国际商务函电第八章Unit08 Placing & Confirmingan Order

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Unit Eight,Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Objectives,Introduction,New Words & Expressions,Exercises,Keys to Exercises,Objectives,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),1,.,订单的定义,2,.,订单的内容,3,.,涉及订单的信函的撰写,通过本章的学习,帮助学生掌握,:,Introduction,An order is a request for the supply of a specific quantity of goods.,It may,result from,the buyers acceptance,or,confirmation of a firm offer made by the sellers,or result from,the sellers acceptance,or,confirmation of a counter-offer made by the buyers,.,Definition of an order:,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Introduction,1.description of the goods, such as specification, size, quantity , quality and article number,(,if any,),;,2.prices,(,unit prices as well as total prices,),;,3.terms of payment;,4.mode of packing;,5.time of transportation, port of destination and time of shipment etc. .,An order should at least contain the following points:,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),购货订单,第,CHJ 770402,号,日期,: 2004,年,5,月,9,日,发件人:,ABC & Co., Ltd.,Itchicu,Park, 999 Des,Voex,Road,Cincinnati, OH 30897,U.S.A.,Tel: (406) 444- 6689,E-mail: abc888,收件人:,New Zealand Meats, Co. Ltd.,8009,Lambchop,Station,Auckland,New Zealand,请供:,数量 货物描述 目录号 单价,100,吨 羊肉,JK1123,每吨,120,美元,200,吨 牛肉,CH6463,每吨,180,美元,总价款:,43,470,美元,运费,+,包装费:,300,美元,折扣:,100,吨以上折扣,10%,装运时间:,2004,年,6,月,10,日之前,付款条件:即期信用证,在装运期前,30,天开立,唛头:待指定,购货订单样例,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Introduction,1. Use direct language in the first paragraph to tell the seller of the buyers intention to place an order.,2.Describe what is being ordered in great detail. Indicate the catalog numbers, sizes, colors, prices, specifications and all other relevant information that will enable the seller to fill the order without any further questions.,3.Close the letter by expressing willingness to cooperate or suggesting future business dealings.,The following structure can be for your reference in placing an order:,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Introduction,1.Express appreciation for the order received.,2.Assure the buyers that the goods they have ordered will be delivered in compliance with their request. It is also advisable for the sellers to take the opportunity to resell their products or to introduce their other products to the buyers.,3.Close the letter by expressing willingness to cooperate or suggesting future business dealings.,When confirming an order received, the following structure may be for your reference:,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),我们通常采用凭单付现,(,即托收,),方式付款,,希望你们能够接受。同时,如果你们想要调查我,们的财务状况的话,请向,Logos,的尼日利亚国家银,行查询。,我们希望能为这些印花棉布找到好的销路,,并希望在不久的将来能够再次向你们大量订货。,收到我们的订单后请通知我们你方接受与否。,此致,敬礼,Sample Letter ,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),敬启者:,随函寄去我方,2004,年,5,月,9,日订购牛羊肉的第,CHJ 770402,号订单。,请注意以下几点:,1.,订单总价款为,43,470,美元;,2.,购买,10,万公斤以上,10%,的折扣已经从订单总,价款中扣除;,3.,应该在,2004,年,6,月,10,前装运。,如贵方对该订单有什么疑问,请跟我们联系。,此致,敬礼,Sample Letter ,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,1. together with,和,加之,We are sending you our latest catalogue together with some samples.,我们给你们寄去了我们最新的目录和一些样品。,Our representative together with two technicians are leaving for your city.,我们的代表和两个技术人员将动身赶往贵地。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,2. reputation n.,名声,名誉,Our company enjoys a good reputation in your area.,鄙公司在贵地享有很好的声誉。,Our products have an excellent reputation in the international market for their superior quality.,我们的产品品质优良,在国际市场上享有盛誉。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,3. prompt adj.,即时的,即刻的,Your prompt execution of our order shall be appreciated.,贵方如能立即履行我们的订单,我们将不胜感激。,We are in urgent need of the goods, so we hope you will effect prompt delivery.,我们急需这批货物,所以希望你们立即发货。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,place an order with,sb,. for,sth,.,跟,订购, ,We wish to place an order with you for 2000 canvas folding chairs.,我们想向贵方定购,2000,把帆布折叠椅。,We hope that we will place large orders with you in the future.,我们希望将来能向你们大量订货。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,5. regarding prep.,关于,Regarding the terms of payment, we wish to stress that the relative L/C must be opened not later than 30 days before the time of shipment.,关于支付方式,我们想强调:有关信用证最迟必须在装运期前,30,天开出。,Regarding your request to advance shipment to the end of this month, we have to say that we are not able to comply with it.,关于你方要求提前到本月末装运的要求,我们不得不说我们无法满足你们的要求。