have gothas got和There be句型

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,have / has got,和,There be,句型,朝阳小学 禚文娟,新标准英语,Book Seven,There is,a picture on the wall.,There is,a boy under the tree.,There are,many books on the desk.,There are,many people in the classroom,.,There +is /are,+,某物,/,人,+,某地,.,表示在某地有某物或某人,“有,存在”,观察下列句子,There,is,a Chinatown in New York .,There,are,lots of Chinese shops,and restaurants there .,There,is,Chinese dancing.,There be 句型用法,There is,后接可数名词的单数或不可数名词,There are,后接可数名词的复数,在某地有某物,(,人,),Chinese dancing,There,is,Chinese dancing .,不可数名词,water , milk , juice ,rice , meat , bread,,,cheese , chocolate,就近原则,There _ a boy and two girls there .,There _ two girls and a boy there .,is,are,There be,句型后面有多个主语时,,be,动词的形式只与,be,动词后面的,第一个主语,有关。,There _ an orange and some bananas,in the basket. There _ some bananas and an orange,in the basket.,is,are,Picture 1: lots of computers / chairs ,Picture 2 : lots of desks / chairs/windows ; a blackboard/TV,Picture 3 : a door , a blackboard , a TV , a computer ;,lots of desks/chairs/pictures,根据大屏幕提示用,There is . There are .,看,M2U1Activity4,的图画说句子,:,There be,句型的句式变换,一般疑问句形式:,Is there a letter for me ?,Yes , there is ./ No , there isnt .,把,be,动词提前放到句子首位,There are lots of stamps .,Are there lots of stamps ?,There are,some,books about China .,Are there,any,books about China ?,变一般疑问句时,,some,要变为,any .,Yes , there are . / No , there arent .,否定句形式:,先找到句子中的,be,动词,然后在,be,动词后面加,not,There is a Chinese kite there.,There are lots of books on the desk .,There,isnt,a Chinese kite there .,There,arent,lots of books on the desk .,There are,some,girls in the classroom .,There arent,any,girls in the classroom .,There be,句型变否定句时碰到,some,要变为,any .,即:,There isnt. There arent.,I think I can do !,Are there any maps on the wall? _,There are some. B. Yes, there is.,C. Yes, there are. D. No, there are.,2. There arent _ trees near the house.,A. any B. some C. many D. much,3. Are there _ houses near the river?,Yes, there are_.,some, some B. any, some,C. any, any D. some, any,4. There isnt _water in the glass.,many B. lots C. any D. some,C,A,B,C,5. There,_,some books, a,ballpen,and a ruler on the desk.,A.is,B. are C. have D. has,6. There _ a,ballpen, a ruler and some books on the desk.,A. is B. are C. have D. has,7.There _ a lot of,meat,on the table.,A. is B. are C. am D. be,8. There _any desks or chairs in the room. A. is B. are C. isnt D. arent,9.,There_some,cheese on the table.,A. is B. are C. has,B,A,A,D,A,1.There is a Great Wall in China.(,变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答,),2.There are some apples on the desk .(,同上,),3. 1.There is a big map on the wall.(,变为否定句,),4.There are some stamps from Canada .(,同上,),Is there a Great Wall in China ?,Yes , there is .,Are there any apples on the desk ?,Yes , there are .,There isnt a big map on the wall .,There arent any stamps from Canada.,关于have got /has got 用法,Have/Has got句型:,它表示某,人(,物,)拥有某物。,have,got,的意思是:,它的单数形式是:,has got,有,have got,可以和主语缩写为,ve,got .,如,We have got =Weve got,I,have,got,many good friends.,=,I,ve,got,many good friends,.,We,have got,some Chinese books .=,We,ve,got,some Chinese books .,我研究我快乐,has got,可以和主语缩写为,s got .,如,He has got =Hes got,He,has got,a book.=He,s,got,a book.,Daming,has got,an apple.=,Daming,s,got,an apple.,小点拨,主语是,三单,用,has got,其他就用,have got,.,一,、,否定句:,在,have或has后加not,缩写为havent或hasnt.,例如:,I have got a pen,She,has,got a pen,We have got,some,books.,havent got,hasnt got,We havent got,any,books.,变否定句时碰到,some,变为,any.,I,have not,got a pen.,She,has not,got a pen.,HAVE GOT,have got,has got,havent got,hasnt got,练习:请用,have/,has got或,have,nt,/hasnt,got填空。,1,.,I,_,a bike.,2,.,He,_,a,Chinese kite .,3,.,You,_,a,ny,bike,s,.,4,.,Your sister,_,a,new bag .,5,.,We,_,some books.,6,.,Our teacher,_,any,books.,7. Tony _ many friends.,have got,has got,havent got,has got,have got,hasnt got,has got,二,、一般疑问句:,Have,you,got,a book about China ?,Has,Daming,got,a Chinese kite ?,Have,you,got any,picture books ?,小总结,把have或has提前,some,改为,any.,句子变变变!,1.I have got a pear. (,变一般疑问句,),2.She has got a banana. (,变一般疑问句,),3.,I have got some books.,_ you,got,_,books,?,Have you got a pear?,Has she got a banana?,Have,any,4.Lingling has got some flowers in the garden. (,变否定句,),5.We have got three good friends. (,变否定句,),Lingling,hasnt got any flowers in the garden.,We havent got three good friends.,There be,和,have / has got,都表示“,有,”。,它们的区别是什么呢?,考考你,盘点收获,Homework,:,1.,用,There be,句型来描述自己的卧室。(至少五句话),2.,用,have/has got,来描述家人拥有的物品。,


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