ansys软件计算大变形问题实例(Analysis_Large Deflection_Arched Beam)

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,*,INTRODUCTION TO ANSYS 5.6 - Part 2,Workshop Supplement,Workshop 7Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,Description,A shallow arch is subjected to a 20,000N force at its midspan. Determine the midspan displacement using both a linear and nonlinear (large-deflection) analysis, then compare the results.,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,2,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,Loads and Material Properties,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,3,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,1.Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “,beamarch,” as the jobname.,2.,We recommend building the model using steps 3-12, but if you dont want to, you may resume an existing database (beamarch.db1), then skip to step 13.,Utility Menu File Resume from ,Or issue:,RESUME,beamarch,db1,3.Define 4 keypoints in the global cylindrical system: kp1 at (1270,75), kp2 at (1270,90), kp3 at (1270,105), kp4 at (1270sin45, 90). Kp4 is the orientation keypoint.,Utility Menu WorkPlane Change Active CS to Global Cylindrical,Main Menu Preprocessor -Modeling- Create Keypoints In Active CS ,Utility Menu Parameters Angular Units .,Or issue:,/PREP7,CSYS,1,K,1,1270,75,K,2,1270,90,K,3,1270,105,*AFUN,DEG,K,4,(1270*SIN(45),90,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,4,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,4.Define,lines,(arcs) from,keypoints,1 to 2,and,keypoints,2 to 3,:,Main Menu Preprocessor -Modeling- Create -Lines- Lines In Active,Coord,+,Or issue:,L,1,2,L,2,3,5.Define the element type to be BEAM189, and then define material properties (EX=210e3,MPa,):,Main Menu Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete ,Main Menu Preprocessor Material Props -Constant- Isotropic .,Or issue:,ET,1,BEAM189,MP,EX,1,210E3,6.Constrain the UX, UY, and UZ directions at,keypoints,1 and 3, and then constrain only the UZ direction at,keypoint,2:,Main Menu Preprocessor Loads -Loads- Apply -Structural- Displacement On,keypoints,+,Or issue:,DK,1,UX,0,UY,UZ,DK,3,UX,0,UY,UZ,DK,2,UZ,0,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,5,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,7.Apply a force of 20,000 N in the negative Y direction at,keypoint,2:,Main Menu Preprocessor Loads -Loads- Apply -Structural- Force/Moment On,keypoints,+,Or issue:,FK,2,FY,-20000,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,6,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,8.Define the,beams,section properties:,Main Menu Preprocessor Sections -Beam- Common,Sectns,ID = 1,Sub-Type = ,Offset =,Centroid,B = 25,H = 12.5,Or issue:,SECTYPE,1,BEAM,RECT,SECOFFSET,CENT,SECDATA,25,12.5,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,7,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,9.,Assign attributes, including the orientation keypoint, to the lines:,Main Menu Preprocessor -Attributes- Define All Lines .,MAT = 1,TYPE = “1 BEAM189”,SECT = 1,Pick Orientation,Keypoint,(s) = “yes”,OK,Pick,keypoint,4, then OK,Or issue:,LATT,1, ,1, ,4, ,1,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,8,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,10.Set 10 element divisions on all lines:,Main Menu Preprocessor -Meshing- Size,Cntrls, -,ManualSize,- -Lines- All Lines .,Or issue:,LESIZE,ALL,10,11.Mesh all the lines:,Main Menu Preprocessor -Meshing- Mesh Lines +,Or issue:,LMESH,ALL,12.Turn /ESHAPE on and set /EFACET to two, and then plot the elements:,Utility Menu ,PlotCtrls, Style Size and Shape .,Or issue:,/ESHAPE,1,/EFACET,2,EPLOT,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,9,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,13.Save the database and obtain the linear solution:,Pick the “SAVE_,DB,” button in the Toolbar (or select: Utility Menu File Save as Jobname.,db,),Main Menu Solution -Solve- Current LS,Or issue:,SAVE,/SOLU,SOLVE,14.Select node number 2 (mid-span node,),then,enter,POST1 and print,the nodal displacements:,Utility Menu Select Entities .,Main Menu General,Postproc, List Results Nodal Solution .,Or issue:,NSEL,S,2,/POST1,PRDISP,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,10,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,15.Select everything and enter the solution processor to solve the nonlinear solution:,Utility Menu Select Everything,Main Menu Solution ,Soln,Control .,Activate “Large Displacement Static” under Analysis Options,Set,Number,of,substeps,= 10,OK,Main Menu Solution -Solve- Current LS,Or issue:,ALLSEL,/SOLU,NLGEOM,1,NSUBST,10,SOLVE,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,11,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,16.,List the displacement of node 2:,Utility Menu Select Entities .,Main Menu General,Postproc, List Results Nodal Solution .,Or issue:,NSEL,S,2,/POST1,PRDISP,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,12,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,17.Select everything and set displacement scaling to 5, then plot the UY displacement results:,Utility Menu Select Everything,Utility Menu ,PlotCtrls, Style Displacement Scaling ,Main Menu General,Postproc, Plot Results -Contour Plot- Nodal,Solu,Or issue:,ALLSEL,/DSCALE,1,5,PLNSOL,U,Y,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,13,7. Nonlinear Analysis - Large Deflection,Arched Beam,18.Animate the UY displacement results:,Utility Menu ,PlotCtrls, Animate Deformed Results ,Or issue:,ANCNTR,10,0.5,19.Save and exit ANSYS:,Pick the “QUIT” button,in the Toolbar,Or issue:,FINISH,/EXIT,001290,12 Dec 1999,W7-,14,


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