-新课标英语八年级上Unit4 How do you get to school_[全套]

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The First Period,初二3班,Unit 4,How do you get to school?,What is it?,One sentence description and guessing.,-It is like a bike but goes,much faster.,-A motorbike.,What is it?,One sentence description and guessing.,-It goes in the water.,-A ship.,What is it?,One sentence description and guessing.,-It is like a train but,goes under the ground.,-A subway.,What is it?,One sentence description and guessing.,-,It takes,you about two hours to go to Shanghai from Wenzhou by it.,-A plane.,ride,a bike,take,the train,take,the subway,walk,take,the bus,Write how the students get to school in the morning. Then add other ways to get to school,1. take the subway 2. ride a bike,3. take the bus 4. take the train,5. walk 6. take a taxi,7. go in parents car 坐父母亲的车,8. run to the school,1a,How do you get to school ?,I take the bus to school.,I ride my bike to school.,I go to school by bus.,I go to school by bike.,How do they go to work?,They take the subway to school.,They take a taxi to school.,They go to work by subway.,They go to work by taxi,.,take a/the bus/, take a/the subway, take a/the taxi “乘坐公共汽车,地铁或出租车等,是动词短语,而且需要与冠词“ a/ the搭配。,by bus/ by subway/ by bike/by taxi,“乘坐( 某交通工具), 是介词短语, 要注意与动词搭配, 而且不需要与冠词“ a/ the 搭配。,They,take the bus,to school.,They go to school,by bus,.,他们乘坐公共汽车去学校。,1,2,4,5,3,1. Bob 2. Mary 3.Paul 4.Yanglan 5. John,Task1:Pairwork,Look at the picture on page19. Make a conversation with your partner like this.,A: Hey, Bob. How do you get to school?,B: I take the train. How about you Mary?,A: I take the subway.,Listen and repeat.,Write the correct number next to the word,.,2a,32 40 41 50 60 70 80 90 100,2b,forty-six thirty-three seventy-two ninety-nine one hundred and five,fifty- eight sixty-one eighty-four,46,33,72,99,105,58,61,84,Say the numbers in English.,Say the numbers in Arabic.,Game Time,32 45 77,105 60,forty-five seventy,one hundred and two,考考记忆力,Translation Practice翻译以下动词短语,1 骑自行车 ,2 乘地铁 ,3 乘火车 ,4 乘公交车 ,5 坐父母亲的车 ,6 走去学校 ,NEXT,ride a bike,take the subway,take the train,take the bus,go in parents car,walk to school,How do you get to school every day?,I walk to school,.,I ride my bike .,How does he get to school?,He goes in parents car.,He runs to school.,1. Make a new conversation.,e.g. A: How does your father/mother,go to work?,B: He/She takes the bus. How,about your father/mother?,A: He/She rides a bike.,2. Recite the new words on page19-20 and the key,phrases in Section A 1a,3. Finish WB,4. Read and finish DB p47- 49,Homework,


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