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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,掌握解题绝技,灵活运用以下三种有效的阅读方法,可以大大提高阅读速度和解题速度。,略读,(skimming),弄清文章大意。,就是以尽快的速度跳跃式地浏览文章的标题、首尾段、每段的首尾句、以及表示句、段关系的连接性词语,(,特别是,however,,,but,等后的内容,),等重要部分,以了解文章的主旨大意。,三种阅读法,查读,(scanning),寻找所需信息。,也叫寻读,就是带着问题或者关键词去快速阅读,以求在短时间内准确地寻找到我们所需要的信息。专有名词和数字等特别适合作关键词。,研读,(study reading),准确理解含意。,就是通过略读了解文章主旨和通过查读找到了相关的信息范围之后,在相关范围内逐句、逐词地阅读,不仅要理解其字面意思,而且要结合语境,通过分析、综合、比较、联想等思维方法,并结合自己已有的知识和经验进行推理、判断,来理解文章的深层含义,以及作者的立场、观点、态度或意图等。,解题的顺序有的人喜欢先阅读文章再看题目,有的人喜欢先看题目再阅读文章,这要因人而异,本无优劣之分的,应根据你的习惯来决定。我们推荐以下步骤:,(1),用略读法了解文章大意及各段的大意,便于解题时快速信息定位。,(2),阅读题干及各个选项,了解考查的内容,确定要到文章中去找的关键信息。,五步解题法,(3),带着问题或关键信息,用查读法到文中找到关键信息所在的相关句段,即信息定位。切记:命题的顺序性原则对迅速定位信息有重要的导向作用。,(4),用研读法理解相关句段,筛选答案,作出选择。,(5),综合考虑各题所选选项,看是否切合全文主旨。,准确理解长难句是考生应该掌握的一项阅读技能,是阅读理解的基础。我们要善于运用句法知识来理解长难句,先判断句子的主干部分,(,主谓宾,或主系表,),,而句子的修饰、补充成分,可以先忽略不看。在理解了句子的主干意思后,再理解修饰、补充成分。长难句的主要类型有:,善于分析长难句,1.,简单句中含有复杂的修饰成分,常见的修饰成分有介词短语、非谓语动词作定语或状语。,破解方法,跳读那些做修饰成分的介词短语和非谓语结构,把握句子的主干。,如:,(2007,广东,)Indeed, any serious,student,of antique,should spend,as much,time,as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past.,句子的主干是,student should spend time,,句子为,spend time doing,sth,.,结构;句中,any serious,和,of antique,作,students,的定语;,places, stately homes and museums,作,visiting,的宾语,,to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past,不定式短语作目的状语。,分析:,2.,两个句子成分之间被插入语等所分隔,为了调整语气或补充信息,或为了平衡句子结构,避免头重脚轻,在语法关系密切的两个句子成分之间往往加入同位语、插入语、非限制性定语从句、破折号等,这也会给我们理解增加了难度。,破解方法,跳过插入成分,关注标点符号,(,如破折号,两个逗号之间的同位语,),。,如:,(2009,广州一模,) The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home, replied in a way that shocked his father.,句子的主干是,The boy replied,,主语和谓语这间被非限制性定语从句,who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home,分开了。另外,,that shocked his father,是定语从句,修饰,way,。,分析:,3.,从句套从句,环环相扣式,有时,一个从句套着另一个从句,环环相扣,或并列分句中又含有从句,且可能同时还有介词短语或非谓语动词等,结构非常复杂。其实,不管句子有多长,结构有多复杂,它只由两部分构成,即主干和修饰成分。,破解方法,(1),确定并列连词,(but, and, so, or, for),,从句连接词,(that, which, what, when, how, whether, if, where, because, though);(2),跳读定语、状语,(,短语或从句,),等,;(3),先读懂并列句,再看主从复合句,最后看其他修饰成分。,如:,(2009,广东,) Sire shows in her book a deep concern about the fall of handwriting and the failure of schools to teach children to write well, but many others argue that people in a digital age cant be expected to learn to hold a pen.,本句是由表转折的,but,连接的并列句。前一分句中,主干是,Sir shows a deep concern,;,but,的后一分句中,主干是,others argue that,,,argue,后还跟宾语从句,that people in a digital age cant be expected to learn to hold a pen.,总之,快速把握句子主干是理解长难句的关键。我们必须学会分析句子结构,把握句子主干,准确理解句子意思,有效提高阅读速度。,分析:,综合分析上表和历年真题可以发现,广东高考英语阅读理解,有以下命题特点:,1.,语篇体裁分布比较均匀,题材趋向多样化。阅读理解,所选,语篇包括叙述性文体、说明性文体和议论性文体等。语言材料,的筛选跨度宽广,题材趋向多样化,内容涉及日常生活、人物、社,会、文化、史地、科技、政治、环保和经济诸领域以及学科的,热点问题等。,2.,注重语言材料的真实性,行文表达使用比较正式的书,面语,言。,3.,较大的阅读量和信息量。阅读词汇量稳中有增,信息负载,量大,要求,较快的阅读速度。,4.,语篇结构较为复杂。具有行文跳跃程度大、陈述次序富于,变化、隐含信息多等特点。,5.,长难句有所增加。,6.,注重考查考生综合理解能力。,2007,2012,年广东高考,阅读理解考情分析,细节理解题是高考英语阅读理解中占比重最大的一类题型,这类题旨在考查考生对事实细节的理解。主要针对,who, what, which, why, how, when, where,等来提问,可能只针对文章中某一特定的细节,也可能涉及若干个细节。, 细节理解题,【,设题方式,】,1.We can learn/know from the passage/text that.,2.What do we learn about.,?,3.Which of the following statements is TRUE (NOT true),according to the passage/text,?,4.Which of the following is the CORRECT order of.,?,5.Which of the following isnt mentioned,?,此外,还有,when, where, how, who, what, why,等引导的特殊,疑问句也常用来考查事实细节题。,【,应试技巧,】,1.,通读短文,领悟文章大意,理解文章结构层次及细节,应特,别注意:,(1),五个,w (who, which, when, where, what),一个,h (how),;,(2),数字、日期、时间等;,(3),同位语、破折号、括号、省略号等;,(4),表示附加说明的词或短语,如:,by the way, besides, whats,more, in addition to, including, as well as,等;,(5),倒装句及加强语气的词或短语,如:,only when/by., above,all, mainly, mostly, certainly, indeed,等。,2.,利用排除法排除不符合原文细节的选项,选出正确答案。,语意转换题,虽然说细节题的答案一般可以在文章中直接或间接地找到,但是与阅读材料一模一样的正确选项是几乎没有的。而是用不同的词语或句型表达相同的意思,即语意转换。解题时注意以下几点:,1.,顺序性原则:一般说来,题序与其题眼在文章中的顺序相同。