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,6. refer to,向,咨询,参阅,If you want to investigate our financial standing, you may refer to the Bank of China.,如果你们想调查我方财务状况,请咨询中国银行。,As to the prices of our products, you may refer to our pricelist.,关于我们产品的价格,你可你参阅我们的价目表。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,find a ready/ good market for,sth,.,为,找到好的销路,sth,. finds / enjoys a good / ready market in a certain place. ,在,销路很好,We will try our best to find a ready market for your products.,我们将尽力为你们的产品找到好的销路。,We are pleased to tell you that your goods enjoy a good market in our area.,我们很高兴地告诉你们:你们的产品在我处销路很好。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,8. notify v.,通知,通告,告知,We are glad to notify you that the goods you ordered were dispatched this morning.,我们高兴地通知你们,你们定的货物已于今晨发出。,Please notify us of the specific time of shipment.,请告知我们具体的装运时间。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,9. enclose v.,装入,放入套内,随函寄, ,We have enclosed a copy of our quotation for,your information.,我们随函附上一份我们的报价单供你们了解。,Enclosed please find a complete set of shipping,documents.,随函寄去一整套货运单据,请查收。,Enclosed is our order for the following items.,随函附上我们的订单,订购下列产品。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,10. deduct v.,扣除,Wed like to inform you that the discount has been deducted from the total price.,我们想通知你们,折扣已从总价款中扣除。,We have already deducted our commission from the profits.,我们已经将我们的佣金从利润中扣除。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,11. rest assured that,确信无疑,放心,Please rest assured that the goods will be satisfactory to your customers.,请放心,货物一定能让你们的客户满意。,You may rest assured that we will execute our agreement punctually.,你们可以放心,我们一定如期履行合约。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,12. be aware of,清楚,明白,We are aware of the good quality of your goods.,我们知道你们的产品质量很好。,We are aware of the fact that you are in urgent need of the goods.,我们知道你们急需这批货物。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),New Words & Expressions,13. handle with,处理,We can assure you that we will handle with your order without delay.,我们向你们保证,我们将毫不迟疑地处理你们的订单。,We hope that you will be satisfied with our prompt handling with your request.,我们希望,我们及时的处理你们的要求,能够令你们满意。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise,Exercise,Exercise,Exercise ,Exercise ,Exercises,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise Translate the following terms and expressions,A. Into Chinese:,1. cotton prints,2. fresh order,3. cash against documents,4. duplicate order,5. financial standing,6. complete an order,7. initial order,8. first order,9. trial order,10. in the near future,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise Translate the following terms and expressions,B. Into English:,1.,第一艘便轮,2.,提交,3.,合同草案,4.,广泛好评,5.,确认订单,6.,第一笔订单,7.,各让一半,8.,供应,9.,客户,10.,达成交易,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise,1.We are pleased to give you this order,the following items,the understanding that they will be supplied,the prices stated in your letter of last week.,2.We expect to find a good market,these cottons and hope to place further and larger orders,you,the near future.,3.All these items are,urgent need, and you are therefore requested to make delivery without delay.,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise,Your letter of June 6, 2004 together with your order,bamboo ware has been received,thanks.,5.We will arrange,the production,receipt of your order.,We are satisfied,the results of the negotiations held,the Spring Guangzhou Fair.,If the quality is,our expectation, we will place,you our further orders.,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),8.Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend,us to effect delivery well,your time limit.,9.We are sending you our S/C No. 0024,duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return us,our file.,10. Your alarm clocks are satisfactory,our customers and there is a possibility of their repeat orders,large quantities.,Exercise,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise ,1.,我们对你方样品非常满意,现向你们首次订购,1000,台。,2.,我们想强调价格的重要性。,3.,如你方产品质优价廉,我们相信它们在美国会有一个好市场。,4.,因我方任务已满,抱歉不得不谢绝你方订单。,5.,我们向你方保证,我们货物的质量一定与样品的质量一致。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise ,6.,我方玩具熊猫需求甚旺,建议你方速下订单。,7.,我们希望第一笔交易的达成会带来今后更多的业务。,8.,我们很高兴已和你方达成了一万只“红双喜”牌乒乓拍的交易。,9.,我们希望和你们达成的首笔交易将为双方今后的友好合作铺平道路。,10.,我们高兴地告知你方我方用户对你方第一批货物甚感满意。,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise 4 Translate the following letter into English:,敬启者:,感谢你方,6,月,7,日寄来的报价单和样品。我们对价格和质量非常满意,现试订,1000,打。,现告知,多伦多市场对女式开司米大衣的需求甚旺,并且价格较高。但是顾客也很有眼力,因此我们必须强调质量和款式的重要性。如这些大衣质量优良,款式新颖,我们有信心它们会在多伦多旺销。