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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4,Section A,Whats your first impression on your English teacher?,I am impressed by., Her/his. impresses me,greatly.,I. Word Using,1. impression,n.,a,n effect, a feeling, or an image retained,Use It,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,self-conscious,adj,. : shy or nervous,害羞的,有自我意识的; 自觉的;,unconscious,adj.,: unaware,无意识的; 无意的,,n.,心,无意识,consciousness,n,. : state of being conscious,他伤得很重,但仍未失去知觉。,He was badly hurt, but he remained conscious.,2. conscious,adj,.,aware,realizing,sth,.,Translation,Key,Word Building,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,subconscious,adj.&n,.,潜意识,的,下意识,的,aware, conscious, sensible,辨析,这些形容词均含“,意识到的,”之意。,aware,:强调通过耳闻目睹或感觉而得到的信息,也指敏税的观察和推断。侧重感知,多与,of,一起用。,conscious,:指内心的感觉,强调深刻的心理活动。,sensible,:侧重通过直觉或理性感觉意识到某物的存在。,be conscious of,意识到,感觉到,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,If you are conscious of something, you notice it or are aware of it.,. The greatest of faults, I should say, is be conscious of none.,最大的错误,我应该说,是以为自己没有错误。,Translation,e.g.,3. range,vi,.,to,vary between certain limits,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,His feelings on the matter have ranged from bitterness to hope.,rang from to,从。到。的变化。,Phrase,Her emotions ranged from joy to despair.,绝望,Their prices range from $5 to $15.,Translation,Key,他对这件事的感觉经历了从痛苦万分到满怀希望。,If you take up this assignment, you are likely to encounter many difficulties.,4. encounter,vt,.,to,meet,sb,. or,sth,. by chance,n.,a meeting by chance,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,十年前我与约翰的初次见面的情景仍历历在目。当时我在机场偶遇他。,Translation,I still clearly remember,my first encounter with John,ten years ago.,I encountered him,at an airport.,Key,I tried to focus my thoughts.,For a few moment, my eyes wouldnt focus.,5. focus,v,.,to,concentrate,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,focus on,Phrase,He suddenly focused his attention on foreign policy.,The management are focusing on the project.,focus,n.,attention,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,She was the focus of everyones attention.,她是大家注意的焦点,The new system is the focus of the debate.,persuasive,adj.,有说服力的; 劝诱的; 动听,I can be very,persuasive,when I want to be.,如果我愿意的话,我会非常有说服力的。,pitch,n.,球场; 程度; 沥青; 树脂; 倾斜,vt,.,用沥青涂; 扔,投; 树起,搭起; 定位于,vi.,抛,扔;,棒球,当投手; 搭帐篷; 向前跌或冲,pitch in 1.,使劲干,投入,2.,协力,;,配合他人,pitch into,猛烈攻击:口头或武力攻击;攻击,-make a pitch,投标,He was completely absorbed in his own thoughts .,She has been absorbed in a horror fiction.,7. be absorbed in,全神贯注于,专心于,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,他陷入了沉思。,Translation,Key,He stood by the window with his eyes fixed on me.,Her soft brown eyes fixed on Kelley.,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,他靠窗站着,眼睛一动不动地盯着我看。,Translation,Key,8. fix ones eyes on,look at a thing or person carefully,Stride n.,大步; 步幅; 进展;,vt,.& vi.,大踏步走; 跨过,常用词组,break (ones) stride,1.,放慢步子;停下,match someone stride for stride,1.,设法与竞争者并驾齐驱,take something in ones stride,1.,从容对付,轻易解决,从容处理,consistent,adj.,一致的;,数学、统计学,相容的; 一贯的; 连续的,his,consistent,support of free trade.,他对自由贸易始终如一的支持,This is an example of his work at its best.,He was never at his best early in the morning.,In Beijing, you can enjoy Chinese Kung Fu at its best.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,这代表了他鼎盛时期的作品。,他清晨从来不在最佳状态。,在北京,你可以欣赏到最精萃的中国功夫。,Translation,Key,9. at ones best,in ones best state or condition,to commit a mistake,犯错误,to commit a crime,犯罪,to commit forces to the Gulf,往海湾派兵,commit,v,.,to,do (,sth,. wrong); perform; send,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The State is firmly committed to promoting high standards of health, safety, and efficient service.,be committed to,致力于,投身于,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Translation,他一心只想着他的部队,是个真正的海军陆战队员。,Key,He was committed to his troops; he was a Marines Marine.,You take everything too seriously! Relax and enjoy yourself.,Dont take him seriously. Hes always joking.,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10. take,sb./sth,. seriously,think,sb./sth,. is important,II. Word Replacing,He suddenly,became conscious,that he was cheated.,an,encounter,with a stranger,rate,of speech,They,instruct,you to greet them with “power handshakes”.,Whats your,attitude,to his advice?,They look angry, frightened and,depressed,.,The,audience,always believe what they see.,realized,meeting,speed,teach,opinion,unhappy,listeners,Words and ExpressionsWord Replacing,III. Matching,Game,to make/give a presentation,with ones whole being,a staff meeting,entertainment industry,an uncomfortable scene,to address a club,a job interview,to roar with laughter,_,职工会议,_,在俱乐部上发言,_,尴尬的场合,_,工作面试,_,放声大笑,_,全身心投入地,_,发表演说,陈述展示,_,娱乐业,c,f,e,g,h,b,a,d,Words and ExpressionsMatching Game,


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