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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,Module III Unit 4,Astronomy,玉树二高2014级高一十四班,I. Warming up,W,hat,s,the,meaning,of the word “Astronomy”?,2,. Do you know the following terms?,star,( ),planet,( ),the sun / moon / earth,( ),solar system,( ),3,. How many planets are in the solar system?,I. Warming up,W,hat,s,the,meaning,of the word “Astronomy”?,the science of stars;,2,. Do you know the following terms?,star,(,恒星,),planet,(,行星,),the sun / moon / earth,(,太阳、月亮、地球,),solar system,(,太阳系,),3,. How many planets are,there,in the solar system?,8,S,cientists,now think,Pluto,is too small to be called a planet,The names of eight planets,1),水星,Mercury,2),金星,Venus,3),地球,Earth,4),火星,Mars,5),木星,Jupiter,6),土星,Saturn,7),天王星,Uranus,8),海王星,Neptune,海王星,Neptune,水星,Mercury,金星,Venus,地球,Earth,火星,Mars,木星,Jupiter,土星,Saturn,天王星,Uranus,In this unit, well learn something more scientific,1.Whats the title of the text?,how life began on the earth,2. From the title, we can predict that the text may tell us the origin of life on the earth.,Do you know some,stories about it?,Pangu separates the sky from the earth,Nvwa made humans,Read the passage quickly and answer the questions,1. When did the “Big Bang” happen?,2. What form was the earth after the “Big Bang”?,3. What made up the earths atmosphere,?,4. How did water come into being on the earth?,5. Whats the significance of the presence of water on the earth?,6.What was important to the development of fish?,7. What made possible the rise of mammals on the earth?,8. Why are mammals different from all life forms in,the past?,Phrases and Useful Expressions,circle around,绕,转,according to,根据,a widely accepted theory,熟知的理论,in all directions,向着四面八方,in time,及时;终于,cool down,冷却,be fundamental to,对,关键,a chain action,连锁反应,make it possible forto do,使,可能,give birth to,生育,11. prevent from,阻止,做,12. millions of years to come,未来的几百万年,1. When did the “Big Bang” happen?,It happened several billion years ago,.,Scanning,Read the passage quickly and answer the questions,2. What form was the earth after the “Big Bang”?,The earth was still just a cloud of dust,.,3. What made up the earths atmosphere after the earth exploded?,Carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases,.,4. How did water come into being on the earth?,As the earth cooled down,after it exploded, water came into being,.,5. Whats the significance of the presence of water on the earth?,It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.,6. What was important to the development of fish?,oxygen.,7. What made possible the rise of mammals on the earth?,The disappearance of dinosaurs made the possible the rise of mammals on the earth.,8. Why are mammals different from all life forms in the past?,They gave birth to young baby animals and,produced milk to feed them.,Close reading,I. Read the passage carefully and match the main idea with each paragraph.,Para. 1,A.,The formation (,形成,) of the earth.,Para. 2,B.,The importance of water for life.,Para. 3,C.,A widely accepted theory about,the formation of the universe.,Para. 4,D.,The arrival of humans and,their impact on the earth.,Para. 5,E.,The development of plants,and animals on the earth.,True (T) or False (F).,1. The earth appeared before the Big Bang happened.,2. The original atmosphere consisted of nitrogen and oxygen.,3. The main difference between the earth and other planets is that there is water on the earth.,4. Life began in water and then on land.,F,F,T,T,Summary,What,do we learn today,?,Summary,How life began on the earth.,Put the order of development of life into a timeline.Use the reading passage to help you.,1.Insects and amphibians appeared.( 10),2.Dinosaurs appeared.,( ),3.The earth became a solid ball.,( ),4.Small plants grew on the water.,(8 ),5.Reptiles appeared.,( ),6.Plants began,to grow on dry land.,( ),7.The earth was a cloud of dust.,( ),8.Water appeared on the earth.,( 1),9.Shellfish and other fish appeared.,( ),10.The universe began with a Big Bang.,( ),11.Clever animals with hands and feet appeared.,( 12),12.Mammals appeared.,( ),discussing,What should we do for our earth?,You can use the following words or phrases to help you:,prevent from,/,harmful,global warming,/,carbon dioxide,/,depend on,as a result,/,in turn,Homework,1.Find the difficulties in the passage.,2.Finish Learning about Language part on Page28.,End,Thank,you,


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