Human Resource Management管理学

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Within countries, there are state or provincial and local regulations that also impact specific practices. Trying to balance the,“,shoulds and should-nots,”,of many of these laws often falls within the realm of,affirmative action,(Programs that enhance the organizational status of members of protected groups).,Demographic Trends,有人把组织人员划分五个级别:,人渣,-,副作用,人员,-,零作用,人手,-,只起帮手作用(正作用),人才,-,主动性、创造性、独立性和责任感的人,人物,-,有思想、懂战略、有影响力的人才,Human Resource (HR) Planning,人力资源管理规划,-The process by which managers ensure that they have,the right number and kinds of people,in the right places, and,at the right times, who are capable of effectively and efficiently performing their tasks.,-Helps avoid sudden talent shortages and surpluses,Steps in HR planning:,Assessing current human resources,Assessing future needs for human resources,Developing a program to meet those future needs,Why do we need job analysis?,-Human Resource Inventory,人力资源调查,Current Assessment,Requires conducting interviews, engaging in direct observation,and collecting the self-reports of employees and their managers,-Job Analysis,职务分析,A review of the current make-up of the organizations,current resource status.,An assessment that defines a job and the behaviors necessary,to perform the job,(,Knowledge, skills, and abilitiesKSAs,),what the job holder does (job duties),how it is done (includes work conditions, tools,,,materials, and equipment etc), and,why it is done,-Job Description,职务说明书,A written statement of,-Job Specification,职务规范,A written statement of the minimum qualifications,that a person must possess to perform a given job successfully,Includes a list of skills, abilities, and credentialsneeded,to perform the job,Behavioral descriptors,行为方面的描述,-the nature of the job,-,职务说明书,Job description,is a detailed summary of a jobs tasks, duties, and responsibilities.,Ability descriptors,能力方面的描述,-the requirements of the job,-,职务规范,Job specification,lists the worker characteristics (KSAs) needed to perform the job successfully.,Meeting Future Human Resource Needs,Forecast demand for products and services,Availability of knowledge, skills, and abilities.,Supply of Employees,Demand of Employees,Factors Affecting Staffing,Strategic Goals,Recruitment and Decruitment,-,Recruitment,招聘,The process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants to an organization.,The process of reducing a surplus of employees in the,workforce of an organization.,-,Decruitment,解聘,E-recruiting,电子招聘,Recruiting employees through the Internet,Organizational web sites,Online recruiters,Major Sources of Potential Job Candidates,Source,Advantages,Disadvantages,Internet,Reaches large numbers of people; can get immediate feedback,Generates many unqualified candidates,Employee referrals,Knowledge about the organization provided by current employee; can generate strong candidates because a good referral reflects on the recommender,May not increase the diversity and mix of employees,Company Web site,Wide distribution; can be targeted to specific groups,Generates many unqualified candidates,College recruiting,Large centralized body of candidates,Limited to entry-level positions,Professional recruiting,Organizations,Good knowledge of industry challenges and requirements,Little commitment to specific organization,互联网招聘网站, options,Option,Description,Firing layoffs,Permanent involuntary termination,Layoff,Temporary involuntary termination; may last only a few days or extend to years,Attrition,Not filling openings created by voluntary resignations or normal retirements,Transfers,Moving employees either laterally or downward; usually does not reduce costs but can reduce intraorganizational supply-demand imbalances,Reduced workweeks,Having employees work few hours per week, share jobs, or perform their jobs on a part-time basis,Early retirements,Providing incentives to old and more senior employees for retiring before their normal retirement date,Job sharing,Having employees share one full-time position,Selection,What is