U1 Bs Letter-wirting

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Communication in International Business,Xiaoqiu Xu,School of Economics and Magt.,Zhejiang Science & Technology University,1,For Preparatory Class,Welcome to My Class,2,E-mail:,QQ: 66262321,3,Personal Teaching Approach,1) Student-centered & Teacher-assisting,2),Interactive (Good communication & cooperation),3),Brainstorm (Let fly your imagination),4),Group/Pair Work,4,Ts expectations,“KISS” Principle,Make yourself heard & Make yourself understood,Business is business; Friendship is another,5,Class Rules,Always be present and on time,Always with a pen,a notebook, dictionary,Never be absent without asking for leave beforehand,Never cheat in any quiz or exam if you want to continue to attend my class,6,Course Outline,Text:,English for International Business Communication,外经贸英语函电,Grading:,There will be a final term test which will have a weight of 70%,the homework 20%, Class Performance 10%.,7,实训的考核方法与标准:,采用“阅读,讨论,写作,自改,互改,讲评”的模式,提高教学质量。,1,、实训的考核方法与标准:,1,、演示和考核方法:,1,)制作脚本,/,上交脚本,2,)评分办法:教师评分,教师根据小组成员的合作、创意、脚本的质量和演示效果评分。,2,、评分标准:,1,)分数占总分的,20%,。,2,)演示评估细节(教师,/,学生完成):,A,、语言流畅、准确(,30,分),B,、函电内容比较全面、格式正确(,20,),C,、往来信函中所使用术语的规范性,(50,分,),教师根据各个小组脚本质量、合作质量。,教师结合上述分数和修改后脚本质量和实训日记给予小组综合得分。,8,3,、脚本用,A4,纸打印,加封面。封面内容统一为:,浙江科技学院经管学院,进出口业务函电案例处理实训,2009-2010,学年第二学期,指导教师:,实训班级:,小组成员:,提交日期:,9,Outline,1. Introduction,;,Bs Letter-writing,2. Establishing Bs Relations,3. Status Enquiries,4. Enquiries and Replies,5. Quotations, Offers and Counter-offers,6. Orders and Their Fulfillment,7. Terms of Payment,8. Packing,9. Insurance,10. Shipment,11. Agencies,12. Complaints and Adjustments,10,外贸函电的定义:,English business correspondence refers to letters,,,telegrams,,,telexes,,,faxes and E-mails. It includes foreign trade (and domestic trade) of course.,2.,学习目的:,The purpose of this course is to help you learn how to write good business letters, cables, telexes and faxes by using up-to-date expressions in the simplest possible language.,11,3.外贸函电的特点:,首先,外贸函电有其独特的语言风格和用语。,其次,外贸函电充满了贸易术语、缩略语和缩写词。,最后,外贸函电的内容与外贸业务实践密切相关。,12,We are in the market for silk blouses and should be pleased if you could kindly quote us your keenest prices for the goods listed below:,13,十三种贸易术语:,EXW Ex Works,工厂交货,FAC Free Carrier,货交承运人,FAS Free Alongside Ship,船边交货,FOB Free on Board,船上交货,CFR Cost and Freight,成本加运费,CIF Cost Insurance and Freight,成本保险加运费,CPT Carriage Paid - to,运费付至,-,CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to-,运费保险付至,-,DAF Delivered at Frontier,边境交货,DES Delivered Ex Ship,目的港船上交货,DEQ Delivered Ex QUAY,(,duty paid,)目的港码头交货,DDU Delivered duty unpaid,未完税交货,DDP Delivered duty paid,完税后交货,14,Learning,Objectives,practical writing and communication skills;,the characteristics of effective models of business and technical communications;,to write business letters, memos, instructions, some business application and certificate in business procedure;,the contract format used in different terms of trade,15,Unit 1.Introduction,1.How can you understand the communication?,2.The Importance of communication,3.How will you do to be an effective communicator?,16,Communication,(1)is a Two-way process;,(2)is circular;,(3)is divided into two categories:,Verbal,Nonverbal(NVC),17,Know the strategy and the followings,The objectives of communication;,Whom will you communicate with;,The cultural difference between two countries;,18,Business Letter-writing,WHAT IS BUSINESS LETTER,RULES OF GOOD WRITING,FORM AND STRUCTURE OF BL,BASIC REQUIREMENT OF BL,19,1. WHAT IS BUSINESS LETTER,1.1 Bs letter-writing is an essential part of Bs,1.2 The letter is often an evidence of an arrangement or a contract, and must therefore be written with care,1.3 The aim of letter is to secure the interest of the reader and his/her cooperation,20,4.The principles of good Communication(7Cs),(1)Conciseness,(2)Courtesy,(3)Clarity or Clearness,2. RULES OF GOOD WRITING,21,(4) Consideration,(5) Concreteness,(6) Completeness,(7) Correctness,22,(1)Clarity,a. explain yourself clearly;,b. avoiding ambiguous sentences and needless jargon;,c. statements in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs;,23,Clarity,e.g.,As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services.,1. We shall be able to supply 10 cases of the item only.,2. We shall be able to supply 10 cases only of the item.,1.We sent you 5 samples yesterday of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 20 by air.,2.We sent you, by air, 5 samples of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 20.,24,a.in the fewest possible