Chapter 4Contemporary Advertising

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 4Contemporary Advertising,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,1,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Writing Structure:,Introduction,Six Examples of Complaints,May Misrepresent the Truth,How to Prevent from Misrepresenting the Truth,May Lead to Monopoly and High Prices,Pose Some Questions,2,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Introduction,attack,: vt. to,criticize,strongly or in a hostile manner; n. an expression of strong,criticism,; hostile,comment,: 攻击,抨击,责骂,vicious attacks,in all the newspapers:,恶毒攻击,on the ground of/that,: 以.为理由; 由于, 根据,marketing program: n. 营销计划,complaint: n. 抱怨,牢骚,控告,申诉,,(批评)意见,,索赔,起诉,3,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Introduction,uninformed,: adj. not having, showing, or making use of information; not informed: 知识不够的;,无知识的; 愚昧的,; 没有获得信息的; 不了解情况的; 没有情报根据的,uninformed voters: 不了解情况的选举人,an uninformed decision: 没有根据的决定,aggressive,: being strong and forceful toward something or toward someone:,咄咄逼人,的;,盛气凌人,的,Its not polite to,be aggressive with customers,. Martin,is too aggressive,.,4,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Introduction,deceptive,: adj. tending to deceive;,misleading,; 骗人的, 靠不住的, 虚伪的,Appearances are deceptive. 人不可貌相。,privacy,: the state of being free from unsanctioned intrusion: 隐私,a persons,right to privacy,: 个人,隐私权,We must respect others privacy. 我们应该尊重别人的隐私。,5,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Introduction,public relations campaign: 公关活动,seek to: vt. to try to; 设法,cover up,: vt. 完全盖住, 盖好; 掩盖(饰); 包庇; 隐匿,Lies cannot cover up facts. 谎言,掩盖,不住事实。,product engineering: n. 制造工程, 产品工程, 产品工艺,underhanded: adj. 秘密的, 卑劣的; 人手不足的,6,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Introduction,self-serving,: adj. serving ones own interests, especially without concern for the needs or interests of others; 只顾自己的; exhibiting concern solely for ones own interests: 谋私利的,a speech full of self-serving comments: 充斥着自私自利观点的发言,phony/phoney: 假的; 欺骗的; 假货; 骗子,a phony credit card: 伪造的信用卡,a phony excuse: 不实的借口,7,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Introduction,heterogeneous/heterogenous: adj. consisting of dissimilar elements or parts; not homogeneous; miscellaneous; completely different; incongruous;,异质的,; 非单一成分的; 异类的; 完全不同的; 不一致的,a heterogeneous mass of papers: 大批不同的论文,a heterogeneous light: 杂色光,heterogeneous society,:,异质的社会,8,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Introduction,ethical,: adj. of, relating to, or dealing with ethics; being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong,that govern the conduct of a profession;,moral,; 伦理学的; 有职业道德的; 有道德的; 伦理的,I oughtnt to do that, its not,ethical,. 我不该做那件事,它是不,合乎道德的,。,The lawyer alleged that the doctors behaviour had not been,ethical,. 律师声称那位医生的行为不,符合职业道德规范,。,ethical standard: 道德规范,9,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Introduction,offensive,: adj. disagreeable to the senses; causing anger, displeasure, resentment, or affront; 令人愤怒的; 令人不快的; 令人生厌的;,冒犯性的; 无礼的,an offensive odor: 一股刺鼻的气味,an offensive gesture: 一个冒犯性的手势,an offensive remark: 一句冒犯性的话,offensive manner: 无礼的态度,an offensive sight: 令人生厌的景色,10,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,misrepresent,: vt. to give an incorrect or misleading representation of:,歪曲,; 误传; 曲解; 虚报; 慌报; to serve incorrectly or dishonestly as an official representative of: 不称职地代表,The newspaper,misrepresented,what the writer had said. 报纸,歪曲,了作家所说的话。