M5 UINT2 单词1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Words and expressions in U.2,(1),1,1.survive vt. vi. 经历后还活着;比长寿,survival n. 生存,存活, 幸存物,survivor n.,4. 他是那次地震的幸存者之一.,He is one of the,survivors,from that earthquake.,2.Only a few soldiers,survived,(in) the battle.,3.The man_,(比他姐姐长寿三年),1.他在飞机失事中幸免于难, 并登上了一座荒凉的岛屿。,He survived the air crash and landed on a deserted island.,survived his sister by three years,2,2.economy n. 经济;经济制度;节约,economic adj. 经济的,经济上的;,economical adj 经济的,节约的; economically adv.,在经济发达的国家,人们一般比较晚才生孩子,In _ advanced countries, childbearing typically begins later in life.,economically,economical,We,are faced with,a deepening _ crisis.,economic,a market economy/ a stable /national ,/ the fast-growing ,the economic policy/ reform/ growth/ problems,an _ use of land,economics 经济学 economist 经济学家,He wanted to buy a car which is cheap and_.,economical,3,2.Good morning. Todays,debate,question is,The,economy,or the environment -must we,Choose?,3. debate vt. vi.,debate + sth. 讨论,wh-clause,about (on / upon) sth. 争论,with sb.,(1),.网络鼓励公众关于这样的问题进行争论,论,Before we make a final decision, we must debate,with the rest of the members,The Internet actually encourages the public to debate on /about such issues.,(2).在作出最终决定之前,我们必须要和其他会员讨论一下,4,热烈的,/,激烈的讨论,a heated/hot debate=debate heatedly /hotly,在讨论中,under debate,(3) 他们正在讨论是否要立刻采取措施降低生产成本,They are debating whether they should take immediate action to reduce production costs.,n. 讨论,辩论,开始/终止辩论,open/close the debate,经过长时间的辩论后,会议通过了此议案,After a long debate, the meeting,approved the bill,5,4. preserve v. 保护,维护; 禁猎区,preservation n. 保护 保存,那座古庙被保护的很好,The old temple,is well preserved.,维持秩序,保护自然资源,No hunting is allowed,in the preserve,.,-, The old temple is,in a good state of preservation,.,Ancient Egyptians know the way _,_(使尸体不腐烂),a _(保存良好的)body/temple,preserve order,preserve our natural resources,.,well-preserved,to preserve dead,bodies from decay,6,5.In addition, many sea creatures are being,wiped out,by fishing boats.,in addition (to ),除,以外,还,besides, as well as, apart from,2.此外,许多省份作物歉收。,In addition, there was a crop failure in many provinces.,1.They got lost in the forest. _, it wsa raining,cats and dogs.,A In addition B Apart from C Beside D In fact,3.除了音乐我们还有很多共同之处,In addition to music, we have lots of things in common.,4.课程除了介绍一般的电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会.,In addition to giving a general introduction to computer,the course also provides practical experience_,A,7,1),消灭,摧毁,2) 擦掉,把擦干净,1.保存在电脑中的所有信息都被病毒销毁了,All the information saved in the computer was wiped out by the virus.,2.整个村子被海啸吞噬了。,The whole village was wiped out by the tsunami.,3.医生正在寻找消灭癌症的治疗方法。,Doctors are searching for a cure that will wipe out cancer.,4.All the enemies,were wiped out,by the Red Army.,5.别忘了把咖啡壶的里面擦干净,Dont forget to wipe out the inside of the coffee pot.,。,6. wipe out,8,7.,These boats catch large numbers of fish without,giving them time to,lay,eggs,., lie-lied-lied-lying vi. 撒谎,lie-lay-lain-lying vi. 躺,卧;位于,lay-laid-laid-laying vt. 放置;产卵; 铺设,1摆放餐桌,_,下蛋 _,2 An oil pipe,_,(lay) in this area.,3. The naughty boy _to the teacher that he,_the book where it_.,4.When he saw all his books _ here and there on the,floor, he knew that something terrible _.,A. lying; must have happened B. lie; must happen,C. lay; might have happened D. had lain; could have happen,5.If only he _ quietly as the doctor instructed,he would not suffer so much now.,A lies B lay C had lain D should lie,lay the table,lay eggs,is being laid,lied,had laid_,had lain.,A,C,9,8.,The,figure,is now,approaching,6.5 billion people.,v. Can you,figure out,what the teacher said?, figure n. a数字 b像 c人物 d人影 e身材,1.a stone figure ( ),2.Please add up these figures. ( ),3.He is a key figure in this area. ( ),4.She still keeps her figure although she,has had two children. ( ),5.There was a figure in the dark. ( ),b,a,c,e,d,10,9. approach vt./vi. (在距离或时间上)接近 靠近,n. 接近,临近;通道,小径;学习方法,1. 她悄悄靠近那只鸟然后观察它。