,因该笔订单金额较小,我们建议采用电汇的付款方式。,等待你方的早日确认。,此致,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise 5 Write an English letter based on the following information:,1.,感谢买方,5000,只女式皮包的订单。,2.,保证按时优质履行订单,并请对方务必及时开证以免耽误装运。,3.,告知对方,除所订的一款外,我们还经营更多的、各种各样的时装包,并随附插图目录。如有需求,联系我们。,此致,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise,Exercise,Exercise,Exercise ,Exercise ,Keys to Exercises,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise Translate the following terms and expressions,A. Into Chinese:,1.,印花棉布,2.,新订单,3.,凭单付现,4.,重复订单,5.,财务状况,6.,完成订单,7.,第一笔订单,8.,第一笔订单,9.,试订单,10.,在不久的将来,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise Translate the following terms and expressions,B. Into English:,1. the first available steamer,2. submit,3. draft contract,4. wide approval,5. confirm an order,6. first/initial order,7. meet each other half way,8. supply,9. customer/client,10.conclude a transaction,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise,1.We are pleased to give you this order,for,the following items,on,the understanding that they will be supplied,at,the prices stated in your letter of last week.,2.We expect to find a good market,for,these cottons and hope to place further and larger orders,with,you,in,the near future.,3.All these items are,in,urgent need, and you are therefore requested to make delivery without delay.,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise,4. Your letter of June 6, 2004 together with your order,for,bamboo ware has been received,with,thanks.,5.We will arrange,for,the production,in,receipt of your order.,We are satisfied,with,the results of the negotiations held,at,the Spring Guangzhou Fair.,If the quality is,to,our expectation, we will place,with,you our further orders.,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),8.Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend,on,us to effect delivery well,within,your time limit.,9.We are sending you our S/C No. 0024,in,duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return us,for,our file.,10. Your alarm clocks are satisfactory,to,our customers and there is a possibility of their repeat orders,in,large quantities.,Exercise,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise ,1. Your sample is satisfactory and we now place an initial order with you for 1,000 sets.,2. We would like to stress the importance of price.,3. If your products are of superior quality and reasonable price, we believe they will have a good market in the US.,4. Owing to full commitments, we regret having to decline your order.,5. We assure you that the quality of our goods will be in accordance with that of the sample.,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise ,6. As our toy pandas are in heavy demand, we recommend that you order as soon as possible.,7. We hope the conclusion of this first transaction will lead to further business between us.,8. We are glad to have concluded with you the transaction of 10,000 Double Happiness Table Tennis Bats.,9. We hope the first transaction with you will pave the way for further friendly cooperation.,10. We are pleased to inform you that your first shipment turns out to the entire satisfaction of our users.,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise ,Dear Sirs,Thanks for your quotation sheet and samples sent on 7 June. Both the price and quality are satisfactory, so we now place a trial order for 1,000 dozen.,For your information, womens cashmere coats are in great demand in Toronto and prices are much high. But the customers here are very selective. Therefore, we must stress the importance of quality and design. If these coats are of superior quality and attractive design, we are sure they will have a good market in Toronto.,As the amount of this order is not big, we recommend payment by T/T.,Yours faithfully,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),Exercise ,Dear Sirs,Thank you for your order for 5,000 womens leather bags.,We assure you that we will execute your order promptly and to your entire satisfaction. Please note that your relative L/C should be establish in due course to avoid delay in shipment.,Besides the model you order, we also handle a wide range of fashion bags. Enclosed please find a latest illustrated catalogue. Please do not hesitate to let us know if any of them are of interest to you.,We,await your favorable reply.,Your faithfully,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),谢谢大家,Unit Eight Placing & Confirming an Order,(,订单及确认订单,),


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