外研版必修三 Module4words&expressions单词讲解

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Words,&Expressions,Module 4 sandstorms in,A,sia,fright n.,fright,en vt.,frightening adj.,frightened adj. p29,常见表情感类的,vt.,surprise/amaze,disappoint,move,shock,interest,inspire,please,puzzle,surprised/amazed,surprising/amaz,ing,disappointed,disappointing,moved,moving,shocked,shocking,interested,interesting,inspired,inspiring,pleased,pleasing,puzzled,puzzling,What vt. sb. most is/was.,最使某人,.,的是,.,(=terrifying,/scary),Phrases(,补充,):,e.g.,_(see) the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree, _(frighten) to death.,On seeing the mans _(frighten) face, all are _(frighten) and ran away, for hes got a quite ugly face.,frighten sb. into/out of doing sth.,吓唬某人做,/,不做,.,frighten sb. to death,吓坏某人,frighten sb. away/off,吓跑某人,Seeing,frightened,frightening,frightened,2. mass adj./n. p30,a mass of/masses of.,大量;许多,mass production,大量生产,3. desertification n.,desert n./,vt. =abandon,e.g. The birds have deserted/abandoned their nest.,a deserted farm/ an abandon farm,一个废弃的农场,4. process n./vt. p30,in the process,在进程中,The information is being processed.,信息正在处理中。,5. citizen n.,netizen n.,网民,inhabitant n.,居民,6. dust,区别,dusk,at dusk,在黄昏 ,at dawn,在黎明,7. forecast vt. (-forecast-forecast/-forecasted-forecasted) p30,类似,foresee vt.,预见,=foreknow,8. strength n. u,力气;力量,strengthen vt.,strong adj.,优点,=advantage c,Phrases: have the strength to do sth.,有力量做,.,with all ones strength,竭尽全力,e.g.,在选择职业时,你应该考虑自己的优势和劣势。,When choosing a career, you should consider,your personal strengths and weaknesses.,他用尽全力举起了这块石头。,He lifted the stone with all his strength.,注:,power, energy, force, strength,9. atmosphere n. u,大气;大气层,c,气氛;氛围,create a friendly atmosphere,创造一种友好的氛围,10. pollute vt.,pulluted adj.,pollution n.,e.g.,应该采取措施来保护已被污染了的环境。,Measures should be taken to protect,the polluted environment.,re,cycle vt.,类比,re,unite,re,use,re,build,re,gain.,(recover/release/remain),11.,concerned p35,1) adj.,关心的;忧虑的;有关的,be concerned about/over/for,be concerned with/in,as/so far as be concerned,关心;挂念,牵涉;与,有关,在某人看来;就,而言,e.g.,:,1.,我们关心孩子们的健康成长。,We _of the children.,2.,每一个与汽车工业有关的人都会感兴趣。,Everyone _will be interested.,3.,在我看来,这个计划听起来挺不错。,_, this plan sounds,great.,2) n.,关系,关联;担心,挂念,e.g.,我和该公司没有任何关联。,I _the company.,e.g.:,她非常担心她儿子的病情。,She _her sons illness.,are concerned about the healthy growth,concerned with the car industry,As far as I am concerned,have no concern with/in,showed a great deal of concern for,e.g.,:,Concerning,his suggestion, I have a different opinion.,This novel was concerned _ the Second World War, while most teenagers are more concerned _ the heros love story.,A.,with; for,B. with; with,C. for; about D. about; with,3) concerning prep.,关于,=about,;有关,12. major adj.,主要的;重要的 ,majority n.,大多数,n.,专业,vi.,主修,e.g. Drug abuse has long been a major problem for the authorities.,长久以来,吸毒一直是那里当局面临的一个大难题。,My major is English.= I major in English.,The majority of,my patients come to me from out of town.,13. urgent adj.,urge vt.,urgency n.,紧急情况,p34,Phrases:,urge sb. to do/into doing sth.,敦促某人做,.,urge sb. on,为某人鼓劲加油,urge that. (should) do . / Its urgnt that.(should) do.,e.g.,紧急的是那病人应该立马送往医院。,It is urgent that the patient (should) be sent to the hospital in no time.,一旦发生紧急情况,打电话给警察。,In case of urgency, call the police.,14. complain v.,complaint n. p35,make a complaint,抱怨,complain that.,complain of/about sth.,complain to sb. about sth.,15. in a nutshell,=,in a word/ in short/in brief/all in all.,总之,16. protect vt.,protection n.,protective adj.,protect . from/against.,保护,.,免收,.,We should protect the environment from being polluted.,


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