Chapter Five 词的意义和成分分析

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter FiveWord Meaning and Componential Analysis,词的意义和成分分析,Meanings of “meaning”,Motivation of meaning,Types of meaning,Components of word meaning,5.1 Word Meaning,What is a word?,A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.,词是具有一定的声音、意义和语法功能,能独立运用的最小的语言单位。,1.What is word meaning?,linguistic form,(,sign,),cat,/,kt,/ (phonological form) : a small four-legged animal with soft fur and sharp claws,cat,猫,Word meaning can be defined as a reciprocal,(,相互的,),relation between name and meaning.,词的意义是名称与意思的联系。,Meaning is what the form stands for.,Eg,: desk: something you sit at and you do your work,2. What is reference,(所指关系),?,It is the relationship between language and the world.,所指关系是语言与客观外界之间的相互关系。,cat,猫,(,linguistic sign,),referent,By means of reference, a speaker indicates which things in the world (including persons) are being talked about.,通过这种相互关系,说话人指称外界的事物或人。,It is the relationship between words and the things, actions, events, and qualities they stand for. For example, the word tree refers to the object tree.,In other words, only when a connection has been established between the linguistic sign and a,referent, i.e., an object, a phenomenon, a person, etc. does the sign become meaningful,换言之,只有当语言符号与,所指物,-,物体、现象、人等之间建立某种联系,这个符号才获得意义。,The reference of a word to a thing outside the language is,arbitrary and conventional,. This connection is the result of,generalization and abstraction,.,词与外界事物的这种指称关系是任意的,又是约定俗成的。是高度概括的,是从同类事物中抽象出来的。,3. What is concept?,It is the general idea or meaning which is associate with a word or symbol in a persons mind.,指词或符号在人脑中的大致印象或意义。,Many and much both have the same concept but collocate with different words.,diepass away, quarrel - argue,(注意词义的感情色彩),What s the relationship between meaning and concept?,They are closely connected but not identical.,They are both related directly to referents and are notions of the words but belong to different categories.,Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind. Concept is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, race, language and so on.,But meaning belongs to language, so it is restricted to language use. Even in the same language, the same concept can be expressed in different words.,4. What is sense,(语义),?,Sense refers to the meaning of meaning.,Sense denotes the relations inside the language unlike the reference.,The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationships with other expressions in the language,.,词语的意义是它在语义关系系统中同其它词语相对的位置。,Whats the difference between reference and sense?,Sense denotes the relationships inside the language.,指语言内部的关系。,Reference denotes the relationship between words and the things, actions, events, and qualities they stand for.,Every word that has meaning has sense but not every word has reference.,每个词都有语义,但不一定都有所指。,Eg,: but, almost.,These grammatical words do not refer to anything. And words like,God, dragon,and,phenix,refer to imaginary things.,5.2 Motivation,词的理据,What is motivation,理据,?,It refers to the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning.,理据解释语言符号与意义之间的关系。,1.Onomatopoeic motivation,2. Morphological motivation,3. Semantic Motivation,4. Etymological motivation,1.Onomatopoeic motivation,拟声理据,:,Words coined in imitation of the sounds associated with the things named are called,onomatopoeia,(拟声词),.,It means the imitation of sounds by sounds.,It refers to the words were created by imitating the natural sounds of noises.,e.g. squeak by mice, trumpet by elephants,(老鼠等),吱吱,;,;,(,大象等,),吼叫:,The elephant trumpeted.,大象吼叫起来。,This is how Browning described the mices action in his poem Pied Piper.,And the muttering grew to a grumbling;,And the grumbling grew to a might rumbling;,And out of the house the rats came tumbling,拟声词音韵响亮,有音乐美,而且形象鲜明,用,来描摹事物使人如闻其声,倍感亲切,.,从拟声词的模拟对象来看,可以有三种情况。,一是模拟人的声音,,如,;,giggle, titter,呲呲地笑, murmur,喃喃,whimper,呜咽地说,,hiss,嘶嘶地说,,babble,牙牙学语。,(,difference,:,whisper,),二是模拟动物的鸣叫。,英语鸟类动物名叫词汇,Apes,gibber,.,猿猴,叽哩咕噜乱叫。,Bees buzz.,蜜蜂嗡嗡叫。,Birds chirp.,小鸟唧喳叫。,Camels(pigs,) grunt.,骆驼咕噜叫。