Book 4,Unit3听说课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Unit 3,Whats Their Number Again?,Warm-up,Listening and Speaking,In this unit, we will learn something about our memory., about,past events.,2.know how to,improve memory.,3.take minutes.,Learning Aims,Teaching Procedures,Among these people , who,stand out,most in your memory ?,Warm-up,teachers,friends,parents,doctors,policemen,firemen,1. Why do you think those people you chose in Activity1,impress you most,?2.Can you,tell a story,about them from your memory?3.What did you,learn from,them?,Discussion,They stand for law and justice. When were in danger, they can,protect,us, and they make us,f,eel safe,.,As soon as we see them, we think of,fire and danger,.,What are your,earliest childhood memories,and how old were you then ?,1,、,Pre-listening:,magic adj.,有魔力的,Magician n.,魔术师,stage n.,舞台,p,resenter n.,主持人,Listening and Speaking : A . What I Remembered Then,New words:,1. magic,adj.,有魔力的,2. magician n.,魔术师,3. stage n.,舞台,4. presenter n.,主持人,5. cheat n.,骗子,6. swallow,v.,吞没,New phrases:,1. at one point,在某一时刻,2. put ones foot in it,犯错误,3.,s,tay up,熬夜,4.,come down (from to),New words and phrases:,The boy,was taken to,the theatre because it was his birthday.,The boys mum pushed him and,encouraged,him,to,go up to the stage.,The magician,refused to,have,the boy,as,his assistant.,The boy,felt,awful,while,standing on the stage.,True or false.,F,F,T,T,before Christmas,2,、,while-listening,go on,it didnt matter,Listen for details.,2,、,while-listening,Clues,Details,How old was the boy?,What was the background?,What happened?,What happened in the end?,How did the boy feel?,The boy cheated on the stage,.,The week before Christmas,Eight or nine years old.,The magician let him stay on the stage.,The boy felt awful.,Take me to the theatre,It didnt mattercould,stay up,on stage,felt awful,came,down from,at one point,在某一时刻,Retell the story:,Presenter,ask ,Come up onto the,stage,and to be the,magician,s assistants,Mum pushed me and,encouraged to go up to the stage.,When asked if it was my birthday , I said no Realized,put,my foot in it,(犯错误),Wanted ,open up,and,swallow,(吞没),me,3,、,Post-listening,Language points,(,1)Why,do you think,those people you chose in Activity 1 impress you most?,你为什么认为你在活动,1,中选的那些人给你印象最深,?,本句结构为:“,疑问词,+do you think+,陈述句,?,”,类似的,插入语,还有,do you know/believe/imagine/suppose/guess,等。如:,Who do you think,he is,?,你认为他是谁,?,When do you guess,he will come,?,你猜猜他什么时候回来,?,Practice,【拓展训练】,( ) What do you think,to you if you dont agree,me ?,A. happening; with B. will happen; with,C. happens; to D. happen; on,( ) What,is the main reason for his being late again?,A. do you believe B. you believe,C. you do believe D. you believe do,B,A,2)Among these people, who,stand out,most in your memory?,这些人中,谁在你的记忆中最突出?,stand out,意为,“,突出,超群,”,。,如:,He played the violin, and he stood out from all the other musicians.,他演奏了小提琴,把其他所有乐师都比了下去。,Language points,Practice,【拓展训练】,翻译下列句子,:,设法让自己脱颖而出。,.,这是我记忆中最为突出的事。,.,Try to make yourself stand out,.,This is one of the things that stand out in my memory,.,encourage sb. to do sth.,“,鼓励某人做某事,”,。,We want to encourage people to exercise more.,我们要鼓励人们多运动。,The boy was encouraged to run faster by his classmates.,那个男孩受同学们鼓舞后跑得更快了,。,(3)The boys mum pushed him and,encouraged,him,to,go up to the stage.,那个男孩的妈妈推了他一把并鼓励他走上舞台。,Language points,Practice,【拓展训练】,翻译下列句子,:,你为什么还鼓励他,?,.,应鼓励孩子们在课堂上多说英语。,.,W,h,y would you encourage him?,Children should be encouraged to speak English more often in class.,(4)The magician,refused to,have the boy as his assistant.,魔术师拒绝让这个男孩做他的助手。,refuse to do sth,拒绝做某事,He offered me a second drink which I refused.,他请我再喝一杯,我没有接受。,He refused to take my advice.,他拒绝采纳我的建议。, have sb. as,让某人担任或充当,They have these workers as soldiers in time of war.,在战争时期,他们让这些工人充当士兵,。,Language points,Practice,【拓展训练】,翻译下列句子,:,病人有权利拒绝接受治疗。,., 由于母亲的病情,女孩没去国外。,.,The patient has the right to refuse treatment.,The girl refused to go abroad because of her mothers illness.,(5)The boy,felt,awful,while,standing on the stage.,站在舞台上,男孩很难过。,feel +,n/adj 作表语.,如:,We all feel cold after the rain.,雨后我们都觉得冷。,while+ doing,为现在分词作状语,表示分词的动作与主句的动作同时发生。如:,While working in the field, they suddenly heard a loud sound.,在田间劳作时,他们突然听到一声响,。,While,+,延续性动词,when,+,短暂性动词,.,如:,They phoned while you were out.,When I came in, he was reading a novel.,Language points,二,.,当堂训练,(,)(1) Somebody knocked at the door while I,.,A. was doing some reading B. started reading,C. have read D. read,( )(2) She likes Japanese films,her husband likes American films.,A. when B. while C. as D. once,( )(3) She drinks black coffee,I prefer it with cream.,A. if B. when C. while D. though,( )(4) In spring, days are getting,.,A. longer and longer B. the longer,C. the longest D. the longer, the longer,A,B,C,A,Practice,( )(5) What you said made the interviewee,.,A. feel very nervous B. to feel very nervous,C. feel very exciting D. to feel very exciting,(,)(6) do you guess as my Christmas gift?,A What; did he buy B. Which; he bought,C. Which; did he buy D. What; he bought,( )(7) He ran up to the station the first train.,A. catch B. to catch C. caught D. having caught,(,)(8)Im going to the supermarket., youre there, can you get me some milk?,A. As B. While C. When D. Where,A,D,B,B,Step 4. Sum up & Homework,Teaching Procedures,Retell the story in Listening A,Finish off the Workbook exercises.,Preview the Listening and Speaking B.,Thanks for attendance,!,


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