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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,The United Kingdom,词汇速记,1._(vi.),组成;在于;一致,2._(vt.),澄清;阐明,3._ (vt.),完成;达到;实现,4. _(n.),矛盾;冲突,5. _(prep.),加上;和,(adj.),加的;正的;零上,6. _(,vt,.),折叠;对折,7. _(,vi.&n,.),争吵;吵架,clarify,consist,accomplish,conflict,plus,fold,quarrel,联想串记,8.,_(v.),联合;团结,_(adj.),团结的,_(n.),联合;联盟,9. _(adj.),粗糙的,_(adv.),粗略地,10. _(v.),吸引,_ (n.),吸引力,_(adj.),有吸引力的,11. _ (n.),描写;描述,_ (v.),描绘,12. _(adj.),配备好装备的;带家具的,_(v.),装备;装家具,_(n.),家具,13.,_ (,vt,.),使激动,;,使胆战心惊,_(,adj,.),令人激动的,_(,adj,.),激动的,14. _(n.),快乐,(v),使高兴,_(adj.),高兴的,unite,united,union,rough,roughly,attract,attraction,attractive,description,describe,furnished,furnish,delight,delighted,furniture,thrill,thrilling,thrilled,1.,把,分成,2.,省去;遗漏;不考虑,3.,代替,4.,(机器)损坏;破坏,5.,可供,之用的,有效期为,能参加出席,的,6.,因,.,而高兴,7.,使某人感到高兴的是,8.,一致于,9.,为了方便起见,10.,由,组成,1.divide into,2.leave out,3.take the place of / replace,4.break down, available for, delighted at, ones delight / joy, consistent with,9.for convenient,10.consist of / be made up of,课堂检测,1. _ delighted the fans,was,that the player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament(,锦标赛,).,2. Canada is a country _,(由,组成),many different nationalities.,3. We met at 6 oclock, as _(,像安排的那样,).,4. Please come to my office _(,在你方便时,).,What,consisting of/ made up of,arranged,at your convenience/when it is convenient for you,5. He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system,broke down.,6. He hadnt been asked the party and was feeling _(,受冷落,).,7.,It remains to be seen _,the newly formed policy can be put into practice.,8. It seems strange that the boss who owns a large company,should,live a simple life.,left out,whether,出故障,竟然,考点精解,考点,1,:,remain,考查角度一:,(1)This solid stone, square tower had remained _(stand) for one thousand years.,(2)It remained _(,部分,)of a royal palace.,(3)The shop,remained_(open,) until midnight.,(4) The problem remains _(solve), which makes him upset.,(5)The government remained _(,执政,) for twelve years.,standing,part,open,unsolved,in power,remain,作,系动词,,意为“保持,仍是,仍处,于”,后面跟,adj./n./doing/done/,介词短语,.,考查角度二:,1.The place caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building _,now,.,A. remains B. is remained,C. is remaining D. has been remained,2. Very little _ of the house after the big fire.,remained,规律总结二:,remain,意为“留下,剩下”,,用作,不及物动词,,不能用被动语态。,考查角度三:,The only,_(,留下的,剩余的,),question,is whether we can raise the money,。,考查角度四:,He ate,the,remains,of the dinner hungrily.,规律总结三:,remaining adj.,剩余的,做,前置定语。,left,表“剩余的”,做后置定语。,remaining,=the only question left,the remains n.,剩余物;残留物;剩饭,考点,2,:,arrange,Now everything _(,已准备就绪,)for the conference to be held tomorrow. I have _(,安排,Tom,去接,)pick up the experts at the airport. Im to _(,安排接见,)Mr. Wang after that.,has been arranged,arranged for Tom to,arrange to meet,用法归纳:,arrange,sth,. for,为,安排某事,arrange for sb. to do,sth,.,安排某人做某事,arrange to do,sth,.,安排,/,约定做某事,拓展:,make arrangements for,安排,考点,3,:,delight,词性:,_,意思:,_,The news that we are to picnic _ us greatly. All of us,are _ to,see the beautiful scenery of nature.,Much to my _,I came across an old friend of mine.,What a great _,it is to have the picnic today!,n. &,vt,.,高兴;使高兴,使欣喜,delights,delighted,delight,delight,小结:,to ones delight,with delight,Its a delight to do,让某人高兴的是,高兴地,(,状语,),做某事是一件高兴的事。,考点,4,:,find +sb./,sth,.+,过去分词,Now when people refer to England you,_(,发现威尔士被包括在内,) as well.,拓展练习:,1. I found my wallet _(steal) when I got to the cinema.,2. With everything well _(arrange), he left the office.,3.-Have you moved into your new house?,-Not yet. Ive no time to get it _(furnish).,find Wales included,stolen,arranged,furnished,高考链接,1【2013,北京,】29. When we saw the road,with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.,A. block B. to block,C. blocking D. blocked,2.,Mrs.White,found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and _ very worried.,A,look B,looks C,looking D,to look,考点,5,:状语从句的省略,It looked splendid _(,刚建成的时候,).,该从句完整形式是:,_,规律总结:,当状语从句的主语与主句主语一致,且谓语部分有,be,动词时,可把从句的主语和,be,动词省略。,when first built,when it was first built,高考链接,Anyone, once _ positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government.,A. to be tested B. being tested,C. tested D. to test,If _ to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.,A. askedB. to ask,C. askingD. having asked,There are some health problems that, when _ in time, can become bigger ones later on.,A. not treated B. not being treated,C. not to be treated D. not have been treated,C,A,A,convenient adj.- convenient adj.,1),你上午来方便吗?,Will it be convenient for you to come in the morning?,2),在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多,.,A bicycles often far more convenient than a car in busy cities.,考点,6,:,convenient,refer to,谈到,提到,指的是;涉及,,与,相关,论述;查阅,参考,征询,1) The fellow,r,eferred to,made no answer .,2) Yang,Liwei,is now,referred to as,“ space hero “.,3),当我说有人很愚蠢的时候,我指的不是你。,When I said someone was foolish , I wasnt referring to you.,考点,7,:,refer to,1)Her health broke down under the pressure of work.( ),2)The telephone system has broken down.,( ),3)Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.,( ),4)He broke down and wept when he heard the news.,( ),5)We (,ie,Our car) broke down on the motorway.,( ),机器等坏了,出毛病,失灵,破裂,感情失控,抛锚,考点,8,:,break down,Summary,(小结),单词,1. remain 2. arrange 3. delight,短语,1. leave out 2. break down,句型,1. find+ sb./,sth,. +,过去分词,2.,状语从句的省略,


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