module 8 新编剑桥商务英语(初级)第三版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 8,Business topic: Manufacturing processes,Graffiti a problem? Just wash it,The passive,Supply and demand/Production philosophy,Just-In-Time (JIT),Business skills: Problems ad solutions,Solving problems,Use a Smart Lid,When and If,Collocations(,词语搭配,) with problems,Weve got a problem (case practice),P76 Read the article,The name of the company,What kind of products the company makes,Who uses the products,Hubdean,Graffiti resistant paints, and anti-graffiti treatment,Local councils and private companies all over UK,Passive,不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁,.,强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者,Some new computers were stolen last night.,This machine was made in Germany.,The company was established in 1950.,Eight hours per day for sleep must be guaranteed.,This book was published last year.,The window was broken.,不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态,Appear/disappear,Die,End,Fail,Happen,Last,持续,Lie,Remain,Sit,Spread,stand,break out,突发,爆发,come true,成真,fall asleep,keep silence,lose heart,失去勇气,丧失信心,take place,发生,P77 Exercise 5,If there is a delay, the client _.,The new system _.,We _.,Production _.,The area _.,Is informed,Is being tested,Were shown around the factory,Has been increased,Will be cleaned tomorrow,Exercise 6,Manage,Faced,Are used,Were being vandalised,Tried,6.Was cleaned off,7. Were defaced,8. Contacted,9. Have worked,10. Have been protected,Disposable,用完即弃的,Eliminate,消除,消灭,Elimination,Financial return,金融回报,Frustrated,挫折的,泄气的,Go off,离开,消失,变质,Innovation,创新,Interrupt,打断,妨碍,Interruption,Inventory,存货清单,Loading bay,装卸湾,Maintenance,保养,维护,Mechanism,机构,机制,Philosophy,哲学,理论,Poka-yoke,防差错技术,Prevent,防止,Raw materials,原材料,Reliable,可靠的,Scenario,设想,方案,Supply and demand,供求,Surface,表面,Treatment,处理,治疗,Under license,领有执照,Vandal,故意破坏者,Go out of business,破产,In a buyers market,在买方市场,Meet the standards,符合标准,Total Quality Control (TQM),Turn red/blue/green ,P 78 Definitions,Automated,Capacity,Delivery,Demand,Handmade,Order,make automatic or control or operate automatically.,the amount that can be contained .,the act of delivering or distributing something .,the ability and desire to purchase goods and services .,made by hand or a hand process .,a request for something to be made, supplied, or served .,Output,Plant,Produce,Product,Supply,Warehouse,the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created.,buildings for carrying on industrial labor.,create or manufacture a man-made product.,commodities offered for sale.,offering goods and services for sale.,a storehouse for goods and merchandise.,Exercise 2,Warehouse,Orders,Demand,Automated,Capacity,Products,Exercise 3,Supply,Plant,a handmade,Produce,Output,Deliveries,Production Philosophy,J,F,B,C,G,E,I,A,D,H,Just In Time (JIT),Production method to describe the condition where there is,no excess inventory carried in stock and production is fed by materials arriving “just in time” for production.,利用即时送达的材料来供应生产,以达到无过剩库存的情况。,An inventory strategy,Inventory is probably one of the two biggest assets on your companys balance sheet,.,It is an important determinant(,决定因素,) of Return On Assets (ROA,资产收益率,) and other measures of financial performance.,(财务业绩),Carrying stock is expensive, usually 20%-40% of the average value per year,.,It wastes capital- capital the business may need for growth. It requires large warehouses and valuable floor space. Large stocks require massive computer systems for tracking and control.,Just In Time and The Toyota Production System,The Japanese studied American production methods with particular attention to Ford practices and the Statistical Quality Control practices of,Ishikawa,Edwards Deming, and,Joseph Juran,.,At Toyota Motor Company,Taichii Ohno,and,Shigeo Shingo, began to incorporate(,合并,) Ford production and other techniques into an approach called,Toyota Production System,or,Just In Time,.,The Toyota people also recognized that the Ford system had contradictions and shortcomings, particularly with respect to,employees,.,Toyota soon discovered that factory workers had far more to contribute than just muscle power,.,This discovery probably originated in the,Quality Circle,movement. Ishikawa, Deming, and Juran all made major contributions to the quality movement.,Another key discovery involved product variety,.,The Ford system was built around a single, never changing product. It,did not cope well with multiple or new products,.,When the productivity and quality gains became evident to the outside world, American executives traveled to Japan to study it.,Quality Circle,Quality Circle is one of the,employee participation methods,.,It implies the development of skills, capabilities, confidence and creativity of the people through cumulative process of education, training, work experience and participation.,It also implies the creation of facilitative conditions and environment of work, which creates and sustains their motivation and commitment towards work excellence.,a small group of 6 to 12 employees doing similar work,meet together on a regular basis to identify improvements in their