,11,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,puffery,: n. flattering, often exaggerated praise and publicity, especially when used for promotional purposes: 吹捧,鼓吹,吹嘘, 虚夸, 浮夸, 尤指用于促销的常是夸张的赞扬和宣传,superlative,: 最高的; 最高级的; 过分的; 夸大的,a man of,superlative,wisdom / the,superlative,degree / speak in,superlatives,/ His talk is full of,superlatives,.,12,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,limit on: vt.对.的限制, 限制,fraudulent,: adj. engaging in fraud; deceitful; Characterized by, constituting, or gained by fraud; 从事诈骗的;,欺骗的,;,欺骗性的,; 骗得的,fraudulent,business practices:,构成欺骗的,交易行为,He got the job of science teacher by,fraudulent means,. 他用,欺骗手法,取得了理科教员的职位。,13,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,Food and Drug Administration (FDA):食品药品监督管理局,ban: vt. 禁止,Smoking is banned in school. There is a ban on smoking. 在学校禁止吸烟。有一个禁烟令。,nonprescription,: adj.,o,ver-,t,he-,c,ounter: 非处方的,nonprescription drugs: 非处方药,14,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,cream,:,n. 奶,油,;,膏,状物;,精,华; 乳,剂,;,霜,chocolate cream: 巧克力,酱,;,cold cream: 雪花膏; furniture cream: 家具,蜡,;,the cream of the story: 故事的最,精,彩部分; the cream of the joke: 笑话中的,妙,处; get/skim the cream of: 取其,精,华; cream butter and sugar together for a cake: v. 搅成,糊,状; Im opposed to the idea of,creaming off,the cleverest pupils and sending them to a special school. v. 挑出来,15,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,aphrodisiac: adj. arousing or intensifying sexual desire: 催情的; 激发性欲的; n. something, such as a drug or food, having such an effect; 催情剂, 春药,work,: to have a given effect or outcome: 有效; 起作用,package,: vt. 把.作为整体推销(提出),package deal: 一揽子交易; package tour: 包办旅游,16,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,ethics,: n. pl. 用作单伦理学; 用作单伦理学书籍(论文); 伦理, 道德; 伦理观, 道德标准,accounting ethics: 会计道德,business ethics: 商业道德,economic ethics: 经济伦理,legal ethics: 法的伦理学,medical ethics: 医学伦理学, 医德,professional ethics: 职业道德,17,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,box,: n. an awkward or perplexing situation; a,predicament,: 困境; 窘境,in a box,: in a very difficult or restrictive situation: 处于困境; 为难; 进退维谷,alleged,: adj. represented as existing or as being as described but not so proved; supposed: 被说成的; 被断言的;,涉嫌的,; 假定的,the alleged murderer: 嫌疑杀人犯,18,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,substantiate,: vt. to support with proof or evidence; verify; confirm;,证实,; 证明,substantiate an accusation: 为指控提供证据,substantiation,: n. 证明,具体化,证实,doctrine: n. a rule or principle of law, especially when established by precedent: 原则; 条例,19,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,desist: cease; discontinue; stop; quit; forbear,; 停止; 终止,hearing,: n. a session, as of an investigatory committee or a grand jury, at which testimony is taken from witnesses; 听证会,examiner,: n. 检查员; 查核员; 审查员; 审问者; 稽核员, 检查官, 检验员, 考试委员,erroneous: adj. mistaken: 错误的,erroneous conclusions: 错误的结论,20,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,supreme,:,adj. greatest in power, authority, or rank;,paramount,or dominant: 至上的; greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, or achievement: 最重要的;,u,ltimate,; final: 极度的,the Supreme Commander: 最高统帅; the Supreme (Being): 上帝; the Supreme Pontiff: 罗马教皇; supreme good: 至善; a supreme measure: 死刑; the supreme moment: 决定性的时刻; 在临终; 在最后关头,21,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,voluntary,: adj. arising from or acting on ones own free will; without legal obligation or consideration: 自愿的;,自发的,a,voluntary,conveyance of property:,自愿,的财产让与,She is a,voluntary worker,at the hospital. 她是这家医院的,自愿者,。