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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit4 Text A,Intensive Reading,1,Content Questions,1. What did the author do three years ago and what is she doing now?,2. How does the author work nowadays?,3. How does the author manage her daily life?,4. What are the symptoms shared by people who live a virtual life?,5. What is the Net critics worst nightmare?,6. How does the author behave when she is suddenly confronted with real live humans?,7. How does the author behave on line? Why?,8. How does virtual life affect her relationship with her boyfriends?,9. According to the author, why are co-workers important to a human being?,10. What does the author do to restore balance to her life?,11. Does the author feel happy when she returns to the real world? Why or why not?,12. What does she do then?,2,Content Questions,1. What did the author do three years ago and what is she doing now?,She was a television producer three years ago and now she works as a telecommuter.,3,2. How does the author work nowadays?,She submits articles and edits them via emails and communicates with colleagues on Internet mailing lists.,4,3. How does the author manage her daily life?,She could almost do anything on the net: she can order food, and manage her money, love and work.,5,4. What are the symptoms shared by people who live a virtual life?,They are separated from the real world and dont like to communicate with people face to face.,6,5. What is the Net critics worst nightmare?,The situation in which people who are hooked on the net find themselves feeling an aversion to outside forms of socializing.,7,6. How does the author behave when she is suddenly confronted with real live humans?,She gets overexcited and speaks too much and interrupts.,8,7. How does the author behave on line? Why?,She is bad-tempered and easily angered and finds herself attacking everyone in sight.,9,8. How does virtual life affect her relationship with her boyfriends?,She often misinterprets his boy friends intensions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue, which leads to a quarrel.,10,9. According to the author, why are co-workers important to a human being?,Because a human being relied on co-workers for company.,11,10. What does the author do to restore balance to her life?,She forced herself back to the world: she arranges anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.,12,11. Does the author feel happy when she returns to the real world? Why or why not?,No, because she finds being face to face sometimes unbearable.,13,12. What does she do then?,She returned to the virtual world.,14,Summarize the main idea of the text,本文描述了一位远程工作者面临着一个进退两难的困境:电脑创造的虚拟世界和真实世界之间的选择,而两种选择都不尽人意。作者描述了她置身于虚拟世界的感受,其不良影响使她警觉,于是她决定返回真实的世界,与他人正常交往,但结果却令人失望。最后,她又回到了真实世界。本篇揭示了电脑对人们生活方式的巨大影响。,15,Translate the following sentences,1.事实上我有时一连三个星期都独自呆在家里,只偶尔出去拿信、买报纸和杂货。,2.我开始觉得自己似乎与机器融为一体了,我接收信息,再发送出去,好像互联网的一个连接点。,3.从床上爬起来就上机,不再为发型、服饰、面部化妆烦心,起初看似高级的享受现在却成为一种对生活的逃避,一种缺乏自控的表现。,4.你一旦开始用网络交际取代人与人之间的真实接触,要走出这种封闭状态就会很难。,5.我发现自己沉溺再肥皂剧里,或者不停的收看最新的新闻报道和天气预报。,16,6.一遍遍地从“每日新闻”、“一线新闻”、“夜间新闻”、有线新闻电视网、纽约一套上收看对每条新闻从不同视角进行的报道,尽管它们对我毫无用处。,7.我觉得与我通信的每一个人都很冷漠,认为他们已经记不得还会有人去读他们那些刻薄伤人的言辞。,8.直到有人礼貌的指出,她同意我的看法却遭到我的抨击时,我深感难堪,这才意识到,自己是在以己度人。,9.我开始明白为什么长时间失业对人危害那么大,为什么人的生活缺少了外部的日常计划,就会导致吸毒、犯罪和自杀率的上升。,17,1.事实上我有时一连三个星期都独自呆在家里,只偶尔出去拿信、买报纸和杂货。,In fact, at times,I have spent,as long as three weeks,alone at home, going out only to get mail and buy newspapers and groceries.,as long as,1) provided that:,As long as you can come by six, Ill be here.,2) seeing that; since:,As long as youre going to the grocery anyway, buy me a pint of ice cream.,3) Also, so long as. during the time that; through the period that:,As long as we were neighbors, they never invited us inside their house.,18,2.我开始觉得自己似乎与机器融为一体了,我接收信息,再发送出去,好像互联网的一个连接点。,I start to feel,as though Ive become one with my machines, taking data in, spitting them back out, just another link in the Net.,as though: as if,现在好像是春天了。,It seems as though it was spring already.,他老爱说大话, 就仿佛他是一位要人似的。,He likes to talk big as though he was an important person.,19,3.