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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7 Terms of Payment,Points for attention:,在外贸业务中,付款方式主要有三种:,1.,汇付(,Remit),汇付是进口商将贷款交由银行汇给出口商,可分为:,信汇,: M/T (Mail Transfer ),电汇,: T/T (Telegraphic Transfer ),票汇,: D/D,(Demand Draft ),1,2.,托收(,Collection,),(1),光票托收,Clean Collection,(2),跟单托收,Documentary Collection,a.,付款交单:,D/P (Documents against Payment ),即期付款交单:,D/P at sight, sight D/P,远期付款交单:,D/P after sight,b.,承兑交单:,D/A (Documents against Acceptance),2,3.,信用证(,L/C),国际贸易最常用的支付方法是,L/C,这是一种可靠又安全的支付方式便于卖方与陌生的买方进行交易,并对买卖双方都有保障。,开证的程序始于买方,他通知他的往来银行开立以卖方为受益人的信用证,并以购货的金额为该信用证金额。买方的往来银行(开证行)把信用证寄给他在卖方国家的往来银行,告知信用证金额、受益人为谁、所使用的货币、必备单证以及其他特定要求。信用证到达后,该往来行通知卖方,该信用证已收到。有时,卖方要求保兑信用证,在这种情况下,该往来行通常自己保兑,成为保兑行,并把由他保兑的情况通知卖方,卖方是按信用证所列要求发货。,3,在其他付款方式中,银行职能作托收和汇付的工作,对进口商不付货款不予负责;而在信用证的情况下,开证行以自己的信用为交易垫付付款。,就卖方的利益来说,信用证(,L/C,)比付款交单(,D/P,)好,,D/P at sight,比,D/P after sight,好,而付款交单(,D/P,)又比承兑交单(,D/A),好。在国际贸易中,只在进口商财务状况良好,或过去一系列业务中进口商付款可靠,从而取得出口商信任,才可以接受托收的支付方式。,4,Letter 1,1.Specimen contract :,合同样本,2.Go through:,研究,仔细看,5,terms of payment,:支付条款,confirmed, irrevocable L/C,保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,in our favor,:以我方为受益人,in favor of our company,以我公司为受益人,open an L/C in our favor,Please open your L/C in favor of our Guangzhou Branch.,draft at sight,:即期汇票,6,.reaching us one month ahead of shipment , remaining,valid,for,negotiation,in china till the 21th day after the prescribed time of shipment, and allowing transshipment and partial shipments.,negotiation:,议付,partial shipments,:分批装运,该信用证应在装运期前一个月到达我方,在中国议付,有效期截止到规定的装运期后第,21,天,并允许转船和分批装运。,7,5.,come to agreement with us on,payment terms so as to get the first transaction,concluded,.,come to agreement with sb. on sth.,在某方面与某人达成一致意见,同,agree with sb. on sth.,conclude transaction with sb.,与某人达成交易,8,6.As soon as we hear from you in the affirmative,in the affirmative,一俟你方来函认可上述支付条件,7.We look forward to receiving your,favourable,reply soon.,Favourable :,肯定的,赞成的,有帮助的,9,Letter 2,Reference is made to your letter,Ref.SJ,/mg,of,the 9th,inst.,along with your quotation,against,the captioned enquiry.,Ref.SJ,/mg,:编号为,SJ/mg,inst.,:,instant,本月,参阅你方本月,9,日编号为,SJ/mg,的来函,以及来函中所附的关于标题所列询盘的报价单。,10,Call,1),v.,Call for,: 要求,Call for immediate payment,要求立即付款,Call on,sb.,at,a place,:拜访,访问,停于,I called on Mr. Green.,我拜访了格林先生。,I called at Mr. Greens house.,我曾到格林先生府上拜访。,Call on a client,访问客户,11,Call n.,port of call,船舶途中停靠的港口,Call box,公用电话亭,12,Down payment,(分期付款)的首次款,定金,如,We require 10% down payment for your first order.,对于你方的第一笔订单,我们要求收取,10,的定金。,Balance,余额,13,To tell you frankly this is in no way feasible and is, in our opinion, unnecessary and unadvisable.,in our opinion:,以我们之见,我们认为,Unadvisable,:,unreasonable,不合理的,不适当的,Advisable,:明智的,合理的,适当的,可行的,14,Advice,:,n.,1),劝告;忠告;建议,如:,If you take my advice and study hard, you will pass the examination.,2)(,商)消息,行情,如:,Advices from our Beijing branch,从我们北京分公司来的消息,Advice note, letter of advice:,正式通知(关于货物寄运,业务洽谈等),15,Open/establish/issue an L/C:,开立信用证,Enjoy high prestige:,享有很高的声誉,Our usual terms of payment are,by,an irrevocable L/C to be established,in the sellers favor,through the bank of China, payable,against,the,presentation,of shipping documents in Shanghai.,我们付款的惯例是,通过,中国银行开立的、,以卖方为受益人,的不可撤消的信用证,在上海,凭,提示装运单据,付款。,16,Draw a draft/bill on sb.,:开立以某人为付款人的汇票,Draw on sb for ,:,for,后接开出的款数,Please draw,on,us,for,the amount of your invoice.,请按发票金额开立以我方为付款人的汇票。,draw on us: draw a draft on us,17,Exercise,I.,1.Through your repeated requests and,in view of,the small amount of this trial order, we would grant you,such,favorable terms of payment,as,D/A 45 days after sight.,in view of,:鉴于,D/A 45 days after sight,:,45,天的承兑交单,D/A (Documents against Acceptance),favorable,:赞成的,有帮助的,通过你们反复要求,并鉴于这笔试购订单金额较小,我们愿给你,D/A45,天的有利条款。