自考高级英语上册Lesson 15 the Beauty Industry

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Lesson Fifteen the Beauty Industry,expend,V. Spend; use up,花费;用光,He expends all his money on stocks.,他用所有的钱去炒股。,They expended all their stores.,他们用尽了所有的储备。,transform,V. Completely change the appearance, character or function of,sth,or,sb,.,完全改变外观,特性或功能,The waste land has been transformed into,fertiles,fields.,这片不毛之地已变成良田。,Marriage seems to have,transfromed,him into another person.,结婚之后他好像变了个人似的。,In any case,at any rate, whatever may happen,无论如何;不管怎样,In any case, you can have a try.,无论如何你可以试一试。,Youve tried your best, in any case.,总之,你尽力了。,due to,Caused by, because of,由于,因为,His success was largely due to his diligence.,他的成功很大程度上是由于他的勤奋。,The failure of the experience was due to his mistake.,由于他的错误造成实验失败。,In part,Partly; to some extent,部分地,某种程度上,His success was due in part to luck.,他的成功部分原因是运气好。,She looks in part like her grandmother.,她有几分像她的祖母。,cultivate,V. Give care, thought, time in order to develop,培养;陶冶,He tried to cultivate the people who can be useful to him in his business.,他试图培养对他的事业有用的人。,She often reads the best authors in an attempt to cultivate her mind.,她常为陶冶情操而阅读最优秀作家的作品。,diffuse,V. Send out, spend in every direction,散步,传播,He diffused knowledge all over the country.,他在全国各地传播知识。,Diffusion: n. Diffusing or being diffused,散布,传播,The diffusion of knowledge is through books and lectures.,知识的传播是通过书和讲座进行的。,such as it is,意为“虽然并不是怎么样的东西,虽然并无多大价值”。,e.g. You can use my car ,such as it is.,你可以用我的车,虽然并不是什么好车。,badly off,in a poor position,esp, financially, in want of money,贫困潦倒,缺钱,We shouldnt complain about being poormany family are much worse off.,我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天,许多人的家境还要糟得多。,In the cities, the poor are as they were in the villages.,在城里,穷人们还像他们在农村时一样贫穷。,比较:,be badly off for,sth,: be in need of,sth,需要,.,The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse off for food.,难民需要毯子,更需要食物。,cult of beauty,对美的崇拜,the cult of surfing,冲浪狂,the personality cult,个人崇拜,retrench,V. Cut down, make economies,节省开支,缩减支出,We must retrench now in order to buy a new big house.,为了买一套大房子,我们现在必须节省开支。,We had to retrench our expenditure because of inflation.,因通货膨胀我们不得不减少开支。,preserve, reserve,preserve,: keep in good condition,保护,保存好,Ancient Egyptians knew of means to preserve dead bodies from decay.,古埃及人知道保护尸体不腐烂的方法。,reserve,: keep for a special purpose,特别保留,I reserve the right to make my own decisions.,我保留自己作决定的权利。,concede,V. Admit, allow, grant,承认,容许,让与,You must concede that we have tried our best to do this work.,你们必须承认我们已经尽力做了。,Concession: n. Conceding,妥协,让步,At last, one party made the concession.,最后,一方做出了让步。,Feel/be justified,Have good reasons for doing,sth,有充分理由做,.,Customers are always justified in complaining about goods of poor quality.,消费者总是有正当理由投诉劣质商品。,Are you justified in suspecting her of having taken the money?,你有充分的理由怀疑是她偷了钱吗?,preoccupy,engage,sth,so that he cannot think of other things,占据思想,Health worries preoccupied him for the whole holiday.,整个假期他一直为健康状况而担忧。,The scientist was preoccupied with his research work all day long.,这位科学家整天醉心于自己的研究。,be preoccupied with,:,专注于,有心事,如:,When he is preoccupied with his hobby, he is oblivious of what is going on around him. They were preoccupied with their thoughts.,occupy, preoccupy,occupy: take up; fill (space, time, the mind),占据,填满,He was occupied with a translation of an English novel.,他正忙于翻译一本英文小说。,preoccupy: take all the attention of,sb,so that attention is not given to other matters,使全神贯注,He was preoccupied with thoughts of the coming holidays.,他一心一意想着即将来临的假期。,in the way of,in the respect of,就,.,而言,在,.,方面,We can help you in the way of technology.,在技术方面我们可以帮助你。,She received very little in the way of wages.,她得到的薪水微乎其微。,In so far as,to the extent that, within the range or limit of,sth,.,达到,.,程度;在,.,范围内,Liberty is cherished only in so far as it costs nothing.,自由只是在不付出任何代价的情况下才受到珍视。