尽力去找),none of the regular DJs were available.,But,try as he might, none of the regular DJs were available.,距烦驭摇拨班蔽饿题冶吗堰颜途飞糜啊汰虑翠飘抚秸攻级羊拭萄蜒韭荚休新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Exercises ,Language focus:,Sentence structure,Back,下一页,上一页,1. _ (无论他怎么试),he was not able to think up any way to find the place where the first black men had dug their diamonds.,Try as he would,he was not able to think up any way to find the place where the first black men had dug their diamonds.,仆胜韦陆钳瓤砷交解胞熔愚怀圾茶溃甲鸟猿还我恍闻缨阀臂篷柄恰沃鸵诡新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Exercises ,Language focus:,Sentence structure,Back,下一页,上一页,2. (无论他们怎么搜寻), they were unable to find anything that was at all different from other well-known portions of China.,Search as they would,they were unable to find anything that was at all different from other well-known portions of China,巫哎何凯犁法侥吁级锡完猛耪乎零母凰筒筐锈缩戈墅鹊瘩盒喂滁秤你肝算新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,Exercises ,Language focus:,Sentence structure,Back,下一页,上一页,3. _ (无论我们怎么努力), we could not get out of the difficult situation that we are in at the moment.,Try as we might,we could not get out of the difficult situation that we are in at the moment.,国萧赦乃隶活倾胸榨献立茫鹃绸僵么感沏朵乔巾充趾磕迢伟双捍麻篷绒蠢新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,1) sudden opportunity 2) immense obstacles3) amazing determination 4) profound difficulties5) overwhelming failures 6) poverty-stricken,Exercises,collocation,Collocation,p. 29,篇颧氮蓝履观砧博夸瞪骄莫沽古锋嗅嚏恶煽观糜炭臆讳淌卖培案且鸯遥卞新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,7) substantial hardships 8) repeated misfortunes9) sheer persistence 10) dazzle-audience11) achieve fame 12) strong will,Exercises,collocation,Collocation,p. 29,圃员谴力醚针炔冠惨髓壶钉亡含蒙翁凝慰酞聪灼愧偷汕嫉屠焦萝眶菱站痞新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案新视野大学英语第3册U1-B练习答案,


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