,Cats,mew ( purr).,猫发出咕噜声。,Cows moo.,牛哞哞叫。,Dogs growl.,狗嗥。,Donkeys hee,haw,.,驴子叫。,Ducks quack.,鸭子嘎嘎叫。,Frogs croak.,青蛙哇哇叫。,Geese cackle.,鹅咯咯叫。,Goats,bleat,.,羊咩咩。,Horses neigh.,马嘶鸣。,Hens cluck.,母鸡咯咯叫。,Lions roar.,狮子吼叫。,Larks warble.,百灵鸟,颤声歌唱,Magpies,chatter.,喜鹊唧唧喳喳。,Mice squeak.,老鼠吱吱叫。,Mosquitoes hum.,蚊子嗡嗡叫。,Owls hoot.,猫头鹰咕咕叫。,Pigeons coo.,鸽子咕咕叫。,Snakes hiss.,蛇发出嘶嘶声,Wolves howl.,狼发出长嚎。,三是模拟事物的声音,如,:bubble,潺潺地流,splash,哗哗、扑通,clink,叮当作响,tinkle,叮叮当当,clash,金属碰撞声,thump,砰然地响,bang,砰砰作响,2. Morphological motivation,形态理据,Words which were formed by means of morphological structure belong to the category of motivation by morphology.,Compounds,and,derived words,are multi-morphemic words and the meanings of many of them are the sum total of the morphemes combined.,When one knows the meanings of the morphemes of bases, one can deduce the meaning of the words.,For instance:,airmail means to mail by air,reading-lamp is the lamp for reading;,hopeful means full of hope.,If one knows the meaning of the affix and the root, say,able,and,read, then one can immediately tell that the meaning of the word,readable,is “that can be read” .,Compound words may be morphologically motivated,,,too. The meaning of words like,good-looking, headache, daydream,and many others derive from the combined meaning of the component parts.,However,not all compounds are motivated,. We cannot infer the meaning of words like,bigwig, egghead,from their component parts.,bigwig,要人,大亨:一个非常重要的人,egghead,(,Informal,),知识分子,(,贬义,),eggplant, hotdog,,,3. S,emantic Motivation,语义理据,It refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of the word.,It is the figurative sense of the word.,e.g.,The mouth of a river,He is fond of the bottle.,The pen is mightier than the sword.,4. Etymological motivation,词源理据,Etymological motivation denotes that the origins of words often throw light on their meanings.,E.g.:,Pen,originally refers to a heavy quill or feather. Today the writing tool is still “pen”, but a meaning is not exactly the same as what it used to mean.,Proper nouns, once they become common nouns, can be explained by their origins only.,For example:,Lacons,- a,laconic,answer,slave -,源自,Slav,斯拉夫人(源于中世纪早期被俘获后大批地用作奴隶的斯拉夫人),5.3 Types of Meaning,Word meaning is made up of various components which are interrelated and interdependent. These components are commonly described as,types of meaning,.,词义有各种相互联系与相互依存的不同成分组成,这些成分就是词义的种类。,Grammatical Meaning & Lexical Meaning,Grammatical meaning indicates grammatical concept or relationships such as part of speech of words, singular and plural meaning of nouns, tense meaning of verbs and their,inflectional paradigm.,(,语法意义,指词义中表示语法概念或关系的那部分意义。,例如词类、名词的单复数、动词的时态意义及它们的屈折形式。,),inflectional paradigms of verb:,forget, forgets, forgot, forgotten, forgetting,For example :,girls, winters, tables, joys,We notice that word-forms, though denoting different objects of reality, have something in common. This common element is the grammatical meaning of plurality.,(They have the,same grammatical meaning,),Lexical meaning is the meaning of an isolated word in a dictionary. This component of meaning is identical in all the forms of the word.,(,林承璋:词汇意义是词典中一个独立词的意义。在该词的所有形式中,其词汇意义相同。),For example : The word-forms,go, goes, went, going, gone,possess different grammatical meanings of tense, person, and so on, but in each of these forms we find one and the same semantic component (,same lexical meaning,).,2. Conceptual Meaning & Associative Meaning,Conceptual meaning,is meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning.,概念意义是词典中所给的意义,是词义的核心。,Associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. It differs from the conceptual meaning in that it is open-ended and indeterminate, liable to the influence of such factors as culture, experience, religion, etc.,联想意义是概念意义的补充意义,是次要意义。它受语言外界因素如文化、经历、宗教、地域、出身、教育等的影响而变化,所以是开放性的,是不定的。,Four Categories,:,1) Connotative Meaning,It refers to the overtones or associations suggested by the conceptual meaning.,内涵意义是由概念意义产生的言外之意或联想。