Chapter Eight

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter Eight,Red Leaves on Xiangshan Hill (I),香山红叶(),1,I. About the Author,Yang Shuo,(April 28, 1913August 3, 1968) was a Chinese lyricist and essayist born in Penglai, Shandong, who produced over a hundred works. He committed suicide during the Cultural Revolution by overdose on sedatives.,2,I. About the Author,杨朔创造地继承了中国传统散文的长处,于托物寄情、物我交融之中达到诗的境界。,他营造意境时,常在谋取“情”的新意上做文章,如借蜜蜂的勤劳创造而无所求的特点,来寄情社会主义建设者的高尚情操。,他写人善于选取感情色彩丰富的片断刻画人物的神貌、内心;他的景物描写,在写出自然美的同时,也是创造意境,深化主题的重要手段。,3,II. About the Passage,Most of his masterpieces were written between 1950-60s. This writer was good at displaying life philosophy through depicting ordinary events in simple plot. Most of his works followed the three steps of “from emotion to scene; from scene to man and from man to philosophy”.,4,II. About the Passage,Red Leaves on Xiangshan Hill develops chronologically from scene with the old tour guide as the main thread. At the end, the writer borrowed the red leaves to praise the old guide. All in all, although the plot is simple, the artistic conception is,labyrinthian and poetic.,5,II. About the Passage,Sentence structure: parataxis (Chinese) is characterized by loose sentence, chronicle/paratactic sentence, elliptical sentence and compound sentence. medium-length and short Sentences.,Meaning: core words with daily language. Easy to understand, no flowery decoration. Words suitable for the heros social status.,6,II. About the Passage,Translation strategy: simple language style must be maintained.,Sentence pattern in translation: conversion from parataxis to hypotaxis.,7,III. Comparative study,4.1地名的翻译,Translation of toponymy,Toponymy: The place names of a region or language.,地名:某地区或某语言的名字,Toponymy belongs to proper noun.,8,4.1地名的翻译,根据中国政府1978年12月关于汉语人名地名翻译的规定,音译时使用汉语拼音、即罗马字母形式,不再使用旧式的威式拼音(Wade system),如Peking(北京)应该为Beijing; Amoy(厦门)应该为Xiamen; The Yellow River(黄河)应该为The Huanghe等。另外根据联合国章程规定,所有的中国人名地名用汉语拼音、即罗马字母形式(除一些特殊情况外,如孔子Confucius、孙中山Sun Yat-sen);再者台湾也开始推行以汉语拼音代替威式拼音。所以译文中的Beijing(北京)、Hebei(河北)、Kunming(昆明)等,都是规范的。人名地名的规范叫法有利于消除交流障碍。,9,4.1地名的翻译,一、专名是单音节的英译法 专名是单音节,通名也是单音节,这时通名应视作专名的组成部分,先音译并与专名连写,后重复意 译,分写(汉字带点的字是通名,英语的画线部分是音译;括号内为该地所在省、市、地区或县,下同)例如:1、恒山 Hengshan Mountain (山西) 2、淮河 the Huaihe River (河南、安徽、江苏) 3、巢湖 the Chaohu Lake (安徽) 4、渤海 the Bohai Sea (辽宁、山东) 5、韩江 the Hanjiang River (广东) 6、礼县 Lixian County (甘肃陇南地区),10,4.1地名的翻译,二、通名专名化的英译法 通名专名化主要指单音节的通名,如山、河、江、 湖、海、港、峡、关、岛等,按专名处理,与专名 连写,构成专名整体(汉语带点的字和英语的画线部分即为通名专名化)。例如:1、都江堰市 Dujiangyan City (比较:the Dujiang Weir)(四川) 2、绥芬河市 Suifenhe City (比较:the Suifen River)(黑龙江) 3、白水江自然保护区 Baishuijiang Nature Reserve (比较:the baishui river)(甘肃) 4、青铜峡水利枢纽 Qingtongxia Water Control Project(比较:the Qingtong Gorge)(宁厦) 5、武夷山自然保护区 Wryishan Nature Reserve (比较:Wuyi Mountain)(福建) 6、西湖区风景名胜区 Scenic Spots and Historic Sites of Xihu(比较:the West lake)(浙江杭州),11,4.1地名的翻译,三、对地名专名起修饰作用的形容词或名词(表示方位、大小、新旧、颜色、地理特征等),可以意译,或音译重复意译。