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How they face their,life with,disabilities,?,Do you think they live well?,Steven Hawking,physicist /,mathematician,a famous scientist known,for his theory about,black holes and big bangs:,A Brief History of Time,born mentally,disabled with an,IQ of a child,famous,conductor,Zhouzhou,became disabled at the,age of 5, taught herself,English and,took up,writing in 1983,writer,Zhang Haidi,Sanglan 1981 -, China,.,a famous,gymn,a,st,(,体操运动员,).,She got seriously hurt in a competition and cant stand. She helped to,bid,2008 Olympic Games and helped organize the,Paralympics,(,残疾人运动会),Helen Keller,(,1880-1968,),writer,United States,blind deaf,and,dumb,Theyre broken in body but firm in spirit.,Disabilities can be,visible,or,invisible,. People with invisible disabilities dont look disabled.,Depression,sleep disorders,and,learning difficulty,are invisible disabilities. No matter what disability one has, life is not easy. They have many difficulties to overcome, but please keep in mind they can also live well, and even achieve great success.,Welcome to the Family Village!,There is a,website,called “Family Village” on the internet. Lets see what can we see in it.,Pre-reading,About Us, ,Whats New, ,Site Map, ,Suggestions, ,Discussion & Chat, ,Search,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Q:,What is the website about?,A:,It tells stories of the disabled.,The purpose of the website,:,1),. To give ordinary young people with a disability the chance to share their stories with others.,2),. To inspire other disabled people.,3. To,get,non-disabled people to understand more about how challenging life can be for people with disabilities.,MARTYS STORY,Reading:,What is the passage mainly about?,How Marty lives a rich and full life even though he is disabled.,How Marty achieves a lot.,C. How people ignore the disabled.,D. How Johns disability helps him grow stronger.,Fast-reading:,Para.1:,Para.2:,Para.3:,Para.4:,Para.5:,An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease,.,How,his disease developed,.,Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.,How his life has become easier.,The advantages of his disease.,Medical Record of Marty,Name:,Marty Fielding,Gender:,Disease:,Symptom,(,症状,):,Detailed-reading,an un-known muscle disease,male,cant _ or _stairs,_ and _ things or _ furniture.,clumsy,run,climb,drop,bump into,2. Whats Martys dream?,A. Being a famous football player and,representing his country in the,World Cup.,B. Being a doctor.,C. Being a college student.,D. Being a basketball player.,Para 2-3:,Detailed-reading (3-4):,Fellow students conduct changed.,children in primary school,students at high school,laugh at him,accept him,Martys feeling changed.,in primary school,at high school,stupid,not annoyed,Para 4,What are the Martys ambition, achievement,and hobby?,ambition,2. achievement,3. hobby,To work for a firm that develops computer software when he grows up.,invented a computer football game and a big company,has decided to buy it from him,Going to the movies and football,matches and keeping pets .,Q. Why has his fellow students conduct changed towards Marty?,A. Because they are now high school students.,B. Because they are all disabled people.,C. Because Marty is now a healthy boy like them.,D. Because they found that Marty was able to live as rich and full a life as everyone else.,Martys advice :,Para 5,1. Dont feel sorry for them.,2. Dont make fun of them.,3. Dont ignore them.,4. Accept them for who they are.,5. Encourage them to live as rich and,full a life as you do.,Further understanding (1):,“Live one day,at a time,.”,-Marty,We can see that,Marty is a _ person.,optimistic, brave, stupid, pessimistic,independent, strong-minded,optimistic,brave,independent,strong-minded,1. make my annoyed,使我生气,2. all in all,总而言之,3. computer programming,电脑编程,4. computer software,电脑软件,5. sit around,闲坐着,6. as well as,除了,之外,7. parrot,鹦鹉,8. a tank full of fish and tortoise,一缸金鱼和乌龟,9. in many ways,在很多方面,10. psychologically,心理上,11. live a normal life,过正常的生活,12. feel sorry for sb.,对某人感到羞愧,/,抱歉,13. make fun of,取笑,14. encouragement,鼓励,15. live a rich and full life,过着丰富多彩而充实美满的生活,Words & expressions,Para 45,1.When Marty says “ I am one in a million”, he really means_,A. he is unique,B. he has a rare disease,C. he has a muscle disease,D. he lives a hard but happy life,2.What is the tone of the