selection?,Definition:,Screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.,Selection is an exercise in prediction. It seeks to predict which applicants will be sucessful if hired.,What Do We Measure?,Our ideas:,Knowledge,Skill,Ability,-cognitive(,认知),-physical,Personality,Vocational interests,Life history,Four possible outcomes of selection decision,Selection Decision,Later Job Performance,sucessful unsucessful,Accept Reject,Correct decision,Reject error,Accept error,Correct decision,Important concepts in selection,Any selection device that a manager uses should demonstrate validity and reliability.,Validity:,The proven relationship that exists between a selection device and some relevant criterion.,Reliability:,The ability of a selection device to measure the same thing consistently.,Measuring Validity,Validity deals with issues of:,Whether the test is an adequate of the characteristic it supposedly measures,Whether inferences and actions based on test scores are appropriate,Measuring Reliability,Test-Retest-examines the,consistency,of a test over time,Inter-rater-examines,consistency,across raters,Internal,consistency,-examines the extent to which all items on a test measure the same construct,Types of Selection Devices,1.Application forms,2.Written tests,It includes tests of intelligence,aptitude,ability and interest. Today ,personality,behavioral, and aptitude assessment tests are popular among business.,3.Performance-simulation tests,It is made up of actual job behaviors.,Work sampling and Assessment centers,4.Interviews,5.Background investigations,Two types: verifications of application data and reference checks,6.Physical Examination,p331 strengths and weaknesses of those selections devices,What Works Best and When?,To increase job satisfaction among employees and reduce turnover(,员工流失率,), we need take some method.,Realistic job preview(RJP):,A preview of a job that provides both positive and negative information about the job and the company.(,真实工作预览,),An RJP provides the applicant with an accurate description of the job and the work environment.,Orientation,&,Training,Orientation,introducing a new employee to his or her job and the organization.,Two types of orientation,Work unit orientation,Organization orientation,Work unit orientation,对工作单位的上岗培训,Work unit orientation familiarizes the employees with the goals of the work unit, clarifies how his or her job contributes to the units goals, and includes an introduction to his or her new co-workers.,使新员工了解工作单位的目标,使之清楚他的职务是如何为单位目标的实现做出贡献的,同时也将他介绍给现在的同事们。,Organization orientation,对组织的上岗培训,Organization orientation informs the new employee about the companys goals, history, philosophy, procedures, and rules. It should also include relevant human-resource policies and maybe even a tour of the facilities.,使新员工了解组织的目标、历史、经营宗旨和程序规则等,其中应当包括有关的人事政策和福利,或者让新员工参观组织的工作设施。,安排新员工参观办公楼或厂房,敢看描述组织历史的影片,与人力资源部门的代表进行短时间的座谈,由单位中资格较老的一位同事带他参观复印室、咖啡厅、休息室、餐厅及其他设施。,Successful orientation,an outsider-insider transition that makes the new member feel comfortable and fairly well adjusted,lowers the likelihood of poor work performance,reduce the probability of a surprise resignation by the new employee only a week or two in the job.,Back,IBM,的管理培训,1,全面塑造新员工的培训,新员工进入,IBM,以后,首先要进行个月的集中培训,培训内容包括,IBM,的发展历史、规章制度、技术和产品工艺、工作规范和工作技巧。培训采用课堂授课和实地练习两种形式。培训结束后进行考核,合格者获得结业证明,不合格者则被淘汰。,4,个月后,受训者有了一个,IBM,员工的基本概念。但是,要成为,IBM,的正式员工,还要经过一年的实习。实习期间公司给每个新员工派一位“师傅”,一对一地进行教学。实习期间,要定期向人力资源部和新员工所在部门反馈实习情况。实习结束后员工要做工作计划和个人发展计划,提出继续做现在岗位工作的深入计划或变换岗位的计划以及职业生涯发展计划。,2,制度化的老员工培训,IBM,注重在职员工的培训,公司制定了非常完备的员工培训制度和实施计划。培训形式除传统的教师培训外,广泛采用网上培训。,IBM,建立了自己的网上大学,员工可以根据自己的时间情况随时安排学习,这解决了他们的学习培训与现实工作的矛盾冲突。课程形式既有教材学习,也有真实或虚拟项目的训练,均有较强的实用性。,IBM,提倡员工边工作边学习,或者在业余时间参加各类课程学习,以提高工作效率和个人发展潜力。员工可以提出自己需要去参加哪些内容培训,只要与工作有关、合理,公司一般都会同意并给予经费。这就有效地兼顾了企业和员工两个方面的培训需要。,3,选拔和培养管理层的培训,IBM,公司非常重视“接班人”的培养,通过工作岗位轮换等方式来锻炼和选拔管理者的候选人。确认了合格的人员后,,IBM,公司会加以任命,使其有机会在管理工作实践中得到锻炼,上一级管理者与人力资源部门则负责对任职者的资格水平进行检验和有效的工作评估,优胜劣汰,整个过程则是公司与未来管理层双方之间互相审视适应性的过程。