如美国的Grand Canyon译为“大峡谷”,加拿大的Great Bear Lake意译为“大熊湖”,澳大利亚的Great Sandy Deserts意译为“大沙沙漠”-其中的Grand, Great Bear, Great Sandy都是带有修饰作用或地理特征的限定词,为意译而不是音译。所以,“,香,山”、“,西,山”、“,万寿,山”都是可以分别意译为,Fragrant,Hill 或,Fragrance,Hill、the,Western,Hills、,Longevity,Hill(画线部分即为中心词“山”的限定词)。,12,4.1地名的翻译,四、地名中的符事情不能省略地名中的符号如果省略就会造成读音甚至语义错误。地名中有两种符号不能省略。I,a,o,e开头的音节连接在其他音节后面的时候,如果音节的界限易生混淆,用隔音符号,地名中的隔音符号不能省略。例如:1)(陕西)西安市Xian City (如果省略隔音符号,就成为Xian,可以读成仙、先、 现、限、鲜、险、县等)2)(广西)兴安县Xingan County (如果省略隔音符号,就成为Xingan County 新干县,在江西吉安地区)3)建瓯市Jianou City(福建) 4)第二松花江the Dier Songhua River(吉林) 5)东阿县Donge County(山东聊城市) 6)天峨县Tiane County(广西河池地区),13,4.1地名的翻译,II、汉语拼音U行的韵母跟声母n,l拼的时候,U上面的两点不能省略。如果省略,就会造成误解。例如:1、(山西)闾河the Luhe River (如果省略U上面的两点,就变成the Luhe River 芦河、在江西)2、(台湾)绿岛Ludao Island (如果省略U上面的两点,就变成Ludao Island 鹭岛, 在黑龙江海林)3、女山湖the Nushan Lake(安徽嘉山) 4、吕梁地区Luliang Prefecture(山西) 5、旅顺港Lushun Port(辽宁),14,4.2变通:SVC,SVO,早听说香山红叶,是,北京最浓最浓的秋色,能去看看,自然乐意。,译文1 I heard long ago that the leaves on Xiangshan (Fragrance Hill),display,the best reds of autumn in the whole of Beijing. Of course I was only too happy to go and have a look.,译文2 I had long heard that the red autumn leaves on the Fragrant Hill,manifested,the most luxuriant autumnal colour in BeijingIf l could have a chance to see it,Id be so happy,15,4.2变通:SVC,SVO,“是” in both Chinese and English belongs to link verb.,e.g. I am a teacher. You are a students.,我是教师,你是学生,This constructs the so called SVC structure.,This is, “是” is used to link the objects/events/properties in front of and behind it.,16,4.2变通:SVC,SVO,However, in some cases, the Chinese “是” cannot be directly translated into the English “be” considering different contextual requirement. When this happen, we can translate “be” into a common verb with an object, that is, SVO becomes SVC.,17,4.2变通:SVC,SVO,如“香山红叶是北京最浓最浓的秋色”一句,译文1、2分别将句中“是”字变通为单宾动词display/ manifested,取得了很好的语义效果。如果说将原文句中的“是”直译,译文的句法固然正确,但是可读性以及意境可能都会差强人意。另一点需要注意的是:由于“是”字变通为单宾动词,原来的C就变成了O,因此在VO的搭配上也需要注意语义的调整。请再分析下面一个例句:,69谁是我们最可爱的人呢?(魏巍谁是最可爱的人),Who most deserves our belove?,18,4.3 不妥的分译,Inappropriate splitting,1我去的那日,天也作美,明净高爽,好得不能再好了;2人也凑巧,居然找到一位老向导。,The first sentence: 1我去的那日,天也作美,明净高爽,好得不能再好了;,“明净高爽”can be regarded as the reason and “天也作美” is the result, while “好得不能再好了” is the appositive of “明净高爽”,19,4.3 不妥的分译,So, from the first sentence, we can find that it is equal to an adverbial clause of reason.,The first sentence is divided with the first sentence with a “;”, that is to say, the first and the second sentence are closely connected in terms of logics and meaning.,译文1在顺译前置主句的同时,考虑到了将“好得不能再好了”这个带有同位语性质的补充句兼并了进去;将原文“明净高爽”这个表示原因的从句,以破折号的形式引导出来,-而这个破折号的意思就是松散性解释说明前句。