外研版(三起)英语三年级下Module5 Unit2课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Module 5,Unit 2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays,?,Listen,point and say,.,The dog likes meat,.,The cat likes fish,.,Question,:,Does the cat like meat,?,Does the cat like meat,?,Yes,she does,.,Listen and say,.,Does your mum go to work on Saturdays,?,No, she doesn,t,.,She goes shopping on Saturdays,.,Does your dad go to work on Saturdays,?,No,he doesn,t,.,He plays football on Saturdays,.,dad,和,mum,是口语化的,一般在外国人日常生活中这么叫,而,father,和,mother,属于书面的英语。,Tips,:,Does Amys mum go to work on Saturdays,?,(埃米的妈妈星期六去上班吗?),Does Amys dad go to work on Saturdays,?,(埃米的爸爸星期六去上班吗?),What does Amys mother do on Saturdays,?,(埃米的妈妈在周六干什么呢?),What does Amys father do on Saturdays,?,(埃米的爸爸 在周六干什么呢?),Questions,:,一词多义的,work,w,ork,在这里作名词,意为,“,工作地点,”,,我们一起来看看它常见的几种用法吧!,问答别人的活动安排,当你想知道别人的活动安排时,可以使用下列句型来回答:,肯定回答:,Yes,he/she+does,.,否定,回答:,No,he/she+doesn,t,.,Does+he/she/,单个人,+,动词原形,+,其他?,My mother _,_,_(go,/,goes)to work on Mondays,.,Lingling _,_,_(go,/,goes) to school on Mondays,.,She _,_,_(play,/,plays) table tennis on Saturdays,.,The dog _,_,_(don,t,/,doesn,t )like fish,.,(Does,/,Do) _,_,_they go shopping on S,aturdays,?,(Does,/,Do) _,_,_Amy play basketball on,Mondays,?,Do,Does,practice,:,goes,goes,plays,doesnt,Listen and say,.,Then chant,.,I go to school on Mondays,.,My sister goes too,.,She goes to school on Tuesdays,.,And,so do you,.,Mum goes to work on Mondays,.,And Dad goes too,.,He goes to work on Tuesdays,.,But not you,.,一对冤家,and,和,but,a,nd,和,but,都是连词,但却是一对,“,冤家,”,。,现在,我们一起看看到底是怎么回事吧!,b,ut,的意思是,“,但是,”,,它喜欢急转弯,因此在句子中发现,but,时,要注意句意的转折。,a,nd,的意思是,“,和,与,”,,它喜欢连接两个单词或句子,一般表示并列或承接的关系。,I like apples and banans.,我喜欢苹果和香蕉。,I like meat, but I don,t like fish.,我喜欢肉,但是我不喜欢鱼肉。,Play the game,.,Guess,ask and answer,.,Does Xiaoyong play football on,Saturdays,?,Yes,he does,.,No,he doesn,t,.,Xiaoyong,do you play,football on,Saturdays,?,Yes,I do,.,Listen,repeat and trace the letters,.,Make a poster of family members,Saturday activities,.,制作自己家庭成员周末的活动海报。,Homework,


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