外研社必修四 Module 1 Introduction and Reading

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2013/5/19,#,Life in the Past,Life at Present,What,life,will be like in the,future,?,Module1 Life in the Future,Introduction & Reading,Lets have a quiz!,Building materials,aluminium,glass,plastic,stone,wood,brick,mud,steel,rubber,straw,concrete,铝,混泥土,砖,玻璃,泥土,钢铁,橡胶,塑料,石头,木材,稻草,1,_ is a very light metal.,2 _ is a very strong metal.,3 Both _ and _ come from trees.,4 _ is light, strong, very popular, and man-made.,5 _ are often used to build walls.,6 _ is very strong and is used in many modern,buildings.,7 _ is wet earth.,8 _ is a natural hard material.,9 _ is used to make windows.,aluminium brick concrete glass mud plastic steel rubber stone wood,Aluminium,Steel,rubber,wood,Plastic,Bricks,Concrete,Mud,Stone,Glass,Vocabulary,shopping,environment,traffic,weather,recreations,alternative energy,crime,schools,public services,Task1 Listen,to the tape of the passage and choose which topics have been talked about.,Guess,Pre-reading,Task2,Read the passage again and find words which mean,free time activities, such as sport and entertainment,not in a building,through the Internet,a problem which prevents you from doing something,a place where you can get medical treatment,to use up or finish completely,from the sun,medical treatment in which the doctor cuts open your body,a shopping centre,you can use this to catch a lot of fish at the same time,to do with town or city life,recreation,outdoors,online,disability,clinic,run out,solar,surgery,mall,net,urban,Task1 Match,the,main idea of each part.,Part 1,( Paragraph 1),Part 2,(Paragraph 2-12),How will the,students run a city,in the future?,What will the city,of the future look,like?,While-reading,Task2 Find,the words or phrases in the text,which mean,these,things.,1 not a wise thing to do _,2 someone who needs medical treatment but doesnt need to stay in hospital _,3 remove _,4 old people _,5 you dont have to pay for something_,6 a hole in the ground filled with garbage that cant be recycled _,a risky business,outpatient,get rid of,senior citizens,free of charge,landfill,1. Where will garbage ships go?,To the sun.,2. Who will batman nets catch?,Criminals.,3. How will people go shopping?,Online.,Tas,k3,Read,the passage,and,answer the questions:,4. How will cars be different?,Theyll be powered by electricity.,5. What will doctors do from a distance?,Surgery.,6. Where will old people go without,moving?,Anywhere in the world.,Post-reading,Task What is your ideal city?,Work in groups and stimulate you imagination to design a city,in the future,if you are the,governor,or,mayor,of the city. Then make a presentation.,Show Time!,Presentation,


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