,18,2.In order to facilitate your efforts in introducing our products to your market, we would consider, as an exception, accepting payments by D/P at sight.,D/P at sight,:即期付款交单,为了方便你方介绍我产品到你市场所作的努力,我愿作为例外,考虑接受即期,D/P,付款。,19,3.For this sample order in the amount of only 45, we suggest that you send us a bank draft so that as soon as we are in receipt of the same we can ship the order by air.,对这张只有,45,镑的样品性订单,我们建议你方寄我一张银行汇票,以便我们在收到后立即航空发运订货。,20,4.We do not think there is any difficulty for you to establish a confirmed irrevocable L/C in our favor to,cover,your present order, so that we may expect to receive the money at a definite time.,我们不认为你们会有任何困难开立以我方为受益人的保兑的不可撤销信用证来,支付,你方目前的这张订单,这样,我们可预期在一个确定的日期收到货款。,21,5.Since your order is to be shipped by our Guangdong Branch and us, we should ask you to open a,transferable,letter of credit.,因为你方订货将由我广东分公司和我们装运,因此我们要求你方开立,可转让,的信用证。,22,6.We regret to have to decline your,request for,D/P terms. Payment,by,L/C is our usual method of financing trade in these traditional goods.,我们抱歉不得不谢绝你方要求,D/P,条款。对这些传统货物,我们一般的贸易支付方法是用信用证付款。,23,7.Since it takes time to open the L/C while the goods under this order are urgently required to meet the season, may we suggest that you,draw on us at sight,through your bank and we will,honor,it on presentation,.,Draw on us (a draft) at sight:,对我方开出即期汇票,Honor,:,vt.,1),尊敬;以,为荣;给予荣誉,2),(商)承兑;承认并如期支付,honor a bill/ cheque/draft,:,承兑票据,(,支票,汇票),honor ones signature,24,因为开立信用证发费时间,而该订单项下的货物急需应付销售季节,我们建议你方通过你方银行对我方开出即期汇票,我们在汇票提示时当即承兑付款。,25,8.Since it is a rather substantial order and the machine is to be manufactured,to,your own specifications, we can only accept your order,on sight L/C basis,.,因为这是一张很大的订单,机器要按你方规格制造,我们只能在即期信用证的基础上接受你方订单。,26,II.,1.,非常抱歉,我们不能同意在装运货物前付款,.,We very much regret that we cannot agree to make payment before shipment.,27,2.,对这次交易,我们例外同意用信用证方式付款,但对以后的交易,我们要求更有利的付款条件,也就是付款交单,.,For this transaction, we,exceptionally,agree to make payment by L/C. But for future transactions, we would ask for more favorable payment terms,i.e., D/P.,28,3.,由于此间开证费用颇高,故我们建议在货物装运后,你们凭装运单据向我们开立即期汇票,通过银行,托收,.,我们保证一经,提示,汇票,当即付款,.,Owing to,the high expense for the opening of L/C here, we suggest that after shipment, you,draw on us a sight draft,for,collection,through your bank,against,the shipping documents. We assure you that as soon as the draft is,presented,we will make payment.,29,4.,虽然我们对你方定购,50,令,(ream),砂纸,(glass paper),表示感谢,但歉难同意以,承兑交单,方式付款,因为我们一般,惯例,都只接受以信用证付款的方式,你方自不能例外,.,While thanking you for your order for 50 reams of glass paper, we regret being unable to agree to payment by,D/A,as it is our,usual practice,to accept payment by L/C only and you cannot be regarded as an exception.,30,5.,鉴于你我间的长期友好关系,对你方这批试购的货物,我们愿意例外地接受,30,天付款交单,的方式付款,.,希望你们能接受,.,In view of,the long business relations between us, we will, as an exception, accept payment terms by,D/P at,30 days,sight,for your present trial order and hope you will accept our terms.,31,6.,我们要求货款以保兑的,不可撤销的,以我方为受益人的即期信用证支付,.,该信用证需在合同规定的装运期前一个月抵达我方,在中国议付,有效期至装运期后,15,天,并允许转船和分批装运,.,We ask for payment,by,confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit,in our favor,available by draft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of the stipulated time of shipment, remaining valid for,negotiation,in China until the 15th day after the time of shipment, and allowing,transshipment,and,partial shipments,.,32,Exercises,Choose the correct word:,1.Your request for payment ( ) L/C at sight is unacceptable.,by,2.We will open an irrevocable L/C to pay ( ) the goods covered by the S/C No.682.,for,33,3.As instructed, we will draw ( ) you a sight draft for collection through the Bank of China.,on,4. We will