,This is the truth in as far as i know.,就我所知,这是真实情况。,as long as, in so far as,as long as: on condition that; provided that,只要,如果,You may borrow the book as long as you dont lend it anyone else.,只要你不把书借给别人,你就可以借。,in so far as: to the extent that,在,.,范围内,In so far as you are a student, you are allowed to travel cheaply on our railways.,只有你是学生,乘我们的火车就可以享受优惠。,indistinct, indistinguishable,Indistinct: not distinct,不清楚,模糊的,The figures in the fog are indistinct.,雾中的人影模模糊糊。,indistinguishable: that cannot be distinguished,不能分辨的,The material is indistinguishable from real silk, but much cheaper.,这材料与真丝没什么不同,但便宜的多。,consummate,V. Make complete or perfect,使完整或圆满,This award consummated my lifes work.,这个奖是我一生努力的圆满结果。,His desire was consummated as last.,他的愿望终于实现了。,In turn,One after the other; in succession,依次,逐个地,He has been in turn a peasant, teacher, and a writer.,他先后当过农民,教师和作家。,The applicants were interviewed in turn by the manager.,求职者逐个接受经理的面试。,symptom,n: change in the body that indicates an illness; sign of the existence of,sth,症状;征兆,Chest pain may be a symptom of heart disease.,胸痛可能是心脏病的一个症状。,As a leader, you should pay attention to the symptoms of dissatisfaction among the workers.,作为领导,你应该注意工人所表现出来的不满的征兆。,Symptomatic: a. Serving as a symptom,有征兆的,Cough and headache may be symptomatic of a cold.,咳嗽,头疼可能是感冒症状。,intrinsically-intrinsic,: belonging to or being part of a thing by its value,本来具有的,固有的,如:,intrinsic value,内在价值,intrinsic energy,内能,intrinsic, instinctive,Intrinsic: belonging naturally, existing within,故有的,内在的,There is no intrinsic shortage of water in England.,英格兰并非天然缺水。,Instinctive: not coming from training or teaching,本能的,天生的,Animals have an instinctive dread of fire.,动物天生怕火。,imitate, mimic,imitate: copy the behavior of,模仿,Children like to imitate adults.,小孩喜欢模仿大人。,mimic: ridicule by imitating,以模仿取笑,The boy made all his friends laugh by mimicking the teachers slow and solemn way of talking.,男孩模仿老师缓慢严肃的说话把他的朋友都逗笑了。,act upon,do what is suggested,,,have an effect on,听从建议,有效 ,eg,:,1,They acted upon our advice,他们听从了我们的建议。,2,This kind of medicine acted upon the disease,这种药对病有效。,Within the reach of,extent to which a hand can be reached out,伸手可及,Id like to have my books within my reach.,我喜欢把书放在我伸手可取的地方。,Beyond/ out of reach,手不可及,Please keep the medicine out of reach of the children.,请把药放在孩子够不到的地方。,make no difference,be of no importance; have no effect,对,.,不重要,没影响,It will make no difference whether the meeting will be held today or tomorrow.,今天开会还是明天开会没多大关系。,The weather made no difference to the game.,天气对比赛没有影响。,Make some difference,对,.,有些影响,The medicine made some difference to his health.,这药对他的健康有所改善。,affect, effect,affect: have an influence on; act on,影响,Will the changes in taxation affect you personally.,税法的变更将会影响你个人吗?,effect: bring about; accomplish,产生,实现,The war effected changes all over the world.,战争使世界各地产生了变化。,transfigure,V. Change the appearance of,sb,or,sth,esp. So as to make better,改变外表;美化,The young mans face became almost transfigured.,年轻人的脸几乎完全变了样。,She was transfigured by love.,爱情使她容光焕发。,an air of,神气,an air of command,一种命令的语气,an air of peace,一片祥和,an air of freedom,无拘无束,turn out,prove to be,证明是,.,结果是,.,Everything turns out to be satisfactory.,一切令人满意。,It turned out that the task was harder than we had thought.,这项任务结果比我们想的要难。,be destined to do,sth, 注定,eg,:,1,They were destined to meet again,。,他们命中注定会再见面,2,He was destined to join the army,他注定要参军。,be content with,satisfied with what one has,满足,满意,eg,:,1,Are you content with your present 1ife?,你对现在的生活满意吗,?,2,She is not content with her present job,她对现在的工作不满意。,若表示“满足于做,”,,用,be content to do,。,e.g. He is not content with his work.,他对他的工作不满意。,She was content just to sit in front of the television all day.,他只要天天坐在电视机前就心满意足了。,


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