英语科技论文写作Unit 8 Result, Discussion and Conclusion

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8 Result, Discussion and Conclusion,Topical Highlights,Section of Results:,general functions and contents of results, writing requirements for results, examples and some useful expressions,Section of Discussion:,general functions and main elements of discussion, writing requirements for discussion,Section of Conclusion:,general functions and main elements of conclusion, requirements for writing a conclusion, samples for conclusion and useful expressions in writing a conclusion,Special Attention:,conciseness (1) using non-finites, using replacement of attributes, using adverbs,Section,of Results,General Functions and Contents of Results,Lies in the value of its final results and the authors interpretation of the results,To bring about a solid foundation on which the whole paper rests,To present the essential results and data and then generalize them to a theoretical height,Full presentation of the specific data of the work and detailed analysis of the results,Section of Results,Writing Requirements for Results,Any data shown in this section must be meaningful.,Only those that affect the reaction or the conclusion can become the terminating data.,While those with no meaningful functions should never appear in this section.,The fool collects facts; the wise man selects them.,(Dr. Jolin Powell),Section of Results,Writing Requirements for Results,The presentation of results should be short without verbiage and be of crystal clarity.,It is clearly shown in Table 1 that the information desire grows with the development of industry.,The information desire grows with the development of industry (Table 1).,Section of Results,Writing Requirements for Results,Although the presentation of results is the most important part of a paper, it is often the shortest section.,Particularly if it is preceded by a well-written part of Experiment or Materials and Methods, and followed by a well-written part of Analysis, Discussion, Summary or Conclusion.,Sometimes, the result may possibly have just one sentence: “The results are shown in Table 1 (or Figure 1),Section of Results,Ex. 8-1,The results of the identification function for the nasal consonants, /n/and/m, that were increased in duration are illustrated in Figure 1 and 2 respectively. The vertical axis indicates the percentage of identification of a moraic and a non-moraic nasal. The horizontal axis indicates the rates of increased nasal duration (rate 1.0= the original onset nasal duration in /nata/ and /mapa/).,Figure 1: Identification functions for a nasal consonant /n/ that is increased in duration. (omitted),Figure 2: Identification functions for a nasal consonant /m/ that is increased in duration. (omitted),As can be seen from Figure 1, when the rate reached 1.4, a moraic nasal began to be recognized. When it exceeded 2.4, it was always recognized. Although the rates were different, the same result was observed in Figure 2.,Section of Results,Writing Requirements for Results,Listed below are some useful expressions frequently encountered in the section of result.,The research we have done suggests an increase in,As a result of our experiments we concluded that,The direct outcome was then reported in,Sufficient result for has been observed with the new method,This work did provide,Section of Results,Writing Requirements for Results,Our experimental data are briefly summarized as follows,This fruitful work gives an explanation of,Figure 3 shows the results obtained from studies of,Table 5 presents the data provided by the experiments on,This table summarized the data collected during the experiment of,Most recent experiments to the same effect have led the authors to believe that,Section of Discussion,The most difficult section to write,Many submitted papers are rejected by the editors because of a faulty discussion, even though the data of the paper might be both valid and interesting.,The true meaning of the data in a paper may be completely obscured by the interpretation presented in the discussion, again resulting in rejection.,Section of Discussion,General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion,To expound the interrelations among the observed facts,To show the relationship between the facts, their underlying causes, their effects, and their theoretical implications,To explain the facts denoted by symbols or signs of mathematics,Section of Discussion,General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion,Analyzing the Data,Try to present the basic principles, factual relationships, and successful generalizations of the results.,Bear in mind that, in a good discussion, what you need to do is to discuss but not reulate the results.,Pointing out Doubts,Point out any exceptions or any lack of correlation, and define unsettled points or doubts, the limitations, failures, as well as points for attention, if any.,Section of Discussion,General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion,Expounding Viewpoints,Give your judgment, evaluation, analysis, and show how your results and interpretations agree (or contrast) with previously published work.,Stating the Significance,Point out the theoretical implications of your work, as well as any possible practical applications.,Arriving at a Conclusion,Provide the outcome and /or the end-results of the research, etc., as clearly as possible, and summarize your evidence for each conclusive statement.,Section of Discussion,Writing Requirements for Discussion,To sufficiently analyze the presented data and point out the factual relationships,To fully review what the author has done in his work,To admit his weak points or failure frankly, if any,To use brief and forceful expressions,Never to write more words than necessary,Section of Conclusion,General Functions and Main Elements of Conclusion,Summing up,To be a part with its main function of summarizing the chief pieces of pure facts, data and information in the paper,To actually summarize, with due emphasis, the principal items of information in the main body of