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Click to edit Master Title Style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,CSE 260 Class #2,Larry Carter,Class time wont change,Office Hours: AP&M 4101,MW 10:00-11:00 or by appointment,Note slight change,First quizlet next Tuesday,Vocabulary, concepts, and trends of parallel machines and languages,15 minutes multiple choice and short answers,2,Reading Assignment,“High Performance Computing: Crays, Clusters, and Centers. What Next?”,Gordon Bell & Jim Gray,Microsoft Research Center Tech Report MSR-TR-2001-76, Talk,Google Weds 9/26 (tomorrow) 11:00,4301 APM,3,Some topics from of Class 1,Why do parallel computation?,Flynns taxonomy (,MIMD,SIMD, .),Not all parallel computers are successful,Vector machines,Clusters and the Grid,Need to add term,Beowulf,cluster,Do-it-yourself cluster of (typically) Linux PCs or workstation (though Andrew Chien uses Windows NT).,Very popular recently,4,Scalability,An architecture is,scalable,if it continues to yield the same performance per processor (albeit on a larger problem size) as the number of processors increases,Scalable MPPs designed so that larger versions of the same machine (i.e. versions with more nodes/CPUs) can be built or extended using the same design,5,A memory-centric taxonomy,Multicomputers,: Interconnected computers with separate address spaces. Also known as,message-passing,or,distributed address-space,computers.,Multiprocessors*,: Multiple processors having access to the same memory (,shared address space,or,single address-space,computers.),* Warning: Some use term “multiprocessor” to include multicomputers.,6,Multicomputer topology,Interconnection network should provide connectivity, low latency, high bandwidth,Many interconnection networks developed over last 2 decades,Hypercube,Mesh, torus,Ring, etc.,InterconnectionNetwork,Processor,Localmemory,Basic Message Passing,Multicomputer,7,Lines and Rings,Simplest interconnection network,Routing becomes an issue,No direct connection between nodes,2,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,Generalization of line/ring to multiple dimensions,2D Mesh used on Intel Paragon; 3D Torus used on Cray T3D and,T3E,.,Mesh,and,Torus,9,Torus uses wraparound links to increase connectivity,Mesh,and,Torus,10,Hop Count,Networks can be measured by,diameter,This is the minimum number of hops that message must traverse for the two nodes that furthest apart,Line: Diameter = N-1,2D (NxM) Mesh: Diameter = (N-1) + (M-1),2D (NxM) Torus: Diameter =,N/2,+,M/2,11,Hypercube Networks,Dimension N Hypercube is constructed by connecting the “corners” of two N-1 hypercubes,Interconnect for Cosmic Cube (Caltech, 1985) and its offshoots (Intel iPSC, nCUBE), Thinking Machines CM2, and others.,4-D,12,Fat-tree Interconnect,Bandwidth is increased towards the root (but aggregate bandwidth decreases),Data network for TMCs,CM-5,(a MIMD MPP),4 leaf nodes, internal nodes have 2 or 4 children,To route from leaf A to leaf B, pick random switch C in the least common ancestor fat node of A and B, take unique tree route from A to C and from C to B,Binary fat-tree in which all internal nodes have two children,13,Completely connected,Every node has a direct wire connection to every other node,N x (N-1)/2 Wires,An Impractical Interconnection Topology,14,The MPP phenomenon,In mid-90s, all major microprocessor were the engine for some,MPP,(Massively Parallel Processing systems, vaguely meaning 100 procs).,These replaced early-90s machines like CM-5 and KSR1 that had lots of proprietary hardware,Examples:,IBM RS6000 & PowerPC - SP1, SP2,SP,Dec Alpha - Cray T3D and,T3E,MIPS -,SGI Origin,Intel Pentium Pro - Sandia,ASCI,Red,HP