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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,考试试题来源:,2019,年广州一模(英语卷),试卷形式:全国卷,时间:,120,分钟,总分:,120,分(未折算),本次听说考试的部分不考,凸显的问题:,20,人次因,拼写错误,扣分,,其中,,语法填空:,17,人次,短文改错:,3,人次,另,1,人次,大小写错误,扣分,(语法填空),90: 12W,85: 16W,80: 19W,75: 23W,70: 27W,来看看,2018,年高考年报的数据吧:,广州一模分析,难度与2018年高考全国I卷持平,阅读材料话题范围广,涵盖“,人与自我,人与社会,人与自然,”三大主题。,B篇记叙文体裁熟悉度低(文学类),CD篇社科类议论文与说明文,对词汇量要求较高,,但考题类型不变,难度适中;,语法项目除,常规考点,外,还考查了语法填空中,考频较低的虚拟语气和倒装句,,增加了难度;,写作话题“大湾区与我”紧跟,时政热点,,对考生具有一定的挑战性,但热点话题下考查的本质仍是熟悉的邀请信写作。,阅读理解,本次阅读理解难度适中,文章,较多生词,,但选项干扰性不大。,篇,体裁,主题,A,应用文,成人教育广告,B,记叙文,Lina流落荒岛的故事,C,议论文,虚拟旅游业是否会取代传统旅游业的探讨,D,说明文,蚂蚁与蜜蜂在社会行为方面的相似,在题型设置上,15道题里,有,10道细节题,,推断题2道,主旨题2道,猜词1道,整体仍,以细节题为主,。,值得注意的是,C篇第30题的猜词题,需要读懂句子,再从文章主旨推断出,it所指代的内容,,对考生的长难句分析能力有一定的要求。,对于简单的细节题,根据 “圈词 定位 精读 比对 出答案,”,的步骤即可解出。,例子:,B,篇,26. What caused Lina to feel a chill?,A. Her shame about the unnecessary argument.,B. The first raindrops,of the approaching storm.,C. The idea that no one would come to save her.,D. The drop in temperature as the sun went down.,第一步:圈词,A bolt of lightning crossed the darkened sky,accompanied by a deafening thunder clap.The,storm was here.As the first cold raindrop slid down her neck,Linas mind returned to her current,problem.She was stuck here by herself.She just hoped she didnt become as forgotten as the,island.The thought of it sent a chill(寒意)down her back.,第二步:定位,A bolt of lightning crossed the darkened sky,accompanied by a deafening thunder clap.The,storm was here.As the first cold raindrop slid down her neck,Linas mind returned to her current,problem.She was stuck here by herself. She just hoped she didnt become as forgotten as the,island.The thought of,it,sent a chill(寒意)down her back.,第三步:精读,例子:,B,篇,26. What caused Lina to feel a chill?,A. Her shame about the unnecessary argument.,B. The first raindrops of the approaching storm.,C. The idea that no one would come to save her.,D. The drop in temperature as the sun went down.,第四步:比对,例:,B,篇,26. What caused Lina to feel a chill?,A. Her shame about the unnecessary argument.,B. The first raindrops of the approaching storm.,C. The,idea,that,no one would come to save her,.,D. The drop in temperature as the sun went down.,第五步:出答案,例,2,:,C,篇,29.Which of the following best describesmind wandering?,A.The brain processes which help people think VR is real.,B.The way the brain processes inputs from the real world.,C.Brain activities focusing on past or future events.,D.Experiences coming from a persons imagination.,第一步:圈词,But can a VR experience really equal a real world one?Many experts believe it can.Studies,have shown that our brains have an inbuilt VR-like mechanism that enables us to live imagined,experiences.Much of our waking life is spent thinking about either the past or the future.,This,is,known asmind wandering.During these events were not paying attention to the current world,around us. Instead,were recalling memories,or creating and processing imagined futures.,第二步:定位,When engaged in mind wandering,our brains process these mental images using the same,pathways used to receive inputs from the real world.So,the imagined past or future can create,emotions and feelings similar to how we react to everyday life.VR can create these same feelings.,第二步:定位,But can a VR experience really equal a real world one?Many experts believe it can.Studies,have shown that our brains have an inbuilt VR-like mechanism that enables us to live imagined,experiences.Much of our waking life