Itamar Even Zohar 翻译理论

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Company Logo,*,Itamar Even-Zohar,Brief Introduction,He was,born in Tel Aviv, he earned his degrees from the University of Tel Aviv (B.A., and PhD) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (M.A). He also studied in Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm.,He has a working knowledge of Hebrew (mother tongue), Arabic, English, French, Swedish, Spanish, Norwegian, Danish, Italian, Russian, German, Icelandic, and other languages.,Itamar Even-Zohar and Gideon Toury are the two representatives of the,Tel Aviv Translation Studies. Their theories are related tightly wth many translation schools.,Company Logo,Polysystem Theory,He is not specifically a translation theorist, but a cultural theorist. But his pioneering work continues to exert considerable influence on translation, particularly when studying translation in emerging cultures or cultures in crisis. His thinking about translations led him to some of the most provocative hypotheses about literary system.,Company Logo,Even-Zohar incorporated the data collected from his observations on how translations function in various societies. He developed an approach ”,Polysystem theory,” to explain the function of all kinds of writing within a given culture.,His data showed that,translated literature,functions differently,depending,upon the age, strength, and stability of the particular literary,polysystem,.,Even-Zohar adopted Tynjanovs concept of system. He developed the polysystem hypothesis while working on a model for Israeli Hebrew literature. In a series of papers written from 1970 to 1977 and collected in 1978 as “,Papers in Historical Poetics”,历史诗学论文集,he first introduced the term “,polysystem,” to refer to the entire network of correlated system within society. Thus it is a global term covering all of the literary system, both major and minor existing in a given culture.,Company Logo,多系统论”-伊塔马埃文佐哈尔教授,认为文学以及文化等社会符号现象都是一个开放式的多系统,即一个系统网(network of systems),包括各种关系,如:中心与边缘(center vs. periphery),经典化与非经典化(canonized vs. non-canonized) , 来源与目的(source vs. target)等。这些因素都在为能成为主导因素而不断地斗争,于是,这些因素在文学系统中的地位也就在它们的不断斗争中从中心到边缘不断地进行转化。,Company Logo,Polysystem with translation theories,“,It is necessary to include,translated literature,in the,polysystem.,This is rarely done, but no observer of the history of any literature can avoid recognizing as an important fact the impact of translations and their role in the synchrony and diachrony of a certain literature”.,(Even-Zohar, 1978),Company Logo,Three circumstances:Maintaining a,primary,position,When a literature is young, or in the process of being established.,i.e. Israel; Czech in 19,th,;我国清末明初,Translation fulfills the need of a young literature to use its new language for as many different kinds of writing as possible. Since it cannot create all forms and genres, translated texts may serve as the most important for a certain amount time.,(1) 某一文学处于未成形发展的初期,也就是说该文学还处于“年轻”阶段(即发展初期);,Company Logo,Three circumstances:Maintaining a,primary,position,2. When a literature is “peropheral”, or “weak” or both.,i.e. Israel; the Low Countries,;我国文革期间,They,cannot,produce all the kinds of writing a stronger, larger system canthus its,inability,to produce innovations and subsequent,dependency upon,translation to introduce precedent-setting texts. In such circumstances, translated texts serve not only as a medium through which new ideas can be imported, but also as,the form of writing,most frequently imitated by “creative” writers in the native language.,(2) 某一文学(在一个大的相关文学群内)还处于“边缘”或处于“软弱”阶段或两者兼而有之:,Company Logo,Three circumstances:Maintaining a,primary,position,i.e. North American in the 60s;,五四前后,文革后,Established literary models no longer stimulate the new generation of writers who then turn elsewhere for ideas and forms.,3. When a literature is experiencing a “crisis”, or turning point.,(3) 某一文学处于转折时期,危机时期或出现文学真空时期。,Company Logo,我国学者张南峰先生对“多元系统理论”在翻译学的建立方面所产生的影响也给予了极高的评价,认为:“在西方,令翻译研究取得学科地位并走到学术研究系统中心的,是多元系统理论以及其他文化学派的翻译理论和研究模式”。,Company Logo,comments on polysystem theory,Advantages:,Even-Zohars polysystem theory demonstrates an advance in the development of translation studies specifically and translation theory in general. It is the integration the study of literature with the study of social and economic forces of,history.,1. His attention and thought given to the role of translation within a literary system , is traditionally ignored by literary theorists.,2. By expanding frequently on linguistic models or undeveloped literary theories, and embedding translated literature into a larger cultural context.,3. Even-Zohar opened the way for translation theory to advance beyond prescriptive aesthetics.,Company Logo,comments on polysystem theory,Problems:,1. His work and hypnoses focused primarily upon the literary, the extraliterary was significantly absent from his analysis.,2. His tendency to overgeneralize and establish universal laws based on very little evidence which needs more analysis.,literary theories, and embedding translated literature into a larger cultural context.,3. His methodology and discourse and his uncritical adoption of the Formalist framework,limit the scope of his investigation.,4. His formulation of principles occasionally contradicts that which he is trying to prove.,Company Logo,Conclusion,Therefore, we should look at Zohars polysystem theory in a dialectical way. Even though there exist some weaknesses, his contribution to literary theory can not be ignored, especially to the field of translation theory.,Company Logo,Thank You !,


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