而译文2以两个句号句的形式,将1部分中的句际关系分译得过于零碎,这种处理既难以保持原文语义及风格的传达,也使得译文有碍于流畅。,20,4.4 形合与意合,Hypotaxis(形合) and parataxis(意合),这位老向导就住在西山脚下,早年做过四十年的向导,胡子都白了,还是腰板挺直,硬朗得很。(P84-85),The old man lived right at the foot of the Western Hills. After working as guide for over forty years till his whiskers turned white(,前面从after开始为时间状语,从till开始则是时间状语从句的从句,), he still held himself straight(从he开始是主句), altogether looking quite fit (,looking开始表伴随状语,).,21,4.4 形合与意合,这位老向导就住在西山脚下,早年做过四十年的向导,胡子都白了,还是腰板挺直,硬朗得很。,This old man happened to live right at the foot of the West Hill. He had worked as a tourist guide for forty years,and(表示前后两句并列),although (,although 引导让状语从句,) he(,从he开始是主句,) had become a man bearing a white beard, he was still quite strong.,综上,第一个译文较好,因为”,he still held himself straight”才是句子的核心,应该当主句处理.,22,4.5,变通:施动主语,受动主语,在第六音,我们介绍了语法主语和语义主语.从语义的角度来划分英语主语,我们会得到多种语义主语,下面6种类型的语义主语是语言学家们普遍认可的:,1施动主语:施动主语(agentive subject)表示句子的主语是谓语动词动作的执行者, 主动句的主语往往是施动主语, 即执行动作的人:The hunter killed the tiger.,2受动主语:受动主语(recipient subject)则表示主语是动作的承受者。被动句的主语一般是动作的承受者, 从而是受动主语:The tiger was killed by the hunter.,3工具主语:有些主动句的主语既不是谓语动词动作的执行者, 也不是动作的承受者, 而是表示执行动作的工具。这种主语叫做工具主语(instrumental subject):The gun killed the bird.(=Somebody killed the bird with a gun.)/ His left hand caught the ball.(=He caught the ball with his left hand.),23,4.5,变通:施动主语,受动主语,4时间主语:指明时间叫做时间主语(temporal subject):Tomorrow will be a holiday.(=It is a holiday tomorrow.)/ Last night was very cold.(=It was very cold last night.),5地点主语:指明地点的主语叫做地点主语(locative subject):Our school bus seats thirty.(=There are 30 seats in our school bus.)/ This bedroom sleeps six students.(=Six students can sleep in this bedroom.)/ This trunk will hold all my clothes.(=All my clothes will be in this trunk.),6事件主语:事件主语(eventive subject)表示某一事件的时间或地点, 这类句子通常用系动词be并以表示时间或地点的结构作补语:His marriage is next week./ The meeting will be in Room 101./ The graduation was in the auditorium.,24,4.5,变通:施动主语,受动主语,但是,有些主动句的主语,由于谓语动词及宾语的词汇意义,也可以是受动主语,如:,70 The hunter was killed by the tiger.(被动句, SVC受动主语句),71The matches wont strike. (主动句, SV受动主语句),72 The flower smells sweet. (主动句, SVC受动主语句),73My brother broke his leg in a car accident. (主动句, SVO受动主语句),74I felt something touching my foot. (主动句, SVOC受动主语句),25,4.5,变通:施动主语,受动主语,原文的主语是一个施动主语,即“老人家”,这个主语是动作“说话”的执行者;“几盘野味,半杯麦酒”可以看成是一个紧缩了的时间状语,可以转换为“在吃了几盘野味、,喝了半杯麦酒之后,(老人家开始说话了)。”译文2就是按照这个理解与思路去对译的。而译文1却从变通的角度出发,将原文具有受动语义的宾语“几盘野味,半杯麦酒”,转换为译文中的主语,-即“几盘野味,半杯麦酒使得老人家友好地健谈了起来,于是他慢言慢语说”。这种对译文语义主语的重新选择,使得译文语篇的主语类型更加丰,富多彩,无疑是可取的。,26,4.6变通:增补(SV),香山这地方也没别的好处,就是高,一进山门,门坎跟玉泉山顶一样平。,香山这地方也没别的好处,就是高,。(你)(省略主语),一进山门,(,你就会发现)省略主语和谓语(它的),门坎跟玉泉山顶一样平。