Module 3 第2课时

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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,1offer,1),v,t,. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事,He offered to lend me some books.,他主动借给我一些书。,2),v,t,. offer sb. sth.offer sth. to sb. 给予某人某物,May I offer you a cigar?,来支雪茄吗?,3),v,t,. offer sth. 提出某事,He offered a suggestion.,他提出一条建议。,4),v,t,. offer sth. for some money 给某物出价多少,We offered him the house for 500.,这房子我们给他出价500英镑。,5),n,. have an offer of. 提出的价格,Ive had an offer of 9, 000 for the house.,这房子出价9 000英镑。,即学即用,Theyve_us $ 150, 000 for the house. Shall we take it?,Aprovided,Bsupplied,Cshown,Doffered,答案:,D,2amount,1),n,. 数,数量;总额,总数,in large amounts 大量地,in small amounts 少量地,He likes a large amount of sugar in the coffee.,他喜欢在咖啡里放大量的糖。,2),v,. amount to 达到,合计;相当,等于(to为介词),His debt amounts to $ 1, 000.,他的债务达到1 000美元。,That amounts to saying he is a cheat.,那等于说他是一个骗子。,注意:,amount指“总量”,多用于不可数或不必数的概念;total“总和,总计”,特别强调“包罗无遗”的意味。,知识拓展,即学即用,It took_people as well as_time to build the pyramid.,Aa large number of; a great many,Ba great many; a large amount of,Ca great many of; large amounts of,Da large amount of; a great deal of,答案:,B,3raise v. 筹措(金钱),We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.,我们与本地一些公司联合为无家可归的人筹款。,The film star lent his name to the efforts to raise money to help the flood victims.,该影星以自己的名义努力募款帮助洪涝灾民。,知识拓展,1)raise作及物动词,还可意为“抬高,举起,提高,增加,养育,提出,建造,建立”。,He raised his arms above his head.,他把手臂举过头顶。,The workers are to raise a new building.,工人们正在建造一幢新楼。,Its difficult to raise a family on a small income.,依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。,I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my nerve.,我想向会议主席提一个问题,但立刻我又没有了勇气。,2)辨析:raise, rise, lift,raise是及物动词,多指由低处垂直举往高处,不一定费力;,rise是不及物动词,表示“升高;起来”等;,lift是及物动词,多指用力或用机械把重物提高到较高的位置。,即学即用,翻译句子,那些想再说些事情的人请举手。,_,答案:,Those who want to say something more raise your hands.,4situation n. C位置;形势,情况;职业,工作,The house has a fine situation.,这房子位置很好。,The situation became tense.,局势变得紧张起来。,She has found a situation.,她已找到了一份工作。,in/under.conditions 处于的情况下,situation,n,. C位置;形势,情况;工作,position,n,. 位置;方位;等级,Im in a difficult situation and I dont know what to do.,我处境困难,不知该怎么办。,The captain ordered everyone back to his position.,船长要求每个人回到自己的岗位上。,高考链接,He has got himself into a dangerous situation_he is likely to lose control over the plane.,Awhere Bwhich,Cwhile Dwhy,解析:,situation有“位置”的概念,所以用关系副词where,再者,in.situation短语也是依据,in whichwhere。,答案:,A,即学即用,The house appeared to be in good_.,Acondition Bconditions,Cposition Dsituation,School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous_.,Astates Bconditions,Csituations Dpositions,答案:,AC,5hurt,1),v,. 伤害,(使)疼痛(过去式:hurt,过去分词:hurt,现在分词:hurting),I have hurt myself.,我受了伤。,Youll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday.,如果你忘了她的生日,那会伤她感情的。,2),n,. 伤痛,伤害,It was a severe hurt to her pride.,这严重地伤害了她的自尊心。,3),adj,. (感到)痛苦的,受到伤害的,Shes hurt because you havent visited her.,她很伤心,因为你没有去看她。,I was very much hurt at his words.,他的话伤透了我的心。,词语辨析,hurt, injure, wound, harm和damage,1)hurt可指肉体或精神上受到伤害,hurt(过去分词)可以作表语但不能作宾语。作不及物动词时,可以表示“疼 ”,其他单词不行。指身上的伤害时,含有强烈疼痛之意。,2)injure指意外事故中受伤,injured可作表语或定语;作及物动词时,表示“损害(名誉),伤害(感情),使受伤”。,3)wound指在战争中受伤,wounded可以作表语或定语。,4)harm主要用于无生命的东西,偶尔也用于有生命的事物,常指伤及一个人或其健康、权力、事业等。,5)damage主要指对价值和功能的破坏,多用于无生命的东西,一般可以修复。