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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Welcome,to,Procurement & Supply Management Session,Krishan Batra,UNDP, New York,1,Learning Objectives:,UNDP Procurement: An Overview,Sharing UNDPs Experience,Understanding Supply Chain,Sourcing of Suppliers,Quality Assurance (Right Quality),Warehousing and distribution,2,UNDP Procurement:,Procurement in 2004: $1215 million,Global Fund Procurement: $ 150 m,UNDP as a PR in 27 country offices:$600M,80% of GF fund is for procuring goods and rest for services,Areas covered: GF(HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB), Good Governance, Poverty Eradication, Environment, Gender etc.,3,Major Challenges:,Developing generic specifications,Quality requirements (Right Quality),Supply Sources: Shortlist,Ensuring multiple choices,Delivery not reliable,Stocking (Warehousing),Distribution Network,Concept of PR, SR & PA,Legal Implication (Generic Drugs),4,ROLE OF PR:,Procure medicine that appear in the treatment guidelines or essential list of WHO,PR is responsible & accountable to GF for results,Monitor forecast with actual consumption to ensure continuous availability,Procurement should adhere to good procurement practices,Appropriate product at lowest possible price (Avoid wastage of resources),Tender Documents should list drugs by generic name,5,Procurement Agent:,Procurement Agency is defined as an organization that is involved in one or more of the following:,Pre-qualification, procurement, storage, distribution etc.,Interested Procurement Agent should provide detailed info as per Procurement Agency Information File (PAIF),6,Procurement Agent:,PAIF should cover:,General Information,Personnel,Pre-qualification,Purchasing,Storage,Quality Control,Distribution, complaints, Product Recall,7,Procurement Agent:,Procurement Process in accordance with International Practices,Concern for Intellectual Property Rights & National Laws,Procurement Methods: ICB, NCP, LIB,CP,DP,UN Organization, Government Body & International Procurement Agency,Payment Terms, Terms & Conditions, QA Methods, Skill Sets, Scope of Insurance and the rate, Shipping and custom clearance, Tracking PO,Transfer of risks,8,Implementer/ Provider:,9,Approved PA: LTAs,ARVs: UNICEF, IDA,Test Kits HIV: UNICEF, WHO, IDA,Test Kits STI: UNICEF, IDA,Condoms: UNFPA,Basic Essential Drugs: WHO, IDA,TB drugs: GDF, IDA, IAPSO, WHO, UNICEF,Antimalarial Drugs: IDA, UNICEF,Lab. Equipment: IAPSO, WHO, UNICEF,Vehicles, IT etc.: IAPSO,10,Supply Mangement:Phases,Product Planning,Selection of Products,Forecasting and quantification of need,Product Procurement (Perception that this is placing PO only-an Admin. Function),Identification of Sources,Assurance of Quality,Purchasing,Product Use and Monitoring,Receipt,Distribution to end users (Logistics),Rational use and monitoring,11,Supply Chain:,Product Selection,Sourcing,Pre-Qualification,Tendering,Vendor Evaluation, Reliability, Capacity, Compliance,Evaluation of Offers,Production:,GMP audit, Inspection, Sampling, Testing/Analysis,12,Supply Chain:,Transport,Shipping Documents, Insurance, Shipping Terms, Inspection, Sampling, Testing,Storage,GMP Audit, Inspection, Sampling, Testing/ Analysis, Warehousing Conditions,Distribution/ Dispensing,GDP, Counselling, Advising Patients ( Computerised dispensing System etc, Register,M&E,13,Writing Specifications:,Functional Specification,Performance Specification,Design Specification,Brand or Trade Name,Samples,14,Quality Assurance:,GDP: It is that part of quality assurance which ensures that quality levels are maintained throughout distribution network,Official Inspection & quality control lab.: They verify the compliance of Pharmaceutical product & manufacturing process,WHO Certification : Provides independent info,ISO Standards: Product Standards,European Norms: EN 29000,CEN : Quality Standard (CE Symbol),5 years Warranty & availability of spare parts,Random samples for testing,15,Quality Assurance:,Quality is totality of Characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy the stated needs.,Health care products need special measures,Pharmacopoeias: Provide quality specifications for most commonly used pharmaceutical substances, dosage forms, packing materials etc.,GMP ( Good Manufacturing Practices): This establish requirements in respect of premises, equipment, personnel, documentation, quality control etc.,GDP (Good Distribution Practices):,16,Quality Assurance/ QC:,Qualification Manufacturer,Check GMP certificate,GMP audit by Pharmacist, Check