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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Three,Culture,1,Introduction,What is culture? It is a very broad term covering the range of arts, the beliefs, the values, the traditions the customs and the institutions that are considered to be characteristic of a community, a people, a region, or a nation. Culture also includes the language and dialects that people use to express their feelings and to communicate with each other.,2,It is often difficult to separate culture and language, because in many cases, language is the main medium through which culture is transmitted, it is impossible to really know the culture without speaking the language.,Although modern transportation and communication have reduced the world to a “global village”, there are still many interesting and fascinating culture differences for us to explore.,3,Listening I,Cold and not very open,More outgoing,A long time,A little inferior,Loud behavior and language,Respect,Distance,Closer,4,Listening II,Lost,India,Settle/stay,Compare,Water,Spoil,Sugar,stay,5,new words, phrases and expressions,abrupt:,appearing rude and unfriendly,He was abrupt to the point of rudeness. 他举止唐突,近乎粗鲁。,His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions.,6,accompany,formal, used in written English go somewhere with sb.; happen/exist at the same time,Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa.,The proposal was instantly voted through with two to one in favor, accompanied by enthusiastic applause.,This volume of essays,was designed to accompany,an exhibition in London.,旨在配合,7,accomplish: succeed in doing something,(explain the usage of the following words: achieve, succeed, complete, fulfill, finish),We have achieved what we set out to do.,If you complete something, you do all of it.,If you fulfill something such as a promise, a dream, or an ambition, you do what you said or hoped you would do.,When you finish something or dealing with something, you do the last part of it.,8,fluster:,a state of nervous confusion,in a fluster 心慌意乱,9,involve,include something as a necessary part;,ask or allow sb to take parting sth.;,be concerned with sth / be connected with sb.,10,His job as a public relation director involves spending quite a lot of time with other people. 身为公关部主任,他大部分时间和别人在一起。,Try to involve as many people as possible in the work.,get / become / be involved in doing some criminal activities,11,mission:,- an important task that people are given to do,go / come / send sb / on a mission of / to do sth,He was sent on over 200 missions before being killed in action.在执行任务中,12,respond: react to sth / sb,The patient is responding well to the new drugs.,新药对病人疗效甚好。,13,go against sb / sth:,- resist / oppose sb / sth; be opposed / contrary to sb / sth,go against the advice of sb. 不听劝告,go against all logic 不合逻辑,The situation went against the women volleyball team of China in 27,th,Olympic games. 对 不利,14,slip into:,- pass gradually into a state of situation, in a way that is hardly noticed,slip into a routine,落入俗套, 落入平淡,slip into a bad habit 养成坏习惯,slip into the room 溜进房间,15,take pride in,be proud of;,pride oneself on (doing) sth,16,Detail study of the core text,17,L.12 you never learn the little exposed:,you can hot learn the little words or sentences. If you could use such language, people would not know you are a foreigner.,18,L.4 when it comes to seeing guests off at the door:,when it is in the case of ,(put the following into English),当关系到对着很多人作报告时,when it comes to making a speech to a lot of people,当涉及到向别人借钱时,when it comes to borrowing money from others,19,Practice,by making your own sentences to each other,:,I constantly found / find / feel / felt myself tongue-tied when it comes to ”.,20,What is the meaning of “ritual” and“one-upmanship” according to Para. 3?,ritual:,all the rules L12,one-upmanship:,the expressions of politeness and protest that accompany a leave-taking L.13,21,L.44 left,many a,Chinese hungry,at an American table,l,many a: many; a large number of,Many a famous,pop star,has been ruined by drugs.,Many a,true word,is spoken in jest. 笑谈之中有真言。,22,at American table: when having dinner with the Americans ,c.f. at the theatre / cinema (with reference to the activities going in inside),at a concert / conference / match (among those who attend),at the head office / Oxford (place of employment or study),at play / work / war / risk / ease / table (state, condition, activity),23,Assignment,1. Do vocabulary Ex. 1 & 2 and translation exercise on Pages 6970.,2.,Preview the three after-class reading passages.,24,Answers to translation exercise on P. 70:,1.,If you sing the song several times, the children will pick up the words.,2.,We try to assure the nervous old man that it was safe to go by plane.,3.,An inadequate supply of vitamin A may result in night blindness.,4.,I am able to use a computer, but when it comes to computer repairing, I dont know anything about it at all.,25,5. Many a mother tries to realize her dreams through her daughter.,6. We should discourage the children from smoking.,7. I gave him some pills to ease his pain.,8. The job involves working abroad three months every year.,26,Passage I Dining Customs in America,L.14 A visitor should be sensitive to present:,Visitors should learn and do what other Americans do in each of the situations.,L.18 until the meal is under way to someone else,: Before the meal begins a guest can listen to others talking to avoid the embarrassment.,27,L.3132 certain customs have developed,develop certain customs,形成一些习俗,develop an energy policy,制定能源规划,develop many new plants,培育许多植物新品种,develop an interest in,对 产生了兴趣,28,L.53 It was so nice of you to have me,Thank you for your inviting me to dinner.,More examples about the pattern:,It is kind / good / clever / silly / silly / generous / of you to (do sth),29,questions,How do Americans show their impatience?,What does patting other adults on the head mean to Chinese people?,If you are in the United States now, can you laugh when seeing someone fall off the bike? Why?,What does an arms length distance in social conversation mean to American individualist?,30,What suggests homosexuality in American culture?,Why in some way do East and West think alike?,31,Gestures for the following common possible meaning:,a.,Ok.,b.,Good luck. I hope it works out.,c.,Dont ask me; I dont know; I have no idea.,d.,I didnt hear you; I cant hear you.,e.,Cut; Thats enough; Stop or its all over for me.,f.,Oh, I forgot; Dont tell me (surprised),g.,Wait a second; Slow down; Relax.,h.,Come here.,i. (Hikers) Id like a lift.,32,Assignment,1.,Prepare to translate some phrases, expressions and sentences in Unit 3 from English into Chinese.,2.,Preview Part One and Part Two in Unit 4.,3.,Do Quiz 3 after class.,33,


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