,即学即用,Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _ his leg.,Adamaged,Bhurt,Chit,Dstruck,答案:,B,1burst outdoing 突然,起来,He burst out crying like a child.,他突然像个孩子一样哭起来。,知识拓展,1)burst into,n,. 突然,burst into flames 突然起火,burst into a place 闯入某地,burst into a song 突然唱起来,burst into leaf/bloom 长出新叶/开花,burst into tearsburst out crying 突然大哭起来,burst into laughterburst out laughing 突然大笑起来,2)burst(burst, burst),(1),v,i,. 爆炸,爆裂,裂开,The balloon burst.,气球炸了。,The bag of flour burst as I was carrying it.,在我搬动它时,面粉袋子裂开了。,(2),v,t,. 使裂开,使破裂,Dont burst the cloth.,别把这块布料扯破了。,(3),v,i,. 猛然,突然发生,The storm burst and we all got wet.,暴雨突然降临,我们都淋湿了。,即学即用,单句改错,The boys burst into laughing at the joke.,_,The TV set bursted suddenly.,_,答案:,intoout或laughinglaughter,burstedburst,2knock over 打翻,撞翻,He knocked the chair over.,他把椅子撞翻了。,Who knocked that bottle over?,谁把那个瓶子打翻了?,知识拓展,knock down 拆除,拆卸,撞倒(某人),knock off 下班,停止工作;减价,扣掉,knock into. 撞在上,偶遇,knock up 敲门叫醒,knock at/on 敲(门、窗),knock the spirit out of 使失去士气,使沮丧,Theyre going to knock down those old buildings soon.,他们准备不久后拆除那些旧的建筑物。,What time do you knock off?,你什么时候下班?,Ill knock 50 pounds off the price.,我要把价钱砍下50英镑。,Tell him to knock me up at six oclock.,告诉他6点敲门叫醒我。,注意:,knock over中over为副词,若其宾语为代词,则应放于knock与over的中间。,即学即用,He walked so carelessly that he almost_down an old man.,Atook,Bknocked,Cbrought,Dturned,答案:,B,3from time to time 偶尔,有时,He comes here from time to time.,他时常到这儿来。,From time to time, I looked up from my notebook.,我的目光不时地离开笔记本向上看。,知识拓展,与time的相关的词组还有:,ahead of the times跑在时代前头,ahead of time 提前,all the time 一直,始终,老是,as time goes on 随着时代的推移,at a time 同时,一下子,每次,(at) any time 随时,无论何时,at no time 永不,在任何时候都不,at one time 曾经,一度,at the same time 同时,尽管如此,at the time 当时,在那个时候,at times 有时,偶尔,behind the time(s) 落在时代后头,落伍,过时,have a good time 尽情愉快地玩,玩得愉快,in no time (at all) 立刻,赶快,注意:,在句首at no time作状语时,其后主句用半倒装;in no time作状语时,其后主句不倒装。,即学即用,While shopping, I meet my friend _, but we dont talk much.,Afrom time to time,Bat one time,Cmore or less,Dby and by,答案:,A,4go through,1)翻找,查看,搜寻,Mother went through the drawer, looking for the sweater.,妈妈翻抽屉寻找那件毛衣。,The police went through the building, but they found no evidence.,警察搜查了这幢大楼,但未找到证据。,2)审阅,检查,讨论,Id like to have you go through the book.,我想让你审阅这本书。,We shall go through these papers together.,我们要一起检查这些文件。,3)看一遍,做练习,Jack went through the magazine quickly.,杰克迅速浏览了一下这份杂志。,Lets go through the exercises.,让我们做一下练习吧。,4)用完,用掉,He went through all the money his father gave him.,他用完了他父亲给他的所有的钱。,5)经历(困难、痛苦),经过(阶段等),She has gone through a lot since her husband was dead.,自从她丈夫死后,她经历了许多困难。,知识拓展,go abroad 出国,go ahead withgo on doing 继续进行,go all out(to do sth.) 全力以赴(做),go back 追溯,回顾,回去,go by (时间)过去;经过(某人或某地点),go over 复习,检查,go on doing 继续做原来的事,go on to do 接着做另一件事,go on with 继续做,He went abroad for further study last year.,他去年出国深造了。,Go ahead with your conversation.,继续你们的谈话。,If each of them learns to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of society.,如果他们每个人在运动场上认识到是为自己的团队不是为个人拼搏,日后他就会感到,为社会利益而工作是理所当然的。,Whenever the old man talks, he likes to go back to his young days.,每当那个老年人谈起话来,总喜欢回顾他的年轻时代。,I saw him go by me without noticing me.,我看见他从我身旁走过但没注意我。,He went on working until 3 oclock.,他一直工作到3点。,注意:,go on后不能直接跟名词,必须借助于with,还可用于go on doing sth.和go on to do sth.句型。,即学即用,If you had_your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.,Alooked up,Bthought about,Cgone over,Dgone round,答案:,C,1.,and as a result, I started getting to know people.,,结果,我开始认识一些人。,get不定式表示“逐渐起来”,侧重于不知到知,从不了解到了解等渐进的过程,类似结构有come不定式。