,a voluntary hostage; voluntary community work:,志愿,人质;,义务,社区工作,22,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,self-regulation,: n. 自动调整, 自动调节,自我管制,;,自律,negative self-regulation: 负自动调节,controlled system without self-regulation: 非自动调节的受控系统,process self-regulation: 过程自调节,justify,: vt. to demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid: 论证或证明正当、正确或有效,justified each budgetary expense as necessary;,证明,每一项预算费用都是必要的,23,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.1 May Misrepresent the Truth,modify,: vt. to change in form or character; alter:,变更; 改变; 修改,The equipment may be,modified,to produce VCD sets. 这设备可以经过,改装,用来生产光碟机。,modify,the terms of a contract:,修正,合同条款,modify,materially: 作实质性的,修改,refused to,modify,her stand on the issue: 拒绝,改变,她在这一问题上的立场,24,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,keep from,: v.,阻止,抑制,隐瞒,keep nothing from sb: 什么事都不,瞒,某人,keep sb. from hurting himself:,防止,某人受伤,rival,: n. a competitor; 竞争对手,敌手,rival companies,: 竞争公司;,rival products,: 竞争产品; a rival in love: 情敌; without a rival: 无可匹敌, 无敌,She and I are rivals for the swimming prize.,25,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,get in,: to,succeed in,: 完成; 成功,got in six deliveries before noon: 在中午前送信六次,make good,: to,succeed,: 成功,made good as a writer: 成功地成为作家,make it,: to,be successful,: 成功,finally made it as an actor: 最后成功地成为一名演员,26,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,obstacle to entry,:,进入壁垒,construe,: vt. to adduce or explain the meaning of; interpret; explain : 解释; 推论;,认作,construed my smile as assent: 把我的微笑,看作,赞同,You may construe the statement of the government spokesman in a number of different ways. 政府发言人的声明可以有好几种,解释,。,27,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,anti,trust,: adj.,opposing,or intended to,regulate,business monopolies, such as,trusts, concerns, syndicates, or cartels,: 反托拉斯的; 反垄断的,antitrust legislation: 反托拉斯立法,economy of scale,: 因经营规模扩大而得到的经济节约,规模经济,28,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,offset,: vt. to counterbalance, counteract, or compensate for: 平衡、中和或补偿;,抵销,fringe benefits designed to offset low salaries: 用以,补偿,低工资的额外福利,offset debits against credits: 进行借方贷方,冲帐,结算,offset the loss:,弥补,损失,29,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,pass sth. on to sb,.: 传给; 使(人们)受益/分享/ 分担;,让渡,pass on to,: 转入, 进入,Let us now pass on to the next subject. 现在让我们看看下一个题目。,saving,: n. avoidance of excess expenditure;,economy,; a reduction in expenditure or cost; something saved:,节约; 节省; 节省下的东西,30,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,nonprice competition,:,非价格竞争,n.Abbr. prof.(名词)缩写 prof.,professional,: n.,a person following a profession, especially a learned profession,; one who earns a living in a given or implied occupation; a skilled practitioner; an expert:,专业人员, 专业者, 行家, 专家,a,professional,to decorate the house,31,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,travel agent,: n. a business that attends to the details of transportation, itinerary, and accommodations for travelers; travel bureau;,旅行社,car rental company: 出租汽车公司,cruise line: 游轮公司,tour operator: n. 包价旅游承办商,32,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,4.3.2 May Lead to Monopoly and Higher Prices,airline: n. a business providing a system of scheduled air transport; airway: 航空公司,United Airlines: (美国)联合航空公司,be concerned about,: vt.,关心, 挂念,prize,: n. something seized by force or taken as,booty, especially an enemy ship and its cargo captured at sea during wartime;,捕获品; 战利品,33,4.3 Criticisms of Advertising,Thank u 4 ur attention,& questions r invited,34,


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