选修7 Unit1词汇讲解

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.词根为able的派生词小结:,1)有能力的 adj.,能够做某事,不能够做某事,那个病人很快就能够做起来看书了。,2)能力;能够 n.,他是一个很有能力的人。,3)无能;无力 n.,She doesnt learn much because of her inability to listen.,able,be able to do sth.,be unable to do sth.,The patient was soon able to do sit up and read.,ability,inability,He is a man of great ability.,4)使残疾 vt.,An accident disabled him from playing football.,5)残废的;残疾的 adj.,残疾人,Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers.,We should try our best to help the disabled.,6)残废;残疾 n.,His disability prevents him from holding a job.,disable,disabled,the disabled,disability,2.雄心;野心 n.,ambition,有雄心的;有野心的 adj.,ambitious,She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of _.,They were very _ for their children.,He is an _ young manager.,3.吵闹;嘈杂声 n.,吵闹的;嘈杂的 adj.,吵闹;发出噪音,噪音污染,ambition,ambitious,ambitious,noise pollution,noisy,make a noise/make noises,noise,4.使-适合于-,She suited her dress to attending the evening party.,适合于-,适合做某事,这节目适合于儿童。,The program is suitable for children.,我没有衣服适合聚会穿。,I dont have anything suitable to wear for the party.,suit - to-,be suitable for-,be suitable to do sth.,5.进入 v.,进入;入口;项目 n.,The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher.,How did the thieves gain entry into the building?,Entry to the museum is free.,You can leave your umbrella in the entry.,There is no entry in his dairy for that day.,enter,entry,进入,进入,进入,入口,项目;记录,6.受益;获益;益处 n.&v.,有益的;受益的 adj.,从-中获益,对-有益,为了-的利益,良好的饮食对健康有益。,我们从好书中获益很大。,我把讲义打出来为的是学生的利益。,benefit,beneficial,benefit-from-,be of great benefit to sb.,be beneficial to sb.,for the benefit of sb.,A good diet is of great benefit to health.,A good health is beneficial to health.,We benefit a lot from good books.,I typed out the lecture notes for the benefit of the students.,7.in other words,beyond words,eat ones words,weigh ones words,have words with sb.,in a word,keep ones word,break ones word,word came that -,have a word with sb.,have a few words with sb.,She really was touched beyond words.,I believe that they have had words.,Im not a man to break my word.,I weighed my words before asking my father for money.,换句话说,无法用语言形容,收回自己的话,斟酌字句,和-争吵,总之,守信,失言;失信,消息传来-,和-说句话,和-说几句话,8.使适应;改编 v.,词组: 使-适应,适应,He was not adapt his way of life to the countryside.,He is quick to adapt (himself) to new circumstances.,Its hard to adapt this story for children.,区别:,采用;采纳;收养,采纳某人的建议,采用现实的方式,收养一个孤儿,adapt,adapt- to-,adapt to,adopt,adopt ones advice,adopt a realistic way,adopt an orphan,9.切去;剪下;删除;省略;停止(做某事),I cut this article out of the newspaper.,I would cut out the bit about working as a waitress.,Im tired of you two arguing-just cut it out!,be cut out for-,be cut out to be-,cut down,cut up,cut off,cut in,cut in on-,cut out,剪下,删除,停止,具备所需素质或才能;,是-的材料,砍倒;消减,切碎,切断,插话;打断,超车抢道,10.上气不接下气,我们到达山顶时已经气喘吁吁了。,We were out of breath when we reached the top of the mountain.,屏住呼吸,屏住呼吸,数到十。,做深呼吸,呼吸 v.,呼吸新鲜空气,out of breath,hold ones breath,Hold your breath and count to ten,breathe,breathe fresh air,take a deep breath,11.缺席;不再;缺乏 n.,缺席的 adj.,心不在焉,缺席;离开;不在某处,某人不在时,After an absence of seven years, I went back to my hometown.,Behave yourself during my absence.,He was absent from class due to his stomachache.,Absence of rain caused the plant to die.,absence,absent,absence of mind,absent-minded,absence from-,in/during ones absence,12.