Mfg. License,Qualification Product,Approval Product Specification, Stability Data, Check Packing, labeling,ISO 9000,Quality Control (By Independent Contract Lab.): Physical Control of sample per batch, At-random chemical analysis,Compliance with international standards,17,TRIPS:,Trade related Intellectual Property Rights,When a new medicine is developed, its inventor is given a protection “ Patent” to exclude third parties,A patent is a government grant,Generics may be produced and sold lawfully,Least Developing countries are authorized to forgo the enforcement of patents on pharmaceutical products upto Jan. 2016,Check if there are patent laws that permits patenting, If no, there is no obstacle. If yes, Check if any ARV patented there, if no there is no obstacle.,If ARV patented, Option 1-Compliance has been extended. Option 2 Seek reduced pricing from the patent holder or inform them of buying generic drugs.,18,TRIPS: Developing Countries,Is there ia patent law?,Are specific ARVs under patent,Are there specific options under national law?,Compulsory Licensing and Government use. Pay adequate remuneration to patent holder,Parallel Importing( National law should allow the use of “ International Exhaustion” ),19,Procurement Cycle:,Award Contracts / PO,Contract Management,Performance Rating,REQ,Preparation of Solicitation Documents,Sourcing,Development of Specifications / TOR,Evaluation of Offers,Payment,Bidding,20,Operational Principles:Good Procurement,Efficient & Transparent Management,Separation of key functions,Transparency and written procedures,Drug Selection & Quantification,Limited to Essential Drugs List,Generic description,Financing & Competition,Good Financial Mgmt.,Competitive Procurement,Supplier Selection & QA,Formal Supplier qualification,QA programme,21,Procurement Methods:,Open Competitive Bidding,Limited Competitive Bidding,Direct Contracting ( Single Source),Shopping,Factors Affecting the Selection of Methods,Off Patent or On Patent,Number of approved & eligible sources,Market Situation,Contract Value,22,Product Procurement:,Health & Non- Health Products,Health Products include pharmaceutical products, diagnostics technologies and supplies, bed nets, insecticides, sprays against mosquitoes, and prevention (condoms) or lab. Equipments and supportive products,Non-Health covers vehicles, office equipments etc,Procurement Process must be Transparent,23,Non-Health Procurement:,Requires less thorough assessment due to lesser potential health impact,Plan should address mechanism of procurement, Quality Assurance and distribution,Product should conform to ISO/ BS/DIN or National Standards,Suppliers who are ISO 9000 certified should be preferred,Products conforming to Environmental Standards should be preferred,24,Supplier Selection:,Criteria for Pre-Qualification,GMP Audit by a qualified Inspector,Product Samples are physically inspected,Product Samples are tested in an eligible lab.,WHO list of pre-qualified suppliers,Stock with Suppliers, Shipping Term (CIF, DDU etc.),References,25,Product Selection: General,Strength: 100mg, 150 mg, 10mg/ml etc,Size: 75g, 100ml,Dosage Form: Tablet, Capsule, Syrup, Chew, vial,Packing Material: Bottle ( Glass, HDPE, PET) Blister (Aluminium or PVC),Pack: 10, 100ml,Marking,Expiry Date: On receipt, the balance expiry period should be 4/5 of the total expiry period if more than 2 years and if expiry period is 2 yrs or less,26,Product Selection: HIV/AIDS,Antiretrovirals (ARVs) to reduce MTCT and limit damage to immune system,Drugs for Palliative Care ( Relieve pain, physical and mental discomfort),Anti-infective agents to treat or prevent Opportunistic Infections,Condoms,Lab. Equipment and Supplies,Reagents,Infrastructure Products: Vehicles, Office Equipment, PCs,27,Commodities for HIV/AIDS:,1, Laboratory Infrastructure,2. Supply Chain Management,3. Client & Community Education.,28,HIV/AIDS DRUGS:,Drugs to prevent Opportunistic Infections,Drugs for palliative and supportive care,ARV for mother to child transmission,ARV for treatment of clinical AIDS,ARV for HIV patients to prevent AIDS.,Drugs to treat OI,29,HIV/AIDS Commodities:,Condoms, HIV test Kits,Other Diagnostic test kits such as for STI, OI,Reagents, Gloves, Laboratory Equipment and supplies,Medical Equipment and supplies, such as syringes, needles,Disposal Bins,30,Laboratory Equipment:,Microscopes,Automated Analyzers,Precision Pipettes,Centrifuges,Incubators,Refrigerators,Freezers,All equipment require specialized preventive maintenance and repair,31,HIV TEST KITS,ARV Therapy aims at reducing the