,What connotations do you think,“,home”, “dragon”,and,“mother,”,might have?,2) Stylistic Meaning,Apart from their conceptual meanings, many words have stylistic features, which make them appropriate for different styles.,很多词除了其概念意义外,还有文体色彩,以适应不同的文体风格。,In some dictionaries, these stylistic features are clearly marked as ,formal, informal, literary, archaic, slang,and so on.,Compare the following two groups ofsynonyms:,leave,job,cant,tired,ad,depart,po,sition,cannot,fatigued,advertisement,3) Affective Meaning,Affective meaning expresses the speakers attitude towards the person or thing in question. This meaning can be overtly and explicitly conveyed simply by the choice of the right words.,情感意义反映作者或说话人对所谈论的人或物、事态等表示的个人情感或态度。这种意义可以通过选用表情词直接了当地表现出来。,Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories:,appreciative,and,pejorative/derogative,. Words of positive overtones are used to show appreciation or the attitude of approval; those of negative connotations imply disapproval, contempt or criticism.,appreciative pejorative,elderly,little,famous,slim/slender,determined,statesman,confidence,farmer,publicity,old,small,notorious,skinny,pigheaded,politician,complacency,peasant,propaganda,4),Collocative,Meaning,It is that part of the word meaning suggested by the words with which it co-occurs.,搭配意义即与之一起使用的词语所赋予的那部分意义。,E.g.,pretty woman and handsome woman,-stress the attractiveness of facial features,-may not be facially beautiful but slender figure, graceful posture and behavior,green hand, green fruit, green with envy, green-eyed monster,5.4 Componential Analysis,成分分析,What is componential analysis?,The analysis of word meanings or componential analysis is often seen as a process of breaking down the sense of a word into its minimal components.,This diagram represents three-dimensions of meaning of these words.,1)vertically, column A and B reveals- sex;,2)horizontally, Line 1 and 2 reveals- age;,3)As a whole, 4 words form the,semantic field,(语义场),- “human race”,A,B,1,man,woman,2,boy,girl,These traits of words are abstracted from the words and are called,semantic features,(,语义特征,), which are established on the basis of,binarity,/binary opposition.(,对分法,),Conventionally, these minimal components can be symbolized in terms of binary opposition.,eg,: +ADULT (adult), - ADULT (young).,+MALE (male), -MALE (female),+HUMAN (human), -HUMAN (non-human),Sense components are conventionally enclosed in square brackets or parenthesis to distinguish them from lexical items. E.g., ADULT,man +MALE, +ADULT, +HUMAN,woman -MALE, +ADULT, +HUMAN,boy +MALE, -ADULT, +HUMAN,girl - MALE, -ADULT, +HUMAN,bullock +MALE, +ADULT, - HUMAN,cow - MALE, +ADULT, - HUMAN,In making componential analysis, it is important to focus on the distinguishing features, i.e. features which can distinguish one word from another.,Eg,: Between,boy, chair, dictionary,and,hope,thought, problem, the distinguish feature is ,+,Concrete,verbs like nouns also have features like, MOMENTARY, DYNAMIC, TRANSITIVE,The function of componential analysis,1.useful and revealing technique for demonstrating relations of meaning between words.,dog +ANIMATE, -HUMAN, +CANINE,+DOMESTIC,foal +ANIMATE, -HUMAN, +EQUINE,+DOMESTIC, the,synnonymy,of two items by giving them same componential features.,Spinster and maiden,+HUMAN,-MALE,-MARRIED, POSITIVE,3.tell whether a certain collocation or syntactic structure is acceptable or not.,He has left this neighborhood for ten years.,He has lived in this neighborhood for ten years.,letf, live MOMENTARY,Controversial,:,semanticists do not agree on the merits of componential analysis.,1.useful but limited, about the figurative sense,Assignment: 4,5,7,8,13,(,p-112-114,),Lets Sum Up:,1.Word meaning,reference, referent, concept, sense,2.Motivation,onomatopoeic motivation morphological motivation,semantic motivation etymological motivation,3.Types of meaning,grammatical meaning lexical meaning,conceptual meaning and associative meaning,connotative, stylistic, effective,collocative,4.Componential analysis,semantic features,binarity,/binary opposition semantic field,The End,


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