,Type,Includes,General,Communication skills ,computer systems application and programming, customer service, executive development, management skills and development, personal growth, sales, supervisory skills, and technological skills and knowledge,Specific,Basic life/work skills, creativity, customer education, diversity/cultural awareness, remedial writing, managing change, leadership, product knowledge, public speaking/presentation skills, safety, ethics, sexual harassment, team building, wellness, and others.,Major types of training,Most popular types:,sexual harassment, safety, management skills and development, and supervisory skills.,For some organization, employee interpersonal skills training is a high priority.,Employee interpersonal skills training communication, conflict resolution, team,building, customer service, and so forth.,Traditional Training Methods,On-the-jobEmployees learn how to tasks simply by performing them, usually after an initial introduction to the task.,Job rotationEmployees work at different jobs in a particular area, getting exposure to a variety of tasks.,Mentoring and coachingEmployees work with an experienced worker who provides information, support, and encouragement; also called an apprentice in certain industries.,Experiential exercisesEmployees participate in role playing, simulations, or other face-to-face types of training.,Classroom lecturesEmployees attend lectures designed to convey specific information.,Technology-Based Training Methods,CD-ROM/DVD/videotapes/audiotapesEmployees listen to or watch selected media that convey information or demonstrate certain techniques.,Videoconferencing/teleconferencing/satellite TVEmployees listen to or participate as information is conveyed or techniques demonstrated.,E-learningInternet-based learning where employees participate in multimedia simulations or other interactive modules.,Team 5,Employee Performance Management;,compensation and Benefits;,Career Development,EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT,员工绩效管理,Performance management system,绩效管理系统,:,establishes performance standards that are used to evaluate employee performance,Performance appraisal,绩效评估,:,a formal, structured system for measuring, evaluating, an employees job-related attributes, behavior, and outcomes.,The Significance of Performance Appraisal,For Employees,a. Understand more clearly about their own duties, tasks and requirements.,b. Understand more about what the organization expects from them and their future goals for achieving high performance.,c. Employees who are performing well can receive formal recognition,(认可),for their performance.,d. To provide Employees with the opportunity to participate in performance appraisal.,For Organization,a. To provide the supervisor with a means of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an employees performance.,b. To provide a format enabling managers and employees to jointly establish future development and growth plan for the employees.,c. To establish a communication channel between managers and employees.,d. To express what managers wish to expect from employees.,Performance Appraisal Methods,Written essays,(书面描述法),through a written description of an employees strengths and weakness, past performance, and potential and suggestions for improvement,Critical Incidents,(,关键事件法,),Focus on the critical job behaviors that separate effective from ineffective job performance,Graphic Rating Scales,(评分表法),Using a rating scale on a set of performance factors,Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales,(行为定位分析法),Using a rating scale on examples of actual job behavior,Multiperson Comparisons,(多人比较法),Comparing it with others performance,Objectives,(目标管理法),MBO in Chapter 7,With MBO, employees are evaluated by how well they accomplished specific goals that has been established by them and their manager.,360Degree Feedback,(,360,度反馈表),Using feedback from supervisors, employees and co-workers,方法,优点,缺点,书面描述法,简单易行,更像是在衡量考评者的写作能力,关键事件法,事例丰富,以行为为依据,耗时,无法量化,评分表法,提供定量的数据,时间耗费少,不能提供工作行为方面的详细信息,行为定位分析法,侧重于具体而可衡量的工作行为,耗时,使用难度大,多人比较法,将员工与其他人做比较,员工数量大时操作不便;会引发法律问题,目标管理法,侧重于目标,结果导向,耗时,360,度反馈表,全面,耗时,comparison,COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS,薪酬与福利,Why