Object Clause宾语从句

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I dont know,if or not,he comes.,I dont know,whether or not,he comes.,三)特殊疑问句作句子成分,变倒装语序为陈述语序,How many letters are there in the English alphabet?,I dont know,how many letters there are in the English alphabet,.,特殊疑问句作宾语,把特殊疑问句变成陈述语序后放在宾语的位置,即构成宾语从句。,1. I have not decided,whom I should vote for,.,我还没有决定该投谁的票。,2.No one knows exactly,how speech began,.,没有人确切的知道语言是如何产生的。,3. Could you tell me,where the post office is,?,你能告诉我邮局在哪里吗?,4.We dont know,why he did not come yesterday,.,我们不知道他昨天为什么没来。,特殊疑问句作宾语,5. They gave,who came to the meeting,a pamphlet.,他们给所有到会的人员发了一本小册子。,6.You should vote for,which candidate you assume best,.,你应该投票给那些你认为最优秀的候选人。,Object Clause,四),引导名词从句的连接词,连词that,陈述句,that 在从句中不作成分,连词,whether,if,一般疑问句,whether,if在从句中不作成分,但是有“是否”的含义,连接副词:,when,where,why,how,连接代词:,who, whom,what, which和 whose,特殊疑问句,when, where, why, how作状语,who, whom, what 作主语,宾语或表语,which 和 whose 作定语, 后接名词,宾语的3种位置,(,1,)主,语,+,及物动词 + 宾语,He,likes,apples,.,(,2,)主,语,+不及物动词,+,介词+ 宾语,Birds fly,to,the sky,(,3,)主,语,+,及物动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语,I,told,my friend the good news,.,动宾,介宾,动词双宾,宾语从句不同位置,一. 在及物动词后作宾语,Ive learned,that love, not time, heals all wounds,. Ive learned,that everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile,. Ive learned,that theres nothing sweeter than sleeping with you babies and feeling their breath on your cheeks,.,这里有3个that引导的宾语从句,都是直接跟着及物动词that后。,我明白了,是爱,而不是时间能治愈一切创伤。我明白了,你遇到的每一个人都值得你以笑脸相迎。我明白了,世间最美好的事莫过于你睡在孩子身边,感受着他们飘散在你脸庞上的呼吸。,宾语从句不同位置,二. 在双宾动词后作直接宾语,1. I assure you,that I had no intention of offending you,.,assure sb. sth./ tell sb. sth. / give sb. sth.,我向你保证, 我当时绝不是故意冒犯你,。,2. Prof. Lees book will show you,how you can make full use of time,.,show sb. sth.,李教授的这本书会让你知道如何充分利用时间,。,宾语从句不同位置,三. 在双宾动词后作间接宾语,They gave,who came to the meeting,a pamphlet.,这里有who引导的宾语从句,who came to the meeting,充当gave的间接宾语,,a pamphlet,作直接宾语。,gave sb. sth.,他们给到会的所有人员发了一本小册子,。,宾语从句不同位置,四. 在介词后作宾语,1.That I find the best way to concentrate is to make notes on,what the teachers are saying,.,我认为上课集中注意力的最好方法就是把老师讲的内容记下来,。,2. There is disagreement among economists,about what money is and how money is measured,.,什么是货币以及怎样计量,这些在经济学家之间存在分歧,。,宾语从句不同位置,四. 在介词后作宾语,3. The test of any democratic society, he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column, lies not,in,how well it can control expression,but,in,whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitued, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be. We dont retreat in the face of any threats.,他在华尔街日报的一个专栏中写道:“对任何民主社会的检验不在于他能多有效地控制言论自由的表达,而在于它是否能最大限度地赋予思想自由和表达自由,尽管其结果有时可能会非常有争议和令人不悦,。面对威胁,我们不会退缩。,宾语从句后置,宾语从句若出现在宾补的结构中,此时宾语从句就应被置于补语后面,是一个后置的宾语从句。,动词+ it(形式宾语) + 补语 + that 宾语从句,We believe,it,true,that the human body is also a kind of good conductor,.,人体也是一种良导体,我们认为这是对的。,假设正常语序,We believe,that the human body is also a kind of good conductor,true,.,最后看到true才能明白句子中心的意思,如果宾语很长,就需要很久才能明白句子表达的中心意思。,宾语从句后置,动词+ it(形式宾语) + 补语 + that 宾语从句,We must make,it,clear,that the parties involved are to make every effort to curb the pollution,.,我们必须强调清楚,有关部门要尽一切努力来治理污染。,Exercise,1. He asked me _ I intended to do after my graduation.,A,that what,B,what,C,that,D,which,B,Exercise,2. Listening carefully to _ in class means less work later.,A,what does the teacher say,B,what the teacher says,C,that the teacher says,D,which the teacher says,B,Exercise,3. John didnt say_ every magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field.,A,It believes that,B,It believed that,C,It is believed that,D,It is believing that,C,


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