鲁教初四UNIT6 the winning team

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6,Section B,Period 2 (2a 3b),remain unhappy,a happy person with power and money,give sth. to sb.,search for,even though,依然不开心,一个有权有钱的快乐人,把某物给某人,寻找,搜索,虽然,即使,Free talk,1. Have you ever joined a competition team?,2. Do you know how to win the competition in a group?,2a Have you ever made a mistake?,How did it make you feel? Talk to,your partner about what happened.,Once I made a mistake. I had a fight with my cousin because he broke up my favorite model plane. My dad was very angry with me,2b Read the story and number the,events in the correct order.,RECOGNIZING IDIOMS AND PHRASES,Knowing the meanings of idioms and verb phrases can improve your English.,2b,Read the story and number the events in the correct order.,_ Peter got home and went into his room.,_ Peter talked to his teammates.,_ Peter missed a goal.,_ Peters father gave him advice.,_ Peter realized that he was worried for,no reasons.,1,2,3,5,4,2c Read the story again and answer,the questions.,Why did Peter feel angry and worried?,Because he was angry with himself for missing an important goal and letting his team down. He was worried that his coach may kick him off the team.,2. What kind of advice did Peters father oer,him?,Peters father advised him not to be too hard,on himself but to learn how to communicate,with his teammates and learn from his,mistake.,3. Do you agree with Peters father? Why or,why not?,Yes, it is no point crying over spilled milk. / It,is more meaningful to learn from ones,mistakes and do better in the future.,4. What happened after Peter told his,teammates that he was sorry?,His teammates asked him not to worry about,what had happened as it was not just one,persons fault. They agreed that they should,work together to think how they could do,better in the future.,5. Why did Peter think that he was on a,winning team even though they lost the last,game?,Because it was a team with good team spirit,that would help them achieve success in the,future.,Answer some more questions according to the story.,1. What happened to Peter?,He has missed scoring a goal and his team lost the game.,2. How did Peter behave when getting home?,After replying to his father, he went to the,room without another word.,3. What did Peters father say to Peter?,He said that winning or losing is only half the,game, the other half is learning how to,communicate with your teammates and learning,from your mistakes.,4. How did Peter response to his mistake after,listening to his fathers words?,He said sorry to his teammates and told them to,continue to pull together to win the next game,with courage.,He could not believe that he,did not get the,ball into the basket,.,She was worried because she,disappointed,her parents.,2d Find idioms or phrases from the,story to replace the underlined,parts of these sentences.,missed scoring (that) goal,let down,3.Tony was sad that he was,asked to leave,the team.,4. You should learn to relax and not,put so much pressure on yourself,.,5. The teacher told the students to,work hard together,and not give up.,kicked off,be too hard on yourself,pull together,The Winning Team,Peter,kept,his eyes,on,the ground and felt a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone. It was the worst day of his life. His mind would not stop thinking about what happened only just an hour ago on the school soccer field. How could he have missed scoring,that goal? He had,let,his whole team,down,. His stupid mistake made him angry. His team lost the game,because of,him. He was really worried that his coach may,kick,him,o,ff,the team.,As soon as he walked through the door, his father asked, “Whats wrong, son?” Peters feelings were written all over his face. “I lost the game,” Peter replied. Then he went into his room without another word. Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door. He opened the door to let him in.,“Look, Peter. I dont know what happened. But whatever it was, dont,be,too,hard on,yourself.”,“I lost the game, Dad. I failed my team. Theyll probably never let me play again.”,“Soccer is about team eort. Youre not the only reason your team lost. If you have a good team, you should support each other.,Besides, winning or losing is only half,the game. The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.”,Peter didnt say anything but what his father said made him think carefully.,The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage,rather than,fear in his heart.,“Hey, guys,” he said to his