,27,4.6变通:增补(SV),译文1 Theres nothing special about Xiangshan except for its elevated position.,Youll notice,it as soon as,you,enter the Buddhist temple not far up the hill; its threshold is almost level with the top of Yuquanshan.,译文2 “Except for its height,there is nothing worth seeing on the Fragrant HillEntering through the hill gate,,you can see,that its threshold is at the same level as the top of the Yuquan Hill(the Jade Spring Hill),28,4.7变通:引申(具体,抽象),Adaptation: meaning extension (specific to abstract),在翻译中人们常会遇到一些词或短语,无法直接搬用辞典中的释义。如果照搬,不但能确切表达原意,甚至会造成误解。这时要根据上下文的联系及其逻辑关系对词义加引伸。词义的引伸常有以下几种情况:,1、抽象词语具体化,英语中常用代表抽象概念或属性的词来表示一种具体事物,译成汉语时一般可作具体化引伸。例如:,1) Public opinion demands that,something should be done,to end the strike.,众舆论要求采取措施结束罢工。,2) The car in front of me suddenly stopped and I missed,the green,.,我前面的那辆车突然停了,我错过了绿灯。,29,4.7变通:引申(具体,抽象),2、 具体词语抽象化,在现代英语中,常常用一个表示具体形象的词来表示一种属性,一个事物或一种概念。翻译这类词时,一般可将其词义作为抽象化的引伸,译文才能流畅、自然。例如:,1) The character of these people is a mixture of,the tiger and the ape,.,帝国主义者的性格即残暴,又狡猾。,2) Everyone has,rain,and,sunshine (roses and thorns),in their life.,每个人的生活都有甜有苦。,30,4.7变通:引申(具体,抽象),原文“踏青”一词,译文1采取的是变通中的引申法,即将原语的具体引申为抽象:to walk amid the greenery;译文2采取的是直译,即将原语的具体直接处理为具体:to stroll through the green grass。从“踏青”一词的文化含义及语境意义来考虑,译文1将这个词抽象化比译文2的具体化更加贴近原文的深层语义,因为greenery一词从包括青草、绿叶、或所有绿色植物抽象出来的“绿”的意义,才是原语激发人想象的本意;而to stroll through the green grass这个表达太过于具体,语义太与局限。,31,4.8 顺译:逻辑主谓,Logical Subject+verb,两旁满是古松古柏,古松古柏,满是 两旁,S V C,两旁 满是 古松古柏,C V S,(关于CVS变式结构可以参见1.1),32,4.8 顺译:逻辑主谓,第二 “古松古柏,遮天蔽日”,“古松古柏”是“遮天蔽日”的逻辑主语,它们间存在逻辑主谓关系。,译文2以with顺译,,ancient pine and cypress,trees,with,rich foliage that screened out,the sunlight.,译文1 The ancient,pines and cypresses,along a stone-paved mountain path were of such vigorous growth,that the sunlight could,hardly penetrate.,33,4.9误用:冒号,Misuse: colon,One of the usages of colon is to be put in the reported speech (direct speech) after said/说 both in Chinese and English.,e.g.,It was no wonder that when President Franklin D.Roosevelt introduced her to Kind George and Queen Elizabeth, he said,:,“This is Kate Smith. This is America.”(Oscar H.Greene:Born to Sing),34,4.9误用:冒号,This is always the case in Chinese, but not in English.,When in informal situation, comma is enough.,e.g.,When she came back, I asked her,“Where did you go?”,原文语篇是一个小说,属于非正式文体,人物对话都在一种随意性而友好的气氛中进行,英译时在said之类的引述动词之后使用逗号就可以了,而冒号的使用是不合适的,因为冒号所表达的或严肃或庄重或沉闷的语义是违背原文的。(原文用的冒号都要修改成逗号),35,4.10 叙事与表态,Narration and statement,The Information focuses of C&E Sentences: the word, or group of words, which the writer desires to make most prominent .,如果一个句子里既有叙事(narration: e.g. facts, description)的部分,又有表态(statement, opinion: judgment, conclusion)的部分,汉语的表达习惯往往是叙事在前,表态在后。在英语里则往往相反,表态在前,叙事在后。,36,4.10 叙事与表态,猪食倒在一个破石槽里,可是倒进去一点食,猪怎么吃也吃不完,那做活的,觉得有奇怪,放进石槽里几个铜钱,钱也拿不完,就知道这是个聚宝盆了。