Note-taking skills 如何做笔记

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,Chapter 5,Note-taking,好记性不如烂笔头。,2,“,A sharp memory is not as dependable as a broken pen”,3,Overview of Note-taking,Effective note-taking,N,ote-taking from readings,N,ote-taking from lectures,4,Why do we need to take notes?,The length of the text,Figures and proper names,Problems with memory,5,Problems with Note-taking,Distraction,Over emphasis on the language,Difficulty with reconstruction,6,What kind of notes?,Note-taking for interpretation vs. Dictation,Note-taking for interpretation vs. Classroom note-taking,Note-taking for interpretation vs. Shorthand outlines,7,Features of Notes for Interpreting,Time-effectiveness,Simplicity,Individuality,8,Equipment for Note-taking,Pen,Note pad,9,Tactics for Note-taking,Narrow columns,Clear endings,More lines, fewer characters,Large font, with lots of white space,Effective symbols and abbreviations,An Introduction to Interpretation,10,How to take NOTES?,What are consecutive notes?,Unlike lecture notes which are for further reading and studies, consecutive notes are just reminders or the memory aids on the working spot, but not for later use.,An Introduction to Interpretation,11,Principles of note-taking,Spacing,Layout,What/when to note,What makes the notes?,symbols, characters, abbreviations, arrows and timelines,An Introduction to Interpretation,12,How do we abbreviate?,In Chinese, we leave out some words, for example,黑龙江省纪律检查委员会,-,省纪委,In English We left off the latter part of the spelling, for example,Population-pop,cooperation-coop,development-dev,An Introduction to Interpretation,13,Other Abbreviations,WTO/ PRC,p.m. / a. m ( afternoon/ morning),Geographical directions N (north), NW (Northwest),Occupations : economist (,econ,r,), mathematician (,math,r,),Drop the vowel: day (,dy,),An Introduction to Interpretation,14,Symbols,Better not use too many symbols in case one is confused by them .,$ Money/assets/wealth/rich,“ on talks e.g. FM” (Foreign minister said),: on thinking e. g. I: ( I think),H,2,O Water, country,An Introduction to Interpretation,15,Arrows, Increasing/ lifting/up/ develop, drop/crash/diminish, forward/develop, last year,yr, Next year,yr,6. emphasis, e.g.,lky,(very lucky),An Introduction to Interpretation,16,Layout,Vertical sense group in vertical order,one main idea on each line,2.Spacing ( with indention),Prof. H subject,thk,U,invt,verb,dy, BJ object,An Introduction to Interpretation,17,0ther Examples of Notes,例,1,:工业生产增长很快。,1991,年的工业总产值是,28,225,亿元,比,1990,年提高了,14.2%,,其中乡镇工业占,23,121,元,比,1990,年增长了,12.9%,。在工业总产值中,国营工业提高了,8.4%,集体工业增长了,18%,个体工业增长了,24%,中外合资企业、合作企业和独资企业增长了,55,。,8%,。大中型企业情况比过去几年好,年增长率为,9%,。,工产,快,/,91,工总值,282.25 b (billion) Y,90 14.2% /,乡工,231.21 b,,,90 12.9% /,国工 总值,8.4% /,集,18% /,个,24% /,合资,合作,独资,55.8% /,An Introduction to Interpretation,18,朱彤为朱镕基政府工作报告进行同声传译时的,NOTE TAKING,解释:,if,如果,的话 ; 要求 ;,i,具 具体;,:,说 认为 ;概 概括 ;,就 ;,g,政府,_,本届;,N,现在 ;指示箭头 概括为 ;,1,确 确保 ;,3,到 到位 ;,5r,改革。,For many an interpreter, “note-taking” is said to be a “necessary evil”.,Two Special Features,First, the purpose of note-taking in interpreting is,to supplement memory efficiency,so as to ensure accuracy in work. This means, though highly necessary, the importance of note-taking,should not be overemphasized,. An interpreter must realize from the very beginning of his training that it is always memory on the basis of,correct comprehension that plays the major role,in ensuring accuracy in interpreting, not note-taking.,Second, the interpreters notes are essentially,individual in