is spent thinking about either the past or the future.,This,is,known asmind wandering.During these events were not paying attention to the current world,around us. Instead,were recalling memories,or creating and processing imagined futures.,第三步:精读,When engaged in mind wandering,our brains process these mental images using the same,pathways used to receive inputs from the real world.So,the imagined past or future can create,emotions and feelings similar to how we react to everyday life.VR can create these same feelings.,第三步:精读,第四步:比对,29.Which of the following best describesmind wandering?,A.The brain processes which help people think VR is real.,B.The way the brain processes inputs from the real world.,C.Brain activities focusing on past or future events.,D.Experiences coming from a persons imagination.,29.Which of the following best describesmind wandering?,A.The brain processes which help people think VR is real.,B.The way the brain processes inputs from the real world.,C.,Brain,activities focusing on,past or future,events.,D.Experiences coming from a persons imagination.,第五步:出答案,例子:,D,篇,33.What does the speed of a bees dance indicate?,A.The quality of a new colony location.,B.The distance to a neighboring colony.,C.The discovery of a new food source.,D.The direction to a potential food source.,第一步:圈词,Ants communicate by using chemicals called pheromones,which can alert others to danger or to a food source.For example,when worker ants find a promising source,they let the rest of the colony know how to find it by leaving a trail of pheromones on the way back to the colony.The other ants pick up the message using their sense of smell.Bees,on the other hand,use movement to communicate with each other.Worker bees send messages to each other by means of adance.Different speeds and movements send different messages.For example,when worker bees called scouts go out to find a new home for the colony,they return and do a dance for the other worker bees that indicates the location of the new home and how suitable it is.The faster the scouts dance, the better the new location is.,第二步:定位,Ants communicate by using chemicals called pheromones,which can alert others to danger or to a food source.For example,when worker ants find a promising source,they let the rest of the colony know how to find it by leaving a trail of pheromones on the way back to the colony.The other ants pick up the message using their sense of smell.Bees,on the other hand,use movement to communicate with each other.,Worker bees send messages to each other by means of adance.Different speeds and movements send different messages.For example,when worker bees called scouts go out to find a new home for the colony,they return and do a dance for the other worker bees that indicates the location of the new home and how suitable it is.The faster the scouts dance, the better the new location is.,第三步:精读,例子:,D,篇,33.What does the speed of a bees dance indicate?,A.The quality of a new colony location.,B.The distance to a neighboring colony.,C.The discovery of a new food source.,D.The direction to a potential food source.,第四步:比对,例:,D,篇,33.What does the speed of a bees dance indicate?,A.,The quality,of a,new,colony,location,.,B.The distance to a neighboring colony.,C.The discovery of a new food source.,D.The direction to a potential food source.,第五步:出答案,阅读理解的答案分布规律:,黄金,4443,设题段落分配:,按自然段顺序,可爱的七选五,完型填空:看图说话,凸显的问题:,20,人次因,拼写错误,扣分,,其中,,语法填空:,17,人次,短文改错:,3,人次,另,1,人次,大小写错误,扣分,(语法填空),90: 