text?,A. Sad. B. Happy .,C. Positive. D. Negative.,Further understanding (2):,3. Which of the following is,false,?,A,. Although a few students look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed.,B.,Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled.,C.,Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends.,D,. Martys disability has made him more independent.,4. From the passage we can infer that Marty _.,A. asks others to feel sorry for him.,B. never loses heart.,C. is afraid of being made fun of,D. will not accept any encouragement,5.Who is the story written for?A. Disabled readers.B. General readers.,C. Ordinary readers.D. Healthy children.,Martys mini,biography,Martys disease,Martys difficulties,Martys ambition,Martys achievement,Martys hobby,Martys motto,Martys advice,Retelling,s:,difficulties,_ _ _ that makes him very weak,_ and cant _ or _,stairs as quickly as other people,to work in a _,a muscle disease,disease,ambition,achievement,clumsy,run,climb,computer firm,invented a _ _,computer game,motto,to live one day _ _ _,Dont _ _ _ the disabled or _ _ _ them but _them and give them _,to live as rich and full a life as you do.,hobby,advice,going to the _and _,_ and keeping _,movies,football,matches,pets,at a time,feel sorry for,make fun of,accept,encouragement,Homework,Retell Marty,s story with about 30 words or translate the following passage into English:,马蒂是一个残疾的孩子,但是他有着积极的生活态度。他从来不为他的残疾而感到羞愧,相反,他努力使自己和别人一样独立。他过着充实的生活。,Bye Bye!,Problems caused by his disability,1.,weak and cant run or climb stairs as quickly as others,2. clumsy and often drops things or bumps into furniture,5. felt stupid because of being behind the others,3. cant play football and can only enjoy football matches from a bench at the stadium,4. has missed a lot of lessons,Comprehending,Exercise 1,What Marty does in spite of his disability,1. enjoys writing and computer programming,2. invented a computer football game,3. looks after pets,4. disability has helped me grow stronger,psychologically and become more,independent,1. I dont have time to sit around,feeling sorry for myself.,我没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。,to sit around,在句中作定语,修饰,time,feeling sorry for myself,是一个现在分词短语,在句中作状语,表示伴随的情况。,He sat there in silence,doing nothing,.,Difficult sentences,2. Unfortunately, the doctors dont know,how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to,adapt to,my disability.,不幸的是,大夫们不知道如何治好我的病,但是我很开朗乐观,学会了适应身体的残疾。,Phrases and sentence structures:,She was proud,to have recently represented her country,in an,athletics competition,where she won a gold medal in the 50-metre race,.,她很骄傲最近她代表她的国家参加了一次运动比赛,并赢得,50,米赛跑的金牌,.,1) “to have represented”,是不定式,_,表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词,was proud,之,_,的完成式,前,1I am sorry _ you waiting for such a long time.,A. keeping B. having kept,C. to keep D. to have kept,2He is said _ a new book about business English.,A. to write B. to have written,C. writing D. having written,2) “where”=_,引导的是,_,从句,修饰的是,_.,in which,定语,an athletics competition,不定式和疑问词,whether, what, which, whom, where, when, how, why,等连用,在句中起名词性作用,常跟在,tell, know, show, decide, learn, wonder,,,explain, advise, teach, discuss, find out,等动词后,作宾语,有时也作,主语、表语,。,e.g. Do you know,how to prove,a new idea in scientific research?,How to do it,is a problem for me now.,考点,1,【,拓展,】,介词后一般不直接跟不定式,但可以跟疑问词,+,不定式短语作宾语。,e.g. Mary gave some advice,on,how to,learn English,. I have no idea,of,how to do it,.,【,随时练,】,-Do you have the experience like that?-Well, Ive done the work before, so I know,what,_ in my new job here.A. expected,B. expecting,C. to expect,D. to be expecting,3. My motto is: live one day,at a time,.,我的座右铭是,:,过好每一天。,at a time,一次,依次,每次,at one time,(,过去,),有个时期,一度,曾经,e.g. The girl often eats one apple,at a time,now, but,at one time,she ate several apples in an hour.,现在这女孩经常每次吃一个苹果,但她曾经一个小时吃了几个。,更多,time,短语:,at times,有时,at the same time,同时,at any time,随时,all the time,一直,in time,及时,on time,准时,in no time,立刻,ahead of time,提前,from time to time,时不时,4. It is difficult to know,what the future holds,5. I was too weak to go to school so my education,suffered,.,6. My life is,a lot,easier at high school,“Even for a,withered,flower, it,longs to,contribute all of its,fragrance,.,Even it is a broken tree, it longs to contribute all of its shade.”,哪怕是一朵残缺的花,也想献出全部芬芳;,哪怕是一棵受伤的树,也要献出一片绿荫。,


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