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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,*,Book7 unit1,动词不定式,蒋慧明,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,Teaching goals,1.To learn the tenses and passive voice of the infinitives.,2.To enable the students to master how to use the Infinitives.,3. To cultivate the students co-operative abilities.,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,1. Unfortunately, the doctors dont know,how,to make,me better.,2. but I am very outgoing and have learned,to adapt,to my disability.,3. Then I started,to get,weaker and weaker, until I could only enjoy . . .,4. It is difficult,to know,what the future holds.,5. I was too weak,to go,to school so my education suffered.,Read the following sentences.,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,Discussion,1.What do the sentences have in common?,2.Whats the definition of the Infinitive?,3.Whats the formation of the Infinitive?,4.Whats the function of the Infinitive?,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,不定式由“,to + do (,动词原形,)”,构成,其否定形式是“,not to do,”,不定式可以带宾语或状语构成不定式短语,在句子中作,_, _, _, _, _, _,或,_,。不定式,没有,人称和数的变化,但,有,_,和,_,的变化。,独立结构,主语,表语,宾语,宾补,定语,状语,时态 语态,Summary,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,主动语态,被动语态,一般式,进行式,完成式,完成进行式,不定式,to do,to be done,to be doing,to have done,to have been,done,to have been,doing,-,-,不定式有时态和语态的变化,时态共四种,即,一般式、完成式、进行式,和,完成进行式,。语态分为,主动语态,和,被动语态,,如下表所示。,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,(1).They pretended,not to see us.,(2). He pretended,to be sleeping.,(3).She pretended,to have known it before.,(,一般式表示与谓语的动作同时,/,几乎,/,发生,它之后,.),(,在谓语动词发生的同时,不定式的动作也正在进行,),(,完成式表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,),(4).Im happy,to have been working with you.,(,完成进行式表示谓语动作发生之前,不定式的,动作一直在进行而且可能之后也继续,),教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,不定式(,to do,)的功能,1) It is right,to give up,smoking.,2) She wanted,to borrow,my bike.,3) He needs a room,to live in,.,4) I came here,to see,you.,5) I asked him,to do,the work with me.,6) My wish is,to become,a doctor.,主语,宾语,定语,状语,宾补,表语,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,三、,功能,(1).,主语,_,(写这本书),took him a week.,Its important _,(学好英语),.,若不定式太长,往往用,it,作形式主语,不定式置后,.,Swimming,is my favorite,but,to swim in the river,is terrible.,注意:,(,doing,作主语表示,抽象的、经常性的,行为,; to do,表示,具体的,、特别是,将来,的动作。,),比较:,To write this book,to learn English well,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,(2).,表语,My dream,is,_.,(当医生),Your task,is,_. (,清洁课室,),to become a doctor,to clean the classroom,比较:,My hobby is,keeping,pets.,What you said is really,inspiring,.,注意:,to do,作表语,解释说明,主语的内容,,也可表示,将来的动作,。,doing,作表语时,表示,主语的性质或状态,。,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,(3),宾语,I want _ (,回家,).,I decided_.,(,要回我的钱,),I found it necessary _,.,to go home,to ask for my money back,to talk to him again,(,和他再谈谈,),think/ consider/ find it + adj.+ to do,hope, refuse, learn, set out, would like, choose, decide, agree, manage, want, pretend, plan, determine, tend, fail, promise,等,.,讨论并总结,:,后接,to do,作宾语的动词有哪些?,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,(4).,宾补,The teacher,told,me_.,(,擦黑板,),I,expect,you_.,(,给我帮助,),ask, prefer, help, promise, wish, want, expect, permit, allow, command, tell, invite, cause, encourage, warn, advise, persuade, order, remind, teach,等,.,to clean the blackboard,to give me some help,讨论并总结:接,to do,作宾语补足语的动词,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,(4),作定语,I have much homework,to do,.,She was the first woman,to win the Nobel Prize,.,He is the only person,to know the truth,.,Last year he had a chance,to go abroad for further study,.,He has achieved his ambition,to be a president,.,chance,ambition,the first,the only,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,1.,表将来的动作,。,2.,当被修饰的名词前有序数词或最高级,(the first/ last/ next, the only,the best, the most),等时。,3.,当被修饰的名词是,chance, ability, idea, way, reason, time, fact,等抽象名词时,。,不定式作定语的几种用法:,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,(5),作状语,I come here,to see you,.,In order to arrive before dark, we started early.,Im sorry,to interrupt you,.,We were excited,to hear the news.,He hurried to the school only,to find nobody there,.,(目的状语),(原因状语),(to do,作状语,表意外的结果,有时在不定式前加上,only),(结果状语),教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,in order to do,so as to do,enough to do,only to do,too.to do.,作状语时常用在下列短语中:,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,(7).,独立结构,To tell the truth, I dont agree with you.,类似的结构,to be frank,to be honest.,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,(8),不定式与疑问词,who, which, when, how, what,等连用,在句中起名词作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语等。,He didnt know_,.,他不知道说什么。,(,宾语,),_the problem is very important,.,如何解决这个问题很重要。,(,主语,),My question is_,.,我的问题是什么时候开始。,(,表语,),what to say,How to solve,when to start,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,Practice & summary,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,1. He was seen _ the money,(take),2. He is looking for a room _,in,(live),3. We have no choice but _,outside. (wait),4. They could do nothing but _,for help. (ask),5. The question is easy _ .,(answer),6. Yuan Longping devoted himself to _ rice. (develop),to take,to live,to wait,ask,to answer,developing,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,考点一:,使役动词,(make, let, have),和感官动词,(see, hear, observe),后的,to do,省略,to,但变成被动语态时,被省略的,to,必须加上。,we saw him,go,out.,he was seen,to go,out.,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,考点二:,作定语的不定式如果是,不及物动词,,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的,地点、工具,等,不定式后面须有相应的,介词,The girl has nothing,to worry about,.,Please give me a knife,to cut with,.,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,考点三:,不定式动词在介词,but,,,except,,,besides,后面时,如果这些介词之前,有行为动词,do,的各种形式,那么,,这些介词后的不定式不带,to,,否则要带,to,。,即:,有,do,无,to,无,do,有,to,。,She could do nothing but,cry,.,I have no choice but,to wait,.,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,考点四:,在“,be,+,性质形容词,+,不定式”结构中,不定式用主动表被动。常用于此结构的形容词有,easy, difficult, hard, pleasant, comfortable, fit, important,等。,The water is not fit,to drink,.,My apartment is comfortable,to,live in.,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,1)._(,爱和被爱,) are happiness.,2).I decided _.,(,不惩罚那些淘气的学生,),3).We invited him_.,(,给我们做一个关于艺术的讲座,).,4) Mary_.,(,警告我不要在中午给花浇水,).,5).He is said _.(,出国了,),To love and to be loved,not to punish those naughty students,warned me not to water flowers at noon,to give us a speech about art,to have gone abroad,Complete the following sentences.,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,Mikes parents expect him _ (study) abroad and going abroad is also his dream; therefore, he was determined _ (learn) English well. Even though _ (know) it wasnt an easy job, he would overcome all the difficulties and spare no efforts _ (carry) out his decision. _ (learn) it well, he will do his best to master the grammar rules and remember the new words. Besides, he wont miss any opportunity _ (practice) English. Above all, its quite necessary _ (stick) to it. _ (give) more time, Mike will achieve his dream.,to study,to learn,knowing,to carry,To learn,to practice,to stick,Given,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,Go over the Grammar and finishEx1,(Translations) of the workbook (P49).,教育部参赛复习动词不定式蒋慧明,


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