Edge of Tomorrow

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Edge of Tomorrow,1,明日边缘是由道格里曼执导,汤姆克鲁斯、艾米莉布朗特、比尔帕克斯顿等主演的科幻电影,改编自由樱坂洋著、安倍吉俊插图的日本轻小说All You Need is Kill。,The edge of tomorrow was directed by Doug Liman, Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, bill, Paxton starred in the science fiction film. It is an adaptation of the free Osaka Yo, yoshitoshi Abe illustrations of Japanese Light Novel all you need is kill .,2,男女主角,Tom Cruise,汤姆克鲁斯,Emily Blunt,艾米莉布朗特,3,Film describes a mysterious creatures attack the earth, soldiers Kiritani Keiji first played on the battlefield, but for some unknown reason to regain life, back to before a battle on the morning. This strange phenomenon continues to repeat, the Tong Valley involved in a strange time cycle. Every day he was repeating the process of fighting and dying. In the 158th encounter this strange cycle, he met a mysterious woman.,影片主要描述一种神秘生物袭击地球,士兵桐谷启二首次出战就战死,却由于某种不明原因重获生命,回到出战前的那天早晨。这种奇怪的现象不断重复,把桐谷卷入诡异的时间轮回。每一天他都在重复着战斗、死亡的过程。就在第158次遭遇这个诡异循环的时候,他与一个神秘的女人相遇,4,A cruel and global war broke out in the near future, Lieutenant Colonel bill Kaiji (Tom Cruise). Shebeginstofall never had any experience of actual combat, but was ordered to pick a combat mission, this is undoubtedly a suicide operations, battlefield a few minutes ago died on the spot. However he found his sense into a temporal and spatial corridors, let in his dying moments, again in a mission that day wake up in the morning, and again on the battlefield, of course, he also once again in the task killed.,一场残酷且全球性的战争爆发在近未来,比尔凯吉中校(汤姆克鲁斯 饰)从不曾有过任何实际战斗经验,却奉命接下一项战斗任务,这无疑是一场自杀作战,战场的前几分钟就命丧当场。然而他却发现自己莫名地进入一个时空回廊,让在他濒死之际的瞬间,重新在出任务的当天早晨醒来,并且再度上战场,当然他也一次又一次地在任务中阵亡。,5,但是随着每次醒来,凯吉的战斗技巧与对战争的经验就更深一层,他越来越了解敌人,也看出敌人的弱点,他与特种部队女战士丽塔维拉塔斯基(爱蜜莉布朗 饰)一起并肩作战,契机,凯吉因此成为胜利的唯一希望,如何打破这场死局则成为本片最大的悬念。,But with every time I woke up, Kaiji fighting skills and the war experience on a deeper level, he became more and more understanding of the enemy and also to see the enemys weakness, he and special forces female warrior Rita Villata J Ki (Emily Blunt). Shebeginstofall fought together, it, only hope Kaijiyin this a victory, how to break the Siju has become the biggest suspense.,6,7,everybody,8,


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