,Soon they get to be good friends.,很快他们成了好朋友。,How did you get to know her?,你是怎样开始认识她的?,知识拓展,get sb. to do sth.have/let/make sb. do sth. 让某人去做某事,get sth. donehave/make/leave sth. done 请人做某事,get.doing 使动起来,You must get them to come here.,你必须让他们来这儿。,I cant get the car running.,我不能发动起这辆车。,You must get the work finished as quickly as possible.,你必须尽快完成这项工作。,注意:,get.doing强调使某一动作由停止状态转为正常进行起来这一过程;have/keep/leave.doing则强调使某一动作长时间处于进行之中。,高考链接,The teacher said, “You must get your homework_before going home.”,Ato finish,Bfinishing,Cfinished,Dto have finished,解析:,本题考查get sth. done结构,homework应是被完成,故选C。,答案:,C,即学即用,Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents_.,Aworried,Bto worry,Cworrying,Dworry,答案:,A,2The family had to move to a much smaller house in order to manage financially.,他们一家人不得不搬进一个比以前小很多的房子,以减轻经济负担。,much smaller短语中,much修饰比较级,表示程度上“更,多”,知识拓展,1)比较级的修饰语常见的有:rather, much, still, even, far, any(用于否定句与疑问句),a lot, a little, a great deal, by far, a bit, three times等。,The students study even harder than before.,学生们比以前更努力了。,A car runs a great deal faster than a bike.,汽车比自行车快得多。,2)修饰最高级的词有:by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not really, not quite, nothing like。如:,The bridge being built now is by far the longest across the Yellow River.,正在修建的那座桥是横跨黄河最长的桥。,Id like to buy the second most expensive camera.,我想买仅次于最贵的照相机。,即学即用,The number of people present at the concert was _ than expected. There were many tickets left.,Amuch smaller,Bmuch more,Cmuch larger,Dmany more,答案:,A,3My mouth fell open and I just looked at him. Roy went bright red.,我张着嘴,只是看着他,罗伊满面通红。,fall open中的fall为系动词,go bright red中的go也为系动词。英语中,系动词本身有词汇意义,但在句中不能单独作谓语,只能和表语构成“系表结构”,充当复合谓语,来说明主语的性质、状态或发展变化。除be外,还有部分由实义动词转化过来的系动词,分类如下:,1)表示主语所处状态的发展变化。常见系动词有:go, come, become, get, grow, fall, run, make, turn等。,Fish goes bad easily in summer.,夏天鱼容易变坏。,Our dream has come true.,我们的梦想已经实现了。,She became a doctor later.,她后来成为了一位医生。,Its getting hotter and hotter.,天正逐渐变热。,Xiao Zhang has fallen ill.,小张病倒了。,2)表示主语所处状态维持不变。常见系动词有:remain, keep, continue, stay, prove(to be)。,George remained a good student all his life.,乔治一生都是个好学生。,Keep fit, study hard and work well.,身体好,学习好,工作好。,The weather continued(to be)fine.,天气继续晴朗。,The method proved(to be)highly effective.,这种方法果然很有效。,3)表示主语引起感官上的感知。常见系动词有:smell, sound, taste, feel, look, seem(to be), appear(to be)等,该类系动词多用主动表被动。,The flowers smell sweet.,这花闻起来很香。,How does the proposal sound to you?,这个建议你听起来如何?,It sounds quite all right.,这听起来很好。,Cotton feels soft.,棉花摸起来很软。,He appears(to be)very young.,他看起来很年轻。,4)表示主语所处的位置、状态或态度。常见系动词有:stand, sit, lie等。,The building lies high.,这座建筑物坐落在高处。,I stand ready for everything.,我做好了一切准备。,注意:,在上述系动词中,,1)turn多指颜色的变化;接可数名词单数形式时,省去冠词:,Finally he turned teacher in a middle school.,最后他在一所中学做了老师。,2)go多指向不好的方向转化;,3)fall多接asleep, ill, sick等;,4)make后只接名词;,5)get, become后跟过去分词或现在分词很常见。如:get burnt, get married, get injured, get wounded.。,6)系动词无被动语态。,高考链接,We dont care if a hunting dog smells_, but we really dont want him to smell_.,Awell; well Bbad; bad,Cwell; badly Dbadly; bad,解析:,前半句中smell是不及物动词,badly修饰smells,而后半句中smell为系动词,与bad连用为系表结构。第一分句意为“我们不介意猎狗是否嗅觉不好”,smell为实义动词,意为“闻,嗅”。第二分句意为“但我们确实不想让狗闻起来臭”,smell为系动词,意为“闻起来”。,答案:,D,即学即用,Emergency line operators must always_calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.,Agrow,Bappear,Cbecome,Dstay,答案:,D,


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