character,. This is primarily because the interpreters notes, are intended exclusively for immediate use by the interpreter concerned. The ability to keep remembrance of what is said varies from person to person.,Some Practical Hints,1),Write as few words or symbols as possible.,An interpreter should always concentrate on listening (for comprehension and transference). And, he must practice the maximum economy in words in note-taking. Each word (or symbol, or sign) usually represents a key word or a sense group or an important formulation, etc.,2) Better take notes in the target language.,In order to facilitate the listening-transference-speaking process, it is preferable to solve the problem of transference while the notes are taken. Of course, it depends on the individual interpreter. He/she might use,a combined way,in both source language and the target language or even in source language only.,3) See to it that the notes are logical and legible.,口译笔记要点,1.,少写多划。划线条比写文字快。线条形象,相当于翻译的,半成品,,有助译员眼看笔记,口出译文。两种情况下应该尽量用线条:表示动作和动态的词句。比如,以上升的斜线代表,发展,,,增加,,,进步,进一步,;以下降的斜线代表,减少,,,下降,,,恶化,等等。表示因果或前后关系的词句。比如,用一条线代表,因为,/,所以,,,之后,,,在,之前,,以体现出上下前后之间的关联关系。,2.,少字多意,养成一个词的笔记不超过一个字的习惯。中文里有大量的词汇是由两个,或两个以上的字组成。只要看到其中一个,你的短期记忆就应该能够补齐其余的字。不必多写。比如,,中国,最多写个,中,。,北京,最多写个,北,。英文词也同理处理。,politics,最多写,poli,,,government,最多写,gov,,等等。另外,需要培养以笔记与记忆互动;看到一个字能说出几个字,甚至一串词的能力。在有上下文的情况下,这不难。比如,谈中国的近况,听到,改革,开放,记一个,改,字,不难从短期记忆中说出原文。听到,British Prime Minister Tony Blair,,记,PM,,也同样能说出原文。,3.,少线多指。通用一小组线条,/,标记。否则在自己本来熟悉的中英文之外,又编出一套自己不熟悉的文码使用,会导致需要想一想用哪个符号的情况,适得其反。,4.,少横多竖。采取从上往下的阶梯结构记录,尽量少用通常书写时的横向记录。阶梯结构形象地体现出上下文的逻辑结构,简化了译员的思维过程,方便出译文。,notes should be written in two columns of 2 or 3-inch width in a pad.,draw two slant lines to mark the end of a long paragraph, or a long chunk of speech, to avoid some unnecessary confusion.,For the sake of legibility, one should use only those limited number of signs or symbols that are very familiar to him lest he might forget their meanings if he uses too many a time. Possible examples are acronyms, abbreviations, arrows, and reference lines.,Examples for practical hints of note-taking:,用简笔汉字和英文缩写,(common abbreviations),:中,大,小,上,下,来,去等。,UN, UK, USA, WTO, BOT, JVs,SOEs, GDP, CEO, VIP,AIDs, SARS, IT, GNP, etc.,标点符号:,?,疑问,冒号表示讲话人与内容之间的关系,数学符号:,因为,所以,箭头符号:,up,上升,,down,下降,寄往,否定或强调:,否定, 肯定,数字与字母:,1,,,2,,,3; ,,,,,; 1,),,2,),,3,),; a, b, c; A, B, C,货币符号:,$, , RMB,¥, Japan,¥,c Note-taking Practice,Note that,the interpreters foremost concern should be concentrating on listening,to grasp the idea of the original speaker, and on this basis, to complete the listening- transference-speaking process speedily and accurately.,Note-taking, though very important, plays a supplementary role,in this process.,1) short paragraphs three times and ask students to reduce their number of words. The teacher should demonstrate the notes on the blackboard.,该,大学城占地,306,公顷,其中,240,公顷用于教室等各类教学设施,其它用于寝室食堂和商店。整座大学城的建设将耗资,25,亿人民币。,Eg.1,The sentences could be noted as follows:,College Town 306,公顷,240,rest,教设:,eg,: classroom,dor,.,canteen,shop,2.5 bi RMB,Warming-up Exercises 1,公顷,hectare,教学设施,educational facilities,Interpreting Practice,Referencce,The College Town covers an area of 306 hectares,of/among which,240 hectares are used for various kinds of educational facilities such as classrooms,while the rest,(are used) for dormitories, canteens and shops.,The total cost of building the whole college town will be 2.5 billion,yuan,.,e.g2.,厦门是一座港口城市,是中国的经济特区,现在有三资企业,1876,家,境外企业代表机构,847,家,境外金融机构,15,家。工业产品中,45,是出口的,同时也进口了许多原材料、技术和设备。