teammates. “Im really sorry about yesterday. We were so close to winning that game. But I think if we continue to,pull together, were going to win the next one.”,To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in agreement.,“Yeah,” they said, “dont worry about it. Its never just one persons fault. We should think about how we can do better next time.”,Peter smiled. It made him feel lucky to know that he was on a winning team.,_ Peter got home and went into his room.,_ Peter talked to his teammates.,_ Peter missed a goal.,_ Peters father gave him advice.,_ Peter realized that he was worried for,no reason.,1,2,3,4,5,Peter had a soccer match today, but they _ the game because Peter _ scoring the goal. Peter thought he had let his whole team _ and was worried that his coach might _ him off the team. Peters father told him that soccer was _ team _. He was not the only reason his team lost. If he had a good team, they should,_ each other. _, winning or losing was only half the game. The _ half was learning how to,_ with his teammates and _ from the mistakes.,The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with,_,rather than _ in his heart. His teammates all nodded in,_ that they would continue to _ together to win the next match. It made him feel _ to know that he was on a _ team.,lost,missed,down,kick,about,effort,support,Besides,other,communicate,learning,courage,fear,agreement,pull,lucky,winning,Language points,Peter,kept,his eyes,on,the ground ,皮特盯着地面,keep ones eyes on sth.,意为,“盯着,”,。,例:,Tina,kept her eyes on,the book the whole,afternoon.,缇娜一下午都盯着书本。,keep an eye on,意为,“留意;照看”,。,例:,I need to go out for a while. Would you,please,keep an eye on,my son?,我需要出去,一会儿,你能帮我照看下我儿子吗?,2. He had,let,his whole team,down,.,他让整,个团队失望了。,let sb. down (,to fail to help or support sb. as they had expected or hoped,),意为,“不能帮助;不能支持,(,某人,),;使失望”,。,例:,Im afraid she,let,us,down,badly.,很遗憾,她让我们很失望。,let sth. down,意为,“放下;降低;降下”,。,例:,We,let,the bucket,down,by a rope.,我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。,3. His team lost the game,because of,him.,他们队由于他输了比赛。,because of,是介词短语,意为,“因为;由于”,,,比其他短语更口语化,,构成的短语在句子中通常作状语,一般不作表语用;后面可接名词、代词、分词或,what,引导的名词性从句,等。,例:,He walks slowly,because of,his bad leg.,他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。,rather than,用法小结,1) ratherthan,与,would,连用时,构成,“,wouldrather.than.”,句式,意思是,“宁愿,而不愿,”,,表示,主观愿望,,即在两者之中选择其一。,例:,She,d,rather,die,than,losethechildren.,她宁愿死也不愿失去孩子们。,2),ratherthan,不与,would,连用时,表示,客观事实,,意为,“,(,是,),而不是,;与其,不如,”,。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词,(,短语,),、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。,例,1,:,Heisanexplorer,ratherthan,asailor.,与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个,探险者。,例,2,:,Heran,ratherthan,walked.,他是跑来的,而不是走来的。,注意,:这里,ratherthan,后用了,walked,,而没,有用,walk,,表示客观事实,而不是主,观愿望。如果换成,walk,,则作“宁,愿,而不愿,”,解。,例,3,:,Idecidedtowrite,ratherthan,(to),telephone.,我决定写信而不是打电话。,注意,:,ratherthan,后接不定式时,不定式可,以带,to,,也可以不带,to,如上句。,ratherthan,位于句首时,则只能接不带,to,的不定式。,例:,Ratherthan,allowthevegetablestogo,bad,hesoldthemathalfprice.,他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。,8. But I think if we continue to,pull together, were going to win the next one.,但我想只要我们继续团结一致,我们就会赢得下一场比赛。,pull together,意为,“齐心协力;团结起来”,。,例:,She urged the people and institutions of,Pakistan to “,pull together,” during this,crisis.,她鼓励巴基斯坦人民和机构在这场危机,中“齐心协力”。,9.,To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded in agreement.,令他惊讶和欣慰的是,他的队友全都赞同地点头。,“,to +ones+,情感名词”,是英语中一个十分常见的结构,主要表示某人由于某事的发生而唤起其内心的某种情感,通常译为,“令某人,的是;使某人感到,的是”,。,2e Role-play a conversation between,Peter and his father.,Father: Whats wrong, Peter? You,look sad.,Peter: I missed scoring a goal. I made,my team lose the game.,.,Sample conversation,Father: Whats wrong, Peter? You look sad.,Peter: I missed scoring a goal. I made my,team lose the game.,Father: Dont be too hard on yourself. Im,sure you are not the only reason,your team lost the game.,Peter: What do you mean?,Father: Soccer is about team e,ff,ort. Having a,good team means supporting each,other. Winning or losing may be,important, but so is learning about,how to communicate with your,teammates and learning from your,mistakes.,Peter: Thanks for your advice, Dad. I think,I know what I should do now.,3a Think of some experiences that,made you feel very happy or sad.,Tell your partner about them. Use,the following ideas to help you.,winning /losing a competition,getting good/bad grades on an exam, performing something well/badly in front,of a big group of people, getting into a