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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/9/30,#,定语从句的作用,起定语作用,用来修饰名词或代词的从句,名词性从句的作用?,起名词性作用的从句,叫名词性从句。,换言之,在英语的句子结构中,本来该由名词充当的,主语、宾语、表语和同位语,部分,换由一个句子来充当,这样的句子就是名词性从句。,名词性从句,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,主语从句在句中做,-,宾语从句在句中做,-,表语从句在句中做,-,同位语从句在句中,-,That he will come,is certain.,I know,that he will come,.,The truth is,that I have been there,.,The fact,that she was late,surprised us.,主语,宾语,表语,同位语,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,引导词,从属连词(,3,个):,that,、,if,、,whether,连接代词(,9,个):,who,、,whom,、,what,、,which,、,whose,、,whoever,、,whomever,、,whatever,、,whichever,连接副词(,4,个):,when,、,why,、,where,、,how,从属连词,“that”-,无词义、不做成分、起连接作用,“if”-,“是否”、不做成分、起连接作用,“whether”-,“是否”、不做成分、起连接作用,“that”-,无词义、不做成分、起连接作用,That we will realize our dreams in the future is certain.,The fact is that Beijing has held the 29,th,Olympic Games.,I know that well begun is half done.,He heard the news that Liuxiang set a new record.,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句,Practice: Translation,我的想法是我们马上做这件事。,她没办法相信他成了一个小偷。,总所周知,他是一个著名歌手。,我知道我们队赢了比赛这个消息。,他的建议是我们要先完成作业。,My idea is that we should do it right now.,She cant believe (that) he has become a thief.,It is known to all that he is a famous singer.,I knew the news that our team won the game.,His suggestion is that we should finish the homwork first.,宾语从句中的,that,在以下情况下,不能,省略:,当动词后面接两个并列的宾语从句时,第二个,that,不能省略;,Everyone knew what happened and that she was worried.,当,that,作介词宾语时,,that,不可省掉;,The reason lies in that she works harder than the others do.,用,it,作形式宾语的宾语从句;,We took it for granted that they would accept the proposal.,that,引导的宾语从句与主语之间有插入语时。,I think, first of all, that we must believe in ourselves.,下面哪些,that,可以省略?,We have made it clear that we will deal with the problem later.,His mother said that he was not careful enough.,I think that it will clear up this afternoon and that they will come to say good-bye to us.,He said, in his opinion, that Lei Feng was a good example of serving the people heart and soul.,“whether”-,“是否”、不做成分、起连接作用,Whether she will come back on time depends on weather.,The problem is whether you could gives us some valuable advice.,I asked him whether he could do me a favor.,Could you tell me the question whether English is useful for us now.,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句,Practice: Translation,1.,他问我是否可以和他一起去。,2.,我们是不是要开会还没决定。,3.,问题是他是否会出席会议。,He asked me whether I would go with him (or not).,Whether we will have a meeting has not been decided yet.,The question is whether he will attend the meeting.,在,下列情况下,,whether,不能被,if,所取代:,主语,从句放句首,Whether he will come is unknown.,2.,表语从句,如:,The question is whether you should accept it.,3.,同位语从句,如:,The question whether hell attend the meeting is not decided.,4.,从句作介词的宾语,如:,It depends on whether we have got enough money.,5.,直接跟不定式连用,如:,She hasnt decided whether to go or not.,6.,与,or not,连用,,如:,He asked me whether I could go with him or not.,请用,if/whether,填空:,I asked her _ she had a bike.,_ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.,Were worried about _ he is safe.,I dont know _ he is well or not.,The question is _ he should do it.,The doctor can hardly answer the question _ the old man will recover soon.,if/ whether,Whether,whether,whether,whether,whether,连接代词,1,“who”-,“谁”、作主宾,“what”-,“事情”、作主表宾,“whose”-,“谁的”、作定语,“whom”-,“谁”、作宾语,“which”-,“哪,”、作定语,“who”-,“谁”、作主语,Who will go to the college is still uncertain.,The trouble is who could lend me some money.,He want to know who picked up his mobile phone.,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,“whom”-,“谁”、作宾语,1. Whom you will learn from is worth thinking over.,2. The thing I am anxious about is whom he will turn to for help.,3. His mother asked him whom he could believe in.,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,“what”-,“事情,/,东西”、作主表宾,What I desire to get is a good reputation.,What he will tell me is what I have been expecting to know.,They agree with what I said just now.,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,用恰当的连词填空:,_ he wants is a book.,_ he wants to go there is obvious.,The result is _ we won the game.,This is _ we want to know.,Is _ he told us true?,We should pay attention to _ the teacher is saying.,I have no doubt _ he will come.,I have no idea _ he did that afternoon.,I will visit the company _ produces iPhones.,What,That,that,what,what,what,that,what,which/that,_,只起连接作用,在从句中不充当任何,成分,,没有词义,_,起连接作用,且在从句中充当主语,宾语或表语,,表示“,的事情,/,东西”,。,归纳,that,what,“which”-,“哪一个,”、作定语,Which class is suitable for us isnt most important.,What he wants to ask you now is which team won the game.,Could you tell me which one is right.,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,“whose”-,“谁的”、作定语,Whose bag was the most beautiful is still unknown now.,The question is whose friends could lend me a hand.,I want to know whose suggestion is more practical.,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,谁会赢得比赛还不得而知。