plasma viral load by preventing replication.,Antibody Tests such as ELISA , Simple Rapid,Look for antibodies against HIV, It does not detect virus itself. HIV infects white blood cells known as CD4,Virologic Test ( Rarely used ),Viral Load Assay Test (Number of viral particles) and CD4 (provide an insight to immune system),Evaluated by WHO, 99% Sensitivity and specificity,Complicated product to manage, Average shelf life is short (12 months), cold storage,Beckman Coulter, Beckton Dickinson, Partec, Dynal Biotech, Guava, Cavidi,32,HIV TEST KITS,Ancillary Equipment and Supplies,Automated Analyzers,Reagents,Centifugers, Refrigerators, Test Tube Racks,Timers, Pipettes, Specimen Tube,Disinfectents,Sharp disposal bins,Waste disposal,33,Effect of Genetic Competition:,Sample of ARV triple Combination: Stavudine (d4T)+ Lamivudine(3TC)+ Nevirapine (NVP).,Lowest Price per year per patient: Originator $11,000 and generic Cipla, Ranbaxy, Aurobindo, Hetero ( $251-$150),Favored Cocktail for AIDS: Mix of nukes AZT + Lamivudine + Non-nuke Efavirenz ( Three in one pill),89% OF PATIENTS after 32 weeks had almost undetectable level of virus in their blood.,34,Mosquito Nets: Specifications,Application: For one or two persons or child,Material: Cotton, Polyester, Polyethylene, Nylon, Polypropylene ( Life 2-5 years),Size: 1.95mx1.25mx2m , or 1.95mx1.5mx2m,Color: Blue or Green,Denier: 100 is minimum,Mesh Size: 156 holes/sq.inch,Weight: 30 gr/sq.m or 40 gr/ sq.m,Treatment: Insecticides treatment is more important in Africa than in Asia.,Net Attachments: Aluminium Rings,35,Anti-malarial Medicines:,Growing resistance of Plasmodium falsipaum to current monotherapies such as chloroquine, amodiaquine, sulphaoxine-pyrimethamine.,Artemether/ lumenfantrine ( Artemisinin based combination therapy), preferably containing artemisnin derivative.,Some Countries have adopted ACTs as second line treatment.,Amodiaquine + SP is restricted to W.Africa,36,Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test:,Rapid, accurate and accessible detection of malaria parasites,RDT detects specific antigens (proteins) produced by malaria parasites,Sensitivity is key but could be affected during storage.,QA processes after purchase is very important,Shelf life 18 months.,GMP and ISO 13485-2003 is a standard for medical devices,QA to be built into the budget,End user training & Supervision,Storage and in country shipping,Cool Chain for transport and storage,Post-purchase Quality Control testing,37,Product Selection: TB,TB Drugs,Microscopes, Slides, Reagents, Injection supplies, X-ray Machines and Consumables, Lab. Equipments,Non-Health Products such as vehicles, Office Equipment, PCs etc.,38,Insecticides:,Insecticides for Impregnation,Alphacypermethrin, Cyfluthrin, Deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin.,Insecticides for outdoor spraying,Insecticides for indoor spraying,Insecticides for larviciding,Spraying System,39,Additional Goods & Services,Storage Place ( Central Warehouse, Regional Warehouse),Distribution Trucks,Cold Chain/ Refrigerators,Inventory Management System,Tracking System,Power Generators, PCs, Solar System,Logistical Experts, Warehouse Experts,Training Services, Operational Manual including Financial System,Maintenance of QA/QC, Training Lab. Personnel,Monitoring Equipment for side effects, Drug Resistance,Consultants to prepare the requirements,40,Calculating Procurement Qty,Average Monthly Use (AM),Procurement Period ( Time between Orders),Lead Time ( Months to receive drugs ),Stock In Inventory,Safety Stock = AM*LT,Maximum Stock Level: SS+ AM*PP,Quantity to Order: Max. Level-stock in Inventory-Stock on order,41,Supply Cycle:,PROCURE,USE,SELECTION,DISTRIBUTE,(EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT,SYSTEM RIGHT UPTO,POINT OF USE),(VALUE FOR MONEY),(CHOICE),(RATIONAL,PRESCRIPTION,PREVENT WASTAGE),MANAGEMENT SYSTEM,POLICY & LEGAL FRAMEWORK,42,Tasks of the Supply Chain,ESTIMATE NEEDS,REVIEW SELECTION,DETERMINE QTY.,RECONCILE,NEEDS & FUNDS,CHOOSE PROC.,METHOD,SUPPLY,SOURCING,CONTRACT,MANAGEMENT,RECEIPT& QC,DISTRIBUTION,INSPECTION,Collect,Consumption,Info.,AWARD CONTRACT,43,Learning Objectives:,UNDP Procurement: An Overview & Challenges,Supplier Selection & Procurement Agent,Product Procurement (Health & Non-Health),TRIP & Procurment of Generic ARV,Quality Assurance,Receipt & Storage (Inventory Management),Distribution,Shipping & Insurance,Preparing Procurement Plan,Note: nearly 80% of the GF money will be spent on procurement of products,44,


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