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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Lesson,10,Graphic Design in Packaging,第10课 包装中的平面设计,Introduction,Demographic and Psychographics,The Retail Environment,Fundamental Messages,Equity and Names,Graphic Design Basics,Typography,1,一、,Introduction,A package design is composed of two separate components:,1. Features and characteristics,Containment, protection/preservation, qualities,2. Attract consumer and motivate purchase decision,surface decoration, form, material, shape,Overview of the information,Create packages to observer.,Attention to product,Consideration of the package design,Sophisticated graphics and misleading statements,2,二 、,Demographics and Psychographics,1.,Demographics,Correct structural design product facts and physical world,Understanding of the intended receiver of the communication.,Consumption habits and motivations of population segments,Purchase decision in the targeted audience,Realms of demographics and psychographics.,Demography: specific, easily quantifiable classifications,information,gender age occupation,residence cultural background ethnic background,education level marital status family size,socioeconomic status geographic factors religious factors,Anticipating market, future packaging needs.,Some can be difficult to project.,Broad demographic categorizations,3,二 、,Demographics and Psychographics,2. Psychographics,Psychographics -how groups of people are motivated,and how they behave,An imprecise study common in everyday usage,DINKs, SKOTEs, DIPPie,GIZIGI;,Presumably, certain images will appeal to these different groups and others will not.,Continuous effort to identify tomorrows hot trend or an unfulfilled need,Discover the purchasing preference,Seek to identify behavioral patterns,4,三、,The Retail Environment,Modern retail establishment - choices,Typical consumer sees fewer than 100 of these and leaves the,store with about fourteen.,Individual products present an equally astonishing number of,choices,The challenge facing the package designer,Package-the only medium influence the purchase,Consumer and package- final confrontation,Depending on the information source and the nature of the product,About 68 and 80% decisions are made the product shelf.,Consumer rarely has a specific list,Product must convey messages to motivate decision in 7 seconds,5,三、,The Retail Environment,Cluttered graphic designs and contradictory messages,unseen is unsold.,Merchandising methods,self-serve sales clerks pegboard display,shelf display mail order vending machine,door to door warehouse outlets department stores,specialty stores inspection before purchase,Merchandising change,From the second-choice economy option to better price.,Merchandisers- UPC codes and computers,Power in the hands of retailers,tell suppliers what is needed,6,四,、,Fundamental Messages,the most important first item of understanding that must be delivered in a flash is :,What is this?,customer needs information to make a purchasing decision. With 100 options clamoring for the customers attention, the customer will want to know,What is it going to do for me?,A last factor that may contribute to the purchase decision is the answer to the question;,Who guarantees that?,company or brand name may influence the purchase decision,Designers use these messages in various proportions, depending on the nature of the product.,7,四、,Fundamental Messages,1. What is this? (,the chords of familiarity,),- instantly recognize,Direct common names are the most familiar,Appropriate with new products.),Brand names become synonymous with the product,2. The second message,What is it going to do for me? (the point of difference).,recognize the benefit or virtue of the product. In a choice of 12 different kinds of rice, the chord of familiarity is rice. The points of difference that characterize them might be,instant rice long-grain rice,wild rice Cajun-style rice,rice and tomato free recipe book with this rice,win a trip to Florida rice famous person eats this rice,8,五,、,Equity and Brand Names,1. Equity,products have graphic elements or icons easily identified,Company name, brand name, symbol, typographic style, color or color pattern, or any combination of these.,Kelloggs;,Coca-Colas bottle shape and can color pattern;,Campbells Soups red-and-white can label, the Heinz tombstone logo;,McDonalds golden arches,Equity is built by establishing a reputation for consistently good product and service over a long time period.,Icons are highly recognizable symbols that have major motivational impacts on a consumers purchasing decision.,Icons with high equity are always carried on new product lines in order to immediately establish the heritage and trust.,9,五、,Equity and Brand Names,2.,Brand names,a great deal of equity; an invaluable purchase motivator.,Anacin, Ajax,Kraft, Oreos, Maxwell House, Marlboro, Tide, Band-Aid, Tylenol,Budweiser, Michelob, Realemon, Elmers, Drano, Bufferin, Cheerios, Kleenex, Kotex,Heinz, Perrier, Quaker Oats, and Schweppes,.,Established brand names are valued possessions,Great care to protect trademarks or copyrights,Good brand names describe the virtue of the product or invoke some image,Greese - off (a dishwashing product),I Hate Peas (French fries made from peas),Gorilla Balls (vitamin-enriched malt balls for athletes),Fluff-off (static cling eliminator),Brand names for new products can succeed only if the name is promoted by a substantial advertising and promotional campaign,Cost of a new brand name,10,六. Graphic Design Basics,basic design elements of a package,:,1. Shape The actual package outline, illustration, or body of text.,2. Size How large or small the object or design is,3. Color Attract attention ;affects package ; add expense,4. Texture Perceived or real smoothness or roughness,The sense of touch; the differente materials,Using graphic patterns or textured substrates,5. Tone The lightness or darkness,6. Line Straight or curved, heavy or light, rough or smooth,continuous or broken; create different feelings:,horizontal: calm vertical: dignity,diagonal: vitality curved: grace,7. Icons Convey meanings or messages; alsohave equity.,Design principles :,Organize design elements into balance and unity,Apply to each element and to the design as a whole,A composition is a specific arrangement of design elements,.,11,七. Typography,sans serif fonts are preferred. (Serifs are the small, decorative extensions at the ends of a letters line). Serif fonts have fine lines that tend to fill during printing, particularly with reversed-out printing of text. (Figure 10.1, right side) A larger font size could overcome this problem somewhat.,Typographical fonts to choose,logos and trade names, a unique design,Basic fonts -classified as serif and sans serif,Figure 10.1 Example of script, serif, and sans serif fonts (left, top to bottom) and reversed-out type,12,七. Typography,Decorative fonts to project a certain character or mood. Script fonts, for example, may be considered as feminine or romantic and are popular for personal care products. Elaborate script fonts can be difficult to read; relatively simple script designs in a larger size are preferred. Figure 10.2 shows a number of type treatments designed to convey a message beyond the actual textual message,Figure 10.2 Typography can be designed to communicate more than just the word itself,13,七. Typography,Considerations of typography for a package:,Match the persona of the package and product,Must be readable from the normal observer distance at the point of recognition,Population contains people who are functionally illiterate and who should wear eyeglasses when shopping but dont.,Be cautious of reversed-out type or increase its size and select fonts with wide strokes.,Avoid using text over illustrations or color areas,Avoid long stretches of small type.,Uppercase letters doesnt necessarily make a message easier to read.,In some cases typography is determined by regulations.,Text and illustrations in joints or seams may be difficult to register.,14,


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