12W,85: 16W,80: 19W,75: 23W,70: 27W,来看看,2018,年高考年报的数据吧:,篇,体裁,主题,A,应用文,成人教育广告,B,记叙文,Lina流落荒岛的故事,C,议论文,虚拟旅游业是否会取代传统旅游业的探讨,D,说明文,蚂蚁与蜜蜂在社会行为方面的相似,词汇梳理,A,篇,cours,es,stud,ies,simple-basic-fundamental,advanced-further,certificate-diploma,B,was,awoken,by,the summer sun had,set,There was no response,.,no one but,they,worse,still,C,emotion,al,person,al,physic,al,virtu,al,increas,ingly,process,D,colon,ies,by means of,their collec,tive,intelligen,ce,in term,s,of,a promis,ing,source,how,suit,able,it is,长句理解,C,篇,It sounds like science fiction but its already happening.,As virtual technology improves and as people continue to demand new and interesting experiences, expect more virtual tourism, both in combination with the real world and instead of,it,.,四点反思:,1. 巩固,高频词和短语(固定搭配,),注重单词的精准应用(特别是,词形变换,和,拼写,);,2.,梳理语法框架,,巩固考纲重要语法点,提高,长难句理解能力,;同时也需注意考纲,非常规考点回顾,,如虚拟语气和倒装句;,3. 提升解题能力,重视,关键词、提示词,来快速定位和解题:如阅读题的细节理解题,阅读、七选五、完形填空(指示代词;,but;and;though;however; instead of,,,等,必考,区,),4.,关注时事,了解跨文化知识,,提升情景交际能力。,书面表达,假定你是学生会主席李华。你校将于,2019,年,3,月,30,日举办,“,大湾区与我,”,(,The Greater Bay Area and Me,)英文演讲比赛,以加强粤港澳姐妹学习间的交流与合作。,11,所高中共,30,位学生将参加全天比赛。请给外教史密斯先生写一封电子邮件,邀请他当评委并作点评。,注意:,1.词数100左右;,2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,审题两步:,1,划出写作关键词,书面表达,假定你是学生会主席李华。,你校,将于,2019,年,3,月,30,日,举办,“,大湾区与我,”,(,The Greater Bay Area and Me,),英文演讲比赛,,以,加强粤港澳姐妹学习间的交流与合作,。,11,所高中共,30,位学生,将参加,全天比赛,。请给外教史密斯先生写一封电子邮件,,邀请他当评委并作点评,。,注意:,1.词数100左右;,2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,审题两步:,2,确定文体,应用文:邮件写作(邀请信),邀请信要清楚、明白地写三个方面的内容:,1.,邀请对方参加的活动名称,时间和地点。,2.,邀请对方的原因,3.,期待对方接受邀请,1.,写作内容整理(草稿纸),1.,我是李华,校学生会主席。,2.,我,校,将于,2019,年,3,月,30,日,举办,英文演讲比赛,3.,比赛的主题是,“,大湾区与我,”,(,The Greater Bay Area and Me,),4.,请,您(外教史密斯先生),当评委并作点评,5.,比赛的目的是,加强粤港澳姐妹学习间的交流与合作,6.,参赛者,共,30,位学生,,来自,11,所高中,2.,分段安排,(,草稿纸,),第一段:,我是李华,校学生会主席。,我,校,将于,2019,年,3,月,30,日,举办,英文演讲比赛。我们诚恳地邀请,您,当评委并作点评,第二段:,比赛的主题是,“,大湾区与我,”,(,The Greater Bay Area and Me,)主要细节如下:,A,。比赛的目的是,加强粤港澳姐妹学习间的交流与合作,B,。参赛者,共,30,位学生,,来自,11,所高中,(升华),我相信有您的专业指导,活动一定更好更成功,第三段:我真心希望您能接受我的邀请。期待您的回复。,分段安排,第一段:,我是李华,校学生会主席。,我,校,将于,2019,年,3,月,30,日,举办,英文演讲比赛。我们诚恳地邀请,您,当评委并作点评,第二段:,比赛的主题是,“,大湾区与我,”,(,The Greater Bay Area and Me,)主要细节如下:,A,。比赛的目的是,加强粤港澳姐妹学习间的交流与合作,B,。参赛者,共,30,位学生,,来自,11,所高中,(升华),我相信有您的专业指导,活动一定更好更成功,第三段:我真心希望您能接受我的邀请。期待您的回复。,3.,头脑风暴相关英文表述(草稿纸),学生会主席:,president of the Students Union,英语演讲比赛:,an English speech contest,我们将举行比赛:,We will,hold,.,比赛将被举行:,.will,be held,参加:,participate,in,; take part,in,;,attend,2019,年,3,月,30,日:,on,March 30th, 2019,主题:,theme,目的是:,with the aim of,sb be,aiming,to do ;,sth be,aimed,at,交流与合作:,communication and co-operation,来自,11,所学校的,30,名学生:,30 students,from,11 schools,4.,写初稿(草稿纸),第一段:,第二段:,第三段:,5.,终稿(认真抄写在答题卡上),I am,Li Hua,president of our Students Union,.,An,English speech contest,is scheduled,on 30th, March,2019 in our school hall.,It is my great honor to invite you to be,its,judge,.,The theme of the contest,is The Greater Bay Area and Me.,With the aim of,strengthen,ing,communications and co-operations,among the sister schools in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao,we organize this,full-day,activity,.,T,here will be 30 students from eleven high schools participating in th,e,contest.,I am sure that it would be a great success if you could,offer professional comments and guidance to,us,.,I would,really appreciate it,if you could,accept my invitation. I am looking forward to your reply,at your earliest convenience,.,


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