instruct our bank to issue an L/C ( ) favour of your company.,in,34,5.We regret ( ) unable to accept your terms of payment as mentioned in your last mail.,being,6.Payment is sometimes made by means of ( ) through banks under the terms of D/P or D/A.,collection,35,7.Under the terms of L/C or collection, a ( ) is usually drawn by the exporter.,draft,8.Payment should be made upon the ( ) of shipping documents under D/P terms.,presentation,36,9.we will draw you a draft ( ) days after sight.,at,10.we can ( ) bills at any time before the L/C expires.,negotiate,37,Translate the following sentences,1. 我们的付款方式,一般是以保兑的,不可撤销的,以我公司为收益人的,按发票金额见票即付的信用证支付。该信用证应通过我们认可的银行开出。,38,Our usual mode of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight for the full amount of the invoice value to be established in our favor through a bank acceptable to us.,39,2. 为了你方在你市场推销我方产品铺平道路,我方将接受即期付款交单方式付款,以示特别照顾,,In order to pave the way for your pushing the sale of our products in your market, we will accept the payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.,40,3. 第268号合约项下的800辆自行车备妥待运已久,但至今我们尚未收到你们的有关信用证。请速开来,以便装运。,The 800 bicycles under Contract 268 have been ready for shipment for quite some time, but we have not yet received your covering L/C to date. Please open the L/C as soon as possible so that we may effect shipment.,41,4. 现通知,你方通过利物浦麦加利银行开出的有关我方第187号售货确认书的信用证第,H-15,号刚刚收到。 经审阅其中条款,我们遗憾地发现某些地方与合同规定的条款不符,其不符之处如下:,1)佣金应是3,不是6,2)货物应于10月11月之间装运,不是10月30日或30日之前装运,3)货物按发票价值的110投保保险,不是150。,42,We are pleased to inform you that L/C No. H-15 issued by the Chartered Bank of Liverpool for our S/C No. 187 has just been received. However , on examining the clauses contained therein, we regretfully find that certain points are not in conformity with the terms stipulated in the contract. The discrepancies are as follows:,43,1),Commission is 3%, not 6%.,2) Shipment is to be made during Oct./Nov. instead of “on or before 30,th,October”.,3) Goods should be insured for 110% of the invoice value, not 150%,44,5. 收到你方789号信用证,谢谢。 经核对条款,我们遗憾地发现你方信用证要求2000年10月装运,但我方合约规定11月份装运。因此,务请把装运期和议付期分别展至2000年11月30日和12月15日。 请即办理展证事宜,并尽早电复。,45,We thank you for your L/C No.789, but on checking its clauses we find with regret that your L/C calls for shipment in October,2000, whereas our contract stipulate for November shipment. Therefore, it is imperative for your to extend the shipment date to November 30, and negotiation date to December 15,2000 respectively. Please act promptly and let us have your cable reply the soonest possible.,46,Writing,Write a reply to the letter 5 in Unit 8, tell the exporter that due to the complicated formalities of applying for licence and the validity of it, you cannot extend the relevant L/C.,47,Dear sirs,L/C NSW6180,We have received your letter of June 30,th,requesting us to extend the above L/C to the 31,st,of August and the 15,th,of September for shipment and negotiation respectively.,48,We are quite aware of the conditions set forth in S/C 89STX-5491 that the goods ordered could be shipped in July if the covering L/C reached you on the 15,th,of June at the latest, However, as we had to go through the necessary formalities of applying for the relevant import licence , we could not open the,49,L/C earlier. The import licence was granted on June 17 and is valid only up to the 31,st,of July.,We are willing to do whatever we can to cooperate with you, but as the present import regulations do not allow any extension of licence, we regret having to say that is beyond our ability,50,to meet your request to extend the above L/C.,Please do your best to ship the goods in time and we thank you for your cooperation.,Yours faithfully,51,


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