,she approached the bird quietly and watched it.,2,. _ (随着冬天的临近), the weather becomes colder.,3With the approach of winter, the weather becomes colder.,4Our approach scared the rabbit and it ran away.,5. _,the house is a narrow path.,6.Hard work is the only possible approach to success.,7.The book presents a new approach to _(learn) a foreign language .,As winter is approaching/ With winter approaching,The approach to,learning,11,10. My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on procuction.(P22 L22)cut back on 削减, 缩减 cut down on,1.要尽量少吃脂肪和糖份含量高的食品,Try to cut back on foods containing too much fat and sugar.,2.为了省钱我们应该缩减日常开支,To save money, we should cut back on daily spending.,3.很多公司目前正在裁员,Many companies are cutting back on staff at the moment.,12,cut in 插进来说,插嘴,干预,cut off 切断,停掉(煤气,电力,自来水等);隔绝,cut down 削减,砍倒,cut up 切碎,与cut相关的短语,13,11.,It would be,beneficial,to expand (P22 L24), benefit sb. / sth. Vt. 使受益,benefit fromvi. 从获益,be of benefit to 对有好处,beneficial to sb. / sth.,for the benefit of 为了的利益,1. 新政策使农民大大受益。,The new policy has benefited the farmers greatly.,The farms has benefited from the new policy.,2. 我从父亲的忠告中受益非浅。,I benefited from my fathers advice.,3.良好的饮食对健康有益。,A good diet is beneficial to health.,4. 这本书对你有极大的好处。,The book is of great benefit to you.,5.为了你的健康你应该多参加体育锻炼,You should take more physical exercise for the benefit of your heal th.,14,12.,It is,obvious,that you are very concerned about the present situation.(P23 L29),1) sth. concern sb.,be concerned about /over/ for 为而担心,be concerned that,as far as be concerned 就而言,concerning prep. 关于,15,13. situation,n.,形势;情形;局面;环境特点,地理位置;职位,职业,in the present situation在目前的情况下,/the economic situation经济形势,put sb. in a very awkward situation使某人处于非常尴尬的境地,1. School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous _.A. states B. conditions C. situations D. position2. He was in a hard situation,_,he found it too difficult to communicate with the people around.A. which B. when C. that D. where,3.你可能遇上一种使你不得不作决定的情况,You may get into a situation where you have to decide at once,C,D,16,14. responsibility n. 责任,职责,take the responsible of for doing,负起对.的责任,responsible adj. 有责任的, 尽责的,be responsible for 对负责,The weather is responsible for the delay.,17,a key university / a key figure / a key factor,the key to the front door/ the key to success,-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?,-The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers.,A. to solving; making B. to solving; made,C. to solve; making D. to solve; made,B,15. key n. 关键,答案,adj.关键的,18,16. effective adj. 有效的,生效的,n. 效果,影响, come/go into effect 开始生效,开始实行, have an /no effect on/upon 对有(没有)影响, take effect生效,见效, take effective measures,采取有效地措施,an effective speech 打动听众的演讲,19,17.,What if we,run out of,space?(P25), run out (时间,金钱,食物等)被用光,run out of sth.,1.我们的汽油用光了,肯定赶不上火车了,Our petrol has run out, and its unlikely impossible for us to catch the train.,We have run out of our petrol, ,My pocket money _. I plan to go to my parents to borrow some of next months before I have none in hand.,A has run out B is being run out C has been run out D is running out,当今世界范围内的自然资源正在以惊人的速度消耗。,The natural resources in the whole world are running out at an amazing speed today.,D,20,Important words and phrases:,a healthy environment/ damage (harm) the environment /,environmental protection/ environmentally friendly products,with me is Mr.Lin Shuiqiang 表语提前倒装,Gone are the days when we Chinese were looked down upon.,open the floor for discussion 自由讨论/ask for the floor 要求发言权/,have / get the floor 取得发言权take the floor 发言,industrial waste,follow ones schedule/according to schedule/ahead of schedule/on schedule,large amounts of +不可数名词,21,have a lasting effect on/upon,look awful 面带病容,feel awful 感到很不舒服,be / feel awful about sth. / doing sth. 对感到抱歉,难过,have an awful job in dong sth. 做很费事,It is obvious to sb.+ that -clause,recycled materials/products,cause /do damage to,see as 把看作,把视为,look on / uponas/consideras (to be) /treat as/regard as/refer toas,present ones points,what if?,as /so long as,22,


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