need we to develop an effective and appropriate compensation system?,It can help attract and retain competent and talented individuals who help the organization accomplish its mission and goals.,It has been shown to have an impact on its strategic performance.,Organizational compensation,it can include many different types of rewards and benefits such as base wages and salaries, wage and salary add-ons, incentive payments, and other benefits and services.,Factors that influence compensation and benefit,Level of compensation,and benefits,Employees tenure,and performance,Kind of job performed,Kind of business,Unionization,Labor or capital intensive,Management philosophy,Geographical location,Company profitability,Size of company,Skill-based pay systems,基于技能的薪酬方案,It rewards employees for the job skills and competencies they can demonstrate.,It seems to be more successful in manu7facturing organizations than in service organizations and organizations pursuing technical innovation.,Under this type of pay system, an employees job title doesnt define his or her pay category; skills do.,Variable pay systems,浮动工资方案,An individuals compensation is contingent on performance.,Career Development,职业发展,Career,: the sequence of positions held by a person during his or her lifetimes.,Formerly Career development,is the way for organizations,a. to,help employees advance their work lives within a specific organization.,b. to provide employees the information, assessment, and training needed to help them realize their career goals.,c. to attract and retain highly talented people.,Now,The individual, not the organization, is responsible for designing, guiding, and developing his or her own career,.,You and Your Career Today,career choice,职业选择,the factors for Chinese students,工资福利(,21.02,),自我价值的实现(,19.21,)、,专业及个人兴趣(,19.45,)、,工作环境(,14.63,)、,背景变量(,7.93,)、,社会需要(,7.20,)、,工作稳定性(,6.25,)、,社会地位(,4.31,),A good career match,is one in which you are able,to develop a positive self-concept,to do work that you think is important,to lead the kind of life you desire.,suggestions for a successful management career:,Develop a net work,发展关系网,Continue upgrading your skills,持续革新你的技能,Consider lateral career moves,考虑横行发展,Stay mobile,保持流动性,Support your boss,支持你的上司,Find a mentor,找个指导者,Dont stay too long in your first job,不要在最初工作上停留太久,Stay visible,保持可见度,Gain control of organizational resources,获得对组织资源的控制,Learn the power structure,了解权利结构,Present the right image,展示正确形象,Do good work,做好工作,Select your first job judiciously,审慎选择第一项工作,PART 6,Current Issues in Human Resource Management,Including:,Managing downsizing,精简机构的管理,Workforce diversity,劳动力多元化,Sexual harassment,性骚扰,Work-life balance,工作与生活平衡,Controlling HR costs,人力资源成本的控制,Managing Downsizing,精简机构的管理,Downsizing: It is the planned elimination of jobs in an,organization.,Ways to manage:,1、When an organization has too many employeeswhich can happen when its faced with declining market share, grown too aggressively, or been poorly managedone option for improving profits is by eliminating some of those excess workers.,2、Open and honest communication is critical.,3、To help survivors cope, managers might want to provide counselors for employees to talk to, hold group discussions, and communicate to them how important they are.,W,orkforce diversity,劳动力多元化,Ways to managing:,1. Recruitment,招聘,To improve workforce diversity, managers need to widen their recruiting net.,2. Selection,甄选,Once a diverse set of applicants exists, efforts must be made to ensure that the selection process does not discriminate.,3. Orientation and Training,上岗培训,The outsider-insider transition is often more challenging for women and minorities than for white males. Many organizations provide special workshops to raise diversity awareness issue.,Sexual Harassment,性骚扰,Any unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an individuals employment, performance, or work environment.,More about:,1. Sexual Harassmen


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