(P90-91),The farmhand,felt it strange,that even if only a little fodder were put in an old, chipped stone trough the pigs could never finish it and when he put a few copper coins in the stone trough, there was no end to the money that he could take out. He then realized that this was a Treasure Basin.,37,4.11变通:VSSV,原文“到算工账的时候”一句,是SV时间主语句的变式, 可以标记为VS。,到 算工账的时候=算工账的时候 到,V S S V,汉语变式VS句是很有传统的,刚才又,出来了,一件事。(红楼梦第72回。 “出来了一件事”为”一件事出来了”的变式。),Yang Xiangyi &Gladys Yang译为常式SV:Just now something else cropped up.,38,4.11变通:VSSV,但对面,走来了,静修庵里的小尼姑。(鲁迅阿Q正传。“走来了静修庵里的小尼姑”为“静修庵里的小尼姑走来了”的变式。),a. Yang Xiangyi &Gladys Yang译为常式SV:Just then, however, a young nun from the Covent of Quiet Self-Improvement came walking towards him.,结论:VS译为SV,When the payday arrived,39,4.12变通:平行结构,Adaptation: parallel structure,Parallelism is one device consisting of phrase or sentence of similar construction and meaning placed side by side, balancing each other.,He is an,omniscient and omnipotent,scholar.,Broadly speaking, human beings maybe divided into three classes:,those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death.,40,4.12变通:平行结构,石槽太重,做活的扛到山里,就扛不动了,便,挖,个坑,埋,好,怕忘了地点,又拿一棵松树和一棵柏树插在上面,做,记号,自己回家去找人帮着抬。,译文1 The trough was too heavy and the hired hand could not go on after he had carried it into the hills. He,dug,a hole,buried,it and,marked,the place with a pine and a cypress for fear that he might not be able to find it again. He went home to get someone to help him.,译文2 As the stone trough was very heavy, the farmhand could only carry it to the hill, for he could not lift it any longer. There he,dug,a pit in the ground and,buried,it. Fearing he might forget the spot , he planted a pine and a cypress tree above it as marks.,41,4.13直译:后置定语,Postponed attributive,(1)定语的位置(the position of attributive):汉语里定语的位置一般放在名词之前,即使几个定语连用或使用很长的词组作定语,也都要放在前面。英语里单词作定语时,通常放在名词之前(特殊情况下置于名词之后),短语和从句作定语时总是放在名词之后。,我们得到的,大部分消息是通过那个渠道获得的。,Most of the information,we have got,is through that channel.,42,4.13直译:后置定语,1谁知返回来一看,2满山都是松柏树,3数也数不清。,=,1谁知(当他)返回来一看(的时候),,2+3满山都是(数也数不清的)松柏树。,其中, 2+3是主句,数也数不清是定语,修饰“松柏树”,43,4.13直译:后置定语,译文1 When he returned, he unexpectedly found the whole mountain covered with pines and cypresses. And more of them than he could count.,译文2 When the farmhand returned, he found, in surprise, the whole hill was densely covered with pine and cypress trees, too numerous to count.,44,4.13直译:后置定语,译文2直译了原文后置定语,其译文表达了原文对中心语进行补充说明的语义功能。,译文2直译原文后置定语,我们认为这不仅使得译文2所传达的信息比译文1的分译要更加符合原文,也使得翻译语言更加流畅。英语中的后置定语是比较常见, 汉语反而较少。所以,译成英语用定语后置是合适的。,45,4.14 仿拟与Parody (II),parody: a piece of writing, music, acting, etc. that deliberately copies the style of sb/sth in order to be amusing,仿拟:故意模仿现成的语、句、篇临时创造新的语、句、篇。仿拟的作用在于:有助于揭示所表达的事物内在的矛盾,增强说服力,并使语言生动活泼,幽默诙谐,有讽刺色彩。,46,4.14 仿拟与Parody (II),3.11节中讨论过对词语的仿拟,本文讨论对句子的仿拟。