fight with your best friend, your first trip outside your hometown,Whats your story?,3b Write a story similar to the one in,2b using your notes in 3a.,In your story, try to explain the following:,-What happened?,-When did it happen?,-Where did it happen?,-How did it make you feel? Why?,-What did you learn from the experience?,Sample writing,An experience that made me very happy,was winning the nation-wide English speech,competition last year.,At first, I didnt know what to write for my,speech, but after talking to my teacher and,reading some books, I had some ideas and,started writing. Then I practiced my speech,many times.,On the day of the competition, I saw many,people there. This made me feel very nervous.,I started to worry that I would forget my,speech. Then I remembered what my teacher,told me-close my eyes and take deep breaths.,I did that and it made me feel much better.,When my turn came, I gave my speech with,confidence.,I waited anxiously for the results, and when,I heard that I was the first prize winner, I,jumped up and down in joy.,This experience taught me that being well-,prepared is very important. It helps to read a,lot, and also to ask people around you for,advice. Most importantly, have confidence in,yourself!,Read the story again and fill in the blanks with the proper words.,Retelling,Pair work,Make conversations with your partner and then act out this story between Peter and his father in class.,Father: Whats wrong, Peter?,You look sad.,Peter: I missed scoring a goal.,I made my team lose the game.,For example:,Whats wrong, Peter? You look sad.,I missed scoring a goal. I made my team lose the game.,Dont be hard on yourself. Im sure youre not the only reason your team lost the game.,Soccer is about team effort. Having a good team means supporting each other. Winning or losing may be important, but so is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.,What do you mean?,Thanks for your advice, Dad. I think I know what I should do now.,If your football / basket team lost a game, how would you do after it?,Free talk,Free talk,What will make you feel very happy?,What will make you feel very sad?,Whats your unforgettable experience of happy things? Share it with your partner.,3a,Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad. Tell your partner about them. Use the following ideas to help you.,winning/losing a competition,getting good/bad grades on an exam,performing something well/badly in front of a big group of people,getting into a fight with your best friend,Your first trip outside your hometown,Writing,3b,Write a story similar to the one in 2a by using the notes in 3a.,What happened?,When did it happen?,Where did it happen?,How did it make you feel? Why?,What did you learn from it?,An experience that made me very happy was winning the nation wide English speech competition last year.,At first, I didnt know what to write for my speech, but after talking to my teacher and reading some books, I had some ideas and started writing. Then I practiced my speech many times.,On the day of the competition, I saw many people there. This made me feel very nervous. I started to worry that I would forget my speech. Then I remembered what my teacher told me close my eyes and take deep breaths. I did that and it made me feel much better. When my turn came, I gave my speech with confidence.,I waited anxiously for the results, and when I heard that I was the first prize winner, I jumped up and down in joy.,This experience taught me that being well prepared is very important. It helps to read a lot, and also to ask people around you for advice. Most importantly, have confidence in your self!,Language points,1. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.,weight,n,.,重量,分量,He looked at the weight of the players surprisingly.,他对那些运动员的体重感到吃惊。,These columns bear the weight of the roof.,这些柱子支撑着屋顶的重量。,lose weight,减肥,;,体重减轻,;,瘦身,put on weight,增重,average weight,平均重量,;,标准重量,net weight,净重,light weight,轻量;空载排水量;车辆自重,heavy weight,体,重量级;平均体重以上的人;,口,重要人物,weight loss,失重;重量减轻,知识拓展,结果, 他体重增加了很多。,As a result, he has _ a lot of _.,put on,weight,shoulder,n,.,肩,肩膀,He hadbroad shouldersand powerful arms.,他肩膀宽大,双臂有力。,She patted Hans on theshoulder.,她拍了拍汉斯的肩膀。,vt,.,肩负,承担,He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his fathers mistakes.,他得为他父亲的过错承担责任。,be up to ones shoulders,非常繁忙,深深地陷入(某工作之中),have (sth.) on ones shoulders,承担,担负(某事),shoulder by shoulder,肩并肩地;齐心协力地,take on / upon ones (own) shoulders,担当,/,承担,turn a cold shoulder upon (to) someone,冷落某人,不理睬某人,知识拓展,完成句子:,他们肩并肩地坐着欢快地交谈。