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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,20-Sep-99,Supplier Performance Development Process,Task 15 PPAP,Task Description,P,roduction,P,art,A,pproval,P,rocess (PPAP),Production parts are manufactured at the production site using production tooling, gaging, equipment, operators, etc,Parts from production run are analyzed,Test results and records from APQP are submitted with Part Submission Warrant,PPAP,Purpose,For the supplier to demonstrate,all design records and specification requirements are properly understood,the process has the capability to produce product that meets requirements,Something,Changed,Application,AIAG PPAP manual defines when PPAP submission is required,New part,Correction to discrepancy in previous submission,Design or process change,Change in source of subcontracted materials or services,transfer or rearrangement of tooling & equipment,Methodology,Buyer enters PPAP submission date on purchase order,Approver determines submission level,default level 3,default level 4 for raw material,Supplier submits PPAP,PPAPALL.xls electronic submission recommended,Approver evaluates PPAP package,Level 5 at supplier site,Approver determine part submission status,Notify supplier and manufacturing of status,DFMEA,Control Plan,Early Production Containment Plan (Pre-Launch Control Plan),Process capability studies,Gage Measurement System Analysis,Lab Accreditation & scope,Restricted & Reportable Materials form,Interim Worksheet, if required,Supplier Data Received,Warrant,Appearance Approval Report (AAR), as required,Sample Parts,Print/Design Record,Engineering Change Documents,Check fixtures/aids,Process Flow Diagram,PFMEA,PPAP Review Checklist,Delphi checklist to assist with evaluation of PPAP package,Action plan created with use of checklist,Flow Chart,Linkage of Product Characteristics from,DFMEA,to Operational Steps,Operation numbers consistent with,PFMEA,Control,Plan, Operator,Instructions,Ensure identification of inspection and rework,Use A-6 Process Flow Chart checklist in APQP manual to evaluate,PFMEA,Linkage with DFMEA, Process Flow, Control Plan, Operator Instructions, etc,Degree to which high RPNs are addressed with preventive strategies,Action Plans assigned, implemented, effectiveness assessed and RPN recalculated,Use A-7 Process FMEA checklist in APQP manual,RPN = 504,DFMEA,Assess feasibility, risk, design intent issues,Confirm manufacturing process capability considered,Focus on Critical Characteristics,Lessons Learned incorporated,Use A-1 Design FMEA checklist in APQP manual to evaluate,Control Plan,Ensure Control Plan is aligned to, and correlates with, DFMEA, Process Flow, PFMEA,Control Methods appropriate to variation type(s),Incorporates Lessons Learned, Statistical Data,Use A-8 Control Plan checklist in APQP manual to evaluate,Pre-Launch Control Plan,Early Production Containment requirements,Additional controls included for proper duration or quantity,PFMEA and statistical data used to determine what additional controls necessary,short term capability,long term capability on similar process,Process Capability Studies,MSA Studies,Measurement uncertainty determined,Gage R&R, Bias, Stability, and Linearity,Gage R & R acceptance guidelines,30% unacceptable, measuring system needs improvement,Verify study performed correctly,Part Submission Status,Full Production Approval,Interim Approval,Authorize shipment to Delphi without Full Production Approval,Corrective Action Plan is required,Rejected,Corrected submission required before production quantities may be shipped,Interim Part Class,A,parts from production tooling and meet specs, not all PPAP requirements have been met,B,parts from production tooling and require rework to meet specs,C,parts not from production tooling, parts meet specs,D,parts do not meet specs,E,parts do not meet specs and vehicles with class E parts require retrofit to make them saleable,Summary,AIAG PPAP manual defines requirements,APQP Product and Process Validation,Supplier submits PPAP to proper level,PPAP package evaluated and status determined,Supplier and Delphi manufacturing site notified of PPAP approval status,Reference Documents,AIAG PPAP, SPC, MSA,APQP and Control Plan manuals,GM 1411 Interim Approval Worksheet,AIAG QS-9000 Manual,Appendix 20: PPAP checklist,Appendix 13: PPAPALL.XLS,


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