Lecture 1 introduction2

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Lecture One,An introduction to Translation (2),1,Contents of this lecture,I. Methods of Learning Translation,II.,Terms Concerning Translation Studies,2,I. Methods of Learning Translation,i),Practice ( makes perfect),ii),Theories ( Practice should be based on theories),3,Examples,1. 九头鸟餐馆,2 今日说法,3. Gates Avenue families carried their pails to the hydrant at the curb.,4. The horse is a useful animal.,Translations:,1. Restaurant of Wisdom Bird,2.from “Law Today” to “ Legal Report”,3.住在盖次比街的家家户户, 都得提水桶到街边水龙头去取水。,4.The horse is a useful animal.,a),这马是一个有用的动物。 (wrong ),b) 马是一种有用的动物。 (correct but not idiomatic ),c). 马是有用的动物。,4,More examples,5.- An interpreter / translator has to know everything of something, and something of everything.,a)一个口译或笔译人员对一些事情要什么都懂,对什么事情又要懂一些。,b), 翻译人员对有些事情要无所不晓, 对什么事情要略知一二。,c), 翻译人员 搞学问, 既要精深, 又要渊博。,6.- 华佗再现,Modern Hua Tuo,7. -The Milky Way,银河,8.-Motion pictures,电影,5,Terms Concerning Translation Studies,Interpretation,vs,translation,. According to the,medium,by which the,information,is transferred, translation in broad sense can be classified into interpretation (oral) and translation (written).,6,Literary Translation,Literary translation includes the translating of,fiction, poetry, drama,etc. In literary translation, a translator is supposed to pay much attention to the language arts.,7,To transfer,the information,is not the only purpose of literary translation, to create,an equivalent form of art,is also an important part of task of the translator.,8,In this sense, a translator who is engaged in literary translation is supposed to be equipped with not only at least,two languages,but also,relevant literary knowledge.,9,Non-literary translation,Non-literary translation are those which are not included in literary translation, like the translation of social-science, science and technology, and other more subjects.,10,Source language vs. Target language,source language,-refers to the language from which the message is transferred;,11,target language -,refers to the language into which the message is translated .,12,Literal Translation, Free Translation,Literal Translation,-a traditional term concerning translation method. It reveals the translators preference to the form correspondence.,13,free translation,-,-a traditional term concerning translation method. It reveals the translators preference to the transfer of content instead of the form.,14,In another way, it may be defined as a supplementary means to mainly convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to produce its sentence patterns or figures of speech.,15,Transliteration,transliteration,-The transference of sounds from one phonological system to another, but because the phonological systems are different from one another and because any one phonological system may not be completely phonemic, problems inevitably arise.,16,Cultural Context,cultural context,-that part of the Context which includes both the total culture within which a communication takes place and the specific nonlinguistic circumstances of the communication.,17,Cultural Translation,cultural translation,-a translation in which the content of the message is changed to conform to the receptor culture in some way, opposed to linguistic translation,18,Equivalence,equivalence,-a very close similarity in meaning, as opposed to similarity in form,19,Dynamic Equivalence,Quality of translation in which the message of the original text has been so transformed into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors.,20,Frequently, the form of the original text is changed; but as long as the change follows the rules of back transformation in the source language, of contextual consistency in the transfer, and of transformation in the receptor language, the message is preserved and the translation is faithful. The opposite is formal correspondence.,21,Formal Correspondence,formal correspondence,-quality of a translation in which the features of the form of the source text have been mechanically reproduced in the receptor language.,22,Typically, formal correspondence distorts the grammatical and stylistic patterns of the receptor language, and hence distorts the message, so as to cause the receptor to misunderstand or to labor unduly hard; opposed to dynamic equivalence,23,Terms Concerning Translation Studies,Interpretation,vs,translation,. According to the,medium,by which the,information,is transferred, translation in broad sense can be classified into interpretation (oral) and translation (written).,24,V. Reference Books,1.,刘重德, 文学翻译十讲, 中国对外翻译出版公司,1997。,2.,陈宏薇, 新实用汉译英教程,湖北教育出版社,2000。,3.,张培基, 英汉翻译教程, 上海外语教育出版社1997,4.,袁锦翔, 名家翻译研究与赏析,湖北教育出版社,1990,5.,曾 诚 实用汉英翻译教程,外语教学与研究出版社,2002,6.,申雨平,戴宁,实用英汉翻译教程,外语教学与研究出版 社,2002,7.,许建平, 英汉互译实践与技巧,清华大学出版社,2000,8.,陈福康, 中国译学理论史稿,上海外语教育出版社1992,9.,谭载喜, 西方翻译简史,商务印书馆,1991,10.,杨自俭, 英汉对比研究论文集, 江苏教育出版社,1987,25,


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