,请告诉我你想要什么。,最让我惊讶的是他的态度突然变了。,我无法确定那本书比较好。,我不知道这是谁的书。,Practice: Translation,Who will win the game is still unkonwn.,Please tell me what you want.,What surprised me most was that his attitude suddenly changed.,I cant decide which book is better.,I dont know whose book it is.,连接代词,2,“whoever”-,“,的任何人”、作主语,“whatever”-,“,的任何东西”、作主表宾,“whomever”-,“,的任何人”、作宾语,“whichever”-,“无论哪个或哪些,”、作定语,Whoever could solve the problem will be rewarded.,What we should do is whatever is worth doing.,You should learn from whomever I praised yesterday.,The fact is whichever teacher could help you learn English well.,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,用恰当的关系词填空,The spoken English competition is coming. _,will attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet.,I believe _ takes part in the competition,will try his best.,Can you tell me _ you would like to order?,_ happens, dont be surprised.,All the food here is delicious. Just order _,you like.,Who,whoever,what,Whatever,whatever,连接副词,“when”-,“什么时候”、作状语,“why”-,“为什么”、作状语,“where”-,“什么地方”、作状语,“how”-,“如何”、作状语,The trouble is when he could recover from the disease.,I just want to ask you why I was fired.,Where I could buy the book is uncertain now.,I will go to ask my teacher how I could work out the problem.,表语从句,宾语从句,主语从句,宾语从句,It is known to us how he became a writer.,This is why I study so hard.,Where he is going is unknown.,I have told him when we are going to have the meeting.,I have told him when to have the meeting.,他是怎么成为一名作家的我们都知道。,这就是我这么努力学习的原因。,他要去哪里是未知的。,我已经告诉他什么时候开会了。,Several Points to Notice,主语从句和宾语从句在适当的情况下可以借助 “,it”,而后置。,问题:想想看是什么“适当的情况”?,适当的情况,:,一,.it,用作,形式主语,常用句型有,:,1.It be +,名词,(,词组,),that,主语从句,2. It be,形容词,that,主语从句,3. It be,过去分词,that,主语从句,4.It seems/happens,等不及物动词及短语,+that,主语从句,5.It doesnt matter/makes no difference (,没有影响,/,毫无区别,)etc.+,连接代词,(,副词,),引导的主语从句,适当的情况,二,:it,用作,形式宾语,.,若有补语,宾语从句要放到补语之后,在宾 补前用形式宾语,it.,1. I think it,very important,that we focus on reading when we are learning English.,2.Dont take it,for granted,that,we could,do well in the exam if we dont work hard.,3.The old made it,a rule,that he cast,his,net three times a day.,找出下列句子中的错误:,I think that worthwhile that we spent so much money on these books.,2. That is hard to decide when and where we will held our sports meeting.,3. Everybody considers it impossible which he wants to finish the job in such a short time.,4. It doesnt matter that you will come or not.,it,It,that,whether,注意虚拟语气的使用!,问题:此类虚拟语气有哪些关键词?,指点迷津,:,1.,表示建议、请求、命令、要求、坚持 等,及物动词后面的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,这类动,词有:,suggest, propose, insist, desire, demand,request, order,等,2.,主语是,suggestion, proposal, request,等表示“建议、请求、命令、要求、决定”等意义的词时,表语,/,同位从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气,虚拟语气结构为,:“(should) +,动词原形”,还有,在句型,1. It is a pity / shame / no wonder, etc.,that .,2. It is suggested / requested /,proposed / desired, etc. that,中,,that,从句中谓语动词也常用虚拟语气“,(should) +,动词原形”。,该主语从句表示,惊奇、不相信、惋惜、理应如此,等语气,eg,. It is strange that he (should) have acted toward his parents like that.,指点迷津,:,常用句型,It is necessary,Its important,Its natural /strange, etc.),that,主语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气,“,(should),+do”,练一练,.True/False,Her suggestion is that we will do it by turns.,Her suggestion is that we do it by turns,.,Its high/about time that I leave.,Its high/about time that I left.,It is demanded that he (should) leave at once.,It is demanded that he left at once.,同位语从句和定语从句的区别:,that,作为关系代词,可以引导定语从句,充当句子成分,在从句中作宾语时可以省略;,that,引导同位语从句时,起连词的作用,没有实际意义,不充当句子成分,不能省略。,I had no idea that you were here,Have you got the idea,(,that,),this book gives you,?,(,that,引导同位语从句,不能省略),(,that,引导定语从句,作宾语,可以省略),1.Doris success lies in the fact what she is co-operative and eager to learn from others.,2. I really like the present that he gave it to me yesterday.,请找出下列句子的错误:,that,主语从句中的“主谓一致”:,1.,主语从句通常被看作一个整体,主句的谓语动词用单数形式,.,That they will come _certain.,2. What,引导主语从句时,主句谓语动词的单复数由表语的单复数决定,.,What he wants _these books.,What he wants _some water.,is,are,is,_,we need money is quite clear.,_,the car can be used has,not,been known yet.,_we cant understand is _he didnt join us in our discussion.,The,fact _ he is a model teacher is well-known.,They expressed the hope_they would come over to China again.,Word came _ his poem won the first prize.,That,Whether,What,why,that,that,that,8. Sometimes we are asked _ we think the likely result of an accident will be.,9. China is not _ she used to be.,10. Have you any idea,_,she did it?,11. That is _ paper came into use in China.,12. It makes no difference,_,we will share the office with.,13. I remember _ this used to be a quiet village.,14. The fact came up _ specific,(特有的),sounds are recognized by,babies as,young as 6 months old.,what,what,why/when,how,who/whom,when,that,


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