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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2018/1/31,#,英数第二周周五,1. In the figure, rectangle,ABCD,has dimensions as shown. The area of rectangle,BDFE,is,?,2,.,In the given diagram,ABCD,is a square with sides 72cm.,E,isa pointon,DC,suchthat,EC,=22cmandangle,CFE,=90.,Thearea of,AFED,in cm is?,3,. A book with 12 pages needs the 15 digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,0,1,1,1,2 in order to number all the pages. Which one of the following numbers cannot be the number of digits needed in order to number all the pages of a book?,(A)31 (B)543 (C)1998 (D)1999 (E)2001,4,.,Anofficeemploysthirtypeople.Fiveofthem speakSpanish,FrenchandEnglish.Nine speak Spanish and English,twentyspeakFrench of which twelve alsospeakSpanish. Eighteen speak English. Noonespeaks only Spanish. HowmanyemployeesspeakonlyEnglish?,5,. ABCD is a parallelogram with vertices A and B fixed, but vertices C and D are movable. If the lengths of all the sides are fixed, then the path of the intersection of the diagonals, as C and D move is a,(A)circle,(B) part of a parabola,(C)Rhombus,(D) straight line segment,(E)part of a hyperbola,6,. The sum of the first,p,terms of a sequence of numbers is,p,(,p,+1)(,p,+2). The 10th term of the sequence Is,7,.,Starting with the numbers 1, 2, 3. . 500, a new sequence is formed by deleting numbers so that the sum of any two numbers of the new sequence Is nev- er a multiple of seven. What is the maximum length of the new sequence?,8,. Remember that 1 000 cmof water weighs 1 kg,During a rain shower, 10 mm of rain fell on a rec-,tangular soccer field with dimensions 100 m by 50,m. The mass of rain that fell on the field was,(A)0.5 ton (B)5 kg (C)50 ton,(D)50 kg (E)5 ton,答案:,1.,2,2.,47,3.,D,4.,6,5.,A,6.,330,7.,217,8.,C,


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