PA-RISC - HP/Convex Exemplar,Sun SPARC - CM-5,15,The MPP phenomenon,Many of these have died or are dying out,IBM and SUN still doing well,Being replaced by PC-based,Beowulf,clusters,Next wave: clusters of playstations ?,16,Message Passing Strategies,Store-and-Forward,Intermediate node receives entire message before sending it on to next link,Cut through routing,Message divided into small “packets”,Intermediate nodes send on packets as they come in,Concern: what happens if destination isnt ready to receive a packet?,One possible answer: “Hot potato routing” if destination isnt free, send it somewhere else! Used in,Tera MTA,.,17,Latency and Bandwidth,Bandwidth,:,number of bits per second that can be transmitted through the network,Latency,:,total time to send one (“zero-length”) message through the network,Fast Ethernet,: BW = 10MB/sec (or 100 MB/sec for,gigabit Ethernet,), latency = 100usec.,Myrinet,: BW = 100s MB/sec, latency = 20 usec.,SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) BW = 400 MB/sec latency = 10 usec.,(DSM interface),Latency is mostly time of software protocols,18,Shared Address Space Multiprocessors,4 basic types of interconnection media:,Bus,Crossbar switch,Multistage network,Interconnection network with,distributed shared memory,(,DSM,),19,Bus architectures,Bus acts as a “party line” between processors and shared memories,Bus provides uniform access to shared memory (,UMA,= Uniform Memory Access) (,SMP,= symmetric multiprocessor,When bus saturates, performance of system degrades,Bus-based systems do not scale to more than 32 processors Sequent Symmetry, Balance,processor,processor,memory,memory,bus,20,Crossbar Switch,Uses O(mn) switches to connect m processors and n memories with distinct paths between each processor/memory pair,UMA,Scalable performance but not cost.,Used in,Sun Enterprise 10000,(like our “ultra”),P1,M1,P4,P5,P3,P2,M2,M3,M4,M5,21,SUN Enterprise 10000,Well use 64-node,E10000,(“ultra”) at SDSC.,400 MHz UltraSparc 2 CPUs, 2 floats/cycle.,UMA,16 KB data cache (32 byte linesize), 4MB level 2 cache, 64 GB memory per processor,Front end processors (“gaos”) are 336 MHz,Network: 10 GB/sec (aggregate), 600 ns latency,22,Multistage Networks,Multistage networks provide more scalable performance than bus but at less cost than crossbar,Typically maxlogn,logm stages connect n processors and m shared memories,Memory still considered “centralized” (as opposed to “distributed”). Also called “dancehall” architecture.,P1,P4,P5,P3,P2,M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,Stage1,Stage2,Stagek,23,Some Multistage Networks,Butterfly multistage,Shuffle multistage,4,D,C,1,B,3,2,A,C,D,B,1,4,A,3,2,24,Distributed Shared Memory,(,DSM,),Rather than having all processors on one side of network and all memory on the other, DSM has some memory at each processor (or group of processors).,NUMA,(Non-uniform memory access),Example: HP/Convex Exemplar (late 90s),3 cycles to access data in cache,92 cycles for local memory (shared by 16 procs),450 cycles for non-local memory,25,Cache Coherency,If processors in a multiprocessor have caches, they must be kept,coherent,(according to some chosen,consistency model, e.g. sequential consistency.),The problem: If P1 and P2 both have a copy of a variable X in cache, and P1 modifies X, future accesses by P2 should get the new value.,Typically done on bus-based systems with hardware “snooping” all processors watch bus activity to decide whether their data is still valid.,Multistage networks and DSM use directory-based methods.,26,MESI,coherency protocol,Used by IBM Power PC, Pentiums, .,Four states for data in P1s cache:,M,odified: P1 has changed data; not reflected in memory,(Data