the paper,To include only material that appeared earlier in an expanded form,Section of Conclusion,General Functions and Main Elements of Conclusion,Statement of Conclusions,Convictions based on evidence,To follow logically from the data presented actually in the main body of the paper,To agree with whatever you may have promised to testify in the introduction,Section of Conclusion,General Functions and Main Elements of Conclusion,Statement of Recommendations,Appear less frequently in professional papers than in, say, technical reports,To be sure that they follow logically from the data and conclusions presented earlier,Not to dangle as proposals that you think are good but for which you have given no supporting evidence,Never clash with what you may have expected to do in your introduction,Section of Conclusion,General Functions and Main Elements of Conclusion,Graceful Termination,To be achieved when all the materials of the conclusion are smoothly woven together and satisfactorily round off the whole,Be on guard against duplicating large portion of the introduction in the conclusion.,Verbatim repetition can be boring and even create a false unity, which is definitely no compliment to the authors success.,Section of Conclusion,Requirements for Writing a Conclusion,Be careful not to draw conclusions from data involving errors of observation, errors in arithmetic, compensating errors, systematic and personal errors.,Do not use mathematical formulas without clearly understanding of their derivations and all the assumptions involved.,Be cautious in comparing conclusions based upon experiments in which the influential conditions have been improperly controlled, and therefore not duplicated.,Section of Conclusion,Requirements for Writing a Conclusion,Avoid confusing facts with opinions of influences, not only in the investigation itself but also in preparing results for publication.,Do not draw a conclusion from too few data, or too broad a conclusion that is based on,extrapolated,curves.,Guard against failing to qualify a conclusion, in order to show the limits within which it applies, or the variation which is to be expected.,When you indulge in a speculation, be sure to remind your reader to know that it remains a speculation.,Section of Conclusion,Ex. 8-2,Title:,Production management Systems for One-of-a-kind Products,Concluding the above discussion, we may state the following:,Information on customer-order specific products should be distinguished sharply from information on anonymous products.,Information systems in the customer-order driven part of the supply chain should first of all support the creation of customer-order specific information by qualified engineers.,Large investments made in products or processes should be reflected in the information system by automatic generation of customer-order specific information.,Section of Conclusion,Useful Expressions in Writing a Conclusion,Our argument proceeds in,On the basis of, the following conclusion can be made,The research work has brought about a discovery of ,Finally a summary is given of,These findings of the research have led the author to conclusion that,The research has resulted in a solution of,Section of Conclusion,Useful Expressions in Writing a Conclusion,From, we now conclude,To sum up, we have revealed,We have demonstrated in this paper,The results of the experiment indicate,In conclusion, the result shows,We have described, we found,Special Attention: Conciseness: (1),Brief to the point; containing few words; employing as few words as possible,Economy of words and space but accuracy and effectiveness in stating things,Not contain excessive words, no redundant sentences or paragraphs,Special Attention: Conciseness: (1),using non-finites,using replacement of attributes,using adverbs,using nouns,using adjectives,using prepositional phrases,using elliptical forms,using technical terms,using contracted words,deleting redundant expressions,Special Attention: Conciseness: (1),Using Non-finites,A full sentence:,If you look carefully, you will discover even more ways to shorten the sentences without changing their meaning.,A concise sentence:,Looking carefully, you will discover even more ways to shorten the sentences without changing their meaning. (participial phrase),A full sentence:,In our experiment, we used a number of probes. The reason for that was to eliminate the problems and errors associated with chemical analysis.,A concise sentence:,In our experiment, we used a number of probes,so as to,eliminate the problems and errors associated with chemical analysis. (infinitive phrase),Special Attention: Conciseness: (1),Using Non-finites,A full sentence:,In addition to bank loan in the Eurodollar market, Bell South can consider that the company uses a domestic loan.,A concise sentence:,In addition to bank loan in the Eurodollar market, Bell South can consider,using,a domestic loan. (gerund),A full sentence:,The research that is now being carried out in the area is extensive and meaningful,.,A concise sentence:,The research now,being carried out,in the area is extensive and meaningful. (participial phrase),Special Attention: Conciseness: (1),Using Non-finites,A full sentence:,The classification/prediction phase is responsible for determining the actions to be performed on new documents.,A concise sentence:,The classification/ prediction phase determines,how to process,new documents. (infinitive phrase),Special Attention: Conciseness: (1),Using Replacement of Attributes,A full sentence:,The precision of the experiment was affected by the noise of the engine nearby.,A concise sentence:,The experimental precision was affected by the,nearby engine,noise.,A full phrase:,the transmission of the data of the network,A concise phrase:,the network data transmission,Special Attention: Conciseness: (1),Using Adverbs,A full sentence:,It is admitted that our institute is one of the largest fusion research centers in China.,A concise sentence:,Our institute is,admittedly,one of the largest fusion research centers in China.,


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