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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How much are these socks?,Unit 7,Section A 1a-1c,Jenny,Do you want to know Jennys phone number?,Can you say the numbers?,Teaching Aims,Master the key words & expressions in Section A,(,1a-1c,),Learn to ask the price of the clothes and answer it.,Whats your hobby? Do you like shopping?,Lets go shopping!,a j,a,cket,a,T-sh,ir,t,a,sw,ea,ter,a sk,ir,t,Look ! Whats this ?,a h,a,t,a b,a,g,/,/,/,:,/,/,:,/,/,/,/,/,/,e,/,trouser,s,sh,or,t,s,sh,oe,s,s,o,ck,s,What,are,these? Theyre.,/,:,/,/,u:,/,/,/,注意,:,这些,clothes,要用复数形式。,/,au,/,Do you remember (,记得),them?,hat,T-shirt,sweater,shorts,trousers,skirt,socks,shoes,socks _,T-shirt _,shorts _,sweater _,bag _,hat _,trousers _,shoes _,jacket _,skirt _,i,d,a,c,f,g,j,b,h,e,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,$ 7,How much is this T-shirt ?,Its seven,d,o,llar,s,.,How much are these socks?,Theyre one,dollar,.,how much,用来问(价钱)多少,$ 1,/ ,/,美元,5 dollar,s,.,How much,is the white sweater?,$,5,Its,$ dollar,(美元),3 dollar,s,.,How much,is this ?,$,3,Its,6 dollar,s,.,How much,is this ?,$,6,Its,$,2,How much,is,that,black hat?,Its,2 dollar,s,.,5 dollar,s,.,How much,are,the ?,Theyre,$,5,2 dollar,s,.,How much,are,these,?,Theyre,$,2,6 dollar,s,.,How much,are,those,blue,trouser,s,?,Theyre,$,6,those,Listen and circle the things you hear in the pictures in 1a.,1b,Jenny opened a clothes store and she is very busy. So she needs some shop assistants. Do you want to have a try?,Jennys Store,How much is/are?,Its,/,Theyre,Work in pairs. Ask and answer.,1c,A:,Can I help you?,B: Yes , please. I want,a hat,.,A: Here you are.,B:,How much is it,?,A: 7 dollars.,B: Ill take it. Thank you .,A:,You are welcome.,You can like this:,Top 10,排行榜,Top10,Top9,Top8,Top7,Top6,Top5,Top4,Top3,Top2,Top1,Can you remember?,(,记忆大挑战游戏,:,按顺序记服装名称。,),Memory challenge,You have a good memory!,hat,T-shirt,jacket,sweater,skirt,short,s,shoes,socks,trousers,说出下列物品的英语单词。,Exercises,1.,那顶帽子多少钱?,_ _ is that,hat?,2.,五美元。,_ five _.,3.,这件,T,恤衫多少钱?,_ _ _ this T-shirt?,4.,那件棕色的毛衣多少钱?八美元。, _ _ is that _ _?,_ eight _.,Its dollars,How much,How much brown sweater,How much is,Its dollars,一、完成下列句子。,5.,这些袜子多少钱?两美元。,How much _ _ _? _ two dollars.,6.,那黑色的裤子多少钱?九美元。,_ _ are those _ _?,_ nine _.,Theyre,How much black trousers,are these socks,Theyre dollars,Homework:,name,What?,What color?,How much?,Jim,T-shirt,black and white,$ 9,Give a report like this:,Jim is my friend. He has a,T-shirt.,Its,black and white,. Its,ten dollars,What do you have?,What color is/ are?,How much is /are ?,See you !,Thank you!,


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