bastketball lesson 5

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Basketball Lesson 5,1,I. Introduction,1.Public Relations,1) Administration,2) Faculty,3) Fellow Coaches,2,4) Parents of the players,5) The presssportswriters and sportscasters,6) Others,3,2.Game Organization:,Preparing the team mentally,Preparing the team physically,Mondaygo over the mistakes in our games of the previous weekend;,4,Tuesday and Wednesdaythese will be hard practice days, and we will do considerable half-court scrimmaging to prepare us both offensively and defensively for our coming opponents.;,Thursdayreview our game plan in regard to our opponents offense and defense, considerable shooting of all kinds, work on our lead-protection game.,5,3)Pregame Procedure,Eating,Resting,Reporting Time,Pre-Game Talk,6,4)Warmup,Pair up in groups of three and pass the ball for about tow minutes to get the feel of it.,Start the cutting drills that have been assigned.,7,Some dribble drives for both underneath and jump shots.,Tow starters take the free-throw line with one shooting and the other retrieving.,8,5)During the Game,Players on the bench,The coach must keep his wits about him and be alert to make any criticism or corrections necessary to improve the play of his team and the individuals on his team.,9,6)Substitutions. Do not substitute haphazardly:, To instruct a specific individual, To rest a tired player, To replace an injured player, To improve the defense on a player who is hurting you, To replace a player who is not doing well,10, To develop reserve strength, When a “pinch hitter” or special talent is needed, To develop team morale and give all players a chance to perform when the outcome of a game is reasonably certain.,11, To provide the best defense, offense. Rebounding, ball controlling, or pressing team as the occasion demands., For disciplinary reasons., To match up, counteract, or offset the substitutions of an opponent., To save a player in danger of fouling out.,12,7)Time-outs,To stop a rally by the opponent,In case of injury,For instructional purposes,To rest certain individuals,13,7)Assistant,8)Half-time procedure,9)Postgame procedure,14,III) NBA 英语(3),1) Words:,E:,Eastern Conference:东部联盟。,Eject:逐出场外。,Expansion:扩充球队,F:,Fadeaway shot:后仰投篮。也作fadeaway jumper。,Fake:假动作(n);做假动作(v)。,Fall in:投进。,15,Fast break:快攻;快速突破。 FG%:相当于field goal percentage,投篮命中率。,3PG%:三分球命中率。,Finals:总决赛。,Semifinals半决赛。,Field goal:投篮(总称),包括两分球的投篮也包括三分球的投篮(缩写:FG.)。,Finger roll:低手上篮时手指拨球的动作。,Flagrant foul:没有必要或动作过大的犯规,恶意犯规。,Foul:犯规。个人犯规是personal foul;全队的累计犯规叫team foul。,16,Foul trouble:一个队员由于受到犯规次数的约束而带来的麻烦,比如说这个队员的犯规次数已接近6次,再犯一次或两次规就将被罚下场。,Franchise:球队。,Free agent:自由人。合同的期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队约束。,Free throw:罚球(缩写:FT.)。,Frontcourt:前场。对手的半场为前场,即本方队员攻击的那半场。,FT%:罚球命中率。,FTM-FTA:罚中次数/罚球次数。,17,2) sentences:,1. Coach talked to me today about making plays, not just being a go-to man, but also getting my teammates involved.,今天教练对我说,我应该如何控球完成进攻计划;不要只做个关键时刻射手,而是要帮助队友进入状况。,go-to man:在关键时刻可以托付重任的人,另一个说法是 clutch player。,18,2. Jones scored five of his points in overtime to help the Heat snap a two-game losing streak.,Jones在延长赛中得到5分,使(迈阿密)热浪队终止两场连败。,help the Heat snap:snap本意为(突然)折断、(突然)断掉,引申为终止之意。help 接受词再接第二个动词时,用不定词【to+动词】,但一般常省略to。,losing streak:连败。此处streak是指(比赛胜、负场数的)连续。连胜当然就是winning streak了。,19,3. Gill, meanwhile, fractured the small finger on his left hand,同时,Gill左手小指骨折,fractured:【动词】骨折;【名词】:fracture。脱臼是 dislocate,筋骨、肌肉、韧带、关节的扭伤是 sprain。,20,4. Coach Rudy Tomjanovich thought it just took Francis a while to get in a groove. 教练Rudy Tomjanovich认为 Francis只要过一段时间就能得心应手。,take (somebody) a while:花(某人) 一段时间。,in a groove:得心应手,顺手,上手。,21,5. The big difference was the rebounding. Even when they went small, they pounded the boards better than we did.,最大的差异在于篮板球数量的多寡。即使他们摆出地虎阵容,他们抢篮板球也比我们抢得凶。,went small:排出身材较为矮小的球员阵容。也可以说 play small ball。pounded the boards:抢篮板球。,22,6. dont think we ran out of gas.,我不认为(我队的输球)是因为体力不继的关系。,ran out of gas:gas代表一种能量,在球场上指的是体力。因此,ran out of gas 就是耗尽体力。请注意,此处动词用 run,是用的意思;run out of money就是没钱用了、钱花光了。,23,7. Minnesota dished out 39 assists and turned the ball over just nine times.,明尼苏达(灰狼队)在比赛中有39次助攻,仅有9次失误。,dished out:传球给队友使其轻松得分。用端盘子出去来比喻传球出去。助攻的动词表达法。,assist:【名词】助攻,也可以当做动词用。turned the ball over:将控球权转(turn)过去(over)(到对方手中),也就是失误。名词是 turnover,但在英文中既可用动词表达(turn the ball over)也可用名词表达(have a turnover)。,24,8. After holding off the short-handed Miami Heat 86-82 Thursday night for just the second 4-0 start in franchise history, coach George Karl lashed out at his players for their lackadaisical attitude and sloppy play.,周四晚的比赛中,(公鹿队)以86比82力克短缺人手的迈阿密(热浪队),是队史上第二度以连续四胜展开新球季。比赛结束后教练 George Karl把他的球员痛骂一顿,指责他们比赛时未尽全力、马马虎虎的态度。,25,9. My momentum had me all totally off-balance. I pump-faked. I knew I had him. I saw him jumping. I was trying my best just to get into him, try to go into his body. But I had already lost my footing.,我的冲劲使我完全失去平衡。我做了个投篮的假动作,我知道对手被我的假动作骗过去了。,momentum:动量;惯性;(一股往前的)冲劲。,pump-faked:投篮的假动作:举起球,状似投篮,又放下。这种举起又放下求的动作,和帮浦(pump)的往复动作类似。拉杆投篮的动作是先举起球,放下,再做一次投篮动作,英文是double pump。I had him:此处的 had是欺骗的意思,是及物动词,可以有被动式。Madonna著名的歌曲Like A Virgin中就有一句 Ive been had. (我上过当)。不过在 I had him in the argument. (我在辩论中击败了他)和 I had him there. (我以那一点击了他)中 had 意指(在竞赛、辩论中)击败.(对手)或占上风的意思,不可有进行式也没有被动式。,26,10. Elden Campbell was called for goaltending when be blocked an off-balance shot by Duncan.,Duncan身形不稳投出一球,被 Elden Campbell盖了一记火锅,但是被裁判吹防守方封篮违例。,goaltending:防守方封篮违例。依NBA篮球规则,投篮后,球在篮框正上方(虚拟的圆柱体内)无论进攻方或防守方均不得碰触,否则为违例。如为进攻方封篮违例则得分不算,防守方封篮违例时,不论球进与否,均算得分。,27,Home work,Previewing the next chapter,Read something about the FIBA world championship,Read a NBA super star,28,


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