words;,b.briefly but completely;,e.g.,1.We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter.,2.Enclosed herewith please find two copies of.,3.,Enclosed herewith-,at this time-,due to the fact that-,a draft in the amount of $1000-,(2)Conciseness,25,(3)Courtesy,a. more than Polite;,b. sincere, tactful, thoughtful and appreciative;,c. avoid irritating, offensive or belittling statements.,We have received with many thanks your letter of 20 May, and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it.,You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed, which you requested in your letter of 20 May.,26,a.Try to put yourself in HIS place; b.emphasize the YOU attitude;,c.emphasize positive,pleasant facts;,e.g.,You earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash. We will send you the brochure next month.,We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. We wont be able to send you the brochure this month.,(4)Consideration,27,(5)Concretenessa.To make the message specific;b.dont try to write in a literary style;c.use action rather than camouflaged verbs;,(6)Completenessa.provide all necessary information;b.Answer all questions asked;c.give something extra, when desirable;,(7),Correctness,Correctness means appropriate and grammatically correct language, factual information and accurate reliable figures (such as names of articles, specifications, quantity, price and units, etc.),28,CHAPTER 1.2,The Structure and Layout of a Business English Letter,商务英语书信格式,29,Standard Parts,(1)the letterhead; include the senders name and address.,(2)Date and ; Ame and British style,(3)inside address; including the title, name, and full address of the person or business concerned.,(4)salutation;,(5)The body of the letter,(6)The Complimentary Close,(7)The signature,5. Structure or Layout (total 7 parts),30,Optional Parts,8. The references,9. The attention line,10. The Subject line,11. The enclosure,12. The Carbon Copy Notation,13. The postscript,14. The identification line,31,.,The Structure of a Business Letter, Letterhead,(,信头),Ref. No. (,发文编号,),Date,(,日期),Inside Name and Address,(,封内名称和地址),Salutation,(,称呼),Subject Line,(,事由标题),Body of the Letter,., Complimentary Close,(,结尾敬语),Signature,(,签名),Reference Notation,(,经办人代号),Enclosure Notation,(,附件),Carbon Copy,(,抄送),PostScript,(,附言),32,The Body of the Letter,(1),Opening sentence,(2) Actual message,(3) Closing sentence,33,Opening sentences,e.g.,(1) Thank you for your letter of Sept.8,(2) In reply to your letter of July 2,(3) Your letter of the 10th, Aug. has been duly received with thanks.,34,Closing sentences,e.g.,(1) Look forward to hearing from you soon.,(2) Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.,(3) We would be grateful if you could send us this information as soon as possible.,(4) Any early reply would be highly appreciated.,35,.,Layout Style,1.Indented Style,2.Block Style-Full Block Style,3.Modified Block Style,4.Semi-block style with indented paragraphs,36,Exercise,201,室,: 12,号,: 2,单元,: 3,号楼,:,长安街,:,南京路,:,长安公司,:,宝山区,:,赵家酒店,:,钱家花园,:,孙家县,:,李家镇,:,广州市,:,广东省,:,37,宝山区南京路12号3号楼201室,中华人民共和国民政部政策研究中心北京河沿大街147号,北京市崇文区天坛南里西区20楼3单元101,266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 周旺财,38,.,Addressing the Envelope,e.g.,Hunan Foreign Trading Corp.,22 Wuyi ROAD,Changsha, Hunan, China,OVERSEAS Trading Co.,24 Park Street,LONDON Ec 4,England,Registed,Stamp,39,Exercise:Address the envelope properly with the following names and addresses,1. The sender: Ms. Xu Fang, Star Sweing Machines, 2 Guangzhou Road, Shanghai, China.,2. The receiver: Mr. J. Armstrong, the sales manager; united Steel Inc., 648 Eastern Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,40,Exercise,Rewrite the following sentence, to make them effective,He will fly to Germany next week for the purpose of meeting Mr. Swartz in person.,We require cameras that are of a new type.,It should be noted that this is the best price we can offer in this season.,Your letter is not clear. I cant understand it.,For two years, you havent given us any order.,We allow you 3 percent discount for cash payment.,We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 5.,This product not only is welcome for its reasonable price, but also for its fine quality.,We are informed that similar goods of American origin have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than you.,Our normal practice is that we usually insure shipments for the invoice value plus 10%.,41,Thats all for today !,Welcome your questions !,42,


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