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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,“推理判断题”的类型,1.,推断隐含意义或深层意义,2.,推断文章的出处和来源,3.,推断文章的作者或目标读者,4.,推断文段的作用,A,.,推断隐含意义或深层意义,这类试题要求考生根据文章的内容推断作者没有提到的或可能发生的事情。题干通常含有,infer, imply, conclude,等词。,It can,be inferred,from the passage that _.,From the text we,learn,that _.,The story,implies,that _.,It may,be concluded,from the passage that _.,According to the passage, we can,conclude,that _.,We,draw a conclusion,for the passage is,_,.,推断隐含意义或深层意义要求做到:,(1),吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索。,(2),全面分析所有相关信息,切忌,_ _,。,(3),判断有据,推论有理。要忠实于原文, 以文章提供的事实和线索为依据,切忌,_ _,。,(4),要体会文章的整体感情色彩,揣摩作者的态度,悟出作者的 “弦外之音”,不可直接,_,作为答案。,片面思考, 断章取义, 以偏概全,用自己的观点代替作者的本意,选取文中的原句,【,例,1】,We can learn from the passage that people under pressure tend to _.,A. keep rewards better in their memory,B. recall consequences more effortlessly,C. make risky decisions more frequently,D. learn a subject more effectively,通过第一段有关信息可知,压力会让人们,focus on pleasure,并,ignore the possible negative consequences of a decision,,再看四个选项,与,pleasure,相关的只有,A,选项中的,rewards,,故可推断,A,为正确选项。,【,例,2】,The authors father wrote notes in pen,_.,A. to both his family and his staff,B. to his family in small letters,C. to his family on the fridge,D. to his staff on the desk,作者小时候光顾父亲的办公室时, 看见父亲用钢笔写给员工的字条,它们和父亲写给家里的字条字迹一样,(,I was pleased to recognize. the same handwriting I would see at home.),,可见作者的父亲用钢笔既给家里写字条也给员工写字条。,B,项偷换概念,错在,small letters,上。,C,、,D,项以偏概全, 都仅是,A,项的一部分内容。,B,.,推断文章的出处和来源,这类试题要求考生推断所选文段的出处,。,The passage is most likely to,be found,in _.,The passage is most likely to,be taken from _.,The passage is most likely,a part of,_.,Where,can we most probably,read,this text/passage?,Where,would this passage most probably,appear?,文章的出处和来源可从文章的内容或结构来判断:,(1),报纸,:前面会出现日期、地点或通讯社名称。,(2),广告,:因其格式特殊,容易辨认。,(3),产品说明,:器皿、设备的使用说明会有产品名称或操作方式,而药品的服用说明会告知服用时间、次数、药量等。,(4),网站,:文中会出现,click (,点击,),、,online (,在线,),、,web (,网络,),、,website (,网址,),等字眼。,(5),展览手册,:提供有关展会的各方面信息。,【,例,3】,Where does this text probably come from,?,A. A science textbook.,B. A tourist map.,C. A museum guide.,D. A news report.,浏览全文,可首先排除,A,、,D,选项,再根据四个展区,art museum, history museum,Youtheater,hand,-on science,所讲到的信息可知,本文最可能来自博物馆指南。,C,.,推断文章的,作者或,目标读者,这类题要求考生根据文章内容推测目标读者。,Who is the author?,The passage is probably written by _.,The passage is written mainly for _.,Who is the passage written for?,Who are the intended readers of the passage?,【,例,4】,Who is the author,?,A. A cameraman.,B. A film director.,C. A crowd-scene actor.,D. A workman for scene setting.,根据开头提到的,receive invitation to a film-studio to take part in,a crowd-scene,和,our “act”,would last.,可知,作者其实是一名群众演员,。,【,例,5】,Who are the intended readers of the passage,?,A. Parents. B. Adolescents.,C. Educators. D. People in general.,由第四句中,were the apple of our parents eyes,,,and that our Grandmas think were.,等可知,本文应当是写给青少年阅读的。,Exemplifying in Skills,D,.,推断文段的作用,The first/last paragraph serves as,a(n,) _.,【,例,6】,The first paragraph serves as,a(n,) _.,A. explanation B. introduction,C. comment D. background,文章首段先以一句话概括了全文大意, 即英国下月即将针对外国司机实施一项新的法规, 其后的段落都是围绕这一大意展开的, 故首段作用应为引入话题, 故本题选,B,。,


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