is “dirty”. Other processors must invalidate copies.),E,xclusive: P1 is only cache with data, same as in memory,S,hared: P1 and other procs have (identical) copies of data,I,nvalid: Data is unusable since other proc has changed,P1 initiates bus traffic when:,P1 changes data (from S to M state), so P2 knows to make I,P2 accesses data that has been modified by P1 (P1 must write block back before P2 can load it).,27,Multiprocessor memory characteristics,UMA,(uniform memory access) computer,Also known as,SMP,(symmetric multiprocessor),Sequent, Sun Enterprise 10000,(E10000),NUMA,= non-uniform memory access,Cray,T3E,(uses remote loads & stores rather than cache coherency),COMA = cache-only memory access,Kendall Square Researchs KSR1,CC-NUMA,= cache coherent NUMA,Stanford DASH,SGI Origin,28,Multi-tiered computers,Cluster of SMPs.,or Multiprocessor Multicomputer,Each “node” has multiple processors with cache-coherent shared memory,Nodes connected by high-speed network.,Used in the biggest MPPs,IBM SP,(e.g.,Blue Horizon,), Intel,ASCI,Red, .,29,Message Passing vs. Shared Memory,Message Passing:,Requires software involvement to move data,More cumbersome to program,More scalable,Shared Memory:,Subtle programming and performance bugs,Multi-tiered,Best(?) Worst(?) of both worlds,30,Other terms for classes of computers,Special Purpose,Signal processors,Deep Blue, Sony gameboys &,playstations,Bit Serial,CM-2, DAP,COTS,(Commercial Off-The Shelf),Heterogeneous, different model procs,Grid, many clusters, partially upgraded MPPs,.,31,Some notable architects,Seymore Cray,CDC 6600, Cray Research vector machines, then moved to Cray, killed in auto accident.,John Cocke,Many IBM supercomputers, prime inventor of RISC (though Patterson coined term), resisted MPPs for years.,Burton Smith,HEP,Tera MTA, recently acquired Cray Research, changed name to Cray Inc.,32,Cray Computers,Cray is almost synonymous with supercomputer,Superscalar-like machines,(before term invented),:,CDC 6600, 7600,Multiprocessor,vector machines,without caches:,Cray 1, Cray,X-MP, Y-MP, C90,T90, (J90),MPP,s (Massively Parallel Processors),T3D,T3E,(“T3” = 3-D Torus),Recent offerings:,SV1 (vector multiprocessor + cache),Tera MTA, assorted other servers via mergers and spinoffs.,33,Todays fastest supercomputers include:,(,)(doesnt include secret machines, nor commercial ones like google),Sandias ASCI Red 9216 Intel Pentiums Pros first to achieve 1 TFLOP/S speed (1997) (bigger now).,Livermores ASCI White (2000) 8192 IBM SP Power3s todays fastest computer.,Los Alamos ASCI Blue-Mountain (98) 48 128-proc cc-NUMA SGI Origins, connected via HIPPI.,ASCI,(Advanced Strategic Computer Initiative) is a big DOE (Department of Energy) project for replacing nuclear tests by simulation,. and, after 5 more IBM, 2 Hitachi, 1 NEC, 1 T3E, .,34,SDSCs,Blue Horizon,: 1152-proc IBM SP,Worlds 13,th,fastest computer (June 2001 listing)Fastest computer available to US academics.,35,Biggest supercomputers,petaflop,teraflop,gigaflop,36,Selected Computers,SISD,Scalar:,CDC 6600,(and 7600),Vector: Cray,X-MP,(and Y-MP),T90,SIMD,IlliacIV,MIMD,Distributed Address Space,Vendor-assembled (,IBM SP, Cray,T3E, TMC,CM-5,),Clusters (e.g.,Beowulf,),Shared Address Space,UMA (,Sun E10000, Cray/,Tera MTA,),NUMA (,SGI Origin,),Clusters of SMPs (e.g.,ASCI,red/white/blue),e.g.,Blue Horizon,at SDSC,Special purpose machines:,IBM Deep Blue,Sony Playstations,“MP”=multiprocessor,37,Possible Mini-studies,Extend previous chart to earlier years, using some objective measure of performance.,Make list of 10 most notable computers by some criterion (fastest, best cost/performance, most profitable, .),38,


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