BNCE Lesson 24

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 24,It could be worse,1,Listening and speaking,Period One:,2,1. Introduce the story:,manager,经理,upset,不安,sympathetic,同情,complain,抱怨,wicked,邪恶的,interrupt,打断,envelope,信封,contain,内装,honesty,诚实,2. Listen once, answer this question:,What happened to the man?,feel upset,感到不安的,complain about sth,抱怨某事,the wicked world,邪恶的世界,be interrupted by,被,打断,3,Read the questions:,1. How much money had he lost?,2. How did he feel?,3. Where did he lose the money?,4. How did his manager comfort(,安慰,) him?,5. What did he complain(,抱怨,) about?,6. What did the girl put on the desk?,7. What was in it?,8. Where did she find it?,4,Pay attention to these words and expressions when you are listening.,manager,经理,upset,不安,sympathetic,同情,complain,抱怨,wicked,邪恶的,interrupt,打断,envelope,信封,contain,内装,honesty,诚实,feel upset,感到不安的,complain about sth,抱怨某事,the wicked world,邪恶的世界,be interrupted by,被,打断,5,Read the questions:,How much money had he lost?,How did he feel?,Where did he lose the money?,How did his manager comfort(,安慰,) him?,What did he complain(,抱怨,) about?,6. What did the girl put on the desk?,7. What was in it?,8. Where did she find it?,6,Pay attention to these words and expressions when you are listening.,manager,经理,upset,不安,sympathetic,同情,complain,抱怨,wicked,邪恶的,interrupt,打断,envelope,信封,contain,内装,honesty,诚实,feel upset,感到不安的,complain about sth,抱怨某事,the wicked world,邪恶的世界,be interrupted by,被,打断,7,辨析,1.,took,拿,receive,接受,2.3.,on the way from/ to,在,路上,in the way,挡住去路,4.11.,everybody(,单数,), police(,复数,),5.,be made of+,看得见材料, be made from,看不见材料,6.,salary,月薪,wage,周薪,7.,borrow,借进, lend,借出,8.,ask sb for sth,9,. except,(-) apart from(+/-),10.,irritable,易怒的,nervous,12.,look after,照顾,pay attention to,13.,remind sb of sth,提醒,remember sb1 to sb2,问好,14.,suit,制服,costume,戏服,15.,grow,种,grow up,长大,16.,besides,除了,beside,旁边,17.,excited, exciting,18.,realize,了解,understand,理解,19.,house, home,8,take, receive 2. in the way, on the way, made of , be made from,4.salary, wage 5. borrow, lend,6. ask,sb,for,sth,7.except, apart from,8. irritable, nervous 9.suit, costume,10. grow, grow up 11. besides, beside,12. realize, understand,13. police , everybody,9,Airplanes are slowly driving me mad.I live near an airport and passing planes,can _(hear),night and day. The airport,_(build),during the war, but for some reason it,could not _(use),then. Last year, however, it,came into use,. Over a hundred people,must have _(drive)away,from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think this house will,_(knock) down,by a passing plane. I,have _(offer),a large sum of money to go away, but I,am determined to stay,here. Everybody says I,must be mad,and they are probably right.,be heard,was built,be used,been driven,been knocked,been offered,10,被动语态的基本形式:,be + done,一般现在时的被动语态:,一般过去时的被动语态:,现在进行时的被动语态:,过去进行时的被动语态:,现在完成时的被动语态:,过去完成时的被动语态:,am/is/are + done,was/were + done,am/is/are + being done,was/were + being done,have/has + been done,had + been done,11,Key structures,Page 93 Ex B Pay attention to,“被动语态”,can be heard,was built,could not be used,must have been driven away,will be knocked down,have been offered,12,8. Tell the story:,They,built,the airport,years ago.,They,could not use,the airport,now.,A passing plane,will knock down,the house,.,They,have offered,me,a large sum of money,.,The noise,have driven away,100 people,.,The airport,was built,years ago.,The airport,could not be used,now.,The house,will be knocked down,.,The large sum of money,have been offered,to me.,100 people,have been driven away,.,13,Airplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing planes,can be heard,night and day. The airport,was built,during the war, but for some reason it,could not be used,then. Last year, however, it,came into use,. Over a hundred people,must have been driven away,from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think this house will,be knocked down,by a passing plane. I,have been offered,a large sum of money to go away, but I,am determined to stay,here. Everybody says I,must be mad,and they are probably right.,14,Reading and Writing:,Period Two:,15,The writer is slowly going mad. He lives near an airport.Passing planes can be heard night and day.Most of his neighbours have left their homes.He has been offered money to leave.He is determined to stay.Everyone says he must be mad.They are probably right. (49 words),1. Key to Summary writing:,16,被动语态的基本形式:,be + done,一般将来时的被动语态:,情态动词的被动语态:,will/shall + be done;,is/am/are going to be done,must/can(could)/may(might)/+ be done,must/can(could)/may(might)/+ have been done,17,被动语态的特殊形式:,一、主动形式表被动,1,、这种食物尝起来味道很差。,The food,tastes,terrible.,类似的词还有:,look,feel,sound,smell,seem,stay,become,turn,2,、第二次世界大战在,1939,年爆发。,The Second World War,broke out,in 1939.,类似的词还有:,happen,occur,take place,take part in,belong to,burst out,18,被动语态的特殊形式:,一、主动形式表被动,3,、这种布料很容易洗。,The cloth,washes,well.,她的书不好卖。,Her book does not,sell,well.,类似的词还有:,lock,shut,open,move,read,write,clean, draw,cut,19,Cars,are,often,stolen,in the place.,The report,was handed in,last Monday.,The book,is being written,now.,The buildings,were being built,when I was there last time.,I,have been offered,a new position.,The hotel,had been booked,before.,20,7.She,will be given,the money.,The trip,is going to be canceled,.,8.It,can,easily,be done,.,I cant find my bag. It,must have been stolen,.,9.This kitchen,cleans,very easily.,21,22,23,


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