使-不悦;惹恼 vt.,词组:使-不悦;惹恼某人,These flies are annoying me.,It annoys me when people forget to say “thank you.”,颇为生气的;恼怒的 adj.,令人烦恼的 adj.,恼怒 n.,词组:为某事对某人生气,He got annoyed with me about my carelessness.,I was annoyed to find they had left without me.,Will she be annoyed that you forget to phone?,annoy,annoy sb. with sth.,annoy sb. by doing sth.,annoyed,annoying,annoyance,be annoyed with sb. at/about sth.,类似的使动词:,amaze, amuse, tire, bore, astonish, confuse, convince, embarrass, delight, encourage, discourage, satisfy, interest, frighten, terrify, shock, surprise, please, inspire, move, worry, puzzle,13.all in all,after all,above all,in all,at all,all alone,all around,all over,all through,all at once,all the same,总而言之,毕竟;终究,首要的是,总计;合计,根本;全然,独自,在-周围;到处,浑身;到处,一直;在整个-期间,突然,仍然,14.闲坐着,I have a very busy life with no time to sit around, feeling sorry for myself.,We are so busy that we have no time to sit around,and gossip,.(-, gossiping.),15. 也;又;和;同,She sings as well as playing the piano.,As well as visiting Niagara Falls, we spent a day in Toronto.,Many students as well as Tom were present at the meeting.,Our head teacher is friendly as well as kind to me.,sit around,既亲切又友好,as well as,也 (相当于too, 做状语,常用于句末),I gave him money, and advice as well.,(I gave him advice as well as money.),16.许多方面,他在许多方面很像他母亲。,He is like his mother in many ways.,17.取笑,捉弄某人,开某人的玩笑,愚弄某人,as well,in many ways,make fun of-,play a trick on -,play a joke on-,make a fool of-,玩得开心,闹着玩地;开玩笑地,做某事是多么开心的事!,夏季在河里游泳是多么有趣的事呀!,What fun it is to swim in the river in summer.,18.行为;品行 n.,指挥;管理;主持 vt.,a man of good conduct,the rules of conduct,under the conduct of-,conduct business,conduct oneself,Why his fellow students conduct changed towards John?,He conducted himself much better than before.,have fun,for fun,What fun it is to do sth!,conduct,品行端正的人,行为准则,在-指挥下,做生意,举止;表现,为什么约翰的同学们对他的行为改变了?,他表现得比以前好多了。,19.没关系;不必担心,-Im sorry I broke your precious vase.,-Never mind. After all, it wasnt your fault.,20.辞职;辞去(工作;职位等),resign ones job,resign ones position as secretary of the club,resign from the Cabinet,never mind,resign,辞去工作,辞去俱乐部秘书之职位,辞去阁员之职,21.祝贺;道贺 vt.,祝贺;道贺 n.,就-祝贺某人;祝贺某人-,我们祝贺他在英语演讲比赛中获得第一名。,We congratulated him on/upon winning the first prize in the English speech contest.,我预祝你成功。,I will congratulate you on/upon your success.,-Hi, Jim. I have passed the driving contest.,-_(祝贺你)!,congratulate,congratulation(s),congratulate sb. on/upon sth.,Congratulations,22.(口语)(祝你)一切顺利,23.足够的;充分的;令人满意的,Ten pounds a week is not adequate to support a family.,Are you getting an adequate wage for the work you are doing?,24.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性 n.,可接近的;可进入的;可使用的,This is the access to the building.,We gain access to the house through the window.,我们从窗户进入屋内。,all the best,adequate,十英镑不足以维持一个家庭。,你目前工作的待遇是否令你满意?,access,accessible,这是进入大楼的通道。,You can easily get access to him.,你能很容易地接近他。,They have no access to education.,他们没有受教育的机会。,Students must have access to a good library.,学生们必须有使用好图书馆的便利条件。,This is a place accessible to the public.,这是一个公众可以进入的地方。,25.遇到;经历;会晤,1)遇到/遭遇某事,Her proposal met with the resistance from the Left.,2)经历(不愉快的事),She was worried that he might have met with an accident.,3)和某人会晤(商讨问题),The president met with senior White House aides.,meet with,她的建议遭到了左翼的抵制。,她怕他出了车祸。,总统会见了白宫的高级助手。,26.赞成;同意;认可 v.,赞成;同意;认可 n.,词组:赞成/同意做某事,你同意我的想法吗?,Do you approve of my idea?,他不同意我今年离校。,He doesnt approve of my leaving school this year?,approve,approval,approve of sth.,approve of doing sth.,


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