Week 2 words

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Week 2: Translation of Words,1,1. Synonyms,发,货,发,传单,发,言,发,光,发,热,发,电,deliver,goods,distribute,leaflets,(,hand out,),speaking,at a meeting,emit,light and heat,(,contribute,to),generate,electricity,2,两位领导人就双边关系及共同关心的问题交换了,意见。,The two leaders exchanged,views,on bilateral,relations and issues of common concerns,党员应该虚心倾听群众的,意见,。,A party member should listen carefully to the,opinions,of the masses.,他们对这项计划提出了修改,意见,They made some,suggestions,for the revision of,the plan,1. Synonyms,3,1. Synonyms,大家对你很有,意见,。,People have a lot of,complaints,about you.,他们就推举谁做下一任总统候选人取得了一,致,意见,。,They have reached,unanimity,on who will be the,presidential candidate for the next general,election.,他们在会上闹起了,意见,。,They got into,disputes,at the meeting.,4,2. positive vs. negative,他们讲索取,我们讲奉献。,They preach taking from others, while,we advocate giving to others,她追求的是真理,而他追求的是荣华富贵。,She seeks in the truth, but he hankers,after high position and great wealth.,5,3. Different registers (,语域,),笑,:,laugh,smile,giggle,chuckle,smirk,grin,titter,大笑,微笑,咯咯地笑,傻笑,低声轻笑,坏笑,幸灾乐祸地笑,露齿而笑,嗤嗤地笑,嗤笑,6,3. Different registers (,语域,),她是个内向的女孩,总是坐在教室的角落偶尔在,课堂上听到个笑话,就偷偷安静地,笑,着,。,She is very shy, always sitting in the corner of,classroom, occasionally,chuckling,when hearing,a amusing joke.,人们对他的蠢行,笑,了许久。,People had a good many,laughs,over his,foolishness.,7,3. Different registers (,语域,),他们隔着桌子彼此会意地坏笑。,They smirked knowingly at each other across the,table.,她笑骂道:“该死的,吓死我了。我还当是闹鬼了,呢”,She cursed him, giggling, “Dame you! What fright,you gave me. I think I saw a ghost.”,她扑哧一笑,”下面马路上有人看你呢!“,She tittered,,”,Somebody in the street is looking up,at you!”,8,4. formal vs. informal,所有人员不得,参加,伊拉克国内的任何政治活动。,The personnel shall not,partake,(take part in/,participate in/join/be involved),in any political,activities in Iraq.,甲方应该及时,通知,乙方项目执行的任何进展。,Party A shall,notify,(inform),Party B of any,progress of the implementation of the Project.,甲方必须对任何,违约,造成的损失进行,赔偿,。,Party A shall,indemnify,(,compensate),for any lost,caused by any of its,breach,(break/violation),of,contract.,9,4. formal vs. informal,在加工贸易中,厂方对原材料或成品均无,所有权,。,In processing transactions, the manufacturers,shall never,have title,either,to,(own/possess),the,materials or the finished products.,甲方应将病人遣返中国,负责病人回到北京的旅费。,Party A shall,repatriate,(send),the patient to,China and,bear,(take/be responsible/pay),the cost,of his passage to Beijing.,10,4. formal vs. informal,董事长得根据董事会三分之一董事的提议,,召集临时,董事会议,The Chairman may,convene,(hold),an,interim,(temporary),meeting based on a proposal made by,one-third of the total number of directors.,该仲裁裁决为终局裁决,双方均受其,约束,The decision by such arbitration shall be accepted,as final and,binding,(constraining),upon both,parties,。,11,我想不起来哪一个熟人没有手机。今天没有手机的人是奇怪的,这种人才需要解释。我们的所有社会关系都储存在手机的电话本里,可以随时调出使用。古代只有巫师才能拥有这种法宝。,手机刷新了人与人的关系。会议室门口通常贴着一条通告:请与会者关闭手机。可是会议室里的手机铃声仍然响成一片。我们都是普通人,并没有多少重要的事情。尽管如此,我们也不会轻易关掉手机。打开手机象征我们与这个世界的联系。手机反映出我们的,社交饥渴症,。最为常见的是,一个人走着走着突然停下来,眼睛盯着手机屏幕发短信。他不在乎停在马路中央还是厕所旁边。,为什么对于手机来电和短信这么在乎,?,因为我们迫切渴望与社会保持联系,。,12,Few things have changed human relations as much as the cell phone has. It so happens that we often see a notice on a door to a conference room, Please keep your cell phone off when a meeting is in session. We still, however, always hear the beeps resounding throughout the chamber. The prevalence of using the cell phone today reflects our thirst for socialization and symbolizes a connection between us and the outside world. We are therefore reluctant to turn it off, although few of us are VIPs, or those who have many urgencies to take immediate care of. So we often notice such a picture: a pedestrian, all of sudden, stops, his eyes fixed on the phone screen, to edit his messages, oblivious of all other things. Whether on the road center or beside a toilet does not seem to bother him.,13,


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