False Friends假对应

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,LOGO,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,LOGO,*,False Friends,Definition,False Friends,which originates from French word “ faux am is,”,are pairs of,words,or,phrases,in two,languages,or,dialects,(or letters in two alphabets) that,look,or,sound,similar, but differ significantly in meaning. An example is the,English,embarrassedand the,Spanish,embarazada, which meanspregnant,.,Causes,Shared etymology,(similar to cognate words),If Language A borrowed a word from Language B, or both borrowed the word from a third language or inherited it from a common ancestor, and later the word shifted in meaning or acquired additional meanings in at least one of these languages, a,native speaker,of one language will face a false friend when learning the other.,Causes,Homonyms,(when two words are identical both in spelling and in sound, but different in meaning),E.g dead president-,美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”),Servive station(,加油站,),(而不是服务站,White man (,忠实可靠的人,),(不是皮肤白的人),China policy(,对华政策,),(而不是中国政策),Black art(,妖术,),(而不是黑色艺术),Green hand,(新手)(而不是绿手),Greek gift(,害人的礼物,),(而不是希腊的礼物),Causes,Semantic change(widening of meaning/Narrowing of meaning),In bilingual situations, due to different cultures, false friends often result in a,semantic,changea real new meaning that is then commonly used in a language.,E.g. ,Corn, was originally the dominant type of grain in a region (indeed corn and grain are themselves,cognates,from the same Indo-European root). It came to mean usually,cereals,in general in the British Isles in the nineteenth century e.g.,Corn laws, but,maize,in North America, and now just maize also in the British Isles.,Semantic change,word,Narrowing of word,deer,any animal a particular kind of animal,meat,Food edible part of an animal,Semantic change,word,Widening of word,holiday,holy day any rest day,horse,horse any animal,False Friends in Translation,False friends at lexical level (Vocabulary),lover,情人(不是“爱人”), busboy,餐馆勤杂工(不是“公汽售票 员”), busybody,爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙 人”),dry goods,(美)纺织品;(英)谷物 (不是“干货”),sweet water,淡水(不是“糖水”或 “甜水”),capital idea,好主意(不是“资本主义思 想”),dressing room,化妆室(不是“试衣室” 或“更衣室”,-locker room,),False,Friends in Translation,False friends in Idioms,make ones hair stand on end,令人毛骨悚然,恐 惧(不是“令人发指,气愤”), be taken in,受骗,上当(不是“被接纳”), think a great deal of oneself,高看或看重自己 (不是“为自己想得很多”), pull up ones socks,鼓起勇气(不是“提上袜 子”), have the heart to do,(用于否定句)忍心 做,不是“有心做”或“有意做”),False Friends in Translation,Look out!,当心!(不是“向外看”),What a shame!,多可惜!真遗憾!(不是“多可 耻”), You dont say!,是吗!(不是“你别说”), You can say that again!,说得好!(不是“你可 以再说一遍”),You cant be too careful in your work.,你工作越 仔细越好。(不是“你工作不能太仔细”), All his friends did not turn up.,他的朋友 没全到。(不是“他的朋友全没到”),False friends in Expression,False Friends in Translation,False Friends in Negation Construction,1. Can not .too/over.,再怎么样也不为过,越,.,越,.,I can not thank you too much .,我无论怎么感谢你都是不够的,A green hard can not be too careful in buying stocks.,新手在玩股票时越谨慎越好,2.never.but .,每,.,必,.,It never rains but pours.,不雨则已,一雨倾盆,I never think of summer but I think of childhood .,一想到夏天, 我就会想起,童年,3.Nothing if not .,极其,非常,She,is nothing if not polite .,她极其,有礼貌,He is nothing if not a gentleman .,他是一个很有教养的人。,4,. Not a little,She was not a little surprised.,她很是,吃惊,5.No more .than,同,.,一样不,The new edition is no more expensive than the old edition .,旧版本和新版本都不算,贵。,The new edition is not more expensive than the old edition .,新版本不比旧版本更贵。,6.No,less .than,同,.,一样,Drunken driving is no less than suicide and killing .,酒驾无异于自杀和杀人。,7.More.than /less. than,The child is more frightened than hurt,.,The child is less hurt than frightened .,与其说这孩子受伤,倒不如说他受了惊吓。,The End,


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