厦门还在境外办了,89,家企业,与世界,142,个国家和地区有实质性的经贸往来,并同新西兰的惠灵顿、英国加的夫、美国巴尔的摩、日本佐世保,菲律宾宿务市、马来西亚槟岛市等结为友好城市。这些都说明厦门经济发展逐步与世界经济接轨。,It boasts,X port SEZJV 1,876,外企,847,外,F 15,工产,45, 口,Raw, Tec,eq,/,X ,外,89co.,142,口,地 实,E,exch,+ NZ,Wel,UK Card Jap,佐,Phil,宿 马 槟,X E, 世,E,接,e.g1.,Mr. speaker, I think it is deplorable that the Premier has gone on a trip to Europe. Not only is the timing for such a trip wrong, it is too expensive. Furthermore, I understand he is now planning to go on to America. This will also turn out to be an absolute waste of money.,i.,h i: OK,PrEur,Only,t,+ dear+/1: US too,waste,$,ii.,h OK ,Eur,t,+ dear1: US waste $,“,h,” stands for speaker/chairman; $,表示钱,表示连接,e.g2.,A marked increase has been recorded in productivity, exports have risen accordingly and so has the turnover. This has led to an increase in profits, but the amount of tax paid.,Pro,cty,Ex too,turn,er, + profits,+ tax pd,Meaning can be divided into three layers.,Try it yourself:,First offer some explanations, then give some new words and similar words.,Second, make use of the notes and then based on the notes do the transference/reproduction.,Third, the teacher writes the notes on the blackboard to demonstrate the way to do it.,Fourth, students compare their notes and discuss.,Materials for note-taking exercise, see,Listening and Note-taking,.,Example 1,because every child has the same needs, and the right to a basic education, the right to food, the right to shelter, and the right to basic health and every child needs a friend,all same,rights ed.,food,shelter,health,need friend,Example 2,Hungary has complained that its steel exports to the European Union are unable to develop because of excessively restrictive quotas. But the Union representative pointed out that quotas are still underused by Hungary by a large margin, so the quotas themselves didnt appear to be creating the difficulties,Reference Note,HU: steel experts,cannot develop,to EU,because tariff quotas,too restrictive,_,but EU: HU,under uses a lot,quotas,so quotas,not problem,Example 3,中国周边地区经济都得到发展,我们认为是很好的事。中国一直希望全世界人民都得到发展、繁荣、和平。如果地区间经济差距太大,世界就不会安定。所以,对东盟国家的发展和现代化,我们持高兴态度。从经济角度看,周边国家经济发展水平提高了,互相进口货物的能力也会提高,对我们本身经济也有促进作用。所以说竞争不是坏事。,Reference Note,周,E,我 认,good,cn,世人,,,,Pros,和,if,差,,世,X,定,Asean,发,现,h,我,,经,周,E,,互,对我经促,竞,X bad,Example 4,厦门特区在党中央、国务院和福建省委、省政府的确正确领导下,经过,15,年的奋斗,已经具有一定的经济发展规模,形成了外向型经济格局。,1994,年底,全市国内生产总值达到,189,亿元,人均,1.6,万元。工业总产值,246,亿元,其中三资企业产值占,70%,,累计已投资的三资企业,2061,家,外商直接投资额达,41.1,亿美元,口岸外贸进出口总额达,55,亿美圆。,Reference Note,Xm,SEZ CPC + S.,Coun,+,省,15Ys ,经发,scale,外经格,1994,底,GDP 189,亿,人,1.6,万,Ind. Output 246,亿,Jv,.,投,V. 2061,直,inv. 41.1,亿,$,口岸,Trade 55,亿,$,In-class Practice (CE),想象生命是一场不停丢掷五个球在空中的游戏。这五个球分别为工作、家庭、健康、朋友和心灵,而且你很努力地掷着这五个球,不让它们落地。很快地你会了解工作是一个橡皮球。如果你不幸失手落下它,它还是会弹回来。,但是家庭、健康、朋友和心灵这四个球是用玻璃做成的。一旦你失手落下,它们可能留下无法挽回的记号、刻痕、损坏甚至碎落一地。它们将永远不会跟以前一样。你必须了解这个道理,并且为平衡你的生命而努力。,In-class Practice (CE),生命不是一场赛跑,而是一步一个脚印的旅程。,昨天已是历史,明天还是未知,而今天则是一个上天的礼物:那就是我们为什么称它为,“,现在,”,(Present),的原因。,In-class Practice (CE),Your Performance,Notes Comparison,Interpreting Practice,Words and,E,xpressions,橡皮球,a rubber ball,失手落下,d,rop,刻痕,nick,砸碎,shatter,努力,strive for,一步一个脚印的旅程,a journey to be savored each step of the way,Reference (CE),Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.,You name them work, family, health, friends and spirit and youre keeping all of these in the air.,You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.,Reference (CE),But the other four balls family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass.,If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same.,Reference (CE),You must understand that and strive for balance in your life. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.,Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift: thats,the reason,why we call it The Present.,Note-taking,In-class Practice,(EC),Words and expressions,declare,open,symposium,(,on,),extend warm welcome to,express,ones,sincere thanks to,generous help,populariz,e,the use of,deservers reference and study,I wish the symposium a complete success,In-class Practice (EC),Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: I,declare open,the international symposium on internet service. Id like to,extend warm welcome to,all the guests from various circle./,Id like to,express my sincere thanks to,the British and Australian companies and specialists whose generous help,makes the successful opening possible./,In-class Practice (EC),Some overseas developed countries have accumulated much experience in promoting the internet service. The experience,deservers reference and study,. Through exchange, we will be able to get more information and knowledge./,In-class Practice (EC),I believe the symposium will be constructive and significant in popularizing the use of internet service in China.,I wish,the symposium,a complete success,./,In-class Practice (,E,C,),Your Performance,Notes Comparison,Interpreting Practice,In,terpreting,Practice (EC),主席先生,女士们先生们,我宣布英特网服务国际研讨会开幕,在此我向参加开幕式的各界来宾表示热烈欢迎!,/,英国和澳大利亚的有关公司与专家对本次研讨会的成功召开给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致以诚挚的谢意。,/,海外一些发达国家在推动英特网服务事业方面积累了不少经验,值得我们借鉴和学习。通过交流。我们可以得到更多的信息与体会。,/,我相信,本次研讨会对于推动英特网在中国的广泛使用具有积极的作用和深远的意义。我预祝研讨会圆满成功。,/,Assignment,1. How to take notes: y,ou may also visit this link to view directly:,rtsp:/,554,7070,2. Preview Chapter,6-topic discussion: Education,a,.,Pre-interpreting,reading,;,b.,topic-related,vocabulary,3. Be ready to give a brief introduction to,your majors, your department, SIT,or Chinas education,.,Language used in your notes: SL and TL,Use whatever language that comes to your mind,Use as many symbols as you feel comfortable with,+, , ,=, ,+,还有,和,此外,而且,以及,-,减少,不会,没有,=,等于,相当于 大过,超过,优越于 少于,小于,比不上 减少,下降 增加,上升,上报 逐步增加 逐步下降,减少 向前发展,所以, 于是 因为,由于 正确, 同意,好 调换,对调,交流,错误,不行,没有,停止, 国家 国内,国外,!,注意,警惕? 疑问,问题,试验性,-,下划线表示强调。,Use abbreviations,“Prof” for “professor”, “dept” for “department”, “std” for “standard”. “ref” for “reference”, “,eg,” for “for example”, “,ie,” for “that is”, “,esp,” for “especially”, “min” for “minimum”, “max” for “maximum”, and “,usu,” for “usually”,GDP (gross domestic product), GNP (gross national product), 5yr P (five year plan), SOE (state owned enterprise), FIE (foreign invested enterprise), JV (joint venture), SEZ (special economic zone),trd,(trade),invt,(investment),respon,(responsibility), memo (memorandum), demo (demonstration), Ad (advertisement), TQC (total quality control), CI (corporate image), Attn (attention), dept (department),exch(exchange,), coop (cooperation),prodc(production,),ref(reference,),info(information,), IT,indy(information,industry),telcom(telecommunication,), IDD (international direct dialing),R&D(research,and development), CAD( computer assisted design),agrd(agreed,).,CEO(chief,executive officer),Govt(government,), FOB, CIF,。,中文缩略语,中国人民(中民),中国政府(,chi,gov,),美国人民(美人,A,人),物质文明和精神文明(物神), 国民经济发展指标(经标),可持续发展(可持),改革开放政策(改开),现代化(现,H,), 国际化(国,H,),可行性(可,X,)。,NPC,(全国人民代表大会), CPPCC,(中国政治协商会议), COSCO,(中国远洋运输公司), GE,(通用电器公司), GM,(通用汽车公司),,UNESCO,(联合国教科文组织),EU(,欧洲联盟,), OECD,(经济合作发展组织), APEC,(亚太经济合作组织),,ASEAN(,东南亚国家联盟,),


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