9. Subjunctive mood

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Subjunctive Mood,虚拟式,(,语气,),1,1. An overview,Mood,(,体现说话语气的动词形式,),Imperative (,祈使式,),Indicative (,陈述式,),Subjunctive (,虚拟式,),Declarative (,直陈式,),Interrogative (,疑问式,),BE-subjunctive (,动词原形虚拟式,),WERE-subjunctive,Joe,goes,/,went,to church every Sunday.,Who,makes/made,coffee?,Go,downstairs at once.,Mother insisted that he,go,to hospital at once.,If I,were,you, I would not go there.,2,2. Meaning of subjunctive:,unreality (,非现实性,),past,future,present,Reality:,Unreality,:,non-factual meaning, hypothetical meaning,Will,(,意志,): may not be realized,Unreality,Hypothesis,(,假设,):,hypothetical,Concession,(,让步,): may not be factual,Wish,(,愿望,):,): may not be realized,3,3. Will,Will,is manifested as c,ommand, decision, proposal, etc.,意志体现为命令、决定、建议等,可用动词、形容词、名词表示,相关的,that-,从句中,通常用,be-,虚拟式,(,可与,should do,交替使用,):,e.g.,He,ordered/decided/suggested,that all the books,(should),be,sent at once.,It is,imperative/essential/advisable,that all the books,(should),be,sent at once.,The,order/decision/suggestion,that she,(should),do,it at once is not followed.,4,4. Hypothesis,Hypothesis,is manifested as,unreal condition,and,conjecture.,假设,体现为,非真实条件假设,(,were,型,),和,揣测,(,be,型,):,If he,were,found guilty, John should have the right of appeal.,(,非真实条件:事实上不会被认为有罪,),If he,be,found guilty, John should have the right of appeal.,(,揣测:事实上可能会被认为有罪,也可能不会,),If I,were,you, I would get a new car.,(,非真实条件:事实上我不是你,),If there,were,no subjunctive mood, English would be much easier to learn.,(,非真实条件:事实上英语有虚拟式,),If only,I,were,not so nervous.,(,非真实条件:事实上已经紧张了,),If only,I,was,not so nervous.,(,此结构可用一般过去时,),So long as a volume,(should) hold,together, I am not disturbed.,(,揣测:事实上书可能粘好,也可能没有粘好,),5,5. Concession,Concession,includes,potentially real concession,and,unreal concession,让步,包括,可能真实情况让步,(,be,型,),和,非真实情况让步,(,were,型,),:,Whether she,be,right or wrong, she will have my unswerving support. (=,Be,she right or wrong, she will.),Home is home,be,it ever so homely. (= though it,be,ever so homely.),即使再简陋,家总是家,Quietly we sat on lest that fish,(should) swim,away.,He behaves as though he,were,better than us.,(,非真实,),Though everyone,deserted,you, I will not,. (,非真实:不是,be,动词,无法用,were,,则用过去式体现,),Though everyone,desert,you, I will not.,(,可能真实,),Though the whole world,were,/,be,against me, I would do what I consider as right. (,非真,/,可真,),6,6. Wish,通常不现实的愿望,用,were-subjunctive,或,过去式,:,I wish it,were/was,spring all year around.,I wish I,were /was,there.,I wish I,had,some cash on me now.,公式化语句,(,表达祝愿、诅咒、禁止等,),,常用,be-subjunctive,:,God,bless,you.,Devil,take,him.,Grammarians,be,hanged.,He will remain here,if need,be,. (=if necessary,,,固定结构,),7,7. Notes,(1) Were-subjunctive bears more unreality than be-subjunctive, generally speaking.,笼统来讲,,were,型虚拟式比,be,型虚拟式更加虚拟。,Will (,意志,):,Be,-subjunctive,Hypothesis (,假设,):,Were,- or,Be,-subjunctive,Concession (,让步,):,Were,- or,Be,-subjunctive,Wish (,愿望,):,Were,- or,Be,-subjunctive,(2) Subjunctive mood has been disappearing from contemporary English.,8,Quiz,Explain the similarities and differences:,(1) Though the whole world,is,against me, I will not give up.,(2) Though the whole world,were,against me, I will not give up.,(3) Though the whole world,was,against me, I will not give up.,(4) Though the whole world,be,against me, I will not give up.,(1) If I,were,to do it, I should rely on you.,(2),Were,I to do it, I should rely on you.,(3) If I,should,do,it, I should rely on you.,(4),Should,I,do,it, I should rely on you.,(5) If I,do,it, I should rely on you.,(6) If I,did,it, I should rely on you.,9,8. Subjunctive meaning in past-form and modal,用过去式和情态动词表达虚拟意义,It is high time that we _ this place. (leave),It was high time that we _ this place. (leave),Im sure he is keeping something back; I would rather he _ me the truth. (tell),Im sure he was keeping something back; I would rather he _ me the truth. (tell),If only I _ her address now. (know),If only I _ her address last night. (know),I wish I _ a little taller. (be),I hope you _ happy. (be),If it had not been for me, you _ free now. (not be),If it had not been for me, you _ free then. (not be),That he _ the worst woman is rather a shock. (marry),10,8.1 should,It is necessary that he _the assignment without delay.,A. hand in B. hands in,C. must hand in D. has to hand in,Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone _ an opportunity to hear the speech. A. ought to have B. must have,C. may have D. should have,_ you _ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice. A. If, had B. Have, had,C. Should, have D. In case, had,11,8.1 should,Which of the following italicized adverbials indicates concession (,让步,)?,A. Mary was behaving,as though she hadnt grown up,.,B.,Be she right or wrong, she will have my unswerving support.,C.,Born in better times, he would have done credit to the profession of letters.,D. They may provide a reference point for ascertaining anti-Japanese nationalism,should full democracy ever be granted to the country,.,12,P. 188,The door was pushed open;,who,should,come in,but,the woman they were talking about,.,just,the woman they were talking about,should,come in. (,竟然,正好是、恰好是,。,),He stepped into a cave and,what,should,he see,but,a tigress with her baby tigers,.,he,should,see,just,a tigress with her baby tigers. . (,竟然,正好是、恰好是,。,),13,Homework,(1) Complete the attached exercises,(2) Learn,Lectures 17 & 18 “,助动词”,(,一、二,),Thank you!,14,


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