如第,53,题的答案信息会在第,52,题的答案信息之后。,技巧点拨,2.,定位信息点:通过寻读法,(scanning),用题干中的关键词在文中搜索,迅速确定相关词句或信息点所在的位置,缩小阅读范围。题干中可用来在文中搜索的关键词可能是专有名词、数词、实体名词,以及这些词的同义表达等。,3.,理解信息点:在找到关键词句后,要仔细阅读,准确理解,对照选项,看哪个选项的意思与之最接近。,4.,排除干扰项:在作出选择的过程中,要善于辨别真伪,排除干扰,不断缩小范围,选出正确答案,这就是我们常说的排除法。干扰项一般具有以下特征:,杜撰事实,无中生有。文中根本找不到任何相关信息,完全由命题人所捏造。,(2),偷梁换柱,以假乱真。采用原文中的句式和大部分词汇,但换了个别词,改变了原意或范围。,(3),半真半假,虚虚实实。干扰项与原文相关细节部分相同,部分相悖。,(4),文不对题,滥竽充数。干扰项是文中的事实细节,但与题干要求不符。,36,A drop of more than 6% for 2013 applications is probably the effect of,.,A,the increased tuition fees,B,the approaching deadline,C,the concern from applicants,D,the difficulties with applications,The organization representing British universities has expressed concern about the potential effect of tuition fees,(学费),after figures showed a drop of more than 6% in student applications with less than a month to go before the deadline for 2013 applications.,37,Compared with the previous year, the fall in student applications is,.,A,3.9%B,6%C,6.3%D,8.4%,P2: Data from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (Ucas) showed there were 265,784 university applications by UK-based candidates up to 17 Decemeber, 6.3% down on the parallel period in the admissions cycle the year before. While this is less than the 8.4% year-on-uear fall seen in see a second earlier Ucas figures, released in mid-November, the coming January deadline makes it ever more likely that the total 2013 applicant figure will sizeable fall following the introduction of annual fees of up to,9,000.,P4:A report of the Uncas figures to mid-December shows a 6.5% fall for applicants in England and 11.7% for those in Wales, with smaller drops of 3.9% for Scotland and 0.5% for Nortern Ireland. Scotiish students at home insitiutions pay on fees, while those from Nothern Ireland have fees capped to,3,575 for Northern Irish universities.,38,Why is the fall for application the smallest in Soctoland and Northem lreland?,A,Because they have more financial support.,B,Because the tuition is much cheaper for them.,C,Because the education is better there.,D,Because the universities are free for them.,P2: A report of the Uncas figures to mid-December shows a 6.5% fall for applicants in England and 11.7% for those in Wales, with smaller drops of 3.9% for Scotland and 0.5% for Nortern Ireland. Scotiish students at home insitiutions pay on fees, while those from Nothern Ireland have fees capped to,3,575 for Northern Irish universities.,是非判断题,这里的是非判断题,主要是指,true,或,NOT true,以及含,EXCEPT,等词的这类题。解答这类题,一定要看清,是选与文章内容相符的选项还是选不相符的选项,或是选文中没有谈及的内容。,特别注意:,NOT true,这类题,要求选出一个错误选项,也就是说,有三个选项是正确的。考生千万不要看到一个正确选项时,就以为这是要选的正确答案呀,这点非常容易出错。,Not true,这类题涉及的信息点跨度大,要注意作记号。,技巧点拨,39,Which of the following is true?,A,The application for universities is on a rise continuously.,B,The fall for applications is due to family problems.,C,The education in Scotland and Northern Ireland is worse.,D,The rise of tuition fees has an effect on applications.,P1: The organization representing British universities has expressed concern about the potential effect of tuition fees,(学费),after figures showed a drop of more than 6% in student applications with less than a month to go before the deadline for 2013 applications.,P4:A report of the Uncas figures to mid-December shows a 6.5% fall for applicants in England and 11.7% for those in Wales, with smaller drops of 3.9% for Scotland and 0.5% for Nortern Ireland.,“,It is important that no one is put off applying to university because they do not have information about the student support available to them. Most new students dont need to pay directly. There will be more financial support for those from poorer families and everyone will make lower loan repayments thatn they do now once they are in well paid jobs.”,


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