respective work areas,using proven techniques for analysing and solving work related problems,The concept of Quality Circle,based upon recognition of the,value of the worker as a human being, as someone who willingly contributes on his job, his wisdom, intelligence, experience, attitude and feelings.,It has three major attributes:,Quality Circle is a form of participation management.,Quality Circle is a human resource development technique.,Quality Circle is a problem solving technique.,Objective of Quality Circle,Change in Attitude,From I DONT care to I DO care.,Continuous improvement in quality of work life,Self Development,Development of Team Spirit,I could not do but we did it,Eliminate inter departmental conflicts.,Improved Organisational Culture,Positive working environment.Total involvement of people at all levels.Higher motivational level.Participate Management process,What was done at Ford Motor company to eliminate storage cost?,What name was given to the JIT concept at the Toyota Motor Corporation?,What is the main objective of JIT?,Raw materials were taken straight to the factory floor.,The Toyota Production System,To eliminate waste and improve productivity.,How many sorts of waste have been eliminated in,lean manufacturing (,精益生产,),? What are they?,Which sentence is the summary of the JIT philosophy?,Seven: Overproduction; Excess transportation;,Excess inventory; waiting time; processing(,处理,); motion,(移动),and production defects.,Having the right amount of the right material, in the right place, at the right time.,Additive,上瘾的,adj,Advertise,广告,n,Assembly line,流水线,n,Bacterium/bacteria,细菌,n,Catastrophe,大灾难,大祸,n,Closed circuit TV,闭路电视,n,Compatible / compatibility,兼容的,adj/,兼容性,n,Component,组件,n,Dedicate/dedicated,奉献,/,有奉献精神的,Deface,破坏,磨损,vt,Defect,瑕疵,故障,缺点,n,Detect,发现,探测,检定,vt,Poka-yoke,a Japanese term that means fail-safing or mistake-proofing.,It was originally described as,baka-yoke, but as this means fool-proofing.,A process that helps an equipment operator,avoid mistakes,.,Its purpose is to,eliminate product defects,by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur.,Examples of poka-yoke in consumer products,The inability to remove a car key from the ignition switch of an automobile if the automatic transmission is not first put in the Park position, so that the driver cannot leave the car in an unsafe parking condition where the wheels are not locked against movement.,3.5 floppy disks: the top-right corner is shaped in a certain way so that the disk cannot be inserted upside-down.,UK 13 amp electric plugs: it is impossible to wrongly insert the plug into the socket, due to its arrangement of three rectangular pins.,Microwave ovens: a door switch automatically disconnects the activation button when the door of the oven is opened. As a result, it is impossible to cook anything in a microwave oven unless the door is fully closed.,SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards: The SIM card used in cellular phones has its upper left corner trimmed diagonally to guide the card correctly into position.,Solving Problems: Exercise 2,Work in pairs.,Brainstorm ideas to find a Poka-Yoke way.,Labelling,Sound,Tank design,Detector,Alarm,Monitor,Shepherd,Reinforce the fence,Increase cows activity ground,Device,Camera+monitor,Alarm sound,Alarm system,Monitor system,Wrong fuel,Get stuck in the door,Cow escaping,Use different measures of diameter of the tubes.,Optical cells to stop doors from closing when people are getting on/off.,Stones to make the gate close automatically.,Exercise 4,Prevent a mistake from becoming a catastrophe(,大灾难,).,It only fits the right tank.,Stop the doors from closing when people are getting off.,To make the gate close automatically.,Total Quality Management (TQM),A management concept coined by,Edwards Deming.,The basis of TQM:,to reduce the errors produced during the manufacturing or service process.,to increase customer satisfaction, supply chain management.,to aim for modernization of equipment and ensure workers have the highest level of training.,One of the Principal Aims,to limit errors to 1 per 1 million units produced.,often associated with the development, deployment, and maintenance of organizational systems that are required for various business processes.,Seven Basic Tools of Quality,The cause-and-effect or Ishikawa diagram,The check sheet (,检查单,),The control chart,(控制图),The histogram,(柱状图),The pareto chart,(排列图),The scatter diagram,(散点图),flow chart,(流程图,/,生产过程图),TQM vs. Six Sigma,TQM tries to,improve quality,by ensuring,conformance(,一致,) to internal requirements.,Six Sigma focuses on,improving quality by reducing,the number of defects.,P82 Collocations with problems,Detect,Causing,Having,Explain,Avoid,Deal with,Solve,Business ethics,Corporation responsibility,Weve got a problem,Hi, David. Is something wrong?,Is it serious?,Oh, whats wrong, exactly?,Oh no! Have you stopped production?,OK, Ill contact Head Office immediately.,Yes, Ill do that too.,P83 Group work,Ceramics Kiln,Departments,Ideas and solutions,Product Manager,Maintenance Manager,Purchasing Manager,Overall solutions,


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