,They sat _ _ _ and talked happily.,答案:,shoulder by shoulder,2. goal,n.,球门,射门,目标,They were still arguing about the first goal.,他们仍在为第一个进球争论不休。,The goal is to raise as much money as possible.,目的是筹集到尽可能多的资金。,拓展:,score the goal,进球,aim, purpose, goal,aim,:,常指短期目标,往往比较具体,也比较实际。,purpose,:,目的;意图,比较确定,多指采取坚决的行动去达到目的。,goal,:,指经过仔细考虑而选中的比较大的目标,常需要努力或克服困难才能达到的目的。,词义辨析,3. let sb. down,使,失望,Dont worry. Ill never let you down.,别担心,我决不会让你失望的。,拓展:,not let sb. down,对得起;不负所望,Wehopeyou willnotletusdown;you,shouldachievesomethingwhenstill young.,希望你能在年轻的时候有所成就,不要让我们失望。,I work very hard because I dont want to _. (,甘肃省兰州市,),A. let my parents down,B. let down them,C. let my parents to be disappointed,D. let my parents go,【,解析,】let,后的不定式不能带,to,,,排除,C,;,let down,是一个动副性短语,宾语是代词时放中间,故排除,B,;而,D,是“让父母走”,不符合句意。所以正确答案为,A,。,A,4. kick,v.,踢,踹,The little girl was crying and kicking.,那个小女孩一边哭 一边乱踢着。,The mankickedthe door open in his rage.,盛怒之下那人踢开了门。,拓展:,kick sb. off,开除某人,He was so angry that he kicked her off.,他太生气了,竟然把她开除了。,kick oneself,严厉自责,corner kick,角球,free kick,(足球)任意球,penalty kick,罚点球,罚球,spot kick,点球;罚点球,kick out,解雇;开除;把球踢出界,kick back,口,回踢;反弹,kick up,踢起;引起;激起,kick the habit,戒除嗜好;戒掉习惯,kick at,向,踢去,知识拓展,5. be hard on sb.,对某人苛刻,对某人要求严格,Dont be so hard on him.,别对他太苛刻了。,I dont want tobe hard onyour daughter.,我不想对你女儿太严厉。,反义短语:,begood to,对,好,;,对,很慈善,6. The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.,1) courage,n,.,勇敢,勇气,On the contrary, it fills me with strength and courage.,正好相反,它让我充满了力量和勇气。,Thinking back, I dont know how I had the courage at that time.,现在回想起来,我都搞不清楚我当时哪来的那种胆量。,Jennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of _.,A. knowledge B. energy,C. change D. courage,【,解析,】,本题考查名词的辨析。由句意可知“每天进行大量的运动”,说明她精力充沛,因此选用,energy,。,B,inspire courage,提振士气,;,激发勇气,keep up ones courage,不泄气,不气馁,lose courage,丧失勇气,灰心,take courage,鼓起勇气,奋勇,iron courage,钢铁般的勇气,lion courage,狮子般的勇敢,知识拓展,encourage,vt,.,鼓励;促进;支持,discourage,vt,.,阻碍;使气馁,2) rather than,表示客观事实,意为“是,而不是,;与其,不如,”,。,连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词,(,短语,),、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。,You rather than I are going to go camping.,是你而不是我要去野营。,rather than,连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与,rather than,前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。,注意,The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap.,与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。,She enjoys singing rather than dancing.,她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。,We should help him rather than he should help us.,是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。,I decided to write rather than (to) telephone.,我决定写信而不打电话。,rather than,后接不定式时,不定式可以带,to,,也可以不带,to,如上句。但,rather than,位于句首时,则只能接不带,to,的不定式。,如:,Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.,他惟恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。,注 意,He ran rather than walked.,他是跑来的,而不是走来的。,注意:,这里,rather than,后用了,walked,,而没有用,walk,,表示客观事实,而不是主观愿望。如果换成,walk,,则作“宁愿,而不愿,”,解。,7. pull,v,.,拉,拖,Sam and John are pulling the rope.,山姆和约翰在拔河。,She went into the garden to pull a few onions for dinner.,她去园子里拔了几个洋葱准备做饭。,拓展:,pull together,齐心协力,通力合作,pull,:,最普通用词,可指朝各个方向拉,侧重一时或突然拉动的动作。,drag,:,指沿斜坡而上或水平方向缓慢地拖或拉十分沉重的人或物。作借喻时可指把人硬拉扯过来。,词语辨析,知识拓展,pull round,掉头,;,康复,;,转向,;,复原,pull into,进入,;,到达,;,拉成,;,驶入,pull strings,运用关系,;,找关系,;,幕后操纵,;,走后门,pull apart,撕开,;,找错误批评,;,扯断,;,拉开,8. To his surprise and relief, his teammates all,nod,ded in,agreement,.,1) nod,v,.,点头,She nodded to agree with me.,她点头同意了我的意见。,2) agreement,n,.,同意,The president was in full agreement with the proposal.,总统完全赞同该提议。,nod in agreement,点头同意,I asked her if she was ready to go, and she _. (nod),He _ (,点头,) to me in greeting when I entered the room.,Its a wise _ to wear the white tie. It matches your shirt well.,A. agreement B. support,C. choice D. condition,nodded,nodded,C,by agreement,约好,in agreement with,同意;与,一致,general agreement,总协定,reach / come to an agreement,达成协议;取得一致意见,达成共识,trade agreement,(,国际,),贸易协定;雇用合同;劳资协议,written agreement,书面协定;成文契约,知识拓展,1. Katie only has one meal a day in order to lose (,重量,).,2. While I was leaving home, my father came back with a heavy bag on his _(,肩头,).,3. The boy walked around the teachers office for a long time and went in at last with (,勇气,).,4. The teacher told the students not to (,踢,) the door when it was closed.,5. Lily works hard at school because she doesnt want to _ her parents _ (,使失望,).,weight,shoulder,courage,kick,let,down,根据汉语提示完成单词。,


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