从床上爬起来就上机,不再为发型、服饰、面部化妆烦心,起初看似高级的享受现在却成为一种对生活的逃避,一种缺乏自控的表现。,What first seemed like a luxury, crawling from bed to computer, not worrying about hair, and clothes and face,has become,a form of escape, a lack of discipline.,20,4.你一旦开始用网络交际取代人与人之间的真实接触,要走出这种封闭状态就会很难。,And,once,you start replacing real human contact with cyber-interaction,coming back of the cave can be,quite difficult,.,cave: virtual life,once: as soon as; if ever; when,Once he goes, we can clean up.,21,5.我发现自己沉溺再肥皂剧里,或者不停的收看最新的新闻报道和天气预报。,I find,myself,sucked in by soap operas, or needing to keep up with the latest news and the weather.,find sb.+ past participle(sucked in) + present participle(needing to do sth.),suck in:,1) draw into a course of action,They sucked me into helping them raise money,.,2) take advantage of, cheat,That used-car salesman sucked in my uncle and aunt,. This usage employs,suck,in the sense of take in.,22,6.一遍遍地从“每日新闻”、“一线新闻”、“夜间新闻”、有线新闻电视网、纽约一套上收看对每条新闻从不同视角进行的报道,尽管它们对我毫无用处。,“Dateline”, “Frontline”, “Nightline”, CNN, New York1, every possible angle of every story over and over and over, even they are of no possible use to me.,23,7.我觉得与我通信的每一个人都很冷漠,认为他们已经记不得还会有人去读他们那些刻薄伤人的言辞。,I find,everyone,(on my mailing list),insensitive, believing that theyve forgotten that there are people (actually reading their wounding remarks).,find+sb.+adj.+adv.,(present participle: believing+object clause),24,8.直到有人礼貌的指出,她同意我的看法却遭到我的抨击时,我深感难堪,这才意识到,自己是在以己度人。,I dont realize,Im projecting,until after Ive been embarrassed by,someone,(who politely points out that Ive attacked her for agreeing with me).,notuntil,project: measure anothers foot by ones own last; to ascribe ones own feelings, thoughts, or attitudes to others.,attack sb. for sth.,25,9.我开始明白为什么长时间失业对人危害那么大,为什么人的生活缺少了外部的日常计划,就会导致吸毒、犯罪和自杀率的上升。,I began to understand why long-term unemployment can be so damaging, why life without an externally supported daily plan can lead to higher rates of drug abuse, crime, suicide.,26,disagreement: discord, disharmony,be hooked on: be keen on and absorbed in,in every other respect: on other sides,sensible: showing reason or sound judgment; “a sensible choice”; “a sensible person” (synonym),reasonable,on top of that: in addition to,intense: frequent,access to: the way to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something,correspond with: to communicate by letter with sb.,pale: poor, unskilled,copy: imitation,time-honoured: respected because of age or long usage; of long standing and acceptance,27,intimacy: close or warm friendship and understanding; personal relationship,acquaintance: personal knowledge or information about someone or something; a relationship less intimate than friendship,scatter: deliver; send out,vehicle: tool,reject: to refuse to accept, acknowledge, use, believe, etc,denial: a refusal to agree or comply with a statement; contradiction,roll the whites of ones eyes: the white part of the eyeball; skyward: upward,tendency: an inclination to do something,overlook: fail to notice or take into account,row: a noisy quarrel or dispute,28,initiative: the right or the power to begin,slip in under your guard: attack you when you are off your guard,needless to say: go without saying,version: edition, type,ever-handy: available/easy to hand/use,axe: edge tool,innocent: a person who lacks knowledge of evil,call forth: bring,imitate: try to follow the manner, style, character, etc, of or take as a model,29,related vocabulary,:,Clothings,:,shirt trousers coat T-shirt jeans sweater jacket shorts dress suit tie socks stockings overcoat skirt scarf shoes hat,Appliances:,radio T.V. set walkman MP3 player mobile phone E-dictionary refrigerator hi-fi computer calculator washing machine computer printer digital camera desktop computer laptop computer,Fruits and drinks:,apple pear orange water melon banana grape beer mineral water tea coffee Coca-Cola Sprite Seven-up,Stationery:,pen pencil rubber ruler paper stapler paper knife glue stick correction pen notebook,Other things,:,envelope stamp phone card soap tissue batteries toilet articles shampoo toothbrush toothpaste tissue portable tv,30,


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