,Where there is a will, there is a,lawsuit.,有遗嘱必有官司。,该句是仿造谚语,Where there is a will,there is a way.,有志者事竟成。句中,will,一词多义,幽默之中含有讽刺,妙不可言。,47,4.14 仿拟与Parody (II),To lie or not to lie-The doctors dilemma.,撒谎还是不撒谎-医生的难题。,该句仿的是莎士比亚剧作哈姆,雷特中哈该姆雷特王子著名独,白的起头一句,To be, or not to be:,that is the question,.,(生存,还是毁灭:这是一个问题。),48,4.14 仿拟与Parody (II),原文“有山就有水,有水就有脉,有脉就有苗”一句,是摹拟“有有”这个结构而仿造的。 “有有”的释义:,分别用在意思相反或相对的两个名词或动词前面,表示既有这个又有那个,两个方面兼而有之。,分别用在意思相同或相近的两个名词或动词前面,表示强调。,译文1与译文2都利用英语“Where/ Wherever there +be, there+be”结构来对译, 有等值效果,而这个结构也是仿照英语成语Where there s a will, theres a way而来。译文1用wherever一词,比where更具有强调意义。综合起来,译文可以进一步修改为:,89 Wherever there are mountains , there is bound to be water; wherever there is water, there will surely be veins,and where there are veins , there will surely be seedling.,49,4.15主谓一致,The consistence of subject and verb,石壁上 刻着 “双清”两个字。,C V S,“双清”两个字 刻着 石壁上,S V C,50,4.15主谓一致,我们屋后有半亩隙地。,CVS: complement, verb (link verb), subject,Link verb: existence: having有 or being是.,Besides: 坐,立,去,走,插,挂,吊,悬,住,栽,C: noun+location OR prep.+noun+location,我们屋后在我们屋后,:半亩隙地,51,4.15主谓一致,译文1 on a stone wall,was,carved the characters, Twin Purity. ,译文2 On the stone wall,were,engraved two characters: Shuang Qing ( Two Clear Streams ).,52,4.15主谓一致,90In the Xinhua Bookshop,are,to be found,books,in various languages.,91Between the two buildings,stands,a,monument,.,Reference translation:,On the stone wall were engraved the characters: “Shuangqing Springs” (Two Clear Springs).,53,4.16变通:阐释法(I),Adaptation: interpretation/explanation,阐释法就是在双语转换中用目的语给原语中的可译性“障碍点”做注释,以利读者理解。,这个办法主要适用于解决源语中富含文化,历史等信息的翻译上,54,4.16变通:阐释法(I),92永嘉人蒋教授,,绍兴二年,登科,得处州晋云主薄。(洪迈夷坚志),Inspector Jiang was born in Yongjia. Having passed the imperial examination in the second year of the,Shaoxing period (1132),he was appointed secretary of the county government of Jinyun, Chuzhou Prefecture. (Tr.丁往道),93,三月清明,,男女扫墓,(明刘侗、于奕正帝京景物略),On a day in the third month of the lunar year (,usually April 5 by the solar calendar,), people sweep their ancestral tombs. (Tr. 姚红),94胡颖至,广州,,闻其事,(宋史),On arriving at Guangzhou (,in the Guangdong Province,), Hu came to hear of the happenings. (Tr.乔车洁玲选译),55,4.16变通:阐释法(I),当然,如果考虑到语篇的整洁性与流畅性-似乎文章中如果出现或使用过多的括号会妨碍读者的正常视线与阅读-也可以采取脚注footnote或尾注endnote的手段来完成。(参见5.13),56,4.17 误用:动词,Misuse:verb,你们也不必信.,是一个省略句,全句暗含“你们也不必相信我所说的(这些乡村野话)是真实的”的意思。译文1 处理为You dont have to believe me;译文2处理为 you should not believe in them。,believe与 believe in用法不同; believe sb. 与believe sth的含义也不相同。英语believe sb.是指 consider sb. to be honest (因某人诚实而相信/信任他);, believe sth.是指consider sth. to be true(相信某事是真实的)。如:,57,4.17 误用:动词,译文1 believe me 欠妥, 因为原文并没有涉及到有关人的“诚实”问题, 而仅仅是事情的“真实”或“存在”与否;可以改译为believe the talk/ story;或者像译文2译为believe in them,这里的them是代指stories。,58,


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